Site Mean Average Rating

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Gender: Male

Age: 37

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  • Posted: 01/05/2012 15:21
  • Post subject: Site Mean Average Rating
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Hi guys

IMO, the site mean average rating which used in the Bayesian average should be 50/100 as a standard, in other word it wouldn't be a really Bayesian average

Because as we all can simply notice, most of the ratings here are going to a high average items. and that the reason why the site mean average rating is so high (around 80/100), and not because the items are highly-rated in general..

Or, the site mean average rating could be calculated by itmes' average rating, not by each single rating. because as we just said most of the ratings are going to the highly-rated items. but all-items average will must be more moderate.

Both above suggestions are good and more accurate for both low-rated and high-rated items, instead of the current status which is accurate Only for the high-rated's, but the low-rated's are getting much higher average rating than their real average. for example: album with 10 ratings with the average of 20/100 will shows at it's average rating as 49/100 (due the current site mean average rating for albums is 78/100), which is so inaccurate.

Last edited by Jabapac on 01/05/2012 15:47; edited 1 time in total
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  • #2
  • Posted: 01/05/2012 15:46
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Jabapac wrote:
Hi guys

IMO, the site mean average rating which used in the Bayesian average should be 50/100 as a standard, in other word it wouldn't be a really Bayesian average

Because as we all can simply notice, most of the ratings here are going to a high average items. and that the reason why the site mean average rating is so high (around 80/100), and not because the items are highly-rated in general..

I agree with your general point, but the plus-side of the Bayesian is that smooths things out and stops items with less ratings from climbing to the top with very few votes. If a much lower figure was used, it would bring the down the average of everything, even for legitimate highly rated items, so I'm not sure that is the answer.

Or, the site mean average ratings could be: the site mean average ratings by itmes, not by each single rating. because as we just said, most of the ratings go to the highly-rated items. so, the site average will should be around 50/100.

That sounds a better idea. I might have a look behind the scenes to see what effect this might have and report back. In any case, the average will be updated fairly soon to reduce the effect of people troll rating charts, albums etc.

EDIT: The mean average rating of an album is 76.8% (and the average member rating is 78.2%), so I don't think your second idea would have much impact (good idea in theory, though).
Gender: Male

Age: 37

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  • #3
  • Posted: 01/05/2012 16:37
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EDIT: The mean average rating of an album is 76.8% (and the average member rating is 78.2%), so I don't think your second idea would have much impact (good idea in theory, though).

It sounds good to me actually, because many bad albums didn't exist here yet, but with time more of them will appear and take down the average. in any way it makes more sense than the current standard.
Gender: Male

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  • #4
  • Posted: 01/05/2012 17:45
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OK, I'll update during the next round of changes, but I think the change will take years to have a notable effect.
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