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  • #11
  • Posted: 10/06/2021 22:01
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So lets take a bit of a detour. While this diary is to get first impressions of records, I do feel like it is important to revisit albums to see if stuff shrinks or grows on you. But why? Well originally my plan was to go to 2020 and listen to the Playboi Carti record. And so far, I was quite vibing to the album. But realized I had a long way to go. And an album popped up that I felt I underrated a bit. So this will be a bit of a reoccurring post to break the monotony.

2020:Revisit #1

Poppy's I Disagree was a record when I first listen to it, I enjoyed the hell out of it. But getting more records under my belt as well as being a near 2 years since I last listen to it, I realized that I love it even more. Originally it was a 90. Now it's a 95 and a high contender for 2020.

The reasoning? Well, first off I realized that Poppy and her team knew the right bands to make a record that ends up throwing everything even the kitchen sink. But pays off in dividends. As well as being sincere while being tonged and cheek. Or more important knows how to be playful. These bands being Ween, Mr.Bungle and Jellyfish. And with those acts you get a record that keeps up the intensity while being quite entertaining. But also knows when it needs to chill out. As well as to add some harsh electronics. A track like Bloodmoney has some Nine Inch Nails energy that I oddly didn't notice. Even songs like Fill The Crown, where the weird glitch breakdown felt originally off, oddly works now. Like it just sounds so 2000's. Like it could have been lifted from Jet Set Radio. Writing this out, it kind of make me feel I'm second guessing myself and just give this a 100. And maybe I am. But I do argue that the last leg of the album has a few production choices where some of the instruments sound a bit muddy for my liking. But if this mini review peaked your interest, listen to it. And if you enjoy that, listen to Sawayama. A decade highlight of the 2020's. Maybe another album review today. But I doubt it. See you tomorrow.
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  • #12
  • Posted: 10/07/2021 21:10
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Well, I was able to keep my promise from yesterday. Especially since Playboi Carti isn't an absolute favorite of mine. Trap is a genre that I felt like the old man yelling at the kids to get off my lawn. Even though I would be in the kids shoes if this was still the mid 2000's. My record of choice would be Monkey Business.

Carti as an artist was something I admire but never was a glowing recommendation. His 2017 and 2018 contributions were quite colorful but never went further then that. So I was expecting this would be similar. But oddly I enjoyed this somewhat more. It makes me wonder if I was underrating him? The adlibs start to get quite addicting and are quite strange for adlibs. There are times where some of the lyrics end up being quite funny in its absurdity. The "they think I'm rapping in hieroglyphics" being a stand out in that department. But really the real reason why I'm more positive is that songs from Place to Feel Like Dying with some songs sprinkled around like Slayer just hits this odd sweet spot for me that ends up being quite playful and magical for me. It must be those digital tones. I feel like the fault with this album would be if this was trimmed to the best tracks and was a half hour instead an hour, I could see this being quite glowing for a pop trap album. Because sometimes some tracks end up feeling meh. Either the tune isn't up to high level of enjoyment. Or Carti's performance ends up leaving me feeling indifference. But for what it is and compared to his other two records, I feel this is my favorite.

Low honorable mention for 2020. But a record I enjoyed.

Last edited by Luigii on 10/15/2021 20:52; edited 1 time in total
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  • #13
  • Posted: 10/07/2021 22:27
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Listening to this feels like biting through a cookie that has a tough exterior but inside is quite addicting and sweet to the taste buds. Because while its brittle exterior could be a turn off for some listeners, it never affected me at all. From beginning to end, I was pretty entertained by the bleak soundscapes that ends up hooking me with its killer drum patterns and impressive guitar riffs. This does make me want to explore there other early 1990 records from 1992 and 1994. Now back to this, if there were any complaints, it would be the abrupt endings on some of the tracks makes me wish those songs were a little longer, or took more virtuous playing since the second half of the album overshadows the first half. From To Walk The Infernal Fields to Crossing The Triangle of Flames stands as being the tracks to hook me way more than the first half. Even if the first four tracks are solid as well. The only other complaint with this, would be a few openings of this album sound a bit similar to one another. It makes me feel this is a bit homogenous. But these tracks do go different routes from one another. Wicked stuff.

Potential to get on the year end list.
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  • #14
  • Posted: 10/08/2021 21:46
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So for this album, there are things that I have to mention. For one, unlike The Nightmare Before Christmas I never watched this. So I can't tell how these songs work or appear during the television movie or theatrical film? But the other reason why I decided to listen to this was noticing that Bowie had another record for 1993. Now, Black Tie White Noise is a record I will save my thoughts on for a later date. Do want to revisit My favorites of 1993 to form the year end list. For that album, I could see that be placed in the 20-30 range. Maybe I'm underplaying that but I could see some readers quite shocked on that assertion. Well yeah, I love Black Tie White Noise.

