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  • #51
  • Posted: 11/19/2015 07:41
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Ritmu Tam-Tam by Divlja Grupa

I'm just gonna edit in actual lengthy(ish) thoughts about this and that above feldman thing tomorrow or sth but right now I just wanna say I can't stop grooving to this. Just some really good deep house with some tribal vibes that isn't afraid to go a little left-field sometimes and when it does it bangs just as hard. How did this come out in January and I've only just found it wtf it's so good...

^me right now

early morning edit:

Can't fucking sleep. v tired. Trying to feel better by grooving to this again and it's working pretty well.

Anyway, I scarcely use RYM for anything, but someone made a chart of stuff on mixcloud and soundcloud which is nice seeing as my computer fried and I lost my downloaded library, and so here we are. I mention the RYM thing because the track listing they have for the album page there varies greatly from what I actually see when I play the thing on mixcloud so if someone could please figure out what's going on here that would be cool thanks...

So as for the music, this thing has JAMS, and it has a bunch of them. First track opens with a chanting "oweheyyaayyy" leading right into a classic deep house synth pattern behind behind which lies some cool percussion including what I think is a rain stick? It really settles you into the general vibe of partying on some island pleasantly removed from western civilization where everyone is raised on William Onyeabor and just discovered Theo Parrish.

Next few tracks keep incrementally stepping up the upbeat dance game, easing you into a groove until you don't even know it but you look like the above gif. I mentioned tribal vibes, but really that mostly comes in the form of some ambient chanting of sorts and some of the percussion choices, but really at its core this thing is classic deep house, BUT at times it tends to adopt some odd rhythmic patterns and unexpected melodies, and it totally gets away with it without sacrificing any of the danceability element. My only real complain is that sometimes the tracks don't flow into each other as smoothly as I would like, but the grooves are so irresistible I hardly care.

Check it out here! It's bangin'

Last edited by undefined on 11/19/2015 14:10; edited 3 times in total
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  • #52
  • Posted: 11/19/2015 09:38
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dividesbyzero wrote:
How did this come out in January and I've only just found it wtf it's so good...

but at least you found it. i'm only just now finding out about it. anyway, thanks for the rec. i'm definitely going to check this one out when i get a chance.
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  • #53
  • Posted: 11/19/2015 13:52
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feckin' tired. Haphazardly edited in some more thoughts for those last two (don't read too far into them because ZZZzzzZZZ), and am now gonna drop another magical mix I've been jamming to a ton lately for which I will add more in-depth thoughts later

FACT 495 by Marquis Hawkes

I don't really care for fact magazine all that much, but I tend to enjoy the mix series they do. Often get some nice stuff from artists I like and even more often get introduced to some cool new faces, but I don't think I've ever been blown away by a fact mix like I have this one. I've been so obsessed with this whole "outsider house" business lately that it's been far too long since I last massaged my ears with something that just straight up bangs; I almost forgot just how much I fucking love anything and everything Chicago house (I had a brief reminder with the return of Satoshi Tomiie earlier this year but this is something else entirely), which is largely the vibe worked with throughout this beast of a mix. Again will add more re: the specific nature of the mix and the track selection/quality of the actual mixing/etc, but for now I'll just say holy shit when he ended the thing with an absolute classic Frankie Knuckles tune I swear I nearly cried.

EDIT: not sure I'm actually gonna be doing anymore logging until next week, which means I won't been editing in more "complete" thoughts on this just yet, so for now I'll just leave to to experience its magic on your own time. Enjoy!

This shit's a helluva party and you're invited Wink

another edit (from 2:20 AM): short version = lotsa fucking stellar deep house (etc) tunes from the 80s to past few years, including classics, should-have-been-classics, and a whole buncha unknown gems. Best dance music I've heard all year BUT most of it predates 2015 by quite awhile and I mentioned how I like to have my charts keep with some kind of zeitgeist so for consistency's sake I think this is going to fall of the year chart (still keeping that bandcloud guest mix thing there tho because it's got some new stuff mixed in with the old-ass gamelan so yeah) but it's still just nuts how good this is and everyone should listen to it alright peace

