BEA Interview #16: GARY

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  • #1
  • Posted: 07/27/2014 18:37
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Thanks for agreeing to do the interview.

Can you tell me a little about yourself, where you grew up, what your earliest memories were?

OK Joy, not sure what to do here, so, all I can do is just tell it like it is. Or was.
I was born in Milwaukee Wisconsin where I lived till I was 17 when I joined the US Navy and sent to a war zone. My first memories are that of music for some reason. My Dad listened to country music but they would also play CCR songs on the country station. I loved it when they would play the CCR songs because IMO they were better than the country songs. My Mother listened to oldies pop but they would also play songs by the Doors. IMO the Doors songs were somehow different and better. I was like 4 or 5 years old then but I still feel the same way now.

Back then (and even today), Milwaukee was and is one of, if not the, most segregated cities in America. With the north side being 90% black and the south side being 90% white. I lived in an all white neighborhood so my school was all white, and mostly German, until I was in the 5th Grade. It was then that a black kid came to our school. Nobody wanted anything to do with him. That is, with one exception, me. He and I eventually become best friends. As a result, my white German friends disowned me. That was their problem! Funny thing is, as far as BEA goes, certain members have created a legacy for me that I am a "racist". I do not hate them for so doing, nor do I even blame them. The powers that be want to keep us divided and fighting each other, which keeps us from fighting against and rising up against them. Also, in this brave new world, if you are losing an argument factually, just call your opponent a "racist". That trumps all, or so it would seem.

I was a top student at school and they decided they wanted to move me ahead a few grades for I was testing at a college level at the age of 12. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I'm all that, for it is do more with the fact that I love to learn. I used to sneak out of the classroom with an encyclopedia and devour all of the knowledge I could about this fascinating universe we live in. In truth, I hated school. Dreaded it actually! Firstly, it was way too easy for me, often resulting in boredom. But more importantly I knew at a young age that, as a student, I was simply grouped with other people who were the same age and made to conform to rules, obey, never think outside the box, and jump up and run to the next dreary round of regurgitated lies in another classroom. So I learned on my own for the most part. You want to talk about being a geek? I used to do my older brothers homework..... FOR FUN.

I loved sports and was a standout athlete, playing tennis, ping pong tournaments and the like. Though I skipped school so much I couldn't stay on organized school teams like football and baseball very long. Same went for college when I played on the soccer (football) team. But that was perfectly fine with me, after all, it allowed me more free time to do what I loved most, get as drunk and high as I could and listen to the music of the Beatles, Stones, Floyd and Zeppelin.

I played any instrument I could get my hands on from an early age. I played in front of audiences from about age 9. I remember the first song I played on an organ in front of my school. It was a cover tune from the band Chicago (Transit Authority), named, “Does anybody really know what time it is?”

OK Joy, some info on my childhood, but, trust me my friend, it gets quite interesting after that. Yet I know it's not about me and my life. It's about my "wisdom" or lack of it I guess

That's a great start Gary, how about we have some clips of your favorite videos as a sort of 'interlude'?



Well, so many videos to choose from. It's no secret that my favorite band that formed after 1977 is Iron Maiden and they have numerous music videos that are top notch. For what it's worth, keep it or toss it, I picked this video of them live in 2009. It is a great example of how humble Iron Maiden are and also how loyal their fans are all over the world.


Love it that you like Iron Maiden so much, they obviously mean a lot to you.

Onto the next bit then...

So what happened after school, did you go to college? What music did you like during your teen years?

Nice! Now you’re cooking with butter my friend.
OK from this point on my life gets rather interesting, or so I'm told.
You know what Joy, if it's OK with you, I shall interview you. How do you like dem dare apples?

here is the rest of my story Joy


So.. I take it you were in the army. How was it?

First I would just like to say that the Elton John song, even though I do love it, was sent when I was feeling bad about myself coz I feel like I sounded boastful about my childhood. I understand how one might think it so. But I wasn't trying to sound like that. I was, & am, just trying to pick things about me & my life that may pertain to a music site which also has other forums & topics like politics. Rather sad about how the politics area has become a forgotten wasteland on BEA. IMO with so many people from so many counties we could all learn from each other and inform each other & maybe even break some barriers that, at a grass roots level, could help bring peace to this war-mongering planet. My country, America, has become one of the worst offenders.

Actually I was in the US Navy. I joined as soon as I turned 17 years old. I tested very high in my testing for entry (I still had brain cells back then I guess) and so after boot camp I went to Hospital Corps school. That is the Navy's medical school. But before I could finish (long story short) I was sent to a war zone in Beirut, Lebanon. I loved living at sea and my ship went all around the Mediterranean Sea, so I was able to see much of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. I knew a couple of areas on my ship that few people knew about. Which allowed me to still do my favourite thing. Get high and listen to the Beatles. I was also discovering new wave music which is still one of my most treasured genres of music. Not sure if the music was really that good or if when I still today listen to new wave music, I'm actually just capturing a time in my life when I was young and wild and seeing the world that I had only read about in encyclopedias and saw on maps and globes. On a side note, I used to read the dictionary for fun also. I know, I'm sick, I need help

Joy, I must mention the elephant in the room, a beast named the Illuminati. Just wondering if there will be any questions concerning a major part of my studies in my life.

