xMUSICSNOBx's Music Diary

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  • #1
  • Posted: 02/15/2017 00:08
  • Post subject: xMUSICSNOBx's Music Diary
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Welcome to this diary. You are in for a world of hurt.
I will preface all of what is about to happen, with a quick entry about my personal preferences, and a little bit about myself.
I grew up in Milwaukee, WI, with two parents who really liked radio rock. Metallica, Creed, Bon Jovi, Counting Crows, Pearl Jam. You know how it is. I'm almost positive that's what makes me listen to the stuff I listen to. I have an affinity for electric guitars and abrasive sounds. Which is fun as heck.

Favorite bands:
1. Brand New
2. Radiohead
3. Green Day
4. The Doors
5. The Story So Far

Favorite albums:
1. American Idiot - Green Day
2. Rooms of the House - La Dispute
3. Kid A - Radiohead
4. Deja Entendu - Brand New
5. Magical Mystery Tour - The Beatles

I have a girlfriend, she is mostly good. I have a dog also, actually I have two. But I won't ever talk about them. My best friend on earth is also on this site, his name is nobodyisemo, he is good. I have a house. I really like Jim Morrison. I will die someday, maybe like, in a few years, maybe in a few more. Idk. I also like movies, but I'm not sure if this page will ever talk about that. I bought a new car the other day. Yeah.



I listened to all of The Smith's studio albums today. Until today I had only heard The Queen is Dead and I wanted to dig in. I heard them in order. My first observation would be that they only get better as they go.
The S/T was just okay, I clocked it at a 55. There was a significant amount of unnecessary filler type stuff on it. Morrissey's gorgeous melodies still showed through. But it seemed pretty non-essential. I suggest not starting here. The song Miserable Lie is all around bad. I would give it a 30 most likely. It starts off as a sweet ballad, and turns into something it should not be. It picks up at about the quarter mark, and begins playing in double time. Morrissey starts singing in this god-awful falsetto and the whole things dwindles into a terrible cartoon. It's like he wanted us to dislike this song. Either that or he really is as self-inflated as he puts off.
Meat is Murder
This album improves on an existing sound, and begins to cement itself. The first few songs are just okay. But as the album goes on, it starts to get better and better. Morrissey begins to open up a bit more, and the band starts to sound confident. The lyrics on this album are pretty magnificent, some of my favorite including those on the song 'What She Said', and the title track 'Meat is Murder'. It's easy to see, as I listen to this album, how all of my loser modern-emo FB friends think they're the bees knees. But I think they genuinely misinterpret Morrissey. I spoke to nobodyisemo on the phone last night and we discussed, he said something that stuck with me. "Morrissey isn't sad because of his circumstances and how other people treat him. He's sad because he always gets in his own way, and he never decides to change that fact."
The subject matter on the title track is a little hard to stomach and come across as a bit whiny and naive at times. Maybe that's because I'm not vegan. I don't know. But the way he states his opinions as fact, and sticks to his guns makes this song so enticing and interesting. I don't know. This album is a 60.
The Queen is Dead
Killer. Killer. Killer.
This album needs no introduction. If you've listened to music in any capacity you've heard at least one cut off this record. The political and emotional themes of this album are so tight. The repeating concepts on this album are so consistent and cohesive that is makes the album feel like a story. The Queen is Dead, the title track, is a banger of an anti-government tune. The lyrics are spine-tinglingly dark and malicious. In love with it. My favorite tracks otherwise are Frankly, Mr. Shankly, There is a Light, and Vicar in a Tutu, all of those songs are beautiful in their own regard, and bring a sense of indignant rebellion. I love. I love. I love. This album is a 95.
Strangways, Here We Come
My second favorite.
As I listened it took me a bit of time to determine whether or not this album would become my #1. The melodies are enchanting as all hell. And Morrissey's maturity shines through. This album seems to be the most somber of the bunch, and it really brings a level of intensity to the music. Something in your soul starts to move. On songs like (my personal favorite) Last Night I Dreamt Someone Loved Me, you get a such beautiful guitar work, coupled with perfectly written melodies. In love with it. Some downsides include the crappy little voice thing he splatters the first two songs with. The one where he moans like an angry old man trying to get out of a chair. And the lyrics on the song Unhappy birthday,
"I've come to wish you an unhappy birthday
I've come to wish you an unhappy birthday
'Cause you're evil
And you lie
And if you should die
I may feel slightly sad
(But I won't cry)"

(You can tell that sucks right?)
But overall, this album is another banging Smiths record, and it really caps off their career with a bang. I give this one a 75.


