Top-ranked artists from Sweden

The top-ranked artists from Sweden that appear most prominently in over 54,000 greatest album charts on are listed below:

N.B. Artist from before the mid-1960s may not be as well represented in this chart, because this chart only takes into account their albums. (Before that time, singles were far more prevalent than albums).

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Rank Artist Albums The number of albums by this artist featuring in the greatest album charts. Top Ranked Album The top ranked album by this artist and where it ranks in the overall chart. Score Total rank score for this artist (made up of the total rank score from all of their albums)
Sweden941Puissance1default album title (-)3
Sweden942Ulf Ivarsson1default album title (-)3
Sweden943Arise1default album title (-)3
Sweden944Djinn1default album title (-)3
Sweden945Pineforest Crunch1default album title (-)3
Sweden946Hans Appelqvist1default album title (-)3
Sweden947The Beremy Jets1default album title (-)3
Sweden948Dödsrit3default album title (-)3
Sweden949Lars Werner1default album title (-)3
Sweden950Johan Lindell1default album title (-)3
Sweden951Bai Bang1default album title (-)3
Sweden952Hird1default album title (-)3
Sweden953Emil Brandqvist Trio1default album title (-)3
Sweden954Ectoplasm Girls1default album title (-)3
Sweden955Mister Kite1default album title (-)3
Sweden956Goran Kajfeš Subtropic Arkestra2default album title (-)2
Sweden957Gunder Hägg3default album title (-)2
Sweden958Bengt Berger1default album title (-)2
Sweden959The Great Discord1default album title (-)2
Sweden960The Black Sweden1default album title (-)2
Total artists: 1,000. Page 48 of 50
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