Comment On The Users

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  • #1
  • Posted: 03/18/2014 20:11
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Alright, we all saw it coming. The BEUT being started up again, people pleading for others thoughts on them in the Support thread. It seems BEA is dying to hear people talk about them again. Now of course we all love each other here (this is surely one of the most loving forums on the internet - a low bar but still that's something to be proud of) we've made that abundantly clear but this thread is your chance to really be honest and say however you feel about any user getting as personal as you like (whether negatively or positively). Now who are those users you may ask? what if I forget someone? Well I've copied a list from the last time we did this (let's hope this one doesn't get closed down Idea ) and added 32 new names (I honestly can't believe sp4cetiger wasn't here last time) and edited names (RIP itsit) and here it is:

Andy Hunter 
Error Finn
Kool Keith Sweat
Le Samurai 
Mother Nature's Son 
Mr. Shankly 
Robert Anton Wilson 
They Call Me Stacey
Triple Seis 

It's 120 names (comment if you're not on here and I'll add you) and some newer users won't know some of the older (yet unforgettable users) who don't (or can't) come round here anymore. Feel free to skip over anyone you're unfamiliar.

Anyway I'll give you the advice my Dad gave me on my first day of school - have fun. use protection and if you go too far don't be afraid to abort.

Last edited by Wombi on 03/19/2014 02:42; edited 1 time in total
  • #2
  • Posted: 03/18/2014 20:16
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Remember, keep it honest but respectful. Given I think BEA just needs a kind of purge especially in these meta self-conscious days, but don't let things get too out of hand. However, just be prepared for Lethal and Kool Keith's posts, deep down they do love you all
  • #3
  • Posted: 03/18/2014 20:52
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So many accounts Surprised
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  • #4
  • Posted: 03/18/2014 20:59
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I'm not good at this. Srry if I missed you out - I probabl just couldn't think of anything to say.

19Loveless91 - the only slovenian i've ever heard of, a wonderful person (i feel like i should be able to come up with so much more, srrry!)
AgainstMeAgainstYou - lol tokio hotel fanfiction
Albummaster - a straight up G, none of us would be here without him.
alelsupreme - ew
An_Outlaw - One minute he's great and endearing, the next he's thoroughly annoying. Still haven't quite gotten to grips with him.
Antonio-Pedro - BEA's greatest author.
Applerill - *insert bela tarr reference here*
Nah but srsly, Apple's great. I disagree with almost every opinion he has but he's so lively and energetic that I can't help but like him.