My Definitive Ranking:
1. The Queen Is Dead
2. Strangeways, Here We Come
3. Meat is Murder
4. S/T



Last edited by xMUSICSNOBx on 11/29/2018 15:01; edited 1 time in total
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  • #2
  • Posted: 02/15/2017 22:26
  • Post subject: The Doors - L.A. Woman
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I've been in Florida a few days, I'm going home tomorrow, but today I decided to revisit an album from one of my favorite bands.

I wasn't necessarily a massive fan of this album on the first listen took 6 months ago. But after I watched this amazing, chilling, video of Ray Manzarek (Organist for The Doors), talking about the writing of Riders on the Storm. I decided to go back to it. Unfortunately it remains one of my least favorite ventures of Morrison and the gang.
The opening song, The Changeling, is one of my favorites on the album. Mostly due to the real cool chorus melody and the subject matter of the song. It sets a nice tone for the album, like a good overture. This album seems like a good look into the brilliant mind of Morrison. On the previously mentioned obvious favorite, Riders on the Storm, you get to see what seems to be his view of himself and those around him. For example, on lyrics like "There's a killer on the Road, his brain is squirming like a toad" he seems to be referencing his nomadic lifestyle. Or on the same song where he speaks of who I can only assume to be his love Pam, "You've gotta love your man, his life on you depends" he shows his sensitive side, coupled with his unhealthy dependency, and maybe even an inability to connect. Other examples of his openness on this album, are the lyrics of Been Down So Long, where he talks on what I can only assume to be an alcohol-induced depression ("Been down so damn long, that it feels like up to me").
Unfortunately, this album is full of filler and unmemorable memories. The previously mentioned Been Down So Long is a waste of album space. Completely boring generic blues rom front to back. A lot of other songs are like that also.(Cars Hiss pass my Window would be a good reference. The guitar at the end is actually his voice, which is kind of dumb, but also somehow intriguing.) The whole album seems poorly planned and maybe even forced at times. And it's sad! Considering how much I love and look up to this band. Their honestly and dedication to making the music that they want to make, the stuff they wanna hear. The way they put music on a different path and re-invented it. But I guess no band can stay good forever.
Regardless, still an okay album, better than a lot of things I've heard. And if this is their worst release (which it is), its not bad for the bottom. I give this album a 45.

