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Puncture Repair
  • #31
  • Posted: 06/25/2016 15:12
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baystateoftheart wrote:
Question for those more knowledgeable: Once they're negotiated, is there any possibility of a second vote on the terms of Brexit, one that could avert it? I heard some talk of that earlier, but less since the measure passed.

Anytime soon? Extremely unlikely. However the new Conservative Party Cabinet is going to look, any pro-remain ministers will have little to no power or influence. The public have made their decision, that's a mandate that's going to last at the very least five years.

In the next few decades? Maybe, who knows. It's unlikely the EU will just let us back in until they've made enough of an example of out us, and if we do come back pleading they'll definitely be in a position to remind us that we weren't exactly grateful the first time.
Norman Bates
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  • #32
  • Posted: 06/25/2016 15:16
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Skinny wrote:
Essentially, we're fucked.

Not sure. Of course it all depends on how well left-wing forces can adequately respond, but if you've got somebody clever enough within those forces to step up and say "OK, now we're out. Let's take advantage of this to really take matters into our hands and help the needy, something with the EU wouldn't have let us do anyway" then maybe it will have been for the better good in mid- to long-term.
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  • #33
  • Posted: 06/25/2016 15:18
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Norman Bates wrote:
Not sure. Of course it all depends on how well left-wing forces can adequately respond, but if you've got somebody clever enough to stand up and say "OK, now we're out. Let's take advantage of this to really take matters into our hands, something with the EU wouldn't have let us do anyway" then maybe it will have been for the better good in mid- to long-term.

This is basically what I'm staking my hopes on. Might've been a possibility of this if Corbyn had stuck with what he actually believes and articulated a decent left-wing argument for exit, but then again the right would always dominate the leave campaign and that'd just make his party draw the knives (as they currently are) even faster.
Romanelli wrote:
We're all fucked, lads.

Cape Verde
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  • #34
  • Posted: 06/25/2016 23:19
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Puncture Repair wrote:
It feels like almost every other developed country is moving towards progressive policies

Oh if only that were true. Its a sad fact is since 2008 frustration with the economic malaise has manifested itself in the return nationalist politics.

The way I see it, 8 years ago the financial class tanked the economy with irrational risk-taking, eight years later and its the chance of working classes to do the same.

Not to be too melodramatic but I feel that in 100 years time this my be a watershed moment in the decline of the West.
If you're reading this, that probably means that I had something to say.

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  • #35
  • Posted: 06/25/2016 23:50
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Skinny wrote:
HigherThanTheSun wrote:
Nobody argued the leftist case for leaving because there basically isn't one. It's fantasy to think working class are better off now. If scotland leaves uk we'll have boris johnson or michael gove or theresa may as pm for a decade so the idea that this could ever have been a leftist victory is retarded

Next election we'll basically have a choice between the two men who took us out of the eu and with corbyn it's pretty much being handed to the cons. They literally have to take about five seats to stop a con majority but it's impossible to have faith in corbyn even doing that which is insane. Praying that labour find a new leader asap

There clearly is a leftist case for leaving the EU - they're vehemently pro-austerity; they undermined and effectively destroyed a democratically elected, left-wing Greek government; they are a non-democratic body; they prevent governments from nationalising failing industries (see the current steel crisis) - but the pros still outweigh the cons, and even if we were to leave the EU it is clearly not in any left interest to do so at this time or under these circumstances. I am desperately frustrated with the way Corbyn handled this campaign, but I understand why he took the choices he did (even if it is plainly obvious that he should have presented a united front with Cameron, regardless of his concerns). That said, Cameron also didn't take the threat of Brexit seriously enough, and thought that he would gain the votes he needed based almost entirely on his pro-business, pro-free trade rhetoric. Both were wrong, and now we will all suffer. As much as I think Corbyn misjudged this entire debacle, it must be stressed that the Tories and the right-wing press caused this. They shat on the working classes for decades, and instead of accepting the blame and risking votes, they simply blamed the EU and immigrants even when those things were clearly not to blame. They created a bogeyman which grew so big that they could no longer control it. This is the wrong solution, at the wrong time, to a problem that doesn't really exist. It's a fucking mess, and I see no good whatsoever coming of this. It is not in the EU's best interests to see Britain do well out of this (it would only add fuel to an already significant Eurosceptic, nationalist fire in a number of nations), and so there will be little sympathy with this Little Englander attitude we've taken. Essentially, we're fucked.

Yeah I mean I understand the left wing grievances with the eu but clearly on balance the left wing case should be to remain. That's why virtually everyone on the left of british politics swung 100% behind remain, except corbyn. Totally agree with rest of the post

To be honest I've never supported corbyn's leadership. I think it's retarded for labour to have a leader that everybody knows can never be pm because this country needs a credible opposition and now more than ever. After his brexit performance though he really does need to go

Norman Bates wrote:
Not sure. Of course it all depends on how well left-wing forces can adequately respond, but if you've got somebody clever enough within those forces to step up and say "OK, now we're out. Let's take advantage of this to really take matters into our hands and help the needy, something with the EU wouldn't have let us do anyway" then maybe it will have been for the better good in mid- to long-term.

Hm we're now going to have a brexit stacked cabinet aka the tory right negotiating our new terms with the eu, then if scotland leaves a tory government way further to the right than david cameron for at least a decade so wish us luck

I've calmed down about the whole thing quite a bit today but it still feels bad. When you're a young uni grad and live in a metropolitan area aka you're from the three demographic groups who voted overwhelmingly to remain, and all your acquaintances are similar, you forget that the country at large actually thinks in a very different way to you on some fundamental issues and brexit shows how stark this difference can be. I've never felt like the country is more divided and in a more fundamental way than right now about where we should be heading and I'm not sure how the two competing visions for this country can possibly be reconciled ??
Shut up mate you're boring!
  • #36
  • Posted: 06/26/2016 17:04
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Isolationist policies are seldom a recipe for success in the long term, regardless of who in your country you most wish to help. Fortunately, a democratic government can more easily correct such mistakes than an autocratic one and I do not believe Little England will please the people for very long.
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  • #37
  • Posted: 06/27/2016 17:28
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most of all i'm just sick of all the lies, hypocrisy, and uncertainty.
Edgy to the Choir

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  • #38
  • Posted: 07/05/2016 04:24
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I know this probably isn't the greatest time and I apologize in advance if I offend anybody...

but is anybody in Britain wearing this these days?

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  • #39
  • Posted: 07/05/2016 18:32
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I hope not. Britain has a proud tradition of racism and nationalism, we don't need to borrow or draw from American forms of it.
Romanelli wrote:
We're all fucked, lads.
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  • #40
  • Posted: 07/06/2016 14:57
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alelsupreme wrote:
I hope not. Britain has a proud tradition of racism and nationalism, we don't need to borrow or draw from American forms of it.

Well, all forms of racism are bad. But when you think of it, Britain used to have the "white man’s burden" flavor of racism. We are superior to everyone. Now it is: we have no chance on the job market against the Poles, so lets get rid of them.
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