My Top Albums List

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  • #1
  • Posted: 08/15/2009 20:18
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There isn't any order, I just compiled a list of albums (limit: one per band) and gave a brief description. Anyway:

Yes - The Yes Album (1971)

Really just some nice progressive rock here. I really don't know what more to say about this one. A personal favorite. FT: Yours is No Disgrace

Rush - Permanent Waves (1980)

My favorite album my one of my favorite bands, but not my all-time favorite. Most of Rush's best songs lie within the heaven that is Permanent Waves. Never gets old. FT: Freewill

Talking Heads - Talkings Heads '77 (1977 ORLY)

My favorite TH album and my favorite New Wave release of all-time. Byrne's voice sounds so unique and it may be a band-wide style we may never see again in the new wave seen. FT: Don't Worry About the Government

Elton John - Don't Shoot Me I'm Only the Piano Player (1973)

Cannot go wrong with Elton. He was another artist I got into fast from the Lion King soundtrack around 5 or 6. When I looked into his other work, I was blown away. This album is just one of 4 or 5 that could make this list. FT: Daniel

Lush - Gala (1990)

After going back and reading this list today, I realized it was missing something key: Shoegaze. This is the first album that came to mind when I realized that. Amazing indeed. FT: Thoughtforms

Miles Davis - B!tches Brew (1970)

Jazz is the most masculine thing ever. This is one of the best jazz albums ever. Therefore, it is one of the most masculine things ever. FT: Spanish Key

Molly Hatchet - Flirtin' With Disaster (1979)

My all-time most liked southern rock album and band. This album's overplayed title track takes up the entire band's creditability for the most part. That bothers me, it's middle of the road on this album and mediocre compared to the remainder of Molly Hatchet's discography. FT: One Man's Pleasure

The Velvet Underground - Velvet Underground and Nico (1967)

Such an iconic album. I have yet to meet a downer on this album, everyone seems to enjoy it. From Lou Reed's artistic vocals to the kick-ass Andy Warhol cover, this is a must have for any music fan, no matter your genre preferences. FT: Sunday Morning

Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures (1979)

Another one everyone should recognize. Unknown Pleasures ranks among the most critically acclaimed albums of it's genre and of all-time, and with good reason. Ian Curtis in my mind solidifies his spot among the top frontmen ever on this gem. FT: New Dawn Fades

Television - Marquee Moon (1977)

One of few albums that gains the recognition I give it. I enjoy it enough to place it over Unknown Pleasures, and that says alot. Not a bad track to be found, and guittar riffs that have clearly influenced punk rock after its release. Yeah, enough said. FT: Friction

Necrophagist - Epitaph (2004)

I recommend this album to metalheads mostly, not to people looking to get a start in metal. If you enjoy metal, this German band's second album should earn a place in your heart. Looking forward to their new release. FT: Stabwound

Atheist - Unquestionable Presence (1991)

The greatest tech death metal album of all-time, as consensus amongst most metalheads, with its partner Elements not too far behind. This album features a group of batsh*t insane musicians playing some of the best music ever recorded. Yeah, give it a listen. FT: Mother Man

Judas Priest - Painkiller (1990)

He. Is. The PAINKILLER!! Such an iconic lyric. This is not only my favorite Judas Priest album of all-time, but a consensus classic among the metal community. Take it for multiple playthroughs, you won't bore. FT: Painkiller

Orphaned Land - Sahara (1994)

Israeli Doom Metal. Need more be said? Thanks to the wonderful voters on the Community Metal Setlist, I decided to give Orphaned Land a listen, and wasn't disappointed. I got the most enjoyment myself out of their debut, Sahara. Doom doesn't usually keep me this entertained. Not to mention, it came out the year I was born. FT: My Requiem

Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss (1990)

My favorite album by my favorite big 4 thrash band, Seasons in the Abyss ranks in my all-time top 5 albums. Slayer doing power ballads. Again, enough said. FT: Seasons in the Abyss

Queensryche - Operation: Mindcrime (1988)

My favorite progressive album ever, metal or not. O:MC features too many great tracks to rank it any deeper. The powerful vocals this album features will keep your attention, or your money back guaranteed. FT: Operation: Mindcrime

Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind (1983)

