Artist nationality

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  • #121
  • Posted: 03/05/2013 13:33
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Q: Why is a mule stubborn?
A: Because he has horse sense

On a side-note, scientific researches have shown that stubbornness in animals indicates a higher IQ. So cats have higher IQ than dogs and donkeys have higher IQ than horses.
  • #122
  • Posted: 03/05/2013 13:36
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Sorry, I don't agree that Scotland, Northern Ireland and England are separate Nations (as defined in its legal sense). Perhaps you see them so colloquially but not legally. Don't you think that maybe the world's leaders have given this subject greater study than BEA? If England, Scotland and Wales were separate countries/nations they would be members of the United Nations, etc.

Hehe. This is ridiculous. Where is that legal sense or definition of nation? Can you give citations for your facts? There's no legal definition for nation.
Future Grumpy Old Man
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  • #123
  • Posted: 03/05/2013 16:52
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albummaster wrote:
Apologies, just sifted through twelve pages of this, so apologies if I've missed anything. At the moment, the UK is being used as a catch-all for the constituent countries. At some stage, BEA will capture this in more detail and also add the city of origin so that we could then use the data to drill into bands from Seattle, Liverpool, Bristol etc and allow us to plot the data geo-spatially. Personally, I'd prefer to wait until this is added before revising the list of countries too much (I think as well there might be other affected countries in BEA's country list, apart from those in the UK). There are also a few knock-on effects that make this quite a bit of work and I'd prefer to do this as a single unit of work, rather than have to re-visit it multiple times (particularly, given the time constraints I am operating under at the moment).

This sounds really cool. And a lot of work. So thanks in advance.
Finnegan was super bad-ass.
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