Last edited by undefined on 11/23/2015 10:20; edited 2 times in total
  • #54
  • Posted: 11/21/2015 22:51
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Hey so I wont be posting much for a few days and certainly won't be doing any in-depth bits here but I'll still be listening to shit so please drop recs. My music taste is terrible atm go fix that
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  • #55
  • Posted: 11/23/2015 06:25
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dividesbyzero wrote:
Hey so I wont be posting much for a few days and certainly won't be doing any in-depth bits here but I'll still be listening to shit so please drop recs. My music taste is terrible atm go fix that

Áldás by Dalriada
Classical Punk and Echoes Under the Bea...akira Goto
Never Were the Way She Was by Colin Ste...ah Neufeld
Imani, Vol. 1 by Blackalicious
Frozen Niagara Falls by Prurient
Komara by Komara
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  • #56
  • Posted: 11/23/2015 10:56
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I know I have many recs from mostly Gowi plenty of different people but like it's 3 AM and I'm fucking tired and not sleeping so what better to do then listen to whatever the fuck this is

Various Artists - Dada for Now: A Collection of Futurist and Dada Sound Works

So I've been interested in this idea of "sound poetry" for awhile. As I understand it, the basic premise is spoken word poetry that is generally without literal meaning (and indeed rarely consists of "real" words) but that is designed such that the timbre and general sound of the nonsense syllables when pronounced is aesthetically pleasing (or whatever the dada equivalent of "aesthetically pleasing" aims to be). Usually with stuff as arguably "not music" as this (though there are bits of what is unambiguously musical accompaniment here and there) I'm awfully hesitant when it comes to forming an opinion (generally because with stuff like this it's like being exposed to a new language for the first time), but I can say pretty confidently here that I absolutely loved every bit of this madness.

Back on that in a second; bear with me for this next bit. Ok so when I'm listening to hip-hop, over the years I've found that I'm caring less and less about what's actually being said and more about the way in which it is said; and I don't mean like mode of expression per se but like the literal timbre of the vocal delivery. I'll be listening to Aesop Rock with a friend and he'll point out "bro this fool just spits nonsense" and my immediate response is "well yeah but he spits it like a beast". At a certain point it doesn't really matter what you're saying as long as you're manipulating the English language to an end of sounding dope. This compilation takes the concept a step further and gets said dopeness via manipulating not the English language but the very base concept of any kind of spoken language, or really just any kind of spoken anything because "language" hardly applies here.

These are just some 3 AM spitfire thoughts making it all needlessly wordy but honestly this album just boils down to a bunch of weirdos twisting syllables and making weird noises and putting letters together in nonsensical but genuinely cool sounding ways until it all feels like just some word salad collage from a language you've never heard but can swear you hear all the time everywhere and it's as evocative as it is unsettling, and in its own surreal way the whole thing is oddly beautiful, and almost cathartic in its unapologetic deconstruction of the most basic concept of spoken vocalization into a gorgeous primal mess.

Or actually I can make this even simpler. Remember when you were like 5 and would just spew nonsense words that kinda sounded like they could be real words and your parents would look at you like "why didn't we sign him up for those speech therapy classes again?" and dismiss your nonsense but what they just didn't understand is that you're yelling "kwaarmajeeala!!" all over the place because you recognize that it sounds damn cool. Way cooler than the shit your bored and underpaid elementary school teachers were trying to get you to recite off a white board anyway. "See spot run". Fucking yawn.

Now imagine revisiting that childhood mentality as an adult.

This is a whole album based around that concept.

And it is an honest to god thing of beauty.

  • #57
  • Posted: 11/24/2015 04:05
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I'll get to all your recs soon but presently I'm out and about waiting on a friend and my wireless card went kablooie (that's TWO laptops in 2 weeks to do so) do now I'm stuck here reviewing albums on my phone because what the fuck is my life. Eh. Annoyed atm so what better for the moment then some nice heart-warming black metal

Söngvar Elds Og óreiðu by Misþyrming

Black metal's been weird lately. I mean most obviously there's been the rise of blackgaze in the public eye, thanks largely to Deafheaven (whom I tend to find boring) and to a lesser extent thanks to Alcest and related bands (whom I actually do quite like). Now on top of that there's been a resurgence the extreme opposite kind of BM in the Blasphemy honoring going down in the works of Archgoat and Revenge and the like. In between all this though, as much gold as there has been, there's been very little room for what tends to be my most preferred (see: "most favorite") iteration of the genre, which is essentially atmospheric BM that isn't blackgaze, like take blackgaze but swap the shoegaze element for a dark ambient one. That's my shit, and there just hasn't been a ton of it lately, and what there has been just hasn't been too memorable (with some notable exceptions, the new Darkspace and to a lesser extent the new Urfaust, and certainly others than I'm not remembering right now for some reason).

