ADP #8 These Days by Bon Jovi

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  • #1
  • Posted: 04/08/2017 22:19
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Bon Jovi is one of those band you just love to hate. I know it. They were a solid band in the 80's with some undeniable glam rock hits but then totally destroyed their reputation during the 00's with a series of absolutely shitty albums and therefore no one takes them seriously anymore. This makes me very sad because between those periods there were 90's, when Bon Jovi released their two best albums which are now somehow forgotten even though they contain their best music.

Today we'll be talking about These Days, their second album of the 90's and sixth album overall, released in 1995. Their previous album, 1992 release Keep The Faith already saw them distancing themselves from the glam rock sound of the 80's and incorporation a more mature, rough sound. These Days continued this venture intor maturity but it is definitely a more mellow, ballad heavy album with heavy blues influences. Richie Sambora's guitar naturally fits this sound very well making this one of his best albums guitar-wise. The overall mood of the album is somber, which is one of the reasons I like it so much, it feels honest.
The true strength of this album is in the lyrics, though. Jon Bon Jovi has always been influenced by Springsteen and even in the 80's he could write some meaningful lines. But here it feels like it's the first he is completely free and does not care about the commercial appeal. Of course, the songs are still melodic and some of them were hits but his lyrics are very depressive and pesimistic, without that Bon Jovi trademark positive energy. His emotions range from anger to quiet desperation and resignation. There is a fine balance between the socially aware and personal lyrics concerning relationships. Overall a lyrical masterpiece by Jon Bon Jovi.

Now, let me walk you through the album:

1. Hey God - Now that's a powerful start. From the first seconds of thundering guitar you hear Bon Jovi aren't here to mess about this time. The songs sounds powerful, rough and most of all - angry. They are very angry indeed and Jon is adressing God and talking to him about the injustices of the world and the broken American Dream. We all had this discussion in out heads. The line "These days you've even harder to believe " says it all. Musically this is by far the heaviest track on the album and a true hard rocking number and shows from the start that this is a different Bon Jovi.

2. Something For The Pain - This seems to be one of the few somewhat positive songs on the album, because the melodies are very catchy and easy to sing along to. It is one of those "it's shit but were in that shit together" songs. The best thing about this song is the part where Jon and Sambora sing different parts at the same time and it sounds heavenly. Their voices always sounded wonderful together. Not one of the highlights but still a good song.

3. This Ain't A Love Song - The big hit from the albums, this is the one song you've probably heard from the album. It is indeed a good song but isn't that much different from other Bon Jovi power ballads which could have made people belive the album is no different from their other albums. A huge mistake. This does sound more polished and accesible but you can still feel the blues influences, esp. in Sambora's playing. JBJ also gives one of his better vocal performances.

4. These Days - What. A. Song. Truly one of the great lyrical masterpieces. A Springsteenian tragic story about individuals and their struggles. If The Boss wrote this it would be known as one of his best songs. It's simply that good. The second verse almost makes me cry with lyrics about a kid who jumped from his windows because "all his heroes died" and he'd "rather die than ffff-fade away" (a nod to The Who). Bon Jovi's voice does sound thinner and a bit weaker than on the previous albums but has great amounts of passiong to make up for that. Also that piano intro is truly gorgeous. A 10/10 song.

5. Lie To Me - Another ballad (I said this was ballad heavy), dealing with failed relationship and lies we tell each other and ourselves to sleep better and make it through the day. Sambora's backing vocals here are a thing of beauty. Instead of me copying most of the lyrics here, you'd have to hear the song to feel it. This does feel like a mature take on love, something maybe not that ususal for Bon Jovi.

6. Damned - Sambora's finest moment here, a faster song with crazy good funky guitar riff about two married people having an affair. Again not the most original theme but they handle it well. Musically one of the best here, I already mentioned Sambora's riff but he also gives us a sweet and short guitar solo and really makes this song that good. An injection of energy before the next wave of depression.

