Best Albums of 1976

Listed below are the best albums of 1976 as calculated from their overall rankings in over 53,000 greatest album charts.

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1976 year summaryThe best artists of 1976 were Stevie Wonder, David Bowie, Ramones, Eagles, Boston, Genesis, Rush, Bob Dylan, The Modern Lovers and Joni Mitchell.
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Best Albums of 1976 composition

Country Albums %

United States 374 37%
United Kingdom 210 21%
Mixed Nationality 41 4%
Brazil 38 4%
Jamaica 38 4%
Germany 35 4%
France 34 3%
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Compilation? Albums %
No 945 95%
Yes 55 6%
Live? Albums %
No 958 96%
Yes 42 4%
Soundtrack? Albums %
No 985 99%
Yes 15 2%
Best Artists of 1994
1. Jeff Buckley
2. Nas
3. Portishead
4. Weezer
5. Oasis
6. Nine Inch Nails
7. Nirvana
8. Pavement
9. Soundgarden
10. Blur
11. Green Day
12. The Notorious B.I.G.
13. Manic Street Preachers
14. Suede
15. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
16. Nick Cave
17. Guided By Voices
18. Pink Floyd
19. Alice In Chains
20. Pearl Jam
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