Mike Brown and other various unarmed shootings

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  • #21
  • Posted: 08/27/2014 14:14
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alelsupreme wrote:
Yeah but even then... the only ones?

Well, if you take a very simple-minded look at the media, virtually every other minority gets symbolic protection under the "law" of political correctness. Of course, every-day racism can be much more subtle than this and is more likely to come from other sources, like a clerk or a potential employer. Whites are almost never on the receiving end of every-day racism, though, so they don't see it. They just see themselves getting portrayed as "white trash" in the media and they see laws like affirmative action that discriminate against them.

But yeah, it's still pretty silly, especially coming from someone who uses the internet.
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  • #22
  • Posted: 08/31/2014 07:32
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If Ferguson isn't (yet another) wake up call for some sane gun control in my country (USA) I don't know what is. Police in the US kill 400 people per year via gun shot wounds. Compare that to a big fat ZERO in both Japan and Britain (where I believe cops don't even carry guns Surprised ) and 8 in Germany (where police do carry weapons). And I'm pretty sure it's not because the police in England are "angels" by any means. I'd bet that they're pretty similar to our own thugs bobbies. For some reason, fearing for one's life doesn't often induce the most rationale & intelligent behavior in even the best of us.

I'm going to suggest that the single best thing the US can do to improve race relations is to pass sensible gun control laws like those that exist in pretty much every other developed nation. I know that this is a pipe dream, but we should at least be aware of what we are sacrificing for our beloved second amendment right.
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  • #23
  • Posted: 08/31/2014 14:41
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RepoMan wrote:
If Ferguson isn't (yet another) wake up call for some sane gun control in my country (USA) I don't know what is. Police in the US kill 400 people per year via gun shot wounds. Compare that to a big fat ZERO in both Japan and Britain (where I believe cops don't even carry guns Surprised ) and 8 in Germany (where police do carry weapons). And I'm pretty sure it's not because the police in England are "angels" by any means. I'd bet that they're pretty similar to our own thugs bobbies. For some reason, fearing for one's life doesn't often induce the most rationale & intelligent behavior in even the best of us.

I'm going to suggest that the single best thing the US can do to improve race relations is to pass sensible gun control laws like those that exist in pretty much every other developed nation. I know that this is a pipe dream, but we should at least be aware of what we are sacrificing for our beloved second amendment right.

Yeah, the massive difference between US and every other developed nation is quite atrocious. It's definitely a combination of a load of factors which mainly center around race. In relation to crime, much of the race war is the product of the prison industrial complex. For profit prison systems require the states/cities to meet a quota of prisoners. If the quota isn't met, taxpayers pay for it. So the government is forced to do whatever it takes to fill those prisons, usually with smalltime criminals (which usually means poor people struggling to get by, since the government sees them as leeches that contribute nothing to society). And once a criminal is created, they're unlikely to escape the cycle.

When my friend was homeless in Austin, living in shelters, many of the people in the shelters would intentionally get caught committing crimes because prison was a preferred environment to living on the streets. So, for many poor, there's incentive to commit crimes for the sake of survival.

And while the prison system is fucked up, it also employees large numbers of citizens and cities that would otherwise crumble without such an institution to provide jobs. So, much of this country has become too dependent on the prison system for employment, ever since factory type jobs were shipped over seas.

I can't remember which documentary it was, but something I saw years ago really focused on the correlation between the end of industrial work with the rise of drug war/related crime. There's certainly a theory that crack was introduced to poor neighborhoods to manufacture criminals to provide to the prison industrial complex. It's quite insane.
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  • #24
  • Posted: 08/31/2014 19:19
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RepoMan wrote:
If Ferguson isn't (yet another) wake up call for some sane gun control in my country (USA) I don't know what is. Police in the US kill 400 people per year via gun shot wounds. Compare that to a big fat ZERO in both Japan and Britain (where I believe cops don't even carry guns Surprised ) and 8 in Germany (where police do carry weapons). And I'm pretty sure it's not because the police in England are "angels" by any means. I'd bet that they're pretty similar to our own thugs bobbies. For some reason, fearing for one's life doesn't often induce the most rationale & intelligent behavior in even the best of us.

I'm going to suggest that the single best thing the US can do to improve race relations is to pass sensible gun control laws like those that exist in pretty much every other developed nation. I know that this is a pipe dream, but we should at least be aware of what we are sacrificing for our beloved second amendment right.

this has nothing to do with gun control lmao

and im pretty sure japanese cops do carry guns
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Voice of Reason

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  • #25
  • Posted: 08/31/2014 19:22
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bongritsu wrote:
this has nothing to do with gun control lmao

Sure it does. Gun culture breeds gun violence. It's pretty indirect for sure, but there's some correlation
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  • #26
  • Posted: 08/31/2014 20:30
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meccalecca wrote:
Sure it does. Gun culture breeds gun violence. It's pretty indirect for sure, but there's some correlation

I agree with this. The sheer amount of guns available will greatly effect it's use. Sure people can find ways but not everyone will have those "secret" resources. Thus making it more difficult to just outright kill someone.
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Voice of Reason

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  • #27
  • Posted: 08/31/2014 20:39
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eyezayzay wrote:
I agree with this. The sheer amount of guns available will greatly effect it's use. Sure people can find ways but not everyone will have those "secret" resources. Thus making it more difficult to just outright kill someone.

Yeah, and that's not even what I meant. I just meant that our culture often glorifies guns. Our pop culture heroes blow holes through their enemies with little remorse. Guns are seen as an immediate answer instead of a last resort for defense. our people are desensitized, including our police. A normal human being should feel an immense emotional pain after killing someone, even in self-defense, but these cops show no signs of empathy whatsoever, and that's what I find most terrifying.
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  • #28
  • Posted: 09/10/2014 01:09
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This is the top comment on a Music Times article about Childish Gambino:

"Oh look, another inbred 'Mike Brown' loser who is too stupid or racist to understand what happens when you attack the police. He wants to be a white rapper? Lol. Nobody in America is more protected and cuddled than the black male who cant seem to father their children or stop from playing the 'knockout-game'/'polar bearin' on innocent white victims. But I bet if you ask this protected class of loser...there are no innocent white people. Good luck being yet one more brutha who speaks out on the evils of America but would never leave it for fear of not being treated like an endangered species anywhere else. Yo yo..."

So outside of the fact that he's a racist pig, it's interesting to see that people haven't actually stopped talking about this issue yet. Between Mike Brown and other recent similar events, do you think that the dialogue WILL actually continue? Obviously this isn't the right way to have it, but I'm surprised that it's still getting brought up quite as ... how should I put it ... loudly. The bigots who said Zimmerman should've shot Martin and that they would've too quieted MUCH faster than it feels like is happening here ...

. . . 2016 . . . 2015 . . .

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  • #29
  • Posted: 09/10/2014 12:44
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benpaco wrote:
do you think that the dialogue WILL actually continue?

Depends on who you're talking about. The dialogue is always out there in the people who live with this shit and care about it. The mainstream media just usually shuts up pretty quick because it doesn't make them any money to continue. More likely it just pisses off their sponsors. And most politicians don't speak about anything remotely controversial.
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  • #30
  • Posted: 09/28/2014 13:09
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