Anyway I hate writing on my phone so I'm gonna make this short and sweet. This is a beautiful (albeit fairly formulaic) piece of atmospheric BM that features some seamless interplay between various layers of dense guitar and subtle ambient whatevers, and it has its own natural sonic ebb and flow that courses through the length of the album, making the whole thing feel immersive and mesmerizing but not without an overall sense of dynamic development (and not without the occasional unnecessary acoustic interlude unfortunately). This doesn't feel as icy cold as a lot of similarly styled works, but it is undoubtedly a winter album, evoking all the feelings of separation from the waking world that one thinks of when picturing an endless snowstorm (likely at night I might add).

Nothing new is invented here, and there are some meandering passages, but this is still overall damn good at what it does and may be one of the better metal releases I've heard this year, or at least one of the ones I feel most inclined to revisit.

Beautiful isolation.

Last edited by undefined on 11/24/2015 04:46; edited 1 time in total
  • #58
  • Posted: 11/24/2015 04:35
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again I know I have recs to get to but I have needs atm and right now those needs are as follows

Dark Space I by Darkspace

Dark Space II by Darkspace

Dark Space III by Darkspace

Dark Space III I by Darkspace

see y'all in a few hours. I'm leaving the planet for a bit.
  • #59
  • Posted: 11/24/2015 10:48
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Life's been really weird lately. As weird as BEA's been the past few days my irl existence has been more chaotic than usual... I've been having even more trouble sleeping than usual lately (and a bunch of other shit's been going on that I don't want to get into) so basically ovetiredness + this painfully cliched sequence of existential crises and a general fear of the irreversible passage of time (ugh how passé) has eventually led me to this

Won't You Be My Neighbor? by Mister Rogers

I promise I'm being completely unironic here. I did and continue to idolize Mister Rogers; he does the impossible in taking the infinitely scary expanse that is the "real world" and putting so much love into his purveyance of its nature that he can make kids feel like they can really take on that world with confidence and integrity. He's a beautiful human being who meant a great deal to me as a child and who I continue to admire for playing such an integral role to the early personal development of so many children and for doing so with so much love in every word he spoke. Mister Rogers was truly a gift to the world (and again I mean this 100% sincerely without any irony). I really can't rate the music here (though I doubt I would ever say anything negative about it even from an analytical perspective because tbh it's all essentially very lovely baroque sunshine pop with Rogers' voice maintaining a distinct earnestness that I often bemoan the lack of in so much "intimate" music) because a) too much nostalgia is clouding my normal music-mind and b) this music is simply not made for me. This is for the children. And you know what, following that criteria, this album is flawless. I can think of no better music to give to a small child in early development; Rogers' compassionate persona and just general air of pure goodness is everywhere here and it is honestly genuinely beautiful.

I'm very tired right now. I don't know. This just brings on floods of all kinds of emotion. This is beyond nostalgia. This is crystal-clear reminiscence on the pure and beautiful innocence of childhood. I won't link this in the table of contents because this isn't a review. This is just me reflecting on some much needed catharsis via revisiting artifacts from the period in my life I've been pondering most lately, those earliest days when the world is spotless and new. This album is like a time capsule back to that period of being, and for that I love every bit of it, even if not in the way I usually "love" my favorites. All of you with small children, I highly recommend giving this (and indeed the entirety of Rogers' neighborhood and all it contains) a chance.

RIP Mister Fred Rogers, 1928-2003. Thank you for everything.
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  • #60
  • Posted: 11/24/2015 12:53
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Don't know if you've seen or not, but any time I'm feeling bad about life this clip has a 100% success rate in picking me up again. Dude is a hero.

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