Last edited by xMUSICSNOBx on 02/16/2017 23:09; edited 1 time in total
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  • #3
  • Posted: 02/16/2017 23:08
  • Post subject: Joyce Manor - Cody
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I woke up this morning tired and reflective. Stumbled down this God-forsaken flight of stairs that make me feel like I’m gonna die, and wound up in the kitchen eating copious amounts of Cheerios. (The honey-nut kind, because I have a tongue that has tastebuds, unlike the animals that eat original.) All of that was useless information. I hate writing. I hate most things.
I’m on a plane right now, on my way back from sweaty, sticky Florida, I’m soon to be arriving in cold and dry Wisconsin. So I decided to do another re-listen of something optimistic to keep me from jumping off the wing of this 747. I decided to listen to Joyce Manor’s 2016 release, Cody. One of my personal favorites from it’s year. Joyce Manor is essentially an emo-revival band who takes influences from 90’s/00’s alt bands, so basically hyper-cynical, self-deprecating Weezer. Their tunes are always good. I haven’t heard too many tracks of theirs I didn’t like. Their debut S/T record was a smash in my opinion. Opening up their career by opening up lead-singer/rhythm guitarist Barry Something-or-Other’s heart. That album carried with it a kind of baggage that he must have carried on himself. Themes like insecurity, anger, and heartbreak are carried on through this record. If you wanna hear a cut of it, listen to Orange Julius, or Constant Headache. Those two songs will really give you a good feel for what we’re dealing with. Although, I highly suggest hearing the whole thing. Succeeding that album was an album of mashed up b-sides, a bomb-ass cover of Video Killed the Radio Star, and some re-makes of S/T songs. After that in 2014, they came out with what is my favorite by them, their 2nd studio full-length Never Hungover Again, which was good enough to buy it’s way into my top 30 of all time. A more chilled out version of their punkier debut. Leans more toward the alt side of their classification. Different themes surround it too. On this one he seems to talk more about his perception of the world around him and intolerance of the people he meets. Sometimes comically, like on Heated Swimming Pool, where he states “It’s my house, my rules, my heated swimming pool.” Those themes seem to be coupled with his new-found self confidence in who he is, really evidenced on the songs Catalina Fight Song, or Schley. If you wanna check out a track or two from this, listen to Falling in Love Again, Catalina Fight Song, or In The Army Now.
Fast-forward to 2016 and their putting out their third studio full-length. I heard it first, laying in my room with it cranked on the TV. I was pretty unimpressed at first, due to it’s seeming lack of down-trodden-ness, which is one of their best qualities. But the more I heard it, the more I liked it. After a quick stint with it, I put it away for a bit, and now I’m back.
After re-listening to it I have a newfound perspective on it. Considering the last time I heard it I was 17 and still in school, and now I’m 18 and working full time. This whole album really is a coming of age album. The main revolving theme on here is getting older and being disappointed with yourself, but hopeful for the future. I mean, seriously, every damn song has that theme. Eighteen, Last You Heard of Me, Reversing Machines, and Stairs are the biggest offenders I would say. With lyrics like “Just give it a try. Still don’t believe in yourself. At eighteen life’s a bad dream, then you wake up, things are different for you. Just find something to do and then do it.”
“Im 26 and I still live with my parents, I can’t do laundry, I can’t do dishes, what would I do without you.”
The whole album has that underlying theme, and I think part of the reason it hits me so hard is because i’m currently experiencing it all.
The production on this release got a nice revamp too. It’s got a much cleaner tone now. The last few as been quite sloppy and dirty, and this one has mostly clean guitar tone and less peaking/screaming. Which also, in turn, makes It feel quite a bit more mature than it’s predecessors. Unfortunately all albums have their downsides, and this one is no different. Some of the songs on this record seem to ramble on without saying much. Such as Stairs or Reversing Machine. They don’t have anywhere to go. It’s like sitting in a room with that one sad kid you hate because he only talks about himself, while he rambles on and on about his parents being mean, when all you want to do is watch the damn movie thats on the TV. That kind of writing is almost always annoying, and it really is prevalent on this album. Also, sometimes on this album it starts to get that kinda cliche sad-boi emo vibe. (Sidebar, when I tried to type emojified the first time in this article, it corrected to ‘emotional’. When I typed it in that last sentence, it corrected to ‘Emojified’ which is insane.) Like on the song This Song Is A Mess, But So Am I, when he sings the song title and it feels like he’s a whiny baby. Weak.
All around this album is still pretty good though. I would say if you wanna hear a track or two, I would listen to Eighteen, Last You Heard of Me, or Over Before It Began. All really good tracks. Pretty good record though. I give it an 80.
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Gender: Male
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  • #4
  • Posted: 02/24/2017 22:31
  • Post subject: Tacoma Washington Weekday Club - All I Loved, I Loved Alone
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Decided today to hear something not over-publicised and lame. I found this cool up and coming band on here that I'd never heard of called Tacoma Washington Weekday Club and I decided to give them a quick listen. They have some seriously cool tunes.
This Milwaukee band has like 150 likes on Facebook and actually put out a super coherent, cohesive, and well produced debut album. There are consistent undertones and even a couple of characters that make reappearances. The album runs at about 50 minutes, but it doesn't feel nearly that long due to how the music shifts and changes. Lots of cool genre influences here, lots of shoe-gaze/noise stuff, mixed with some electro, indie, alternative rock, jazz rock, and even some reggae influence on a track or two.
It's a really dark and sometimes ominous record (if you couldn't tell by the cover art and title). A lot of the concepts on this album are very reflective and dark. Themes like confusion, disoriented living, nostalgia, and sleep haunt this record throughout. The characters seem to symbolize things. 'The Father' seems to be an overbearing presence on his life, 'The Dancer' seems to be some kind of hopeful love, 'The Black' seems to be pretty self-explanatory, and 'The Sinner' seems to almost be a character based on the writer himself. Pretty cool stuff.
Songs like Ryan and Melodrama carry a real melodic force on this record, while songs like Damascus and The Father carry a real punchy noisy drive. Bridesmaids is a real cool track that begins as a nice homage to indietronic, and then devolves into a dark noise ballad.
Overall, there isn't much bad to say about this album. One or two tracks could be better. But it's pretty damn good otherwise. Definitely a suggested listen for this year.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go see Aladdin Jr. bye.
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  • #5
  • Posted: 04/03/2017 20:15
  • Post subject: Emo Week
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Nearly every day for the next week I've decided to listen to a new emo album. Most of them sucked butt so far. Which is weird cause i'm like the emo dude, or at least that's what nobodyisemo calls me.
Anyway, here's a brief summary of all of the first couple days worth of middle of the road shout-rock you don't care enough about to listen to for yourself.

