Best Films: By Genre

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  • Posted: 10/23/2020 00:12
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Best Action/Action-Adventure Films (IN-PROGRESS ... VERY ROUGH DRAFT)

*North By Northwest - Alfred Hitchcock (1959)

*Metropolis - Fritz Lang (1927) ["The Complete Metropolis", 147 minutes]

The Wild Bunch - Sam Peckinpah (1969) [Director's Cut, 145 minutes]
*Point Blank - John Boorman (1967)
The Seven Samurai - Akira Kurosawa (1954)
*Old Boy - Chan-wook Park (2003)
Leon: The Professional - Luc Besson (1994) [Original Cut, 110 minutes; Extended Cut: 7.3/10]

*Bonnie & Clyde - Arthur Penn (1967)
*Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia - Sam Peckinpah (1974)
Face/Off - John Woo (1997)
LA Confidential - Curtis Hanson (1998)
Hero - Zhang Yimou (2002)
The Killer - John Woo (1989)
Dirty Harry - Don Siegel (1971)
King of New York - Abel Ferrara (1990)
Natural Born Killers - Oliver Stone (1994) [Director's Cut, 123 minutes]
Hard Boiled - John Woo (1992)
The Getaway - Sam Peckinpah (1972)
Star Wars - George Lucas (1977)
Scarface - Howard Hawks (1932)
Emperor of the North - Robert Aldrich (1973)
The Terminator - James Cameron (1984)
The Road Warrior - George Miller (1982)
*Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - Guy Ritchie (1998)
Mad Max - George Miller (1979)
La Femme Nikita - Luc Besson (1990)
The General - Buster Keaton (1926)

(Several entries below this point are missing and will be added once remembered or revisited. A number have already been included on additional sections below)

Minority Report - Steven Spielberg (2002)
Hot Fuzz – Edgar Wright (2007)
Exiled - Johnnie To (2006)
<<<7.1 or 7.2>>>
*The French Connection - William Friedkin (1971)
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World – Edgar Wright (2010)
Raiders of the Lost Ark - Steven Speilberg (1980)
The Fifth Element - Luc Besson (1996)
21 Jump Street - Phil Lord; Christopher Miller (2012)
*Falling Down - Joel Schumacher (1993)
A Better Tomorrow - John Woo (1986) ***7.5/10***
*Back to the Future - Robert Zemeckis (1985)
*Scarface - Brian DePalma (1983)
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back - Irvin Kershner (1980)
Escape From New York - John Carpenter (1981)
*Battleship Potemkin - Sergei Eisenstein (1925)
*Akira - Katsuhiro Otomo (1988)
Run Lola Run - Tom Twyker (1998)
*Saving Private Ryan - Steven Spielberg (1998)
White Heat - Raoul Walsh (1949)
*The Untouchables - Brian De Palma (1987)
Batman Returns - Tim Burton (1992)
Heat - Michael Mann (1995)
The Matrix - Lana Wachowski; Lilly Wachowski (1999)
The Dark Knight - Christopher Nolan (2008) ***6.5/10?***
*Seven - David Fincher (1995)
Total Recall - Paul Verhoeven (1990)
*Charley Varrick - Don Siegel (1973)
Enemy of the State - Tony Scott (1998)
Platoon - Oliver Stone (1986)
Time Bandits – Terry Gilliam (1981) ***7.4/10***
In the Line of Fire - Wolfgang Petersen (1993)
Das Boot - Wolfgang Peterson (1981)
Robocop - Paul Verhoeven (1987)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day - James Cameron (1992)
The Adventures of Baron Manchausen - Terry Gilliam (1988)
Inception - Christopher Nolan (2010) ***7.2/10***
*Snowpiercer - Joon-ho Bong (2014)
Lethal Weapon - Richard Donner (1987)
First Blood - Ted Kotcheff (1982)
Assault on Precinct 13 - John Carpenter (1976) ***7.3/10***
Rush Hour - Brett Ratner (1998)
Runaway Train - Andrei Konchalovsky (1985)
Galaxy Quest - Dean Parisot (1999)
*1917 - Sam Mendes (2019)
True Lies – James Cameron (1994)
Romancing the Stone - Robert Zemeckis (1984) ***7.1/10***
They Live - John Carpenter (1988) ***7.2/10***
*Night of the Living Dead - George Romero (1968) ***7.3/10+?***
Die Hard - John McTiernan (1988)
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome - George Miller (1985)

Leone: Once Upon A Time in the West? Fistful of Dollars? For A Few Dollars More? The Good, the Bad and the Ugly?
Reservoir Dogs?
The Big Heat?
Inglorious Basterds?
Invasion of the Body Snatchers?
The Game?
Fight Club?
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - George Roy Hill (1969)?
Uncut Gems?
Twilight's Last Gleaming - Robert Aldrich?
Outbreak - Wolfgang Petersen?
Texas Chainsaw Massacre?
The Great Race - Blake Edwards?
Blues Brothers?