My favorite Maiden release, another big compliment. Any album that could possibly feature my two favorite Maiden songs can be put in a list like this as well. Bruce Dickinson is God. FT: Flight of Icarus

Interpol - Turn on the Bright Lights (2002)

A great, great indie rock album my a favorite of mine, Interpol. Great album from start to finish, nice and consistent. Recommended to anyone who isn't deaf. FT: Leif Erikson

Death - The Sound of Perseverance (1998)

The founders of death metal with a diamond in the rough. Death's premiere work was in the mid-late 80's, but The Sound of Perseverance has yet to be topped on my list. Recommended to people looking to bridge into metal and to people who already enjoy death metal as a genre. FT: Bite the Pain

Bloodbath - Nightmares Made Flesh (2004)

Bloodbath is a Scandinavian death metal supergroup featuring members from bands such as Hypocrisy and Katatonia, and formerly Opeth in their line-up. Another album that I was hooked on from the start, really brutal album. Love cranking it up at the gym. FT: Eaten

Black Oak Arkansas - Black Oak Arkansas (1971)

A great debut by an often overlooked band. Among my favorite Southern Rock releases of all-time, and I feel the need to promote this band. They get nearly no credit for how great the actually were. FT: Uncle Elijah

Chuck Berry - Chuck Berry is on Top (1959)

The king of rock and roll with my favorite release of his illustriuous career. C'mon, does this need a synopsis? No one has and ever will be able to duplicate anything Chuck ever did. All of you, give this a listen, right now. FT: Little Queenie

The Replacements - Tim (1985)

Ah, the good ol' Mats. Such an iconic band. Like alot of groups up here, any Mats album could've been chosen. This was mostly a coin flip, check them all out. FT: Hold my Life

Death Cab for Cutie - Something About Airplanes (1998)

My favorite indie record ever by one of my favorite bands. I just love this album, it owns face. FT: Amputations

The Beatles - Abbey Road (1969)

Quite possibly the most recognizable band name in all of history. My favoite Beatles album has found its way onto this list. I recommend this to anyone with working ears and who appreciates good music. FT: Octopus's Garden

Jethro Tull - Aqualung (1971)

Another iconic album that I never bore of. Any prog fan should tell you this ranks highly on their list, as hopefully should alot of music fans. Ian Anderson combines the flute with the hard rock nature of Martin Barre and the rest of the cast. That's just plain awesome. FT: Locomotive Breath

Death Angel - Frolic Through the Park (1988)

My all-time favorite thrash band and new avatar here. Alot of thrash fans will tell you this band is hit or miss. I'm telling you to go for it. Frolic Through the Park kept me thouroghly entertained throughout. FT: Bored

Pearl Jam - Ten (1990)

Thank you Sonic for telling me this was absent. Absolute classic, if you don't like it I think you have issues big time. This shares one trait with the Boston album: I only have one song from it in RB. FT: Jeremy

Michael Jackson - Thriller (1983)

I can't believe I forgot to list this one as much as I can't believe MJ's gone. The tracks, the videos, MJ's voice, it's just all so perfect. For God's Sake, if you haven't heard this album you have no pulse. I can't think of a more perfect album. FT: Billie Jean

Deep Purple - Burn (1974)

****ing phenomenal. This is one album that lacks any and all trace of duds. This record is nearly flawless, love it. FT: You Fool No One

Boston - Boston (1976)

The very first album I ever fell in love with, and I am still in love with it today. Every single person on Earth should take this album for multiple spins. It never gets old and Delp's iconic voice will forever live in these recordings. FT: Peace of Mind

I understand there's alot of things missing, but this is what I can do for now. I may have some great albums that escaped my mind.

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Ironic Karma

Gender: Male
Age: 29
Location: Kansas
United States

  • #2
  • Posted: 08/16/2009 00:54
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Great, now put it in a chart so we can all rate it. =]

Love a lot of your choices like Miles Davis, The Velvet Underground, and The Beatles. Good balanced list.
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Location: Somewhere

  • #3
  • Posted: 08/16/2009 01:36
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It's in a chart now, but it's a really crappy reflection of this. I threw out the "one album per artist" rule and added in a bunch of recently discovered ones and changed some bands' choice around. (note: I made this list on another forum in June and C/P'd from there.)
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