Customise the overall rankings!

This page allows you to generate your own aggregated greatest album chart. Select your criteria and make your own aggregated greatest album chart!

Choose your criteria, then click the 'Make Chart' button!

Album criteria
Only include music albums from this country
Only include music albums released between the following years and
Recognised chart criteria
Include recognised charts? Whether to include recognised charts in your custom chart. If you don't want any recognised lists to be included, you can uncheck this box.
Member chart criteria
Include member charts? Whether to set any member chart criteria for your custom chart. If you want to completely ignore member lists, you can uncheck this box.
Include member chart rank points Whether to include member chart rank points in your custom chart. If you don't want member list points to be included, you can uncheck this box.
Include member charts updated between  and
Include member charts from members with a level higher than or equal to Include member charts from members with a level higher than or equal to this number. (You can set this number to 'Level 1' if you want to ignore this setting.)
Include member charts with an average rating higher than % Include member charts with an average rating higher than this number (higher rated charts will only be taken into account.) (You can set this number to zero if you want to ignore this setting.)
Exclude member charts that are smaller than entries Ignore charts that contain less than this number of entries (smaller charts may not be as thoughtfully compiled as a larger chart.) You can set this number to one if you want to ignore this setting.
Exclude member charts that contain more than albums by the same artist Ignore charts that contain this number of albums by the same artist (helps negate the effects of 'fan boy' charts containing multiple albums by the same artist.) You can set this number to the maximum value if you want to ignore this setting.
Only include music albums that appear in at least