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Executive Hillbilly

Location: Vinson Mountain, GA
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  • #1
  • Posted: 06/20/2013 04:06
  • Post subject: Obesity
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And so, with the stroke of a pen, one third of Americans have a medical condition. What is their illness? Well...in a few cases it has to do with hormones or metabolism or other stuff you can't really do a whole lot about. In the vast majority, the illness is being too friggin' lazy to walk to your mailbox instead of taking the car, or to make your own dinner instead of picking it up at McDonald's or Taco Bell.

...or as Gary & Naples (imaginary god rest their imaginary souls) would have said: More proof that Nobama is the worst president in history. Four times as many Americans were sick during his second term than when he took office. Not gonna listen to any argument against. This is fact.
  • #2
  • Posted: 06/20/2013 05:55
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Queen Of The Forums

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  • #3
  • Posted: 06/20/2013 07:26
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You know what's weird? The last two major spikes in obesity both occurred under Democratic presidencies, whereas the numbers seemed to stabilize under Republican ones. There has to be some kind of correlation.
A dick that's bigger than the sun.

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  • #4
  • Posted: 06/20/2013 07:42
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Guys, studies have shown that almost 100% of people who have never smoked pot have also never cooked a baby. You can't argue with numbers like that.
Voice of Reason
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  • #5
  • Posted: 06/20/2013 14:37
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Jackwc wrote:
You know what's weird? The last two major spikes in obesity both occurred under Democratic presidencies, whereas the numbers seemed to stabilize under Republican ones. There has to be some kind of correlation.

I think I have the answer to that correlation.

The majority of the obese are located in red states, so when they lose an election they go straight into a diet of binge-drinking and eating. Or maybe it's just that during a Republican presidency the poor couldn't afford to eat anything at all.

But in all seriousness I'd love to see a chart showing the spikes. I truly believe that the effects of a presidency are long term, so results of governmental action may not really show until years later.
Executive Hillbilly

Location: Vinson Mountain, GA
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  • #6
  • Posted: 06/20/2013 15:18
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swedenman wrote:
Guys, studies have shown that almost 100% of people who have never smoked pot have also never cooked a baby. You can't argue with numbers like that.

Funny you should mention this as there is a political correlation. I used to live in Illinois (a blue state) but moved to Georgia (a red state) last year. Turns out there are roughly 29% more people in Illinois than in Georgia who have never cooked a baby.
Future Grumpy Old Man
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  • #7
  • Posted: 06/20/2013 15:30
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Bork wrote:
And so, with the stroke of a pen, one third of Americans have a medical condition. What is their illness? Well...in a few cases it has to do with hormones or metabolism or other stuff you can't really do a whole lot about. In the vast majority, the illness is being too friggin' lazy to walk to your mailbox instead of taking the car, or to make your own dinner instead of picking it up at McDonald's or Taco Bell.

...and not to mention the extreme rates of childhood obesity. Ugh... There's been a link established between overprotective parenting and childhood obesity. It would seem parents don't let their kids walk or bike to school, or play in the neighbourhood by themselves anymore.

It's funny - Canadians love to mock Americans (gun-toting, ignorant, tacky, arrogant - you name the stereotype). It's sometimes inaccurate, often unfair, and in the case of 'fat Americans', hypocritical. We're usually ranked top 10 for fat countries.

I'm a little concerned about listing obesity as a disease. It gives those who are obese a built in excuse: "It's not my fault, it's a disease." I realize that there's hormonal, medical and mental health causes behind obesity, but Bork's right: more often it's poor diet and inactivity. Calling obesity a disease seems like a reaction... and it seems like it's playing into the pharmaceutical industry. "Don't change your lifestyle, take a drug or have surgery." I'd like to see more of a proactive response. Michelle Obama needs to step it up.
Finnegan was super bad-ass.
Voice of Reason
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  • #8
  • Posted: 06/20/2013 16:16
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junodog4 wrote:
I'm a little concerned about listing obesity as a disease. It gives those who are obese a built in excuse: "It's not my fault, it's a disease." I realize that there's hormonal, medical and mental health causes behind obesity, but Bork's right: more often it's poor diet and inactivity. Calling obesity a disease seems like a reaction... and it seems like it's playing into the pharmaceutical industry. "Don't change your lifestyle, take a drug or have surgery." I'd like to see more of a proactive response. Michelle Obama needs to step it up.