behrus58 - Those tournaments were hideous.
Benpaco - I sympathise fam, but u cant just wallow in heartbreak 4eva (granted you seem to be realising this so props)
Bongritsu - A great guy, very funny AND he indirectly introduced me to War Is Boring, so I got to thank him for that.
bork - rip, strongest man on earth.
BorveBaunehoj - I'm fairly sure I've made it overly-clear how much I love this wonderful human being already. Keep the remixes coming.
BrandonMeow - The best under 16 on the entire site.
CellarDoor - Cellar is what I imagine Post Punk distilled into a person would be like.
Defago - As great as his avatar is sexy.
DividesByZero - Endless props for sending me that album.
Drakonium - I miss Farfetch'd ;_;. Another great user.
Facetious - Gotten far better, but not as witty as they sometimes think they are (they ARE 14 though, so they'll no dobut improve)
FatherTime - He died for rock musics sins.
GARY - Oh god, probably the most legitimately insane user BEA's ever had. An thoroughly unpleasant person.
GeevyDallas - Genuinely one of BEA's best users, endlessly funny and ofc #basedasfuck.
Hairymarx - Never liked this guy, his opinions were ripped from Scaruffi and he persued his personal crusade as if John Lennon murdered his parents.
Happymeal - Unfunny as fuck, and his whole manner is just kinda offputting.
Hayden - He's a cool guy who makes naff music. Also I don't get nearly every single thing he Tumblr.
HigherThanTheSun - One of the nicest people here, a joy to talk to.
Jackwc - Swedenman summed it up perfectly, "the least likable person I like". One of the few users who, if I've seen them post in an otherwise uninteresting thread, I will certainly check out. Gives BEA a bitchiness that it very well needs
jbarajas - A genuine racist and just a dick.
Jhereko - Gets so much started (but not much done). The Games forum would be half dead without him. (also#hesucksdicks)
Jman - Good night, jased prince, and may bats sing thee to thy rest.
JOSweetheart - If they're not guaranteed a place in heaven none of us are.
kidamnesiac - Possibly my least favourite person on earth.
Kool Keith Sweat - Another top tier user, he seems one of the most knowledgable users on the forum, a great mix of genuine love and interest in things and flippant, 4chan-esque humour.
LAPlunderphonixx - God I hate this guys "i'm gonna say something insulting/retarded" "ugh just ignore that guys". Not as bad as Poe but certainly someone I could do without.
LethalNezzle - Do I even need to say anything? Well deserving of User Of The Year.
Magenta - Utterly wonderful person, very sweet and caring but can also be mean as hell when she needs to. Also a great source of recs.
MeccaLecca - A cool guy.
Mooseboy - On one hand I kinda miss him cos he seemed like he could be a pretty entertaining guy, and i feel every forum needs at least one person who hates it. That can get annoying, though.
Mother Nature's Son - Seems a bit of a loser.
MrFrogger - Definitely improved a lot, no longer as BAG'ish as before.
Necharsian - Likes to talk about the devil cos he thinks he's sooo black metal.
NormanBates - Cool for a JOHNNY FOREIGNER.
Paladisiac - Wasn't this guy basically a left wing Naples?
PolythenePam - Man, it's a shame she left. I kinda miss him.
Precedent - Okay I guess, but god do they say some innncredibly dumb shit.
ptaylor - Whitest black guy around. Very cool.
revolver94 - Who doesn't like Revolver? He's like if JMan found drugs and partying (and got a far better music taste).
RFNAPLES - I've wasted more than enough words on this robot.
Romanelli - I can't decide if he's a cool guy providing a quiet nessecary task in running BEA or if he's just awful.
Saoirse - One of the most lovely people on BEA, a shame I'll certainly kill them (theres only room for one kitty super-fan on this board)
sp4acetiger - One of the best new arrivals, utterly hilarious, and the History Of Music threads were very interesting too.
SquishypuffDave - One of the most creative users on BEA, never a dull moment with them.
SwedenMan - I like him, def improved a lot.
tekin - Seems a bit too negative at times, but the forums definitely better off with them around.
thejoj - Every time it seemed he had improved, he'd disprove it. A standard 4chan-frequenting 13 year old.
ThePoe - I actually liked him a fair bit at first. He slowly became one of BEA's worst members, until he just became utterly obnoxious.
TracyJacks - I swear I remember them saying something that annoyed me greatly but I can't remember what. A nice enough person.
TrekkiELO - Oh god I know him on another website and he's just as strange.
useless - Whiny little bitch, glad he left.
Romanelli wrote:
We're all fucked, lads.
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  • #5
  • Posted: 03/18/2014 21:19
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Jesus, I'd need like a week to do this properly.

alelsupreme: A man of few words. I have a mostly positive impression of him, but don't feel like I know him that well.

an_outlaw: The most interesting user here. I like how he ruffles feathers sometimes, though I worry about his mental health...

BrandonMeow: Playful, always kind, a very positive presence on the forums. Plus, he has adventurous taste in music.

CubaZed: One of my favorite new users. Sharp, enthusiastic, and honest. Hope he sticks around.

Cymro2011: Love his unique tastes and think he's a great contributor on the music forums. He kinda feels like he's on the outskirts of the community sometimes, maybe because of his limited presence in non-music forums/threads.

Defago: Cool dude who speaks volumes without saying much. Also hilarious.

dividesbyzero: Wow, his charts and knowledge of music are impressive. What's more is the time he puts into commenting his charts and thoroughly exploring the entire spectrum of music. It's humbling, really.

drakonium: Very cool dude and maybe the user whose taste in popular music (excluding jazz) is most like mine.

Goodsir, Precedent, and Antonio-Pedro: I lump them together because they all come across as young guys who are trying to find themselves. Their habits have irritated me at times, but it's nothing more than youthful indiscretions, I think. All have been enthusiastic about changing their behavior when it annoys other members, and I think that's great.

Jackwc: Love the new Jack, who shows his sensitive side without completely ditching the edge. Also hilarious.

