Chart Study #7: Skinny

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  • #1
  • Posted: 05/19/2015 17:19
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Without further ado, I present

Top 100 Greatest Music Albums by Skinny.

I'm sure this chart interests more than a few of us here, Skinny being one of the more influential members about. The chart is far from static -- I wouldn't be surprised if many of the albums we discuss here disappear from it in a month or two -- but much like the CellarDoor's and joyofdivision's before him, the taste and style it represents have become interwoven into the fabric of the forum culture.

A quick reminder of how this works:

1. Anybody is free to ask Skinny questions about his chart at any time in this thread. It's a community interview of sorts.
2. I'm going to ask him questions of my own periodically (aiming for ~once a day), lasting for about a week. After that, I'll leave the thread open so that Skinny can continue to use it to let us know about major updates to his chart or field any remaining questions.

That's it for now. More in a bit.

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Age: 27

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  • #2
  • Posted: 05/19/2015 17:21
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That number one choice alone asks a better question than I ever could. Namely, why?
Romanelli wrote:
We're all fucked, lads.
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  • #3
  • Posted: 05/19/2015 17:29
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alelsupreme wrote:
That number one choice alone asks a better question than I ever could. Namely, why?

2021 in full effect. Come drop me some recs. Y'all know what I like.
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Puncture Repair
  • #4
  • Posted: 05/19/2015 17:30
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1. What's so good about Bryter Layter over Pink Moon?
2. How sober were you when writing the chart comments?
3. What caused the fall of Forever Changes?
4. " " " Below the Heavens
5. How ironic is Space Jam?

Great list of course, I especially love the comments under the albums, I mean no offence with my question. I love that the chart challenges a lot of 'best' albums from certain artists, which makes the chart feel tonnes more confident because it reminds me how much Skinny's musical knowledge is superior to mine. Perfect mix of genres, and the perfect place for recommendations. I still hate Black Sabbath tho.
Norman Bates
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Age: 51

Location: Paris, France
  • #5
  • Posted: 05/19/2015 17:32
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Your only French pick is Messiaen. What do you think of 'pop' (in the broader sense of the term) music from France in general, and what are your favourite albums from ce beau pays ?
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Voice of Reason
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  • #6
  • Posted: 05/19/2015 17:39
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How annoying is it to change your chart so frequently? Every time I see it, it's almost completely different with some remnants of the past. Are you endlessly trying to spread the love around to a variety of favorites, or are you just ADD and need constant change?
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  • #7
  • Posted: 05/19/2015 17:49
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Puncture Repair wrote:
1. What's so good about Bryter Layter over Pink Moon?

Honestly, nothing. It's a mood thing. All three of his albums are close to perfect, as far as I'm concerned (although I'd definitely place Bryter Layter and Pink Moon ever-so-slightly above Five Leaves Left every time). It's just that, these days, I reach for Bryter Layter more than either of the other two. Musically it's certainly his sunniest record (those sweeping summer strings; the generally upbeat feel to most of the songs), and lyrically probably his most straightforward. I dunno, this album just matches my mood more these days. I love sitting out on the patio, blasting this, and smoking hashish on a Sunday morning.

Puncture Repair wrote:
2. How sober were you when writing the chart comments?

Probably pretty stoned, although outside of work hours I'm usually stoned to some degree anyway.

Puncture Repair wrote:
3. What caused the fall of Forever Changes?

I'm not sure. Should be higher.

Puncture Repair wrote:
4. What caused the fall of Below the Heavens?

It's an album that meant a ridiculous amount to me at a certain time in my life, when I felt a kinship with that whole "finding your feet" mentality. Now, I'm pretty satisfied with who I am, I'm all grown up and shit, and I don't necessarily have the same emotional connection with the lyrics anymore - I'm more comfortable and confident and I don't really need Blu's guidance. Still, it's a record I love throwing on from time to time, and it had a hugely positive effect on me during my formative years, so it retains a place.

Puncture Repair wrote:
5. How ironic is Space Jam?

