BSAT Round #1: Jake Shimabukuro vs. David Byrne

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Poll: Prize goes to....?
Jake Shimabukuro
 15%  [3]
David Byrne
 84%  [16]
Total Votes : 19

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  • #31
  • Posted: 01/12/2014 22:22
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lethalnezzle wrote:
I did have you in mind, funnily enough, though I don't think you're in any way high-minded or sanctimonious about it. I should have made a distinction instead of lumping two different sets of people in together. I still think it's a worryingly nice way of thinking. Or perhaps I'm just a dick for thinking that one can be too nice. Probably the latter.

Hmm...well, one can be too nice if it means losing your individuality just to appease people, but other than that, no. I mean, I'm a lot more opinionated in person than online. I don't try to be nice in doing it, I just don't have a personality that lets me say, "Oh, this is bad." I'm very passive. *shrugs* In addition, I think opinions should come with experience and I'm not too experienced. Plus, the one time I was very opinionated and said most classic rock sucks I got bit by a sp4cetiger. XD But that was a generalization and those are a no-no, I s'pose. Still, that is my one strong musical opinion I'm sticking with, most classic rock sucks. Very Happy

lethalnezzle wrote:
Good lord, I hope not.

He isn't that bad if you talk to him. XD
I guess it is mainly how opinionated you two are, perhaps the two most opinionated on BEA. As well as the fact that you both like finding music outside of the typical "white guys with guitars". I guess that's it, so maybe not too similar. Razz Still a bit. I bet you could totally be BFFs.
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  • #32
  • Posted: 01/12/2014 22:39
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Three things:

1. I'm not that bad, period (I hope). I hardly ever speak ill of anyone here. I make honest yet abrasive opinions about music. If people wish to antagonize me for that reason, I'm okay with that. Just know that I won't make abrasive opinions about you. I think I can only remember two instances where I have in any way.
2. I suppose it's true that both lethal and I are "opinionated" (or rather, outspoken and perhaps less restricted about expressing what we think). I think the word "passionate" might fit better (I know, words are silly, but I'm also talking about the meaning/implication behind them).
3. I disagree that lethal and I have much in common besides the opinionated thing. For one, we look at music differently, and enjoy much different scenes of music. We also express ourselves differently, I think.
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  • #33
  • Posted: 01/12/2014 22:39
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BrandonMeow wrote:
My brain hurts. Y'all take words too seriously. I'm of the opinion that if you understand what a person means it doesn't matter what words he or she used to carry that message. Pedants suck. Plus, there is no problem with making music you're less likely to enjoy a lesser priority, which is essentially what Poe is doing.

I don't think this is a good attitude. I understand what a person (The Poe) means, but I don't think he understands what he says. Haven't you seen instances when someone says something but doesn't understand the repercussions? I'm as against pedantism as the next guy, but if everybody tried to think of every argument involving words as pedantism we were still in the iron age. I'm not an idiot, I perfectly know what Poe is doing; And he's entitled to listen to whatever he wants, because there's no right or wrong in preference of certain types of music. It's the reason that he gives for that preference that makes his stance indefensible. Not everything is rational (and not everything needs to be strictly rational), but when you try to make it seem rational, you gotta make effort to be logical and coherent; you can evade being rational if you want, no one's gonna catch you for preferring stuff out of blue. But everyone knows that there's more credit in having reasons and people try to present you with them. That takes responsibility. Personally I think people have this delusion that they can be 100% rational about music, so they decide to have set-in-stone ideals and clear-cut criteria when critiquing music. That's not gonna work because "music" is not a set of ideas and therefore cannot be gauged with them. Every second (or any other arbitrary portion of music) is an instance; ideas can conform to them for specific contextual reasons. You cannot have ideals and criteria and claim to be able to talk about some music in its entirety and ascribe those abstract ideals to many many instances of music. You gotta specify, contextualize and prove that whether the music in question conforms to your ideals or not. It doesn't mean that you have to. You absolutely have the right to state a general assessment, but you shouldn't give the vibe like with your overall statement you have discovered that some music was inoffensive because for it to be inoffensive, thousand things should come together and you've failed to even name one.
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  • #34
  • Posted: 01/12/2014 22:45
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The Poe wrote:
So is this what you are implying or not? I did not say this.