Jasonconfused: The site's official dadrocker... and I don't mean that as an insult. I love how honest he is about his tastes, even though most would consider them gauche. An important presence here.

Jhereko: Obviously a huge positive presence on the forums and great maker of music.

JMan: I'm probably one of the few users who preferred the old JMan. His extended arguments with lethal were among the most entertaining things on the site for a while.

JOSweetheart: Should be banned, IMO. Not because I dislike her, I just don't think she's a legitimate member of the community. I think her only goal is to promote James Otto and that's not what the site is for.

Kool Keith Sweat: Easily one of the smartest users, I like his dedication to the various BEA projects. When he posts more than a sentence or two, it's usually worth reading. When he doesn't, not so much.

lethalnezzle: Holy crap does he know music, love his charts and am always eager to know what he thinks about music, positive or negative. I don't always agree with him, but given what I know about his tastes, I find his blunt opinions more useful than most professional reviewers. Can't imagine BEA without him (though that's kind of true of most of the people on my list).

meccalecca: One of the most knowledgeable users here and a top-notch diplomat. Seems to find a way to connect with just about anyone.

Mercury: He's very passionate about everything and I think that's mostly a good thing. I worry that he gets a little too worked up about some things (like in the Tallest Man vs. Elliot Smith thread), but that's mostly for his own sake. It doesn't really bother me.

MrFrogger: The site's official hipster, though I'm not sure it needs one. I like most of the stuff he likes, but the stuff he dislikes is too obvious to be interesting. Even so, he and SilverWalrus are very active in keeping up with recent music, and that alone is very valuable to the site.

Necharsian: I disagree with him about a lot of things, but he's always respectful about it... and that's all I really care about. He knows metal, which is something I can't say about most users here, and he's a great moderator.

Norman Bates: Holy crap does he know music, love his charts and am always eager to know what he thinks about music, positive or negative. I don't always agree with him, but given what I know about his tastes, I find his blunt opinions more useful than most professional reviewers. (yeah, I copied what I said about lethal, sue me)

The Poe: He's gone and can't respond, so I honestly don't see a point in continuing to throw stones.

Puncture Repair: He can be a little bit blunt at times, but I suppose that would be the pot calling the kettle black. I always respect his opinion, even when I don't agree with it, and I his posts are typically among the more interesting ones.

RockyRaccoon: A very cool guy who seems to like just about everything... or maybe he just doesn't speak up when he dislikes something, dunno. Regardless, I have nothing negative to say.

Romanelli: BEA may owe more to him than any other single user (aside from albummaster, of course). His vast contributions to site and forum moderation are the reason he has so many user points. When I joined, he was also active in the forum community, though that seems to have tailed off recently. Would like to hear more from him.

Saoirse: The soul of BEA. I don't know exactly what I mean by that, tbh.

SquishyPuffDave: After an_outlaw, one of the most fascinating users to me. He seems nice and has really interesting taste, but I get the sense he's less active than he used to be.

Swedenman: We've bumped heads in the past, but overall I think he's a cool guy. Just wish he'd stay away from my pets.

There are a lot of users that I get the sense are highly respected, but who I can't get a good feel for personally. In a lot of cases, it's just because they're less active than they used to be. This includes:

CellarDoor (though his charts obviously kick ass)
Error Finn

I left off some people. Sorry about that, but this was just taking too long... I love you all, really.
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  • #6
  • Posted: 03/18/2014 23:13
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This ended up becoming kind of 2nd person, here it goes anyway