Oh good god, not remotely. That album was the first album I ever owned - I went to see the movie with my grandad when it came out, and either he or my dad bought me the soundtrack. It's totally great from start to finish, the funnest, most positive soundtrack from an era of awesome hip-hop soundtracks. I guess it was my introduction to hip-hop and R'n'B, which obviously had a huge influence on my later listening habits, but - even beyond that - it's just full of fucking bangers. That Coolio tune that samples The Impressions' 'We're a Winner' is the best "stay in school, kids" cheesy motivational hip-hop anthem ever made; it's got that funky D'Angelo ballad; the Salt-N-Pepa vs. Chic remix; Barry White & Chris Rock genuinely turn a throwaway, novelty, ill-advised Cheech & Chong number into a smooth soul should-been-classic; Bugs Bunny has a banging tune that was ghost-written by Jay-fucking-Z; that's before we talk about the essential R. Kelly ballad; etcetera etcetera. Seriously, I adore the Space Jam soundtrack. Honestly, if I heard it for the first time now, it clearly would not have the same impact, but I assure you that if you listen to it you'll hear at least a few songs that you'll be very glad to have found.

Puncture Repair wrote:
I still hate Black Sabbath tho.

Yeah, you need to fix that.
2021 in full effect. Come drop me some recs. Y'all know what I like.
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  • #8
  • Posted: 05/19/2015 17:57
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Norman Bates wrote:
Your only French pick is Messiaen. What do you think of 'pop' (in the broader sense of the term) music from France in general, and what are your favourite albums from ce beau pays ?

I've really never dug into French music anywhere near enough. I really like Brel, Gainsbourg, Radigue, Air, MC Solaar, Michel Polnareff, bits of Yann Tiersen, bits of Natural Snow Buildings, bits of Daft Punk, that one song 'Les Champs-Elysees' by Joe Dassin - yeah, I'm pretty much exhausting my knowledge now. I'll get around to taking in large chunks of your French chart at some point and come back with something more substantial. Apologies, mon ami.
2021 in full effect. Come drop me some recs. Y'all know what I like.
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Norman Bates
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Age: 51

Location: Paris, France
  • #9
  • Posted: 05/19/2015 18:01
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Skinny wrote:
Apologies, mon ami.

No need: I'm totally willing to admit that French music today is nowhere near as influential as it used to be before music got popularly broadcast, and the advent of the popular music forms we acknowledged as widespread today. All of them initiate either in the English speaking world or in Africa or both - bar those 'experimental' records that can sometimes be found to have a connection with the pre-60s French avant-garde. We're behind.
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  • #10
  • Posted: 05/19/2015 18:10
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meccalecca wrote:
How annoying is it to change your chart so frequently? Every time I see it, it's almost completely different with some remnants of the past. Are you endlessly trying to spread the love around to a variety of favorites, or are you just ADD and need constant change?

Man, I find it more annoying actually trying to come up with an accurate Top 100. I don't get how so many people manage it; it's fucking impossible. (And this chart hasn't really changed at all in the last few months, but I get what you're saying.) The current version of my chart is just a mix of old favourites and records that I was listening to lots and lots in the weeks before I actually put it together. Is Extinction by Nausea really one of my favourite hundred albums ever? Or One Quarter Descent by The Fun Years? Or even Black Woman & Child by Sizzla? No, probably not. But they were in very frequent rotation when I put the chart together, and they came to mind as I was filling it up (admittedly rather haphazardly). Maybe one day I'll actually try and put together a coherent, accurate representation of my very favourite albums, but every time I try it just seems like a chore, to be perfectly honest. I don't know where I'd start. Would my Top 3 albums all be Wu-Tang related? I don't know, but they could be. I guess what I'm saying is just that every album on my chart is an album I love, and I'm proud to display each and every one of them as one of my favourites, but I'd still take the entire thing with a massive pinch of salt. If I were to try and re-order it today, it would end up completely different, because I haven't been listening to some of these albums anywhere near as much - although Cuban Linx would still be very, very high. I dunno, recently my favourite album has probably been Veedon Fleece, or maybe Mingus' The Clown, or perhaps Headhunters by Hancock. Are they my favourite albums ever? Probably not. That might be Clouds Taste Metallic, or 36 Chambers, or Forever Changes, or Untrue by Burial. I just don't really know how to figure out what I love the most when I actually love lots of things the most. So I guess my answer is that it's not conscious decision to mix up my chart, but rather just an outcome of the way I process music.
2021 in full effect. Come drop me some recs. Y'all know what I like.
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