Bullet in the Head - John Woo (1990)
Convoy - Sam Peckinpah (1978)
Bad Lieutenant - Abel Ferrara (1992)
The Magnificent Seven - John Sturges
Men in Black
To Live and Die in L.A. - William Friedkin (1985)
West Side Story (1961)
Evil Dead/Army of Darkness...

The Dirty Dozen - Robert Aldrich (1967) (6.6)
Shaun of the Dead - Edgar Wright (2004) (6.5-6.9)
Avatar - James Cameron (2009) (6.5)
Mars Attacks! - Tim Burton (1996) (6.4)
Death Wish - Michael Winner (1974) (6.2)
Tropic Thunder - Ben Stiller (2008) (6.0)
Toy Story - John Lasseter (1995) (6.0)
22 Jump Street - Phil Lord; Christopher Miller (2014) (5.8/10)
The Naked Gun: From The Files of Police Squad! - David Zucker (1988) (5.6)
Beverly Hills Cop - Martin Brest (1984) (5.3)
Aliens - James Cameron (1986) [Original Theatrical Cut; Extended Cut: ] (Not Rated)

The Mission - Johnnie To
The Legend Of Drunken Master - Lau Ka Leung


*Citizen Kane - Orson Welles (1941)

Persona - Ingmar Bergman (1966)
Nostalghia - Andrei Tarkovsky (1983)
Werckmeister Harmonies - Bela Tarr (2000)
The Traveling Players - Theo Angelopoulos (1975)
*Landscape in the Mist - Theo Angelopoulos (1988)
Stalker - Andrei Tarkovsky (1979)
*Blow-Up - Michelangelo Antonioni (1966)

Satantango - Bela Tarr (1994)
Cries and Whispers - Ingmar Bergman (1973)
Inland Empire - David Lynch (2006)
The Passion of Joan of Arc - Carl Theodor Dreyer (1928)
2001: A Space Odyssey - Stanley Kubrick (1968)
Marketa Lazarova - Frantisek Vlacil (1967)
The Sacrifice - Andrei Tarkovsky (1986)



Brazil - Terry Gilliam (1985) [The Final Cut, 142 minutes]

*Persona - Ingmar Bergman (1966)
8 ½ - Federico Fellini (1963)
*Metropolis - Fritz Lang (1927) ["The Complete Metropolis", 147 minutes]

*Belle de Jour - Luis Bunuel (1967)
Inland Empire - David Lynch (2006)
The Dance of Reality - Alejandro Jodorowsky (2013)
Mirror - Andrei Tarkovsky (1974)
*Marketa Lazarova - Frantisek Vlacil (1967)


Best Comedy Films

NOTE: My selections are ranked and rated by how great a film I consider them, not solely by how funny they are (though the comedy must be consistent enough to qualify). Many of them are not just comedies but are multi-genre films and will be featured on other genre lists as well.

Recommendations / Discussion Welcome

If you would like to add your own list, feel free to post it or (for Letterboxd, etc) link to it in the thread and I will include a link to it below in the "Other User's Lists"

* = Questionable Genre Selection; May Be Removed

1. Brazil - Terry Gilliam (1985) [The Final Cut, 142 minutes]
2. *North By Northwest – Alfred Hitchcock (1959)

3. *Nashville - Robert Altman (1975)
4. 8 ½ - Federico Fellini (1963)
5. Underground - Emir Kusturica (1995)

6. *The Kingdom - Lars Von Trier (1995)
7. Love Exposure - Sion Sono (2008)
8. Pulp Fiction - Quentin Tarantino (1994)
9. *The Dance of Reality - Alejandro Jodorowsky (2013)
10. *Limelight - Charlie Chaplin (1952)
11. Play Time - Jacques Tati (1967)
12. Holy Mountain - Alejandro Jodorowsky (1973)
13. Dr. Strangelove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb - Stanley Kubrick (1964)

