Top-ranked artists from Japan

The top-ranked artists from Japan that appear most prominently in over 55,000 greatest album charts on are listed below:

N.B. Artist from before the mid-1960s may not be as well represented in this chart, because this chart only takes into account their albums. (Before that time, singles were far more prevalent than albums).

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Rank Artist Albums The number of albums by this artist featuring in the greatest album charts. Top Ranked Album The top ranked album by this artist and where it ranks in the overall chart. Score Total rank score for this artist (made up of the total rank score from all of their albums)
Japan41Acid Mothers Temple32La Nòvia (7,232nd)371
Japan42Lamp11木洩陽通りにて [At Komorebi St.] (9,134th)358
Japan43春ねむり [Haru Nemuri]3春と修羅 [Haru To Shura] (4,343rd)353
Japan44高田みどり [Midori Takada]4Through The Looking Glass (4,314th)342
Japan45Mariah1うたかたの日々 [Utakata No Hibi] (4,218th)339
Japan46おとぼけビ~バ~ [Otoboke Beaver]2Itekoma Hits (5,106th)331
Japan47ムック [Mucc]376 (20,536th)329
Japan48横田進 [Susumu Yokota]24Sakura (9,293rd)327
Japan49中原めいこ [Meiko Nakahara]42-ji Made No Cinderella ~Friday Magic~ (10,833rd)326
Japan50X Japan7Blue Blood (7,106th)321
Japan51Flower Travellin' Band4Satori (4,738th)303
Japan52L'Arc~en~Ciel12Awake (11,955th)295
Japan53不失者 [Fushitsusha]17不失者 [Fushitsusha] (7,634th)293
Japan54石原貴雅 [Takamasa Ishihara]17Miyavizm (13,714th)289
Japan55杏里 [Anri]13Heaven Beach (9,014th)275
Japan56東京酒吐座 [Tokyo Shoegazer]4月世界遊泳 [Moonworld Playground] (9,195th)273
Japan57大貫妙子 [Taeko Ohnuki]14Cliché (11,716th)260
Japan58平沢進 [Susumu Hirasawa]28救済の技法 [Kyuusai No Gihou] (9,441st)258
Japan59Malice Mizer4Merveilles (8,902nd)250
Japan60Envy10All The Footprints You've Ever Left And The Fear Expecting Ahead (11,720th)247
Total artists: 1,000. Page 3 of 50
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