When a musician you like turns out to be a sex offender?

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Bone Swah
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  • #11
  • Posted: 11/14/2017 23:50
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JOSweetHeart wrote:
I was in this spot three years ago when Stephen Collins of the show 7th Heaven came forward and admitted to whatever it is that he did way before that show ever once was even thought of. I purchased that entire show on DVD the next day in support of everyone else who made that show as popular as it was. To me, they shouldn't have to pay for something that they had absolutely nothing to do with.

God bless you and them always!!!


Holly...you bring up an interesting point here. In the case of 7th Heaven, or Brand New, or House Of Cards...there's a guy in each scenario who has done something pretty despicable. However, as you stated here, there are other people who whose livelihoods are affected by what happens next. You have bandmates. Everyone who works for the band (or the TV show, or whatever it is) who would be affected by the band having shows cancelled, or losing their record deals, or having their TV shows cancelled, etc.

So, yeah. The question would be...how would you feel about no longer supporting that band or whatever it is, knowing that the innocent people who also work on that project would be negatively affected as well?
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  • #12
  • Posted: 11/15/2017 00:04
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I agree with the people talkin about the innocents in the scenario. That's really the first thing that comes to mind. Why stop supporting those who depend on the work and have made it what it is because others involved happen to do something that isn't great.

However, can we acknowledge this weird association we have of people in general with their current actions? The guy who wrote the music isn't the same guy who did this (though I don't know anything about the scenario, so unless I start caring enough to view what happened, I won't really associate him with it). Over the years, people change, sometimes drastically. Everyone here hates being associated with the stuff they did when they were younger. Whether stupid or cherished, we are not the same people we were 10, 20, 30, etc. years ago so why should what we currently do be associated with who we were and vice versa? Judge the scenario based upon the context it was done in with the way people are during that time, not who they are to become.

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  • #13
  • Posted: 11/15/2017 01:21
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Romanelli wrote:
So, yeah. The question would be...how would you feel about no longer supporting that band or whatever it is, knowing that the innocent people who also work on that project would be negatively affected as well?

That's very true.

Temporary33 wrote:
Everyone here hates being associated with the stuff they did when they were younger. Whether stupid or cherished, we are not the same people we were 10, 20, 30, etc. years ago so why should what we currently do be associated with who we were and vice versa?

That's very very true.

Think I think I'll just unlike Brand New on facebook, but still listen to their music.
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  • #14
  • Posted: 11/15/2017 01:48
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I know, it's absolutely disheartening to see all this go on and realize somebody you've constantly looked up to and admire turn out to be a total prying scumbag piece of shit. The toughest thing is though I can't deny the positive things I have gotten out of their work and while I can't by any means say the actions of the artist isn't going to affect how I view their art, I can't pretend it completely changes the way I viewed it in the first place either, as terrible as it may seem in the light of the allegations. However, by all means the people who perpetrated these awful acts deserve to suffer the full consequences, they don't deserve any special treatment whatsoever just because of how much I admire their artistic output, though as Romanelli has alluded to out in the case of say Brand New if the band members and everybody who's worked with the band were unaware of Lacey's actions they don't deserve to go down with the Lacey ship.
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  • #15
  • Posted: 11/15/2017 22:55
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Romanelli wrote:
JOSweetHeart wrote:
I was in this spot three years ago when Stephen Collins of the show 7th Heaven came forward and admitted to whatever it is that he did way before that show ever once was even thought of. I purchased that entire show on DVD the next day in support of everyone else who made that show as popular as it was. To me, they shouldn't have to pay for something that they had absolutely nothing to do with.

God bless you and them always!!!


Holly...you bring up an interesting point here. In the case of 7th Heaven, or Brand New, or House Of Cards...there's a guy in each scenario who has done something pretty despicable. However, as you stated here, there are other people who whose livelihoods are affected by what happens next. You have bandmates. Everyone who works for the band (or the TV show, or whatever it is) who would be affected by the band having shows cancelled, or losing their record deals, or having their TV shows cancelled, etc.

So, yeah. The question would be...how would you feel about no longer supporting that band or whatever it is, knowing that the innocent people who also work on that project would be negatively affected as well?

Another thing that I think should be considered is if the wrong choice of action is still very much a part of the guilty person's present. If its something that they do not do anymore, then that right there should most definitely not be swept up underneath the rug. At one point in all of our lives, we sucked our thumb and wore a diaper, but did we continue to do such things? No.

God bless you always!!!

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  • #16
  • Posted: 11/16/2017 05:40
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Tha1ChiefRocka wrote:
It's not too hard to separate art from the artist for me.

I'm still going to watch Louis CK specials (I'm real pissed his movie isn't getting released actually), and I still watch reruns of the Cosby Show when they come on. I've seen too many good movies with Kevin Spacey in them to never watch them again too. But yeah I'm sure I'll think about it.

Critics and fans alike have fawned over Polanksi and Allen for years, when they are probably worse than any of these people that have been exposed in the last several months.


The unfortunate truth is if we were to burn all art created by morally incorrect people, well, to be honest, we would likely not have any art at all.

At the same time, it is sad and heartbreaking to hear that someone you once admired broke your "trust" (really it was an image you had of them that likely wasn't realistic), and turned out to be a jerk or even human. I mean to be completely frank, the older I get the more I realize EVERYONE is actually the biggest asshole you've ever met at some level or an other, and then everyone has their moments of having great character and morality (I think Louis CK might fit that perfectly - he has so many great bits on character and morality, yet did some really messed up stuff).
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  • #17
  • Posted: 11/16/2017 12:25
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It sucks. But I won't stop watching Kevin Spacey's movies since he's an acting genius. It just sucks that he isn't a good guy (if the allegations are true)
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  • #18
  • Posted: 11/18/2017 03:51
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when Pete Townsend was charged with child porn it was a bit of a sore spot for me.
he wasn't convicted (guys with money never are).
but it has made an impression.

Lets face it, you have to pay a price to get to the top.

As i get older and watch/read about hollywood/music you quickly learn that its a dark underworld of free masons, sickness and satanism (ie Pedophilia, gay sex, incest, child killers, etc....)
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