It is a great sin to BEA...

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Resident Metalhead
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  • #1
  • Posted: 07/01/2020 22:27
  • Post subject: It is a great sin to BEA...
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When some cheap artists have whole discographies up here and many of the good ones are still missing. All of the Dragonforce albums are up here, but I had to add the rest of the Labyrinth discography here (six remaining albums), and I still have to add the remainder of the Gamma Ray, Powerwolf, Virgin Steele, Kamelot, Falconer, Angra and Running Wild discographies.

Have you ever felt this???
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  • #2
  • Posted: 07/01/2020 22:35
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This might be quite condescending, but the reason some acts don't have the complete discography on this site comes down to knowledge of music acts or the interest for acts that aren't mainstream. Though I'd argue we have users that decide to go digging and find music that might not be well known. The only thing I would say is that just be more involved to take some risk even if you as an individual know you won't like it.
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  • #3
  • Posted: 07/01/2020 22:54
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To add to what Luigii said, I've added a lot of albums here over the years, but I still avoid adding stuff quite frequently, particularly if I don't see it making one of my "best of X" charts. It's a time-consuming thing that usually goes unnoticed in the end. By all means, be the change you wish to see though. I always appreciate finding somebody else beat me to adding the obscure album that I stumbled across this morning or last week.
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  • #4
  • Posted: 07/01/2020 23:11
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Luigii wrote:
the reason some acts don't have the complete discography on this site comes down to knowledge of music acts or the interest for acts that aren't mainstream.

I guessed that. But it still feels like an appropriate duty for users who create "Ranking X Band" charts. Adding albums takes a minute-and-a-half average for me (yes I checked), so it's no small trouble. That means I can rake in a minimum of 200 more points in 15 minutes.

I'm not afraid of listening to artists I don't like. I'm not bothered by shitty music. It's the music that doesn't stand out at all that I have occasional problems with.
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  • #5
  • Posted: 07/01/2020 23:45
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You can add all the tracks plus the rest in a minute-in-a-half? I can't, especially since I take my time to avoid any mistakes. Sometimes I'll compare tracklists with a second source to make sure all of the track titles are correct.

With a few exceptions, all of the 250+ albums I've added are in my yearly charts (and obviously my overall and decade too). Except for a handful of 6.5 albums, I'm reluctant to add any I'd rate a 6.5 or less.

Every rock album on my charts was in the database already, though I once changed the artist's name to a variation. So around 90% of what I've added is jazz-related (some R&B and international albums too). I've frequently been disappointed by how many jazz albums weren't on here (every Rahsaan Roland Kirk album should be on here! And there wasn't a single World Saxophone Quartet album on here when I joined), but I got resigned to it a long time ago.
Bone Swah
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  • #6
  • Posted: 07/02/2020 00:19
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BEA isn't here for every album by every artist to just be added to it. This isn't RYM. Or Discogs. This also isn't Every Album Ever. The idea of BEA is that when an album is added, it's added to a chart of some kind. Because the person adding the album feels a need to add it to their chart. Unfortunately, it's way too easy to get around that (add it to your chart and then delete it from your chart), but that's how it was intended. Some people just add albums for the sake of adding them...some people add more albums here than they will ever listen to. Or own.

So the answer would be this...maybe full discographies of some artists aren't here yet because people haven't felt the need to add them to their charts. But they will get here eventually, because, yes...some people feel the need to add everything they see.

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  • #7
  • Posted: 07/02/2020 01:11
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As for my two cents, good on you for making the database more encyclopedic. Luckily there's room for diverse philosophies on BEA.
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  • #8
  • Posted: 07/02/2020 03:22
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Romanelli wrote:
BEA isn't here for every album by every artist to just be added to it. This isn't RYM. Or Discogs. This also isn't Every Album Ever. The idea of BEA is that when an album is added, it's added to a chart of some kind. Because the person adding the album feels a need to add it to their chart. Unfortunately, it's way too easy to get around that (add it to your chart and then delete it from your chart), but that's how it was intended. Some people just add albums for the sake of adding them...some people add more albums here than they will ever listen to. Or own.

So the answer would be this...maybe full discographies of some artists aren't here yet because people haven't felt the need to add them to their charts. But they will get here eventually, because, yes...some people feel the need to add everything they see.


This is honestly the first time I've realized that. My main reason for being on here is the encyclopedic aspect and that I like this site's layout, function, and aesthetics more than Discogs and Rate Your Music by far, so I essentially do that stuff here.
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  • #9
  • Posted: 07/02/2020 03:24
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Romanelli wrote:
BEA isn't here for every album by every artist to just be added to it. This isn't RYM. Or Discogs. This also isn't Every Album Ever. The idea of BEA is that when an album is added, it's added to a chart of some kind. Because the person adding the album feels a need to add it to their chart. Unfortunately, it's way too easy to get around that (add it to your chart and then delete it from your chart), but that's how it was intended. Some people just add albums for the sake of adding them...some people add more albums here than they will ever listen to. Or own.

So the answer would be this...maybe full discographies of some artists aren't here yet because people haven't felt the need to add them to their charts. But they will get here eventually, because, yes...some people feel the need to add everything they see.


I usually add them to "Ranking X Artist" charts. But the way I see it, more albums means more recommendations so that BEA's user base doesn't have to go to RYM as often. Of course, I also have fun doing it. But the problem I have is that some of the greatest metal bands are getting second-banana to Dragonforce on a music website where the philosophy of "popularity = quality" is treated like a plague of flies. It's not only a little annoying, but confusing when you think about it.
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RockMonster, JazzMeister, Bluesboy,ClassicalMaster
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  • #10
  • Posted: 07/02/2020 04:25
  • Post subject: Re: It is a great sin to BEA...
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Spyglass wrote:
When some cheap artists have whole discographies up here and many of the good ones are still missing. All of the Dragonforce albums are up here, but I had to add the rest of the Labyrinth discography here (six remaining albums), and I still have to add the remainder of the Gamma Ray, Powerwolf, Virgin Steele, Kamelot, Falconer, Angra and Running Wild discographies.

Have you ever felt this???

I have done much of the same, especially in the areas of progressive rock, progressive metal, symphonic metal, and of course jazz.

Lots of great music is neglected. I hop that comes as no surprise.

Although I'm surprised an artist as big as Kamelot was shortchanged.
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