Friday: Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American

The first track blew me away, I was super down with it. I particularly loved the lyrics, "Sugar on the asphalt, Our hearts littering the top-soil." Unfortunately the album doesn't stay that interesting, not even kind of. In fact, I would say it does the exact opposite, as it becomes incredibly boring and generic. Guitar is exactly what you think it sounds like. The Middle is a bad song. Yeah, that's about it. 50/100.

Saturday: Dashboard Confessional - The Places You Have Come To Fear The Most

Holy crap this album sucks. The only positive thing I can say, is that It's perfectly short. Other than that, the guitar work is all open chords in the first three frets, subject to change by way of capo. And other than that, he shouts really horrible melodramatics over the top. Bad bad bad. 35/100.

Sunday: Sunny Day Real Estate - Diary

Kinda noisy-shoegaze stuff. Obviously a product of the Pixies-an Nirvan-ian eras of tune. Not as bad as the others, not even close. Although to be fair, some of the middle of this album is super un-memorable. The guitar work on some of these tracks isn't half bad though, along with a lot of the melodies. Fairly enjoyable, especially if you're looking to kick back with some good tunes and read. 75/100.

Still to come:
Monday: The Get Up Kids - Something to Write Home About
Tuesday: The Used - S/T
Wednesday: At The Drive-In - Relationship of Command
Thursday: From First To Last - S/T
Friday: Silverstein - Discovering The Waterfront
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  • #6
  • Posted: 02/02/2018 21:50
  • Post subject: 2018? When?
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I didn't really post at all most of 2017.
So I'm gonna do a huge thing right here. So. Yeah. Sorry.


After I last posted, (in like, March), 2017 got really good.
My favorite album of the year came out in April...


I cried like 10 times during my first listen. Seriously. XXX. and FEAR. hit me good, but not quite as hard as the incomparably tear-jerking FEEL. ('Aint nobody praying for me').
My favorite track on the whole thing is YAH. for sure. I think it ties together all the musical themes of the record. The reversed effects, and the somber voice. But also the idea that the media is controlling everything, and that the black culture should rejoice in its significance, and value their lives. Seriously good stuff.

I also heard some significant music around that time, from other years.


The whole A-Side immediately caught my attention and then proceeded to stay in my disc spinner and on my record player for months straight. The songwriting on this thing is like, one of the 7 wonders of the world. The dynamic of instruments is amazing, and lyrically? astonishing. 8/10.


A couple filler tracks here on both of these, and some pretentiousness, but other than that, gold. The peaks of the career of one of the best writers in music history. On PSR&T, he breaks folk rules over and over again and provides beautiful imagery on every track. Awesome melodies through and through. On Graceland, he takes his laid-back, groovy style, and pairs it with a genuine world music element, that adds even more layers to his already weighty music. Super great.
PSR&T 8/10 --- GRACELAND 7/10


There was at least a month where this was all I listened to.


If you haven't heard this album, I don't know what else I could tell you other than to listen to it immediately.
Top three of the 80's instant, #2 actually. Would've been higher had I not heard The Queen Is Dead ever.
Everybody Wants to rule The World is one of the best songs I've heard. They pair the subtlety of an piano right hand, with the magnitude of an orchestra.



They're my favorite band, so you can only imagine how overwhelmingly happy I felt in the week this came out.
It went from a cryptic post on reddit, to a letter mailed to the fans, to an announcment, to a leak, to a release, in 3 days. I heard it as soon as it hit the web and I fell in love. Despite two or three songs I don't really like, this album comes through and beats out even my highest expetations for it.

