Christian Rock

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Autistic Princess <3
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  • #1
  • Posted: 11/23/2010 22:10
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As a homeschooler, I have dozens of religious friends who only listen to this stuff. So for years I've wondered, why is most of this stuff mediocre?

I think I just realized the answer.

For some reason or another, every major Christian rock band is from a laughably bad subgenre. P.O.D. (who, in my opinion, made the greatest Christian rock album ever) and Flyleaf belong to nu metal, and Switchfoot's The Beautiful Letdown is pure post-grunge (speaking of which, Creed, the group that popularized this horrible genre, is often called a Christian band). Family Force 5, which a ton of my friends adore, is crunkcore, the same genre as Brokencyde.

Now, maybe I'm seeing this wrong, but to my knowledge, each of these bands have a lot more talent than their subgenre peers. But since these subgenres are so laughably bad to begin with, that isn't really saying much.

Why doesn't someone try to make a Christian rock band that sounds like Radiohead, or even the Beatles? I guess that Christian music isn't that big in the UK, where these scenes come from, but it would certainly be cool.

What do you guys think of Christian rock? I know that a lot of you guys rate The Beautiful Letdown a lot higher than I do.
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  • #2
  • Posted: 11/23/2010 22:25
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Christian rock bands usually try to do way too much. Their lyrics are busy, and they constantly try to pull off interesting/revealing/thought-provoking-way-too-complicated-to-the-point-where-they're-rubbish-lyrics, Usually falling flat.

I dont think anyone should make an album based on their religion, it's too narrow hard to relate to and makes for a cliched/dull listening experience.

The same goes for the exact opposite as well. Metal can be awesome, but when they start throwing satanism down your throat and walking hand in hand with satan it starts to get lame and pretty much everything else I said above about christian bands.

Unless there is some huge band that is extremely religious that I dont know about, This is my theory on why bands that sing on behalf of their religion don't last as long or get the same critical acclaim as others
Having a family is the kind of thing that could be held against a person
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  • #3
  • Posted: 11/23/2010 23:21
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Christian rock... I never really heard much at all. The Beautiful Letdown was good but I remember little of it other than I approved of it. I'll have to make a point of seeking more artists out.

The thing I have noticed about the genre though is that a lot of the bands who get labeled 'Christian' don't like the label. As they are religious people, they don't retort to using a spew profanities to remove the title and instead choose to calmly tell people that, while they hold these beliefs, they want there music to be made for all to enjoy. However, as they never use much force to remove the label it sticks and they are known as "Christian Rock". Sadly, there are people out there who hold a prejudice against the tag and won't listen to the music.

Here is a brilliant quote by the Flyleaf singer I just found on wikipedia that highlights what I'm saying:

"Well, you know what? I don’t know what you mean by a “Christian rock band.” It’s hard to say that because people all have a different definition of what that means. If it means that we’re Christians, then yeah, we’re Christians, but if a plumber’s a Christian, does that make him a “Christian plumber?” I mean we’re not playing for Christians. We’re just playing honestly and that’s going to come out."

Now I have said all that, there is actually a surprising amount of artists/ bands which hold christian values. A Christian Beatles? They don't really sound like The Beatles but they play mostly pop music with instruments and got 20% the success The Beatles had. And they were just across the sea from The Beatles! Wait for it... they are...


All four members are Christians (at least to my knowledge). The Edge even considered quitting music after the Boy album because he thought making rock music wasn't something a 'Christian' should do. And you can see the christian issues and subjects in the earlier lyrics. Although I know you're not a big fan of U2 so I probably should be quiet now Razz

This isn't a rant at all. I'm surprised how much I have written on this subject and only mean everything I say with good intent Smile It depends what you would define as "Christian Rock". I think there maybe a surprisingly huge amount of Christian artists out there. Like in the Uk, there isn't a "Christian Rock" genre and any Christians playing music together would be labeled as "indie" like any other group of people caught holding musical instruments on this island. Christian Radiohead? There could very well be one who fits the bill right now!
Autistic Princess <3
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  • #4
  • Posted: 11/23/2010 23:45
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an_outlaw wrote:
U2 is a Christian band. They sound like the Beatles.

Yes, I've heard about how U2 is a Christian band, but DO NOT compare them to the Beatles. I even think that POD is a lot better than them.

So yeah, that might be an exception, but still.
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Juan Schwartz
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  • #5
  • Posted: 11/24/2010 00:02
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I like Christian rock. It's very positive. It's not like those real musicians who think they're so cool and hip!
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  • #6
  • Posted: 11/24/2010 00:43
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When Dylan went Christian (supposedely), he still made great records. I think the problem occurs when people put the Christianity to the forefront, and make an overt point of it. There is nothing wrong with stating religion within rock music, the media just happens to make too much of a furore over it. Though, being utterly agnostic, I wouldn't really know.
  • #7
  • Posted: 11/24/2010 13:49
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Applerill wrote:
an_outlaw wrote:
U2 is a Christian band. They sound like the Beatles.

Yes, I've heard about how U2 is a Christian band, but DO NOT compare them to the Beatles. I even think that POD is a lot better than them.

So yeah, that might be an exception, but still.

By "don't really" I meant "they don't". It wasn't a "they sorta sound like". It was probably my colloquialism getting in the way of what I was writing that caused the misunderstanding.

Location: Sweden
  • #8
  • Posted: 11/24/2010 23:45
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I think the best christian music is coming from artist who have a more complex realtion to god/jesus and not just praising him artists like Kanye West, Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash or Violent Femmes
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Mr. Shankly
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  • #9
  • Posted: 11/25/2010 00:25
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teodor_matz wrote:
I think the best christian music is coming from artist who have a more complex realtion to god/jesus and not just praising him artists like Kanye West, Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash or Violent Femmes

Totally agree. I don't mind an artist being a Christian, I just think it's stupid if that's all they choose to write about. Also, why would you choose to narrow your audience by defining yourself so rigidly?
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  • #10
  • Posted: 11/25/2010 00:48
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i think there's certainly a distinction between what i would call "praise" or contemporary worship music and Christians who happen to make music. Praise is supposedly music made that is meant to exalt gold and is specifically made for god, as to why it is then put on cd and charts on billboard i'm not sure.
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