Be here now -Oasis's soul. most underrated album, and by Noe

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  • #1
  • Posted: 01/20/2018 14:16
  • Post subject: Be here now -Oasis's soul. most underrated album, and by Noe
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Most underrated album ever. in fact my fav one ever(ok-co- in- sided with an pissed up uni time in my life)

Noel is/was a top song arranger - and could fit words in to ryhme or just steal a bunch of lyrics to fit the bridge or something with a step down, and make a song sound different e enough to get away with it.

(wonderwall, yellow submarine , i could name 30) he admits he does it, though , thats fine. all bands utilse the same chord progressions - they just don't normally make a song go a bit spastic on the lyrics to fit. Noel will state its a homage i suppose - fine - and the songs sound different enough....

He(Noel ) states that 'be here now was a disaster' - bollox i say, so do more and morre today and liam and many critics, bar radios that couldnt play them!!

he was for once chilled out(well getting high with the band writing songs with them and not on his own in a bed sit!!) and working with the group/the band. bands do go on holiday to write. its chilled, they have experiences and get high and its rock and roll. and his lyrics whilst he doesnt have the best vocabulary were the most honest picture of Noel and Liam the band you will ever hear. The ego centric vocab suited Liam. the raw loudness suits Liam. like fade in out, be here now, magic pie

Then we have some of the best songs ever made ever by anyone. Stand by me and dont go away. Ok not really dylan/doherty poetry - but oasis are just working class lads from manc, so why try and make it fit what they are not - they dont want to come off pretentious!. you can understand what was meant(in this album)to be said rather than the nonsense about 'where were you when champagne supernova hits the sky' - Critics dont mind that sort of stuff - because they can make it out to mean something but are just being pretentious (great song though)

morning glory nice lyrics actually - maybe his best from the other two albums - not coherent though but easy enough to work out - he is talking about about taking too much cocaine(razor blades , mirrors) then downers /alcohol - and he cant get his morning glory(morning horn) untill he wakes up more...- the bit about walking through a park in nice weather doesn't make sense - but this was a powerful rock song. but so many drug references in all the two first albums and more than in the third. and yet i guarantee his issue isnt taking to much coke whilst on holiday recording - but because he didn't feel in control and a couple of neggy comments come along from journo's- probally from blur fans thats all!!

he decided to blame it on professionalism , as he didnt like the bad rep, maybe the lyrics were to sore for him as well as there are his best what ever the fck he says! and then blaming lack of breaking America on liam , but liam believed in Noel - he states he is world class writer - he knows his best songs better than noel as well!!. all they had to do was keep singing songs like slide away, morning glory, fade in out and the happier and sadder that were beautifull in be here now, all around the world, do you know what i mean, stand by me, be here now*

i can imagine him for his first two albums sitting in a bed sit on his own listening to a million and one tracks and learning scales and chord progressions and just throwing words in. Which is really what a producer does , Liam heard it and said fck me you are special (as he was) and then noel became the dictator. but it wasnt collaborated with the band. just a producer and noel calling every shot - as he has said in his interview - he said - you do this - you do that - you do that. bang it worked.

the best bands jam constantly man and others become proficient at writing stuff as well. keep them in the loop, i bet he was an angry fck to work with oasis -which is also about bonehead .

He got his confidence from live forever - what a stupid concept that one is.. fck me. if anyone else wrote that i wouldn't be impressed. great composition - but he thought that would be one of the best songs ever made (not just by him but ever made in the world!!) , the best songs ever need to mean something -

his best songs are imo

slide away
some might say
morning glory
dont go away
stand by me
all around the world
Do you know what i mean
dont look back in anger

i am not too impressed with all that crap from the next albums, i don't like many songs (after masterplans b sides that is - great b sides)

little by little is ok i suppose - the only song that is a 6/10 from heathen chemistry and stop crying your heart out is ok - another 6/10..

but if he didnt have the controlling attitude - like stating to liam you are not gonna sing the first 4 songs then you come on and shi-te like that!

I am not saying liam wasnt at fault - but why didnt noel make the arrangements and the interviews and leave liam to do what he wanted - Noel wanted to sing the songs anyway!! whats the problem to noel? if he turned up or not..

i fully believe they made be here now together as a drugged up, pissed up, inspired happy group - noel was a bit out of control though - the others put more input in - obviously not as much as him and he lost some leadership so he fixed it - kicked out bonehead - Made liam a scapegoat, who loved the record . he read one dodgy review(from a blur fan or because they were not radio friendly (over 5 mins long) and then he states its lyrics doesn't mean anything - when in truth its the most quintessentially honest album from oasis. ANd the fact that its liams favourite tells me its more about brotherly crap and the lyrics seem the most honest to me from any album.
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Location: The Upside Down
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  • #2
  • Posted: 01/20/2018 23:21
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It's not as good as the first two by any means. It could have been better if some stuff was left off and some of that era b-sides were the replacements. They were off their face on coke and smoke being blown up their arse, the whole vibe being excess, smugness, conceitedness and losing direction, schmoozing with all at number 10. It's not really that bad a record when I look back, but it was the death knell for sure of all what went before. They ended up thinking 1000 guitar overdubs was cool and that a track like "stay young" was a b-side over something like magic pie. The blur v oasis thing was the start of the decline of britpop, with oasis and mcgee at number ten, ok computer and this album, you knew it was over. But even so, it's still good looking back, even with the faults. Rather listen to Liam's album. Anyways, the best oasis track is "rocking chair", no? Maybe "listen up".
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