There's two things here if you're missing it. You said that I'm implying that (1) "The Poe can say an album is bad before listening to it". I showed you that (1) was not what i was implying but what you actually said. The I implied that (2) "If you are like (1) people wouldn't take you seriously." If you're fine with it then OK. But clearly you're not fine with it because when I said your opinion was meaningless you responded that my opinion was meaningless.
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  • #35
  • Posted: 01/12/2014 22:47
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tekin wrote:
Personally I think people have this delusion that they can be 100% rational about music

Do believe that I do?

tekin wrote:
you shouldn't give the vibe like with your overall statement you have discovered that some music was inoffensive because for it to be inoffensive, thousand things should come together and you've failed to even name one.

I think this goes back to what Brandon said about understanding the intention of what was said. I don't think it's complicated.
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  • #36
  • Posted: 01/12/2014 22:49
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The Poe wrote:
Right. Judge the intended message. Makes sense to me.

If you've discovered a way to see the actual message behind the words, then share it with Semanticists, they'll be over the moon. I'm not saying that you can't, but it's not always possible, so if people start to inquire about the words, it means it's just one of those cases and it's perfectly valid.
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  • #37
  • Posted: 01/12/2014 22:51
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The Poe wrote:
I think this goes back to what Brandon said about understanding the intention of what was said. I don't think it's complicated.

It's complicated for me, I don't have a 200 IQ like you. Please explain to me.
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  • #38
  • Posted: 01/12/2014 22:52
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tekin wrote:
You said that I'm implying that (1) "The Poe can say an album is bad before listening to it". I showed you that (1) was not what i was implying but what you actually said.

...where? Confused

If I said it, then I didn't mean it.... I guess? Does it matter at this point?

tekin wrote:
The I implied that (2) "If you are like (1) people wouldn't take you seriously." If you're fine with it then OK.

I'm fine if some people don't take what I say seriously, that's just their opinion. But I'm not like (1), so people would not be taking me seriously under a false assumption.

tekin wrote:
responded that my opinion was meaningless.

And I think it was. It was just an attack without substance.
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  • #39
  • Posted: 01/12/2014 22:52
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The Poe wrote:
1. I'm not that bad, period (I hope). I hardly ever speak ill of anyone here. I make honest yet abrasive opinions about music. If people wish to antagonize me for that reason, I'm okay with that. Just know that I won't make abrasive opinions about you. I think I can only remember two instances where I have in any way.

When I said, "Good lord, I hope not", it was meant in jest. I had hoped the wording would convey this, but the internet is the internet is the internet, and as such intentions and implications are often muddled beyond recognition. I think you have a habit of rubbing people up the wrong way, usually by indirectly implying that the music that many users enjoy is too simple or formulaic or mainstream or whatever, which in turn (though I'm sure this isn't your intention) implies that it is beneath you. We all do this to some extent (my reaction to Meat Loaf or Boston or Moby or Muse or whatever has been similar), and as I said I don't think criticism should be curbed. The reason you come in for particular pressure from others here is that the music you often criticise covers a large spectrum within western popular music, which we all enjoy. Hence, we all become defensive. If somebody sits and criticises classic rock, only those who particularly enjoy classic rock jump to defend it. You criticise music that covers the entire gamut of Anglo popular music (I've seen you variously speak ill of much music within hip-hop, indie, rock music, in fact pretty much every major western genre) and so you tread on more toes than most. This is neither a good thing nor a bad thing, but you yourself admitted to having "abrasive" opinions.

The Poe wrote:
2. I suppose it's true that both lethal and I are "opinionated" (or rather, outspoken and perhaps less restricted about expressing what we think). I think the word "passionate" might fit better (I know, words are silly, but I'm also talking about the meaning/implication behind them).


The Poe wrote:
3. I disagree that lethal and I have much in common besides the opinionated thing. For one, we look at music differently, and enjoy much different scenes of music. We also express ourselves differently, I think.

Also agreed.

Anyway, I think this argument has been enlightening. Semantics and intentions are fun things to quibble about.
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  • #40
  • Posted: 01/12/2014 22:55
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tekin wrote:
It's complicated for me, I don't have a 200 IQ like you. Please explain to me.



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