Adding tracks to new albums.

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  • #1
  • Posted: 09/21/2014 20:36
  • Post subject: Adding tracks to new albums.
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Not so much of a suggestion but just a thread to say over the past months adding tracks (as well as year and pictures) to a new album has improved dramatically improved. When I first modded albums sometime in 2011 and 2012 it was all clunky, take ages to load and sometimes crash.

Right now the function is perfect and has been since one of the last updates.

So yeah, great work there albummaster Very Happy I can't think of any way to make that part of the website better now.
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  • #2
  • Posted: 09/22/2014 11:30
  • Post subject: Re: Adding tracks to new albums.
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Thanks for feedback, agree it's definitely better (particularly from a stability perspective). I've as well got my eye on more improvements to take it the next level.
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