19Loveless91 Many times I've read your posts and had to stop for a second because I thought "Wait these are my exact thoughts". I'm a big fan of your forum presence, especially your contributions to the film threads, please never stop posting.
Albummaster He likes Pet Sounds so he must be cool
alelsupreme Honestly your constant Lil B promotion, whether it be truthful or not, is incredibly annoying, but I do enjoy your non Lil B related posts, take that as you will.
AlexZangari -Won't you please come back?
An_Outlaw I honestly can't ever determine what's going through your mind. You seem to speak you mind, but then when people respond and try to have an active discussion with you, you just ignore them and keep spewing your propaganda, which gets you enemys. Upon seeing that some users don't like you, you take on a persona that's all smiles and laughs, and try to force joy into all of your posts, and all the posts around you, with periods of erratic breakdown where you yearn for others humor you with their affection. Also what's with the constant deletion of your charts, with new #1's each week? And what's with the shitting on charts without explanation, or the Naples-esque change of ratings? I don't even know...
Antonio-Pedro When you first started becoming active, I thought you were extremely annoying, with your forcibly vague and mysterious posts(Might have reminded me of another user...). Since then you've become a lot better, but I still sometimes see your posts and think "Why?"
Applerill I don't I've ever agreed with you on anything, but you're pretty entertaining
behrus58 Please never make a thread ever again
benpaco I feel like I disagree with most of your opinions, and don't care for much of your taste's, but I find your writing entertaining, and I enjoy your presence on the forums. You should get tickets to The National.
Bongritsu Your recs are (mostly) fantastic, although you presence is sometimes toxic to discussion. Keep sending the recs though.
BorveBaunehoj You have excellent taste, it'd be great if you'd stick to active forum discussion and not joj-like stunts like DJ Frenchfries
BrandonMeow I obviously love your taste, although I will say your seemingly nonstop forum chatter has become a bit annoying, and your lame jokes have become really predictable. It'd also be good if you defended your stances more often, I've seen you back off most of the time after a user calls you out on something you've said.
CellarDoor I'd love it if you'd post more often *bats eyelashes*
Cymro2011 obv great
Defago I request a full Let It Be cover album. You're pretty cool, I guess
DividesByZero You should also go to The National at the greek. Yea, do that.
Drakonium For the most part your a fantastic forum presence, when you're not dismissing entire genres in a single statement Razz
GeevyDallas You're pretty cool when I can actually decipher what you're saying. I listened to Kyah and it was pretty dope.
Goodsir Same thing that I said about Brandonmeow with the forum chatter.
harkan I love your presence, wish you'd post more
Hayden I haven't talked with you much, but the small discussions we've had were fantastic, and our similar taste's doesn't hurt either
Jackwc You used to be really great, than you got really shitty and annoying, then you rebounded back. Now you're pretty great, for the most part I really enjoy your views on films.
Jhereko I honestly can't think of what to say. Basiclly, you're fantastic
Jman Your writing has gotten better
JOSweetheart Please please please post less
JoyOfDivision Your electronica chart was one of my first loves, glad you've started posting more(but not enough!)
kidamnesiac Easily my least favorite user. When will he learn?
Kool Keith Sweat Source of countless recs, owner of one of my favorite charts, yea you're pretty great.
LAPlunderphonixx eh
Le Samurai Why don't you have an avatar? You're taste is pretty great, as well as your chart, I remember you were one of the few OPN lovers last year. There are much more now.
LethalNezzle The best yada yada, you get the point, Pinata is fantastic, etc.
listmeister Honestly, I despise most of the music you like, I think your chart is awfull, and your lists annoy the hell out of me
Magenta Please come back, I want more swedish dream pop recs....
MeccaLecca Cool dude, etc.
Mercury I like your presence on the forums, although I will say it gets a bit annoying when you incessantly promote whatever album you're currently in love with, non stop. Eh, that's nitpicking though. Great film taste..
Necharsian Possibly the funniest user, <3 your black metal char
NormanBates see lethal
Nutso42 It'd be great if you'd keep existing so we can at least get past the first round of the tourney
Patman Great, cool, all that shit.
Pearljammer13 I loved your posts, where have you gone?
PolythenePam see above
Precedent Your song/album comments are flooding the forum with crap, your nonstop chitter chatter(I recognize the irony) is incredibly annoying, and I really don't care for your taste. Especially Brad Paisley. Also, lel's sig
ptaylor See pearljammer
PunctureRepair Your posts are some of the most well thought out on the entire forum, and your art skills are obviously fantastic. Keep doing what you're doing
revolver94 One of my favorite users, I can't really think of anything else to say...
Saoirse Your posts bring a sense of stability to any topic, you're truly a wonderful presence on the forums, I wish you the best.
ShaneSpear I don't know anything about you, but I wish I did
SilverWalrus um, idk what to write, you get the idea
sp4acetiger Even when I disagree with your opinions, they're so well thought out that I can't help respect them. Except Autobahn, you're completely wrong there.
thejoj Please stop coming back, I know you're reading this
ThePoe Good intentions, horrible execution
TrekkiELO Glad he's stopped coming around
useless BEA's whiniest user, by far