I love new wave myself, but lean towards the electro-pop side of it.

As for the Illuminati, I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on it and wondering what originally piqued your interest in the idea. The internet is full of conspiracy theories, some more believable than others. What makes you so sure that the world of politics is being controlled by a secret cabal?

Great question. Also one that will require some time. But I feel that everyone should at least consider the answer and decide for themselves. I'm 100% convinced that the world of politics is controlled by a secret cabal. Yet, to be honest, sometimes I wish I never went down that road. After all, isn't ignorance bliss?

I felt the same way after reading a book about UFO's by Leslie Kean. If I could, I would erase it from my memory but unfortunately I haven't found a way of doing so yet Wink

Well, that being the case, best to stay away from my UFO thread from back in the day on BEA.

Anyway (I don't mind waiting a bit longer if you want to flesh out your Illuminati answer) can we talk about how you originally found BEA and what your first impressions of the site were?

Well, as far as the Illuminati goes, I don't know what I could add to this


(part 2 of the interview coming soon)

Last edited by joyofdivision on 07/27/2014 20:45; edited 3 times in total
  • #2
  • Posted: 07/27/2014 18:40
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Subspace Highway Traveler
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  • #3
  • Posted: 07/27/2014 20:16
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Goodsir wrote:

Inb4 goodsir gets banned for being GARY and creating multiple accounts
Top 100 Hits you must hear before the u... of beauty
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  • #4
  • Posted: 07/27/2014 20:36
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I'd like to hear more from you about BEA (particularly your relationships with other users), your band practice, and how you would like to be remembered.

Yes, in all honesty, I would like to say a few things about my relationships with other users on BEA.

I feel I was, and still am, misunderstood by them. There was a time I got along quite well with many of the BEA members. But I knew going in to such against the grain and norms fed to us all from an early age would cause conflict. But I felt that the truth was more important than my being popular. Remember this my friend, a prophet is always hated while he is alive. It's only later that he is understood and valued.

Band practice went well. I am mainly the drummer and I sing some of the songs and do backing vocals. I write songs, and fill in on bass guitar and keyboards.

If it's one member that first comes to mind it would have to be RFNaples. He and I had what have been called epic battles. I would certainly agree. But for that to transpire would require a respect for each other. And I certainly respect the man. Bork and I went a few rounds and, like Naples, often eased the tension with some jabs and jokes. But yeah, it got pretty intense at times. Jackwc is a very intelligent and gifted individual, one of my favorites. I got along famously with Polythene Pam, even though she is, or at least was, involved with the United Nations. Of which I feel is a huge part of the new world order which is in fact an old world lie of centralized government. That said, she is a rather cool and one sexy woman. PearlJammer deserves a shout out, one of my friends. I think Squishypuffdave is very talented, I will be the first one in line when he makes it big in movies, I've seen some of his work, and was truly in awe. Last but not least, my dearest friend and a person I indeed envy, Jhereko. The man I call "Kangaroo Boy" All in good fun for sure. He is the total package of humility, charm, caring, and talent. I have been a fan of his music since the start. My respect as far as you go, JOD, goes without saying, THE class act of BEA and a person that I admire and am intrigued by.

This is my song for BEA, and to all the members, we may not be the same, but in the end we are one.


That is how I want to be remembered on BEA.
Short live video of a man who truly shows what passion for music is. One of my faves


Just wanted to say if you no longer want to do the interview that is OK. I know you are busy. There is no reason that I can see that there is a rush to complete it, so if you need more time that is fine of course. And if you want I can spend some time this weekend finally to actually answer, or add to, your questions. I feel it's important that I do get to go in to a couple of things more in depth. I do not think it matters that I was kicked off, been there, done that, like 6 times now.

I haven't given up on the interview, just had a few mad busy days

First thing I would like to say about the Illuminati is that they now go by other names and are cloaked by different organizations. But in fact they do very much exist today. The "new world order" is nothing "new" but in reality is the same old effort by the Illuminati to achieve total world domination.

“Countless people will hate the new world order. And will die protesting against it.”

H.G. Wells


I grew up in my early years listening to country music and watched He-Haw every week. Country music today is quite different and IMO just doesn't have the soul, lyrics, nor personalities it did back in the day. Just my opinion. I chose this video coz it has my favourite country music legends all on the stage doing a song together. I would stack this up against most anything they are spewing out and calling "country" music today.


