Best Albums of 2007

Listed below are the best albums of 2007 as calculated from their overall rankings in over 53,000 greatest album charts.

Best albums by year or decade
2007 year summaryThe best artists of 2007 were Radiohead, LCD Soundsystem, Bon Iver, The National, Arcade Fire, Arctic Monkeys, MGMT, Burial, Animal Collective and Porcupine Tree.
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Best Albums of 2007 composition

Best Artists of the 1980s
1. The Smiths
2. Prince
3. Pixies
4. The Cure
5. Talking Heads
6. U2
7. Metallica
8. Kate Bush
9. R.E.M.
10. The Stone Roses
11. Sonic Youth
12. Michael Jackson
13. Bruce Springsteen
14. Tom Waits
15. Iron Maiden
16. Prince And The Revolution
17. Joy Division
18. New Order
19. Talk Talk
20. Rush
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