BEA Interview #9: Goodsir

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  • #1
  • Posted: 04/08/2014 23:35
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Here's the chat I had with Goodsir.

RR: These personality questions will basically determine what kind of person you are. Remember, there are no wrong answers, just answers that are generally frowned upon by people who know the correct answers.

Ranch or bleu cheese?

GS: Bleu cheese

RR: The fuck is wrong with you?

GS: I had a Bleu Cheese burger at Applebee's today, so I went with that XD

RR: That's disgusting. Alright. Next question.

When you brush your teeth, do you put the water on before or after the toothpaste? And if you tell me you go raw dog and don't use water I will strangle you through this computer.

GS: I brush my teeth in the very early morning and at night. I put water on it before and after I brush.

RR: Ohhh that's interesting. Alright, that's acceptable.

Next: When getting dressed, do you put on your socks or pants first?

GS: I used to put my socks on first, but for the past two months or so, I've been putting on pants first.

RR: That's a big change, tough to do. Good for you for doing that.

GS: It was a struggle

RR: The struggle is real

GS: My family was there to support me, so everything turned out fine

RR: What's your favorite fast food place?

GS: Probably Five Guys Burgers & Fries (Most people on the forums won't know it. It's only in the northeast US, I think)

RR: Oh sweet christ I love that place. Good answer.

Next: Should the toilet paper roll over or roll under?

GS: Under for sure

RR: False.

Alright. Let's move on to some music questions. When did you first start really getting into music?

GS: On Christmas in 2009, I got my very first MP3 player. Everyone at school had one. I wasn't even really sure what they were at the time, so I had no idea what to do with it. My father told me that it was for music. I hated music. My father would always blast southern rock as loud as possible and it bothered my young ears. Anyways, I installed iTunes and there was nothing on there except the sample songs that they give you. I didn't like the idea of the songs being lonely, so I asked my father what a good starting point was. (I still didn't like music, but I didn't want the songs to be lonely) He said nothing, but instead gave me the first six Led Zeppelin albums on CD. I installed them onto iTunes, and listened to all six of them almost non-stop. The variety in Led Zeppelin's discography taught me how to appreciate hard rocking songs as well as quieter, calmer ones. That's where it all started.

RR: That's a really good starting point.

Who was the first band or musician you remember getting into? Like on your own, that you discovered? i.e. your dad exposed you to Zeppelin (and others I would imagine), but who was the first band/musician you found out about on your own?

GS: The next six months or so of my music listening was spent getting recs from my dad's CD collection. So, I had many artists to choose from by then. But the first artist that I can remember discovering on my own was R.E.M. I went over my godfather's house and he had Document and I decided to borrow it from him. After I asked, he told me to take Murmur and Automatic for the People as well. Murmur is now my favorite album of all time, so you can see how that went.

RR: Damn, your family recommends some good music.

Name an album that you have a deep emotional connection with, one that really speaks to you. It may not be your favorite, but it really connects with you.

GS: Low's I Could Live in Hope. It is not my favorite, but it resonates with me the most. I've had it for a really long time, but I still don't remember where I found it. It sat in my music collection for the longest time, but I never listened to it. One day when I was really sad, I decided to listen to it for the first time. It clicked instantaneously. Every time I feel sad and depressed, I always put on I Could Live in Hope. The lyrics remind me of myself. I try to be nice to eveyone that I come across, but I always get put down as a result. The lyrics are so simple, yet there is an inexplicable depth to them. The instrumentation can range to soft and quiet to angry and loud at times. The album is almost like a person that feels the same why about life that you do. I Could Live in Hope is the best musical album that connects and relates to the emotions, in my opinion of course.

RR: How much music do you think you consume in a day in general (not accounting for background music like at a restaurant or something)? A week?

GS: Probably about three to five albums on school days and six to ten on days when I am just at home.

RR: What’s your favorite way to listen to music?

GS: I like to listen to music in the backseat of a car. Looking back on all of the important musical moments in my life (as far as listening goes), most of them happened there.