Now with this album, I do think this is quite great. Compared to the electric performances and the mix of genres on B.T.W.N, this feels more understated. It is quite entertaining to me, but when you go from his main record to the soundtrack work, I'm left wanting more. Hell to make it a bit worse, I would say my absolute favorite track off of this was the Untitled track. But with the main course, I would say the sparse piano and ambient pads of The Mysteries was the most enjoyable track. I could also see the blends of jazz and house of South Horizon being a highlight as well if it had more vigor to it. While, the least favorite track would probably be Sex And The Church. Musically it is interesting but the vocoder? vocals just feel off to me. Maybe for people who have seen this can explain a bit more on how this works.

A possible honorable mention.
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  • #15
  • Posted: 10/08/2021 23:02
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And with that, I have got the top 100 plus page 11 completed for 1993. Unless a new user gets another album in that area, I'm in the clear. So for this record, my thoughts would be this a pretty excellent and entertaining hard rock/metal album that brisks by quite nicely. It's just, for 1993 I have multiple albums that dabble in rock, metal and shoegaze that just impress me way more. If this was a different year or earlier in the running of this year maybe this would hold more water. If you want a meat and potatoes album that knocks or rock is your wheelhouse and haven't listen to this, you'll enjoy this way more. Probably. And other recommendations? Give me a moment.

Potential to get on the year end list. But other rock records would beat this out.

Top 100 of BEA's 1993 List Ranked

Here is a bit of a glossary that I completed early of 2021. There are definitely picks that will puzzle viewers, but I keep true to my word. Also if anyone wants an explanation as to why, I will be happy to oblige. Maybe a revisit will come out of it? See you tomorrow. Maybe. Maybe not. Want to play Metroid Dread, so I might not post a day or two.
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  • #16
  • Posted: 10/09/2021 19:31
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Luigii wrote:

Top 100 of BEA's 1993 List Ranked

Here is a bit of a glossary that I completed early of 2021. There are definitely picks that will puzzle viewers, but I keep true to my word. Also if anyone wants an explanation as to why, I will be happy to oblige. Maybe a revisit will come out of it? See you tomorrow. Maybe. Maybe not. Want to play Metroid Dread, so I might not post a day or two.

Yeah, that’s as intriguing as I recall it being, nicely done.
Few random thoughts:
First of all, many unknown records I might check out at some point – for example, I’ve never listened to your #2 and #3, seems like a good place to start.
Jellyfish are a cool choice for number 1, I’ve had tons of fun with this album. People tend to criticise it due to lack of originality, but that kind of comment probably misses the point. They do - unpretentiously and unapologetically - pay homage to some great artists of the past but they are talented enough to be much more than mindless copycats and as a result the entertainment value is off the charts.
Based on your overall listening profile, I thought The Flaming Lips and especially Bjork would end up higher. Are there other releases by said artists that you are fond of or was my estimation simply off?
I really like Morphine and would place them way higher, it may be a slightly flawed album but their sound is so exciting.
Suede above Blur is interesting. Judging on how I perceive your tastes to be, I expected James would end above both – same with The Verve, whose inclusion in the top 10 was one of the few I could predict.
And of course I have to address the elephant in the room once more, Chambers at 99 remains shocking. On the other hand, the ranking of Doggystyle and Midnight Marauders was a pleasant surprise.
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  • #17
  • Posted: 10/09/2021 21:31
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kokkinos wrote:
Luigii wrote:

Top 100 of BEA's 1993 List Ranked

Here is a bit of a glossary that I completed early of 2021. There are definitely picks that will puzzle viewers, but I keep true to my word. Also if anyone wants an explanation as to why, I will be happy to oblige. Maybe a revisit will come out of it? See you tomorrow. Maybe. Maybe not. Want to play Metroid Dread, so I might not post a day or two.

Yeah, that’s as intriguing as I recall it being, nicely done.
Few random thoughts:
First of all, many unknown records I might check out at some point – for example, I’ve never listened to your #2 and #3, seems like a good place to start.
Jellyfish are a cool choice for number 1, I’ve had tons of fun with this album. People tend to criticise it due to lack of originality, but that kind of comment probably misses the point. They do - unpretentiously and unapologetically - pay homage to some great artists of the past but they are talented enough to be much more than mindless copycats and as a result the entertainment value is off the charts.
Based on your overall listening profile, I thought The Flaming Lips and especially Bjork would end up higher. Are there other releases by said artists that you are fond of or was my estimation simply off?
I really like Morphine and would place them way higher, it may be a slightly flawed album but their sound is so exciting.
Suede above Blur is interesting. Judging on how I perceive your tastes to be, I expected James would end above both – same with The Verve, whose inclusion in the top 10 was one of the few I could predict.
And of course I have to address the elephant in the room once more, Chambers at 99 remains shocking. On the other hand, the ranking of Doggystyle and Midnight Marauders was a pleasant surprise.