Let me assure you of one thing I have learned in my life. The Illuminati is very real. I doubt that anyone will view any of my video's about the Illuminati because they need to continue to believe that there is no such thing as Illuminati. I can understand that. But If one were to view the 6 Forbidden Knowledge video's they could no longer deny (with reason) disavow the existence of the Illuminati. The videos explain what it is, and who they are (in general). They came from the Khazar Empire which was an empire from the middle ages. The land now comprised of modern day Russia, Ukraine, Crimea, Azerbaijan, Kazahstan, and parts of Georgia and North-Eastern Turkey.

I put some of the music videos that refer to Illuminati, but of course not by name and for good reason. Queensryche's song “Speak” says “They control the government, the media, the law. I also posted a video about Tupac Shakur who is just one of many people, including several musicians, who have payed the ultimate price for their "betrayal" of the Illuminati. The Illuminati, though small in number, are predominantly fantastically affluent, powerful and influential people who run the big show on this planet. They are also enormously unsavory, unethical and wicked characters.

The Illuminati are what the "Powers that be that force us to live like we do" that Chrissie Hynde penned for the Pretenders song Back On the Chain Gang. Yes you can just ignore what I'm trying to tell you and keep thinking, without really researching for the truth, that they do not exist. But I have been studying the Illuminati for over 25 years now and I know that they exist. No, it's not a pleasant thing to ponder and I have, in my studies, been depressed, hopeless, afraid, shocked and feeling very alone as I've gone down this road. It doesn't matter in the big picture whether you vote democrat or republican. Because they have both sides covered and they know who is going to be president long before people even vote. It's not hard for them because for one thing, they control the TV networks, the newspapers, the magazines, and what is taught in school.



One of my all time music heroes, but also a man I consider to be one of the most humble and wise men I have ever known about is John Lennon. Was John Lennon paranoid and delusional? I think not. Here is a bit about the powers that be from him.


Just to let people know, I do listen to new music and sometimes I even find rock songs that are good and keep this old man's rock & roll heart beating. This is one that my band does a cover of and it's from 2013.


I mentioned previously my love for new wave music and how IMO Men At Work are an underrated band. Best known for songs like “Down Under” and “Who Can it be Now” I can see how people would find them just a fun and simple kind of band. But if you dig a bit deeper there is a lot going on, especially in the lyrics. This little gem is actually a song that ties in quite well with my Illuminati portrait. But I imagine few people really understand the implications of the lyrics.


At the very top of the Illuminati pyramid of power resides an individual who is far more wise, talented, powerful, and deceitful than any of us humans could ever be. What's his name?
Well, I would be left lacking if I did not include a live version of the answer by one of the greatest bands of all time. At a time when people of a similar age to the members of this band are usually sat in wheelchairs drooling over themselves. Not these guys, they still kick some serious ass on a very large stage. Here is the answer to whom is truly in charge of the new world order and it’s minions.


I just got back from doing a bit of fishing. I spoke with some people here in Virginia. I asked them about the president of the U.S.A. and other topics. They told me that they will never give up on America, never give up their guns, and they will die before they give in to the powers that be. There is soon to be a serious war in America. Many will die. Yet they will not have died in vain. For the price of liberty is paid with blood. And so I stand with them in the fight for our right to be free people, not puppets of the new world order, and as such, I am ready to die for the cause.

I'd just like to thank GARY for his efforts in giving the interview and to apologize for being too snowed under with work and family commitments to finish it off properly.

I hope you all enjoyed reading it
Future Grumpy Old Man
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  • #5
  • Posted: 07/27/2014 21:08
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I really enjoyed this read... Well done.
Finnegan was super bad-ass.
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  • #6
  • Posted: 07/27/2014 22:07
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joyofdivision wrote:

Is this our prophet reading from His holy writings?
  • #7
  • Posted: 07/27/2014 22:43
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Did not expect to wake up to this treat.

Despite his banishment, BEA's history is steeped in GARY. He changed the demeanor and energy of the whole forum - for good or bad. One of my earliest memories on BEA is GARY, Pam (there's something you should probably know about...her, GARY Anxious ) and I (and later Loveless and Shankly) hijacking a builder/voting game thread that Shanespear started and for 12 solid hours trash talking and shitvoting. Good times, good times.

JoD as always deserves huge props for being the most respectful mofo. Love your work.
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  • #8
  • Posted: 07/28/2014 16:03
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wow. had no idea we were gonna see an interview with GARY. I arrived to BEA just after his time and never really knew much of anything about his, but this really provided quite a lot of insight.
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  • #9
  • Posted: 07/28/2014 16:49
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what next, an interview with kida or thejoj96?

Please can all interviews be with people that have not been banned.

(I did ask draconion in the best user competition not to include banned members & an interview feels 100x worse.)
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