7. My Guitar Lies Bleeding In My Arms - One of the most depressing songs here, written about a writer's block and inability to write a song. It's a quiet, somber bluesy ballad with Jon delivering some great extistential shit. After a marvelous guitar solo (Sambora's best on the album) Jon delivers the chorus hiting some incredible high notes and sounding really quite excellent. His voice is a bit thinner as I said, but damn he can still hit those notes.

8. (It's Hard) Letting You Go - It the last one was depressing, this one will kill you. Another love song, but probably the saddest on the album. Jon at his most honest and vulnerable, and he even played the guitar solo here (buried under the spoken part.

9. Hearts Breaking Even - This falls into more regular power ballad territory, but it does succed being not overly cheesy. It sounds like a tribute to Aerosmith with chorus sounds like it was written for Steven Tyler (I'd love to hear him sing this one). One of the weaker tracks on the album, but it has it's moments.

10. Something To Believe In - After love trouble we go back to extistential crisis Laughing This song is about doubting everything. Religion, God, your friends and your values. And of course needing something to believe in, whatever that may be. Along with MGLBIMI this is Jon's best vocal moment on the album and he even did this one live rather well.

11. If That's What It Takes - This is the closest thing to filler on this album, even though it is a decent track. A straigh forward pop-rock song with a catchy chorus, it does feel a bit out of place but still the chorus is pretty sweet.

12. Diamong Ring - And to close it off, we have a folky acoustic ballad about a man expressing his eternal love. The acoustic guitar work is tasty and some of the melodies are plain gorgeous. A great way to finish it off with something different, and to end it on a more positive note.

There nothing revolutionary I'd can say here, just that I ask you to listen to this without prejudice and I think you won't be dissapointed if you're a fan of rock music with good lyrics.




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  • #2
  • Posted: 04/10/2017 02:58
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Daydreamer wrote:
Bon Jovi is one of those band you just love to hate.

I've never hated Bon Jovi, mostly because I never think about them, but, in the words of Rick Blaine, if I gave them any thought, I probably would. After having listened to this album, I've given some thought to Bon Jovi, and my opinion of them is mostly unchanged. I don't think Bon Jovi is a particularly bad band, but it's not a band I can see myself listening to.
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CA Dreamin

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  • #3
  • Posted: 04/10/2017 03:50
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It's been very hectic lately and I totally missed this post until now.
Daydreamer wrote:
I ask you to listen to this without prejudice and I think you won't be disappointed if you're a fan of rock music with good lyrics.

I know the major BJ singles but I've never listened to a full album. The major singles are a little too hair-metal for my taste. But based on your description, this album may be more in line with my heavier preferences. I gave Hey God a listen and it has a different feel to it. I'll give the rest of the album a listen and get back to this when I can.
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  • #4
  • Posted: 04/10/2017 04:46
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I made fun of Bon Jovi once or twice (or maybe 340976375 times), mostly because their music videos make me laugh because they totally are from that 80s hair metal stuff I just can't stand.

Having said that, ADP is all about learning about stuff and not having prejudices. I will say my wife wanted to go see them, so I took her, and it was an entertaining/energetic show. Some of it was a bit too 'Mericuh for me, but overall I wasn't hating life as much as I thought I would when I went - like I said it was entertaining and they put on a show on par probably with Transiberian Orchestra.

On your behalf I'll give this a spin and let you know what I think.

In the mean time, do you have any discussion points you'd like to add? Sometimes that helps people digest the album/have talking points to discuss to help learn more about the album (whether they like it or not).
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  • #5
  • Posted: 04/10/2017 05:48
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I'm not much of a fan of Bon Jovi so I don't have much to say, but excellent job on the write up you did with insights into the songs/album.
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  • #6
  • Posted: 04/10/2017 16:38
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StreetSpirit wrote:
It's been very hectic lately and I totally missed this post until now.
I know the major BJ singles but I've never listened to a full album. The major singles are a little too hair-metal for my taste. But based on your description, this album may be more in line with my heavier preferences. I gave Hey God a listen and it has a different feel to it. I'll give the rest of the album a listen and get back to this when I can.