To go through this, while I still need to go through these acts at some point. I do notice the nods of The Beatles as well as The Beach Boys within Spilt Milk. But not only is the song craft and musical talent really high, I'd argue the vocals come off being quite playful but also more up front and more theatrical. Also shout out to Russian Hill. The rest of the album is awesome, but Russian Hill is probably the one that really gets me. Especially its jazzy wrap up near the tail end of the song.

Next, your estimation is on point. Flaming Lips and Bjork just have better albums to me personally. But for Flaming Lips, there is a caveat where I need to revisit there 1999 and 2002 albums. Bjork on the other hand, I don't need that since I have her discography well combed that her risk taking payed off and impressive me way more compared to the debut. I would say my feelings on Debut is how Radiohead fans feel about Pablo Honey. Though I enjoy that album a lot. Though not as harsh.

Morphine is a pretty interesting act that I feel if they had a more balanced mix of jazz and rock, I could see being more impressed about. Laid didn't do much for me. If I remember correctly, it is quite varied, but doesn't hit me musically or vocally. The Verve one make sense since I love that dreamy enveloping sound play that just feels soft and comfy for me.

Lastly, yeah Chambers being near the tail end was the most expected derision for the chart. Though I do have my reasonings for it. I feel the way RZA? constructs his sounds feels rudimentary. Compared to Midnight or Doggystyle, Chambers never has those hooky details that stops me in my tracks. As well as there nods to funk and more spacious design techniques. Nor do I feel the performances hit me as much as I feel like it should. If I want to allude to 1994, I feel like Outkast's D.E.E.P feels more animated at cut throat within there performances as M.C's but I would also argue the progression of the song hits me as being dynamic but also cutting edge for the time. Especially how that track climaxes near the tail end. But even then, this isn't the most negative I've been to Wu Tang. My 3/5 of Supreme Clientele is one of my few notorious takes for this site. Though it has been quite a while since I listen to that album. And my complaints would be similar but just more peeved at how the constant sample repeating over ad nauseum doesn't impress me. And yeah the bars are more important, but when I focus on that, it becomes a problem.
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  • #18
  • Posted: 10/09/2021 22:04
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To be honest, I thought the writing would be your main issue with Chambers, as I feel that’s the one thing some of them went on to improve in their next efforts, though the sheer, relentless energy of their debut remains unmatched. Anyway, fair point regarding RZA’s style, sometimes the line between simplistic and minimal is too blurry.
Since you brought up Ghostface, I’d say Fishscale is more interesting than Supreme Clientele production-wise, even though the latter marks the pinnacle of his writing. Still, not sure if it would make a difference for you, I adore pretty much everything Wu related making it hard to judge them.
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  • #19
  • Posted: 10/09/2021 22:06
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Honestly, the title for this album is how I feel about it. I have No Regrets for this album. It is pretty great. Like Bowie, Faye Wong has at least 2 albums for 1993. Will tackle the other one in a bit or maybe tomorrow. But the real reason this had to get done is that, whenever I decide to go through 1996 she is in the top 100. So I want to have a bit of familiarity with her. And I would say for this record is that I do want to keep my eyes on it since I feel like this might grow on me way more. Maybe a couple of tracks off this album feel a bit middling for my liking, Track 4 Monsoon being the prime pick in that department. But not only is this album really relaxing. Feels like walking through a nice park within a metropolitan. I'd also respond where when the album wants to have some head knockers like track 5,7,9, it can be quite entertaining from beginning to end. So if you want a pop artist from a different part of the world, even if the language barrier prevents to understand what is being said, I'd recommend this. Still need to see if the other album is better.

A possible honorable mention, but has wiggle room to grow.
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  • #20
  • Posted: 10/09/2021 22:15
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kokkinos wrote:
To be honest, I thought the writing would be your main issue with Chambers, as I feel that’s the one thing some of them went on to improve in their next efforts, though the sheer, relentless energy of their debut remains unmatched. Anyway, fair point regarding RZA’s style, sometimes the line between simplistic and minimal is too blurry.
Since you brought up Ghostface, I’d say Fishscale is more interesting than Supreme Clientele production-wise, even though the latter marks the pinnacle of his writing. Still, not sure if it would make a difference for you, I adore pretty much everything Wu related making it hard to judge them.

Personally, I wouldn't say it was the writing but more so the fact that besides Ol Dirty Bastard, most of them sounded pretty similar to one another that I couldn't tell who was on the mic. Though, I will say you did peak my intrest on Fishscale. Now, I will ask this but do you think Wu Tang clan with solo material would even end up on your countdown for your diary? Or do you have other acts that are on the cutting room floor in the future?
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