Didn't do some users who I don't know too well, and skipped a whole bunch near the end, because this list is long as fuck
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  • #7
  • Posted: 03/18/2014 23:38
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19loveless91- You seem like a really cool guy. Haven't gotten to know you that much, unfortunately.
albummaster- None of us would be here without him. I respect him greatly.
alelsupreme- I find your Kitty Pryde related posts to be really annoying. Other than that, you're great.
an_outlaw- Let's get one thing straight, the forums would not be the same without you. You're unexpected, and what you'll do next always leaves me on the edge of my seat.
Antonio-Pedro- You have a really interesting and unique personality, and your English has improved greatly since you've first joined.
benpaco- I really liked you a lot when I first started noticing you. Now, I find that you've become pretty whiny and a little annoying.
Bongritsu- Funny as hell, and your chart is fantastic.
BrandonMeow- No matter what, you always remain positive. I really like that about you. You're easy to talk to and are generally a really nice person. Your taste is absolutely fantastic as well.
CellarDoor- Nice charts, but you're barely active on the forums.
Cymro2011- One of the first users I liked on this site. I love your unique taste in garage rock.
Defago- Funny as hell, great taste, and just an overall great forum presence.
Part 2 coming later
  • #8
  • Posted: 03/19/2014 00:21
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19Loveless91 - Haven't seen much of him lately, cool guy though.
Albummaster - The Real OG
alelsupreme - Sometimes he's alright, sometimes he's annoying. His signature.
An_Outlaw - Interesting, in a wonderful way! I wonder if his recent change has harmed his morale though.
Andy Hunter - Arctic Monkeys, good man. I love your chart/taste, etc.
Antonio-Pedro - One of my favorite members here. Incredibly intelligent, poetic, funny,
Applerill - I haven't talked with him much, but I've always like him.
benpaco - Him and I have relatively similar preferences! Ben is in his emotions quite a bit, as am I, I feel you
Bongritsu - Funny with an interesting taste.
BrandonMeow - Literally the only bad thing that I've seen from him is the "xD" face. Brandon is wonderful
CellarDoor - Cool stuff
CubaZed - Fantastic user, really nice guy with a fantastic chart
Cymro2011 - Good!
Defago - Neutral, as of now. I love seeing your name pop up in the forum though
Dingerbell - Great user
DividesByZero - Fantastic charts with a hip personality.
Drakonium - His post in the "BEA Support" thread is one of the most bold things I've seen in a while. Much love
GeevyDallas - One of my favorite BEA users, good to see that he supports Drake.
Goodsir - One of my favorite users! Your chart interests me, well, it did.
Gowienczeyk - I like you, a lot. I can't wait to see you on the forums. Always entertaining.
Happymeal - For the most part, Happymeal is pretty cool. Some of the posts from this user can be a little
harkan - Dope
Hayden - I like Hayden.
HigherThanTheSun - Him and I don't seem to mesh well.
HoldenM - Top-Notch chart. Fellow Velocities In Music viewer, A+
IrishMusichead - Good
Jackwc - Another one of my favorite members on BEA. His overall is one of the best! He's not too antagonistic either, respectful, actually.
Jasonconfused - He's alright
Jhereko - I like Jhereko and his music
Jman - Where is the JMan?
JOSweetheart - James Otto
JoyOfDivision - I like this user
Kool Keith Sweat - Entertaining
LAPlunderphonixx - Creepy
LethalNezzle - Definitely a defining member of BEA. Incredibly intelligent, cool dude, fantastic musician, Lethal is the man.
listmeister - He seems great like his chart.
MeccaLecca - Great!
Mercury - I love Mercury and almost everything I've seen from you reminds me of something that I'd say.
MrFrogger - Antagonistic/Annoying, but some cool tastes. On the "negative side" of neutral.
Necharsian - Good person, good chart.
NickVolos - Yay! Something about NickVolos is cool
NormanBates - Sometimes he catches me off guard with some things, but he's good.
Nutso42 - Great, I hope the internet will be friendly.
Patman - I like Patman quite a bit
Pearljammer13 - I like this user
PunctureRepair - Prolific
revolver94 - Great
RockyRaccoon - I like his comments an album. I like RockyRaccoon.
Romanelli - Neutral
samistake2ice - I like you
SamuelPear - You're great!
Saoirse - <3
satiemaniac - I love reading your posts/opinions, fantastic user.
SilverWalrus - On the "positive side" of neutral
SingingPeasant96 - I like this user
sp4acetiger - Very kind, very cool, Smile
SquishypuffDave - I love SquishypuffDave.
SuedeSwede - Arguably my favorite BEA user, so many recommendations, so nice, so dope!
SwedenMan - I love swedenman.
tekin - Cool guy, but he seems a little down sometimes
ThePoe - Inconsistent
TracyJacks - Kind!
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  • #9
  • Posted: 03/19/2014 00:33
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I'm without much time so I will make a little bit and then I make the part 2

