Musical Trees

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  • #1
  • Posted: 02/08/2012 22:57
  • Post subject: Musical Trees
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First things first. I had these dream last night. Unusual one but I wrote it down as soon as I woke up. Ended up thinking about it a lot and found some questions. I'll get on with it.

The dream took place in some really large warehouse place. I don't remember what year it was or where it took place but the warehouse was really really large, about 50 stories high at least. Inside the warehouse were these rooms placed on top of each and I mean they were placed on top of each other! Some piles were huge! Each of these were I estimate 3 metres in both length and width. There were lots of these, this was a really big warehouse remember!
Anyway, each of these rooms had 1 person inside. They had all these things like music, films, books to use. They were happy with their surroundings. I felt comfortable with it in the dream but I noted later when writing that they only had the aforementioned, a wall of posters and a bed. There was a door to somewhere but no kitchen or anything. It only took place in the room.
Through a 3rd person view I saw a girl in one of the rooms, Must have been late teen at least, perhaps recent adult. They were listening to something similar to Suicide self titled album but there were songs I didn't recognize. She was happy and I remember myself feeling pretty much at ease too. There were lots of books all around the floor and the walls were white and lights at the same time, like the light was coming from them. It was at this point the words "Musical Trees" came to my mind. I didn't hear someone say it but the idea came into my mind, like I knew what it was all along.
I don't know how it lasted but later on came this 'bad anticipation'. I knew something was wrong or going to go wrong but it wasn't quite reaching the level of 'dread'. It didn't feel too good though. I couldn't help but feel bad things were happening else where in the place I was.
I woke almost instantly. I kept thinking about it and wrote down what I could. This isn't everything I had.


I have been thinking about it since I woke up. Most of all, this idea of all those rooms stacked on top of each other with people listening to music, watching TV and reading books all day. What could come of that? I have been imagining it to have been a place to intake as much culture as possible. A place of reflection on things created. Or perhaps I am romanticizing this unusual product of my mind too much? No deeper meaning. Regardless, it does bring ideas to mind.

So I have questions:
1. What do you think of these "Musical Trees"?
2. What is their purpose?
3. If this were to be attempted in real life, how can/should it be done?
I miss the comfort in being sad

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United States
  • #2
  • Posted: 02/09/2012 03:03
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As you described it, it reminded me of this article I read in Popular Science... The cities of the future- you know when the ice caps melt and stuff. Well one of the ideas is that we build off of sky scrapers with water below, and because room is scarce, the living space was all little rooms stacked on each other.

Sorry, but I am not really following with the "Musical Trees" definition- could you explain a bit more.

Thoughts that come to me now, is that there was a time in my life when I read and literally felt like I was being filled with something... like I was eating the words I was reading. Strange feeling. Music has always sucked my life away in a positive and negative way. What would be the goal of a society that ONLY soaks up culture? Would we be lame indie rockers who get jealous of other people's "finds" or would it be a better community.

Also, what about creating culture?
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  • #3
  • Posted: 02/09/2012 18:26
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I have seen those flood cities before. I found things like that interesting in the past and put them into fiction before Razz The idea of cities rising beneath the waves has always been one which inspired me.

The "Musical Trees" I have no clear idea what they are. All I know is in the dream that I somehow knew all of a sudden that was their name. I'm not sure on the function or why they were called that.

It would make little sense to only soak up culture. Then I thought, what if they created it to and I didn't see them create it?

If people were left in rooms like that with as much books, music and film as they desired, what sort of culture would they produce? Think Would anything come out of it that the word "classic" could be thrown at?
  • #4
  • Posted: 02/13/2012 02:08
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Any ideas? I was looking forward to hear people's opinions on the "right" or "wrong" way to make art. Well ofcourse related to the topic I put forward here.

You know, how does the whole idea sound to you? Is there method in the absurdity? Razz
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