A Bone To Pick

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  • #1
  • Posted: 09/07/2016 01:21
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I don't understand, at all, 2 things that are reoccurring on this website.

1. Why do I get my comments marked as 'Unhelpful' if people don't agree with them. Plenty of times on this site i have given detailed explanations as to why I don't like certain popular albums. And I have been repeatedly 'Un-helpfulled'. I could understand if it was a 'Disagree' button, or something of that nature. But, if I'm being respectful as can be, and giving a detailed description of my opinions on this album, how is that considered unhelpful?

2. Why do people give people bad ratings, in return for bad ratings? I do not understand, i have repeatedly gotten low ratings in return for low ratings i have given. i give people reasons why i give them low ratings, like, for example, if they have 25 albums from the same band, I'm going to give them a low rating. But seriously, why do they have to aimlessly give me a low rating in return? The point of this website is to connect and share opinions.

Can someone explain this to me?
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crayon master

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  • #2
  • Posted: 09/07/2016 01:59
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xMUSICSNOBx wrote:
I don't understand, at all, 2 things that are reoccurring on this website.

1. Why do I get my comments marked as 'Unhelpful' if people don't agree with them. Plenty of times on this site i have given detailed explanations as to why I don't like certain popular albums. And I have been repeatedly 'Un-helpfulled'. I could understand if it was a 'Disagree' button, or something of that nature. But, if I'm being respectful as can be, and giving a detailed description of my opinions on this album, how is that considered unhelpful?

2. Why do people give people bad ratings, in return for bad ratings? I do not understand, i have repeatedly gotten low ratings in return for low ratings i have given. i give people reasons why i give them low ratings, like, for example, if they have 25 albums from the same band, I'm going to give them a low rating. But seriously, why do they have to aimlessly give me a low rating in return? The point of this website is to connect and share opinions.

Can someone explain this to me?

welcome to the_interweb.

1. people will click what they like

2. it's just a number. don't put much stock in it. no one really cares. actually, that goes for #1 too.

C. the helpful/unhelpful feature is funny cause it doesn't hide your post if it gets low or boost it to the top if it's rated high. there's no karma-hoarding. et cetera.
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  • #3
  • Posted: 09/07/2016 02:09
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If it helps, I don't rate anyone's message or label it helpful or unhelpful. I didn't even know that we could do that here. Now that I know, I still have no interest in doing that stuff. I don't do it anywhere else either. If I like something, I leave a message about it. If I am not interested, I don't say anything. I just leave it alone.

God bless you always!!! Smile Smile Smile

Me & my favorite singer James Otto

Check him out here when you can!
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  • #4
  • Posted: 09/07/2016 02:10
  • Post subject: Re: A Bone To Pick
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xMUSICSNOBx wrote:
I don't understand, at all, 2 things that are reoccurring on this website.

1. Why do I get my comments marked as 'Unhelpful' if people don't agree with them. Plenty of times on this site i have given detailed explanations as to why I don't like certain popular albums. And I have been repeatedly 'Un-helpfulled'. I could understand if it was a 'Disagree' button, or something of that nature. But, if I'm being respectful as can be, and giving a detailed description of my opinions on this album, how is that considered unhelpful?

2. Why do people give people bad ratings, in return for bad ratings? I do not understand, i have repeatedly gotten low ratings in return for low ratings i have given. i give people reasons why i give them low ratings, like, for example, if they have 25 albums from the same band, I'm going to give them a low rating. But seriously, why do they have to aimlessly give me a low rating in return? The point of this website is to connect and share opinions.

Can someone explain this to me?

+ 1 to what craola said. Yeah for the first thing, basically people just treat the unhelpful button as a disagree button. If you bash an album fans of that album are gonna downvote you no matter how you word it (and vice verse).

But again to echo craola it's minor shit and I wouldn't pay it much mind
Second thing is just people doing "revenge ratings" and I think it's stupid and petty and would like it to stop
  • #5
  • Posted: 09/07/2016 02:16
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Opinions on another person's tastes are prone to be interpreted as aggression rather than self-expression, even if you mean your words to be constructive.

Our instints drive us to protect our reputation in social situations. I suppose they were not meant for the internet, where social bonds are loose and a reputation is fleeting.
Moved: 09/07/2016 11:51 by albummaster
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  • #6
  • Posted: 09/07/2016 12:09
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xMUSICSNOBx wrote:
1. Why do I get my comments marked as 'Unhelpful' if people don't agree with them. Plenty of times on this site i have given detailed explanations as to why I don't like certain popular albums. And I have been repeatedly 'Un-helpfulled'. I could understand if it was a 'Disagree' button, or something of that nature. But, if I'm being respectful as can be, and giving a detailed description of my opinions on this album, how is that considered unhelpful?

This is an issue that dates back a while. The buttons were originally introduced to help users police the site by burying poor content (content below a certain number of votes is hidden from view). However, the buttons are being or mis( or ab?)used to express sentiment towards comments so that comments that people agree with are getting more votes whilst comments against the grain are being downvoted even if they are insightful. I'd definitely like to find a way of dealing with this but keep the idea of lower quality comments (trolls etc) gaining less prominence.

xMUSICSNOBx wrote:
2. Why do people give people bad ratings, in return for bad ratings? I do not understand, i have repeatedly gotten low ratings in return for low ratings i have given. i give people reasons why i give them low ratings, like, for example, if they have 25 albums from the same band, I'm going to give them a low rating. But seriously, why do they have to aimlessly give me a low rating in return? The point of this website is to connect and share opinions.

Again, this is something I'd love to get rid of. I get quite a few PMs complaining that they've received a bad rating and they'd like me to do something (which I often can't because nobody likes their content being removed). However, these ratings won't usually affect the overall chart average as the site ignores ratings outside of 3 standard deviations of an item's mean average for the purpose of calculating the final rating (this means most people's 'tit for tat' ratings are ignored). The whole concept of chart ratings is not something I'm entirely comfortable with, but it does help people browsing the site to surface some of the top rated content. If people don't want any feedback on their charts, this can be disabled on a per chart basis within the chart editor.
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