19Loveless91: Man I love your chart, you seem to be a cool guy, we should talk a little bit And I like you, You're sexy

Albummaster: The reason why I'm posting here, you should chat with us a little bit sometimes.

alelsupreme: Hehe, you always makes me laugh, with your jokes and funny posts, you seem to be a very organized guy, even that sometimes you make the wrong joke.

An_Outlaw: The best and most uplifting person that i knew on this site, always ready to entertain us and make we happier Mr. Green
Andy Hunter: Your avatar is cool. wait... I liked your Bridge over troubled water pic

Antonio-Pedro: Hey that's me! Smile

benpaco: Ben (is this your name?) You are one of the best persons that i knew here, We never talk or chatted for a long time, but I would love to hear your arguments about life, and your poems are dope

Bongritsu: when I see I remember that PTaylor video hehehe you are a funny person

BrandonMeow: Brandon you are magical. One of my favorite users (besides outlaw) and always uplifting.

Butterthumbz: You remember me of my uncle, you are honest even that sometimes don't participate a lot of the forums
CubaZed: You're one of (actually the best for now) the best users that joined this year, always ready for chatting and you made that Power ranking, you're a smart and wonderful person, and sure you will bring a lot of things to BEA.

Cymro2011: You like guitars right? Me too Very Happy ! you're one of the simplest persons of here, but your simplicity is very intelligent, and comic  

Defago: I love your chart and... Yeah just that. I'm jealous of your hair, i love it 
Top 100 Hits you must hear before the u... of beauty

Last edited by Antonio-Pedro on 03/19/2014 08:36; edited 1 time in total
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Who's gonna watch you die?

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  • #10
  • Posted: 03/19/2014 00:57
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alelsupreme wrote:

Benpaco - I sympathise fam, but u cant just wallow in heartbreak 4eva (granted you seem to be realising this so props)

Yeah somewhere around about the 15th time going "JACK HELP I'M SAD" I've basically decided I can either whine a lot and be sad, or just get up already. It's about time I move on, especially given both your and goodsir's perspectives. Anyways I'm still kinda new-ish here so I don't know some of the classic users but I'll do my best:

19Loveless91 - Someone super cool who I feel like is the sort of ... IDK, the most BEA friendly user if that makes sense. You put us all together to get Loveless. In a good way, of course.
Albummaster - God. Coming off a site where the guy who started it shut down just cuz he was bored of it and wanted to make a mobile app, you seem to be just perfect.
alelsupreme - Honestly when I first joined you scared me to no end. Really intimidated. Now, you just seem pretty chill.
AlexZangari - COME BACK DUDE. You were the first one on BEA who ever PMd me and you and Holden were the first two that really seemed to notice I was here and talk to me.
An_Outlaw - You're super cool and sweet, though I really do think you should seek more professional help. BEA will ALWAYS have your back but we can only do so much.
Antonio-Pedro - Ur weerd. But I like you.
Applerill - Its weird, I go back and forth on you. Sometimes you're great, sometimes you just seem to be trying to egg on a fight or start something. IDK.
behrus58 - *sigh* The tourneys ... just no.
benpaco - Whiny baby
Bongritsu - OK, for whatever reason I used to like combine you and applerill in my head. You seem a lot chiller, though sometimes you do get a little ... not so antagonistic as protective, maybe.
bork - Oh I remember you you were cool! Never talked to you much but you seemed pretty chill.
BorveBaunehoj - I think you're Borve/Well? IDK I've lost track of your usernames, tbh. You seem really cool and my only wish is that you were on the forums more, frankly.
BrandonMeow - You've said, like, one thing ever that I didn't like. You're super cool, a bit of an extremist feminist though that's not necessarily an issue, the bibliophile who's willing to listen.
Butterthumbz - I've been trying to figure out what your prof pic is for so long ... but outside of that you're chill.
cartoken - apparently you were really active. I've only ever seen you post, like, once. I think it was an alright post.
CellarDoor - Probably my favorite charts to look for recs on, overall one of my favorites on the site, though it seems like you've been less active of late and that's kinda unfortunate.
CubaZed - You actually remind me of me when I'm not a whiny baby. Except cooler. And british. So really just twice as cool.
Cymro2011 - You are one of the only users who I know the prof pic of instantly. Honestly, your posts haven't been super impactful for the most part, I just think of you as kind.
Defago - TBH, sometimes flip with with Jhereko. Don't ask. IDK. You're both super cool. Hard to compare, frankly, IDK why I do that ...
Dingerbell - Someone I didn't see much of till the album above you thread. You seem pretty cool.
DividesByZero - I don't get the hate, man, not even sarcastically, you're bloody wonderful. Way mature, nice, good taste, agreeable, you're super great and I'm sad I didn't start talking to you earlier.
Drakonium - You and brandon are like a thing right? Nah, I know you mostly for joking around and then when you make a serious post it really surprises me and catches my eye.
Error Finn - A guy I want to see more of! I nommed you for a reason, you seem SUPER cool, I like your name and avatar, and I'd like to know you better.
Facetious - Your flag confuses me. But I like you. And your avatar.
GeevyDallas - Apparently a poor choice to rec you hip hop. Someome I should go to for hip hop recs. (not right now I'm still getting through all of purples ... I'll do it someday I swear)
Goodsir - Sometimes a little off. I can't put my finger on it. There's a few things that are like "Oh but you're so cool don't do that!" Most of the time you are just cool, though.
Gowienczeyk - Again, someone I wish I'd started talking to earlier. Chill, the site seems a little hard on you but you put up with it.
Happymeal - Good taste but kinda full of yourself ...
harkan - Embracism. Forever. That is how I will think of you. There's like, 6 other people that listened to that album through and through, probably. Also you're just cool for all you do for the community.
Hayden - When I came here, you REALLY frustrated me. You seemed to see yourself as above others, you were a little ... IDK, not quite mean, just not nice. By now, I've realized I got you pretty wrong, you're actually pretty chill, even if I don't agree with a fair chunk of your taste.
HigherThanTheSun - Hot. You're the reason my female friend was willing to join this site, frankly. Past that, you're good for advice and breaking up little spats before they become anything serious.
HoldenM - The first guy that made me feel at home here. Your comment on my chart is precious enough to me I'm not deleting my chart. You're super cool.
IrishMusichead - Ron Weasley. Sorry I had to. You're pretty cool, though too hard on yourself.
Jackwc - One of the most helpful guys on this site. I honestly mostly just feel guilty when I interact with you, as I did whine to you SO MUCHHHHH. You've really helped me IRL as well as realizing how to be on here. Also I'm going to take your advice and try dating that girl. I'm dusting myself off, and it's largely thanks to you.
Jasonconfused - Chill enough, posts a lot, but nothing really leaps out at me.
Jhereko - See Defago.
Jman - When I came here, you were the laughing stalk, and I could only half see why. You seemed alright, just to have a really closeminded view of music. Glad you don't anymore.
