Controversial Movie Opinions

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  • #11
  • Posted: 02/20/2017 22:54
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craola wrote:
the world needs more films like The Dark Crystal.
the world needs more puppets.
the world needs more fantasy.

the only great anything about Star Wars was the stuff Jim Henson and Frank Oz contributed.

Lord of the Rings would have been better with Jim Henson and Frank Oz at the helm.


I'll get on that Dark Crystal tribute promptly.
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  • #12
  • Posted: 02/21/2017 00:58
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Norman Bates wrote:

As regards the 'cinematography' comment, I was under the impression that you were discarding some movies on account of bad cinematography, as if it were all that mattered (which is more or less what I think btw), and discarding great cinematography because the story wasn't solid enough... which sort of made me wonder.

Will get back to you on that first bit.

As for this^, I wasn't discarding The Godfather for bad cinematography at all. I just said Marvel film have bad cinematography (the shots usually look uber muddied and constantly overcrowded in my opinion). I don't think a film needs to have good cinematography in order to be good (however, it certainly helps). The only time I would really bash a film simply because of its cinematography is when it's an adapted screenplay. If you take something that's amazingly written and turn it into something that looks like shit, then yes, I'll probably dislike the film because of that.
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crayon master

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  • #13
  • Posted: 02/21/2017 02:21
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SquishypuffDave wrote:
craola wrote:
the world needs more films like The Dark Crystal.
the world needs more puppets.
the world needs more fantasy.

the only great anything about Star Wars was the stuff Jim Henson and Frank Oz contributed.

Lord of the Rings would have been better with Jim Henson and Frank Oz at the helm.


I'll get on that Dark Crystal tribute promptly.

speaking of which, have you seen Lessons Learned? Toby Froud and Henson's offspring put it together. Does Oz have kids?
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  • #14
  • Posted: 02/21/2017 02:56
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Hayden wrote:
-Not only do I find that The Godfather series is not great, but I find that it is actually quite bad, stale and cheesy.
-The Hurt Locker is terrible
-Same with American Sniper
-Martin Scorsese is a hit or miss director
-Pixar's 20 years > Disney's 80 years
-Only God Forgives isn't that bad, I don't know why people dish on it so much
-Baz Luhrmann is potentially the worst director of the last 25 years and releases absolute embarrassments of films
-Apart from Silver Lining Playbook, David O. Russell is pretty bad
-The Night of The Hunter is too silly to take seriously
-The cinematography in Marvel films is usually terrible
-Brazilian cinema is severely under-appreciated
-Romania, Turkey, Hungary and Iran are making some of the most interesting and powerful films in cinema right now

these are all true
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  • #15
  • Posted: 02/21/2017 03:18
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The Brave Little Toaster is a legitimate masterpiece of cinema (animated or otherwise) and is almost certainly better than your favorite movie
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Edgy to the Choir

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  • #16
  • Posted: 02/21/2017 23:23
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I guess Ill respond to the contro... versial Confused (really, over fucking music and movies? It's not like this is a conversation about what to do with nukes or fake sweden attacks) opinions already stated before I make my own responses

Hayden wrote:
-Not only do I find that The Godfather series is not great, but I find that it is actually quite bad, stale and cheesy. I guess, controversial to certain circles... I still actually like the godfather
-The Hurt Locker is terrible Not great, but works in certain regards
-Same with American Sniper
-Martin Scorsese is a hit or miss director actually pretty consistent until the 90s, then yes most definitely
-Pixar's 20 years > Disney's 80 years hard to make an easy comparison because of the radical shifts in technology, and disney's years in the WWII era were stellar (and pixar has been wildly inconsitent in the 2010s
-Only God Forgives isn't that bad, I don't know why people dish on it so much
-Baz Luhrmann is potentially the worst director of the last 25 years and releases absolute embarrassments of films He's for certain tastes but for this viewer tastes like moldy ranch dip and the subsequent food poisoning)
-Whiplash is seriously flawed (yet I do enjoy lots of it)
-Gus Van Zant's Finding Forrester-Paranoid Park phase was god awful Finding Forrester was pretty bad, yes
-Wavelength should not be considered a great work of cinema
-Apart from Silver Lining Playbook, David O. Russell is pretty bad Spanking the Monkey and I Heart Huckabees have their moments but yes he's quite overrated
-Sadly, the majority of Canadian cinema outside of Quebec is really bad You probably have a better gauge on this I do but Ive liked a lot of Canadian cinema across the continent from the small sample I've seen
-The Night of The Hunter is too silly to take seriously I like it's dated hamminess, no masterpiece though
-The cinematography in Marvel films is usually terrible Uh, not the first thing I think about when critiquing those films, but sure why not
-Brazilian cinema is severely under-appreciated A lot of countries are
-Steven Soderbergh has one of the best filmographies that doesn't have a clear stand-out magnum opus His best film is still his first film, despite it's flaws
-Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Pt.1 is the best HP film No
-Clean is Olivier Assayas's best film (but Personal Shopper is pretty dope) Ill take your word for it, behind on Assayas
-Romania, Turkey, Hungary and Iran are making some of the most interesting and powerful films in cinema right now Ill add Germany and Isreal but that's usually true