It was a good year. If I think of any more I'll add them here.

I'm gonna post here more now.

Last edited by xMUSICSNOBx on 06/26/2018 16:02; edited 3 times in total
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  • #7
  • Posted: 02/03/2018 07:50
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I enjoyed reading this. I never saw this thread before.

I just want to comment on Tears for Fears, cuz I've never understood why people think Songs From the Big Chair is their awesome album. It just seems kind of mediocre compared to their previous album The Hurting. I only count one great track on Songs From the Big Chair, but there's 3 killer tracks on their first album. They are light years ahead of anything else they ever did. These are the tracks;

Pale Shelter
Mad World

Nothing else they ever did comes close to those three. I was disappointed in the rest of their career.

I'm curious to know if you ever heard these and what you think of them. The rest of the album contains songs that are not up to these three, but still the music is more interesting than any of their later albums. That's what I always thought anyway. And it still sounds good all these years later.
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Gender: Male
Age: 25
Location: Milwaukee
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  • #8
  • Posted: 06/26/2018 15:55
  • Post subject: Okay, maybe I wasn't gonna do this as much as I thought.
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apparently it's june?

I've found a lot of stuff this year so far.

I don't believe in love
I chainsmoke now?
The bats are back.

Okay here's the music I found.

Arctic Monkeys - Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino

This record is unbelievable. I really didn't expect them to go in this direction. First time I heard it I was kind of turned off by the lack of big slutty guitar riffs. But the more I heard it, the more I realized how unnecesary they really are to their sound, and how the electric piano/organ really compiment it better. The best tracks are probably, Golden Trunks, Star Treatment, and The World's First Ever Monster Truck Frontflip. More than likely gonna be album of the year.

Father John Misty - God's Favorite Customer

It's really quite sad. When I was in my last relationship I believed that the best expression I could imagine of our love was I Love You, Honeybear. And now as soon as I leave that relationship, FJM splits up w/ his Honeybear, and pushes out the album that most accurately represents my pain.
Balladier than normal lol. He covers pretty much every instrument you can imagine on this record. Twisting his pretentious character and turning him into a sad boy sitting in his apartment alone. Best songs on this one are Just Dumb Enough To Try, Please Don't Die, and The Songwriter. The piano carries me away.

Sunny Day Real Estate - Diary

This record permiates third and fourth wave emo. The sounds it makes, the attitude it has, the way it plays the guitar. All of it.
My favorite band is Brand New, and as much as I hate to say it, they stole from these dudes, a lot.
Sunny Day Real Estate dabbles in impressionism far more than most emo groups do. Painting a picture and letting you see it how you see fit. The song Seven is a banger, as well as In Circles. They deal a lot with the mental image of the modern man on this record, in a way I can really relate to.

Wu-Tang Clan - Enter The Wu-Tang


1. Method Man
2. Raekwon
2. Ol Dirty Bastard.

The Wonder Years - Sister Cities

This album is way dark. Way darker than anything they've done before.

I spent a week in Nicarague earlier this year, helping build a children's center, and the entire time this album was on repeat. Dan 'Soupy' Campbell deals with the feeling of wanting to be home, while also wanting to be away. Something I understand on every level of it. When coupled with the fear of loss, you get emo heaven.
Best tracks on this thing are the title track, Pyramids of Salt, and Raining in Kyoto.

Say Anything - Say Anything


Max Bemis, ladies and gents. Bringing that weird, nursery rhymes for adults thing to a whole new level. BUT THEN, meshing it with some of the most delicious emo ballads i've heard. Eloise, Cemetary, etc. I love it.

I promise I will do this more. So I dont have to make these big ass posts every time.

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Gender: Male
Age: 25
Location: Milwaukee
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  • #9
  • Posted: 07/10/2018 13:41
  • Post subject: EMO WEEK pt.2
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For this one, we're gonna be visiting SPIN's list of 30 Best Emo Revival Albums, listening to most, if not all. (Link below).




Just Married by Glocca Morra

This album has this irresistible catchiness to it, and the aura that surrounds it reminds me quite a bit of some of the Torrence, CA pop-punk/emo stuff that's been coming out (Joyce Manor, Seahaven), regardless of the fact that they're from Miami. Song titles are funny, which is a plus. Will definitely be returning to this album.
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