JOSweetheart - We get it. You need to be more open to mroe music.
JoyOfDivision - Someone I lump in with DBZ and cellardoor as "Go to chart for recs". Used to be super great on the forums, lately I've not seen enough of you ...
Junodog - Someone I'm still half convinced is JDog from Aviary. You remind me a lot of him so I think I have a way skewed view of you.
kidamnesiac - has a lot of accounts?
Kool Keith Sweat - Kind of like how I feel about Jack actually. I look up to you, a lot, and I feel bad for being ... well for being dumb with you. You give good recs, you're kind, and even drunk you don't say anything that really hurts.
LAPlunderphonixx - As it turns out, more than just Poespawn. When you joined, I was upset. Now, you seem cool.
LethalNezzle -Someone who seems cool from a distance, but almost feels like a celebrity around here, I've not really talked to you much.
listmeister - Doofensmirtz. At first, annoying. Now, a few annoying moments, but mostly you've gotten a lot better.
Magenta - Was this ManC? I think it was ... if so, you were really supportive, sort of the mother figure for the whole site.
MeccaLecca - Still confused if you're a band or a record label. But you seem good about keeping things from escalating, and you've got good recs.
Mercury -Sometimes you seem cool, sometimes you seem hard on yourself, sometimes you seem full of yourself. You're all over.
Mother Nature's Son - One of the first people I tried to talk to, and you were pretty alright, I was just overly weird.
Mr. Shankly - Frankly, I can't remember if I've talked to you or not
MrFrogger - Bay area bro, "the most attractive one on the site" (that female friend I mentioned with HTTS), and you're right our tastes don't actually match up much but I like you as a person.
Necharsian - Actually, a lot like Lethal, I've been kinda scared to talk to you.
NickVolos - You're the reason I tried forever changes, and I'm glad of it. You seem cool as a person, too.
NormanBates - Great taste in music, though for whatever reason I don't go to your charts so much for recs. Sweet heart who I remember really worrying about, though I don't remember why.
NoWaxJim - Haven't seen a ton of you but I remember you existence.
Nutso42 - Is your prof a chicken or volcano? Either way, you seem cool
Paladisiac - Why do I associate you with Pirates? No idea. You seem cool, thgouh.
Patman - You may've been the first to welcome me here, you're really welcoming to everyone.
PolythenePam - Someone whose posts I've read enough to get an idea that they were sweet and cool. IDK what happened, though.
Precedent - You seemed to be my fanboy at first and I always forget how many charts and stuff you have. You're pretty cool an you've come a long way.
ptaylor - I thought you and Paladisiac were the same person. Wow I'm bad at users around here.
PunctureRepair - Someone I worry about sometimes, but like immensly and look forward to buying a children's book by.
revolver94 - Super chill, I'm surprised sometimes just how calm you are. You're really just wonderful.
RockyRaccoon - Name buddy. Friend. One of the users I'd most wnat to meet IRL.
Romanelli - Sometimes you're a little bit all knowing. Most of the time just a good mod.
samistake2ice - I don't get your profile pic but it sticks in my head.
SamuelPear - I feel like I don't know you pre-current avatar, but since then you're cool
Saoirse - Female purple but in a less drunk way
satiemaniac - A good addition, excited to see more
ShaneSpear - The mod with the best explanations and prof pic
SilverWalrus - Anime but not in a weird way, just kind of ... IDK a part of you. You're cool and I can't say I've ever really talked to you about music, tbh ...
SingingPeasant96 - IDK, I enjoy your presence
sp4acetiger - Blue's Clues' Steve, you're a kickass dad and a guy with good taste. You're a really wonderful guy. Plus we joined like 1 day apart so that's cool.
SquishypuffDave - Bizarre in the best way. It's like you got dropped on your head and just made into some god of obscurity. I love it.
SuedeSwede - Dude, you are just wonderful. Once I'm 18, we're skype friends like that. Sorry for parents ... one of my favorite yungins on the site, you help keep us at a good reputation.
SwedenMan - See notes on Jack and Keith. It's the three of you who I just really don't want to make uncomfortable and I don't wanna over-complain to and as a result, I get kinda weird, tbh.
tekin - I really liked you, but if its actually you who came back, at least so far, you've been kinda really mean.
ThePoe - Bizarre in not the best way, but still a way worth celebrating.
Tonality - A great new addition
Torchlin - Even though I confuse you sometimes with Tonality, you were here first, and you're supah cool too.
TracyJacks - Awesome on awesome toast. Just too nice for her own good. You make me smile whenever I see your comments and you're just wonderful
Yourself - Myself? I did myself. (Sorry I'm tired) Nah yourself is supah cool, sometimes a bit harsh IMO, but cool still.

Going to edit this for everyone else listed here, I gotta go right now though and don't want to lose all this progress.

. . . 2016 . . . 2015 . . .

Things I Make

Last edited by benpaco on 03/19/2014 04:13; edited 1 time in total
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