- Russel Crowe's only good performance is in A Beautiful Mind He was quite strong in The Insider nad Master and Commander though those were dissapointing films overall
- David Fincher's Best Movie is the Social Network Id go with Zodiac but I guess I like boring movies
- The Narration in Sunset Boulevard pretty much ruins the movie It's essential
- Dr Strangelove isn't that funny It's not intended as pure laugh-out-loud comedy, but it mostly works when it does go for that
- Gladiator is terribly overrated Despite it's oscar win, is it revered as that great of a film? If so, then yes
- Boyhood is a gimmicky movie that tries to cover up is lack of interesting content by trying to be nostalgic It's terribly overrated but it's got it's worthwhile merits beyond just IT TOOK 12 YEARS TO MAKE!!!!!! though the third hour is a letdown
- Scott Pilgrim vs the World is better than the Entire Cornetto Trilogy Cornetto trilogy is inconsistent and Scott Pilgrim I found.... pretty good, but not fully realizing it's film potential
- Albert Brooks is one of the most underrated directors of all time
- Christopher Guest's movies aren't that funny Best in Show works far beyond just a yakfest, but his filmography is inconsistent
- Richard Linklater's Best movie is Dazed and Confused No, but it has it's charms

he world needs more films like The Dark Crystal.
the world needs more puppets.
the world needs more fantasy.

the only great anything about Star Wars was the stuff Jim Henson and Frank Oz contributed.
Ive been meaning to ask do you enjoy Jim Henson or Frank Oz?

Lord of the Rings would have been better with Jim Henson and Frank Oz at the helm.
That my friend makes for an infinitely fascinating "what if.....

stop motion is more enchanting than computer animation.
cel animation is more exciting than computer animation.
actually, computer animation is mostly garbage.
Completely relying on aestithetic personal taste so hard to argue

Disney Fantasia is better than all of Pixar combined.
Pinocchio is better than all of Pixar combined.
suck it, Hayden.
Haha.... but no WWII era disney is nearly unparalleled, and Pixar's output is far from flawless

the most exciting releases today are documentaries.
Lots of great documentaries in the 21st century, sure

superhero movies are boring. not just overblown. out-and-out boring
Too blanket a statement, but a lot of them have felt pretty interchangeable for the past decade or so and the fact that there's four or five yuge releases each summer it really just becomes a blur. When one is actually geniunely great and surprising I think that almost makes the 1 percent worth dying for

dividesbyzero wrote:
The Brave Little Toaster is a legitimate masterpiece of cinema (animated or otherwise) and is almost certainly better than your favorite movie

It ain't better than Faster Pussycat Kill Kill!!! you divisibility harlot wench you
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  • #17
  • Posted: 02/22/2017 03:54
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Both Zardoz and Southland Tales are each amazing in their sheer audacious, knocked-upside-of-the-head absurdity -- and vastly underrated. Though each are far from my all time favorite films, they're both amazing and, (in their own backwards way) "ingenious", at being so extensively absurd. The (many) critics of these films generally don't seem to realize that they're all-out satires that hardly take themselves seriously, yet rate/critique them as if they do.
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  • #18
  • Posted: 03/16/2017 05:08
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hereforashortime wrote:

- Boyhood is a gimmicky movie that tries to cover up is lack of interesting content by trying to be nostalgic

But did you know it took 12 years to make?!?
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crayon master

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  • #19
  • Posted: 03/16/2017 07:01
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the Bourne movies suck.
James Bond movies suck.

movies need more establishing shots.
more. more. more.

Pink Floyd's The Wall, the film, was the greatest and worst thing ever.
greatest cause the idea was beautiful, and i wish more artists followed suit.
worst because that film was mostly a disaster, minus the trip'd out animated bits.
but am i surprised? the album was pretty hit-and-miss too, so there's that.

--- not an opinion, but where are the great comedies of our day? how come none of these movies ever make me laugh anymore? is it ME? am i a curmudgeon? or are people just not funny anymore? ---

what about bob is/was the greatest comedy in film until someone proves me otherwise. never seen anything even half as funny.

using CGI for The Lego Movie was the stupidest decision anyone has made in the entertainment industry ever possibly. the argument about how much it would cost to do it in stop motion was the lamest B.S. i've ever heard. seriously, Lego has all the legos in the world, and they can just sell ALL OF THE MATERIALS after they finish production. they could probably even auction off the more iconic pieces. they had a chance to pay tribute in the most awesome way AND show off their product in the bestest way, but they CGI it anyway. and you know what? stop motion would've been a gazillion times cheaper even if they didn't plan on selling off parts after the fact. lame. lame. lame. bummed beyond all get-up.

and while i'm *****ing, stop giving awards to Disney and Pixar. there are half a dozen studios out-performing them year-in and year-out.
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RockMonster, JazzMeister, Bluesboy,ClassicalMaster

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  • #20
  • Posted: 07/02/2018 20:37
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craola wrote:
James Bond movies suck.

Every last one of them.
Although Jill St. John in a bikini was worth watching back in the day.
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