I agree. People just don't want to work. They want the quick and easy solution. The pharmaceutical industry has really fucked up America. Corporations have no ethics. it's all about greed. Who cares if people are hurt by decisions made. I don't think the Government should interfere at all or take blame, unless it comes to improving the education system. People just need to start taking care of themselves. In NYC our Mayor decided to limit the size of sodas we can buy. It's an ignorant action that doesn't work towards solving the actual problem.
Head Bear Master/Galactic Emperor

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  • #9
  • Posted: 06/21/2013 06:45
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Calling it a result of "laziness" is an extreme oversimplification. A more correct way to phrase it is that obesity results from a "sedentary lifestyle". The common American drives (or takes public transit) to work and then sits in front of a computer all day, drives home, eats dinner, and sleeps. There's just no room for exercise. Even if you do all you can to eat healthy (which really isn't that difficult if you have access to a decent supermarket, a refrigerator, and a stove), it can be very difficult to find time to exercise. The problem stems not from laziness, but from genuine problems deep within the American style of life. Even when we hate our jobs, we put work above all else: our family, our hobbies and interests, and our health. America (not that I use America only because I've never been to Canada, the UK, or Ireland so I don't know how it works there) has such a 24/7 culture. Anything you want you can get at any time of the day, any time of the year. Need a hamburger at 11pm on Thanksgiving? go to the McDonald's down the road. Need a leafblower at 4 in the morning on a Thursday? Head to Wal-Mart. Need to buy a car at midnight? Go down to the Honda dealer (seriously, 24/7 car dealers exist). Some other places in the world, everything shuts down on Sundays. I understand hospitals and other such places need to be kept open all the time, but do we really need to go out to a mall or a restaurant on a Sunday? I'm disgusted with the American way of life. Not with the American people themselves, they all do what they can to get by. They do what they have to. But "what they have to" is the problem. If we keep going on the track we're going, we'll be the first generation with a shorter lifespan than the last generation (our life expectancy is already less than that of our parents). We need dramatic changes, and not from individuals in the way of lifestyle; we need something bigger.
51 Washington, D.C. albums!
Head Bear Master/Galactic Emperor

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  • #10
  • Posted: 06/21/2013 06:55
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Oh and with the whole concern of obesity being a disease, I think you all might need to re-look at the definition of disease: "an abnormal condition that affects the body". Now of course even though obesity is completely "normal", it's still abnormal in terms of our biology. Our body isn't MEANT to be obese, and in that way it is abnormal.

Cholera's a disease, right? And you get that from ingesting human feces (unknowingly or otherwise). Alcoholism's a disease. So is lung and skin cancer. Cholera was an extreme example, but obesity, alcoholism, skin cancer, and (smoking-related) lung cancer are all "diseases" which can be avoided with a change in lifestyle. There's no guarantee there, there's genetic alcoholics who've only ever had one beer in their life; there's people who are extremely cautious with sunscreen and never go tanning and still have skin cancer; there's people who have never smoked who have lung cancer; and there are people who eat healthy and exercise who are still obese. They're all still diseases. I think if we were to revoke the decision to classify obesity as a disease, we would be further worsening the situation. Classifying obesity as a disease is a way to say that there's something wrong with obesity. If you have a disease, there's biologically something wrong with you. It's not necessarily something incurable, and it's not necessarily something that can only be cured with drugs, but it's still something wrong with the human body. And obesity is something wrong with the human body, so I think it should definitely still be classified as a disease.
51 Washington, D.C. albums!
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