RR: In the backseat of a car eh? Lots of important life moments have happened for guys in the backseats of cars.

Are My Chemical Romance and 30 Seconds To Mars your favorite emo bands, or was this question asked mainly to get Gowie all flustered when he reads this?

jk that was a joke question. But good enough for a segue. How do you feel about genres?

GS: They're there. I usually never look at the genre when jumping into a new album. I like to be surprised. They don't mean a lot to me, but I think that they are extremely important for organizing music.

RR: Name a band/musician that is generally well-liked that you just really haven’t been able to get into.

GS: Pixies. I enjoy them, but can't get into their stuff. I'm not really entirely sure why. I think Doolittle is enjoyable, but nothing amazing. I can definitely see the appeal, though. I've listened to the albums about 20 times and still can't see it as the masterpiece it's often labeled as.

RR: So BEA. What brought you to BEA?

GS: I browsed BEA for the longest time before I registered. I found it sometime during my "Rolling Stone" era. (The one where I clinged on to their list to find albums I would like) Usually when I searched "greatest albums of all time" on Google, it would be the first result. One day I decided to look at some more best albums lists. After going through a few more famous ones, I found BEA. I was really intrigued that it was decided by the users, and not by the critics. I fell in love with the list because it actually gave nods to my favorite progressive rock artists, unlike Rolling Stone's list. I used the site as a guide to find new albums, and then I registered about a year later. I wanted to have my own say, so I made my first chart.

RR: What do you think of BEA?

GS: I love the community. It's my favorite place on the internet right now, and I honestly doubt that that will ever change. Everyone on the forum is like a family, and I'm proud to be a part of it. I love discovering new albums from the users. I also love making new charts and editing my old ones. I try to add more variety to my tastes every day, and I'm always discovering new stuff.

RR: So segues are awkward. Are you into sports?

GS: No.

RR: Why not? Do you dislike fun and camaraderie that much?

GS: No, I wish sometimes that I could play sports. I have had extremely severe sports-enthused asthma since I was very young, and it prevents me from doing every day tasks, never mind playing sports. Also, I dislike watching sports because I would rather be playing them. Plus my father screams at the television whether or not his team wins or loses.

RR: One last question. And this one has a right answer, so CHOOSE CAREFULLY.

What is the correct answer to this question?
A. B
B. C
C. A
D. D.


RR: False! The answer is D. D

GS: Okay

RR: All of the other answers provide another letter.

Anyways, would you say this interview is one of the best you've ever been a part of, or the best you've ever been a part of?

GS: The best Wink
2023 Chart

Early Psychedelic Rock

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Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me?

Gender: Male
Age: 33
Location: Maryland
United States

  • #2
  • Posted: 04/08/2014 23:36
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Goodsir's a pretty awesome dude.

edit: lol if I put this in the wrong forum. Just saw Frogger's interview in the Lounge forum. Oh well.
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Early Psychedelic Rock

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The Most Trusted Name in News

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  • #3
  • Posted: 04/08/2014 23:47
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Think it's supposed to go in the Music forum, lol. Also bleu cheese is the shit. Very Happy
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Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me?

Gender: Male
Age: 33
Location: Maryland
United States

  • #4
  • Posted: 04/08/2014 23:49
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Gowienczyk wrote:
Also bleu cheese is the shit. Very Happy

You're insane.
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Early Psychedelic Rock

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  • #5
  • Posted: 04/09/2014 00:05
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Actually A, B and C were correct too because they form a loop, just like D.
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Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me?

Gender: Male
Age: 33
Location: Maryland
United States

  • #6
  • Posted: 04/09/2014 00:10
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Defago wrote:
Actually A, B and C were correct too because they form a loop, just like D.

Ooo good catch
2023 Chart

Early Psychedelic Rock

Electronic Chart
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  • #7
  • Posted: 04/09/2014 06:16
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Great interview too. I won't lie, I would've liked to know more about the way BEA influenced the Goodtastes, like how he jumped from prog to hip-hop, how much time it took him, etc. Well I'm complaining but this is really cool!
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