Glad you liked it, but I have to say that Hey God is quite different from the rest of the album, since the album is ballad heavy and there are much more blues influences. But even the slow songs have that darker feel than usual Bon Jovi stuff.

In the mean time, do you have any discussion points you'd like to add? Sometimes that helps people digest the album/have talking points to discuss to help learn more about the album (whether they like it or not).

Currently nothing is on my mind. Except this one. Does anyone know any other examples of mainstream artsist famous for very commercial music make a more mature and artistic album? There are definitely examples but I can't think of one right now.
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  • #7
  • Posted: 04/11/2017 15:43
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Daydreamer wrote:
Does anyone know any other examples of mainstream artist famous for very commercial music make a more mature and artistic album? There are definitely examples but I can't think of one right now.

Beach Boys is the first thing that comes to mind with Pet Sounds.
Could also apply to Blur. After 3 very mainstream Britpop albums in the mid 90s, they released Blur, which was slightly more mature and artistic, and then 13, which furthered that development.
This could also be used to describe The Beatles. First 3 years where mainstream commercial music of gradually increasing refinement, then they started to experiment with the studio and made more artistic and interesting music.
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I miss the comfort in being sad

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  • #8
  • Posted: 04/12/2017 04:56
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This is likely as much a Brian Eno album as it is a U2 album, but this is a more artistic release from the team:

Original Soundtracks 1 by Passengers

I think Souplipton hit it on the head with a few.

I think it's fair to say Radiohead did this, but hard to say when... possibly Kid A?
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  • #9
  • Posted: 04/12/2017 14:52
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souplipton wrote:
Beach Boys is the first thing that comes to mind with Pet Sounds.
Could also apply to Blur. After 3 very mainstream Britpop albums in the mid 90s, they released Blur, which was slightly more mature and artistic, and then 13, which furthered that development.
This could also be used to describe The Beatles. First 3 years where mainstream commercial music of gradually increasing refinement, then they started to experiment with the studio and made more artistic and interesting music.

As I've only heard the britpop Blur I am now very interested to head the other albums. Also I'm not familiar with pre-Pet Sounds Beach Boys so I can't comment on that.
The Beatles are a good example yet somehow their progression always seems gradual and logical throughout their careers. First huge leap was from Help! to Rubber Soul and second from Rubber Soul to Revolver. Those were incredible.

I think it's fair to say Radiohead did this, but hard to say when... possibly Kid A?

Nah, they were very artistic and deep since The Bends and weren't big mainstream stars with Pablo Honey.
Have you listened to this Bon Jovi album yet?
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CA Dreamin

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  • #10
  • Posted: 04/12/2017 18:01
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Daydreamer wrote:
I'm not familiar with pre-Pet Sounds Beach Boys so I can't comment on that.

Dude pre-Pet Sounds Beach Boys is really fun music. If you want to hear a precursor to Pet Sounds, definitely check out Today!, especially second half of the album.

Anyway I gave These Days a listen. Overall, it's hit and miss. I dug the early songs, but the tracks were getting weaker and I was getting bored as the album wore on. However, I was not expecting its heavier vibe based on the major BJ singles. So you can call the album a progression or maturity, but I can't say 100% cause I haven't listened to any other BJ albums.

Which brings me to the discussion question:

Daydreamer wrote:
Does anyone know any other examples of mainstream artists famous for very commercial music make a more mature and artistic album?

The first thing I thought of was Linkin Park's A Thousand Suns. Everybody hated that album when it came out, and many still do. Early LP fans felt betrayed by the change of direction while many early LP haters wouldn't give it a try anyway. I don't think it's a good album but I respect their attempt to try something different, more mature.

Other examples; Maybe American Idiot? But like Daydreamer said about the Beatles, Green Day's shift felt gradual and logical. Same with RHCP, whose sound gradually matured with each album.

Maybe Aerosmith at some point? I actually felt a similarity in sound/structure between These Days and Nine Lives. Is that just me?

A couple other examples I can think of are Filter's Title of Record and Foreigner's Agent Provocateur. I'm sure there are many others out there I can't think of off the top of my head.
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