15. The Phantom of Liberty - Luis Bunuel (1974)
16. *Holy Motors - Leos Carax (2012)
17. Conspirators of Pleasure - Jan Svankmajer (1996)
18. Being John Malkovich - Spike Jonze (1999)
19. The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover - Peter Greenaway (1989)
20. Tootsie - Sydney Pollack (1982)
*Zardoz - John Boorman (1972)
21. The Rules of the Game - Jean Renoir (1939)
22. The Apartment - Billy Wilder (1960)
23. After Hours - Martin Scorsese (1985)
24. Irma La Douce - Billy Wilder (1963)
25. Modern Times - Charlie Chaplin (1936)
The Great Dictator - Charlie Chaplin (1940)
26. Miracle in Milan - Vittorio de Sica (1951)
27. Fargo - Joel Coen (1996)
28. A Zed & Two Noughts - Peter Greenaway (1985)
29. Dr. Akagi - Shohei Imamura (1998)
30. The Graduate - Mike Nichols (1967)
31. The Ballad of Cable Hogue - Sam Peckinpah (1970)
32. Black Cat, White Cat - Emir Kusturica (1998)
33. *Dead Man - Jim Jarmusch (1995)
34. The King of Comedy - Martin Scorsese (1983)
35. Dogma - Kevin Smith (1999)
36. Weekend - Jean-Luc Godard (1967)
37. Inglorious Basterds - Quentin Tarantino (2009)
38. *Breathless - Jean-Luc Godard (1959)
39. *Belly of an Architect - Peter Greenaway (1987)
40. Life is Beautiful - Roberto Benigni (1997)
43. Meet John Doe – Frank Capra (1941)
44. American Beauty - Sam Mendes (1999)
45. Sullivan's Travels - Preston Sturges (1941)
46. His Girl Friday - Howard Hawks (1940)
47. *Natural Born Killers - Oliver Stone (1994)
48. Delicatessen - Jean-Marie Jeunet (1991)
49. Amelie - Jean-Marie Jeunet (2001)
50. Forrest Gump - Robert Zemeckis (1994)
51. *Wild at Heart - David Lynch (1990)
52. *Pierrot le Fou - Jean-Luc Godard (1965)
53. Annie Hall - Woody Allen (1976)
54. A Fish Called Wanda - Charles Crichton (1987)
56. Parasite - Bong Joon Ho (2019)
To Be or Not To Be - Ernst Lubitsch (1942)
57. Something Wild - Jonathan Demme (1986)
58. The Exterminating Angel - Luis Bunuel (1962)
59. Manhattan - Woody Allen (1979)
60. The Truman Show - Peter Weir (1998)
61. L'Age D'Or - Luis Bunuel (1930)
62. Network - Sidney Lumet (1976)
63. Southland Tales - Richard Kelly (2003)
64. The Big Lebowski - Joel & Ethan Coen (1998)
65. Bringing Up Baby - Howard Hawks (1938)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit - Robert Zemeckis (1988)
66. Trainspotting – Danny Boyle (1996)
Airplane! – Jerry Zucker; David Zucker; Jim Abrahams (1980)
67. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - Shane Black (2005)
68. Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - Guy Ritchie (1998)
69. The Draughtman's Contract - Peter Greenaway (1982)
70. Some Like it Hot - Billy Wilder (1959)
71. City Lights - Charlie Chaplin (1931)
72. The Gold Rush - Charlie Chaplin (1925)
73. Barton Fink - Joel & Ethan Coen (1991)
74. The General - Buster Keaton (1926)
75. Smiles of a Summer Night - Ingmar Bergman (1955)
Ghostbusters – Ivan Reitman (1984)


(Several entries below this point are missing and will be added once remembered or revisited. A number have already been included on additional sections below)

76. Monty Python and the Holy Grail - Terry Gilliam; Terry Jones (1975)
79. Fight Club - David Fincher (1999)
80. Taxidermia - Gyorgy Palfi (2006)
If... - Lindsay Anderson (1968)
81. Adaptation - Spike Jonze (2002)
82. *Goodfellas - Martin Scorsese (1990)
83. *Brand Upon The Brain! - Guy Maddin (2006)
84. Blues Brothers - John Landis (1980)
85. *Simon of the Desert - Luis Bunuel (1965)
88. Hot Fuzz – Edgar Wright (2007)
Down By Law - Jim Jarmusch (1987)
90. *Thelma & Louise - Ridley Scott (1991)
91. The Science of Sleep - Michel Gondry (2006)
Stay Tuned - Peter Hyams (1992)
Wayne's World – Penelope Spheeris (1992)
Raising Arizona - Joel & Ethan Coen (1987)
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World – Edgar Wright (2010)
92. Amateur - Hal Hartley (1994)
93. Scream - Wes Craven (1996)
95. The Royal Tenenbaums - Wes Anderson (2001)
97. The Fifth Element - Luc Besson (1996)
98. Shallow Grave - Danny Boyle (1994)
99. Peggy Sue Got Married - Francis Ford Coppola (1986) ***7.5/10***
100. 21 Jump Street - Phil Lord; Christopher Miller (2012)
101. Harold and Maude – Hal Ashby (1971)
102. O Brother, Where Art Thou? – Joel Coen (2000)
103. The Purple Rose of Cairo - Woody Allen (1985)
104. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off – John Hughes (1986)
105. *Falling Down - Joel Schumachler (1993)
Back to the Future - Robert Zemeckis (1985)
106. The African Queen - John Huston (1951) ***7.6/10***
*Naked - Mike Leigh (1993)
American Graffiti - George Lucas (1973)
Time Bandits – Terry Gilliam (1981) ***7.4/10***
Baby Doll - Elia Kazan (1956)
107. *Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - Quentin Tarantino (2019)
Sideways - Alexander Payne (2004)
108. To Die For - Gus Van Sant (1995) ***7.3/10***
109. Punch Drunk Love - Paul Thomas Anderson (2002)
111. Boogie Nights - Paul Thomas Anderson (1997)
The Front Page - Lewis Milestone (1931) ***7.3/10+?***
114. *Jackie Brown – Quentin Tarantino (1997)
115. Topsy Turvy - Mike Leigh (1999)
116. *Rain Man – Barry Levinson (1988)
Lethal Weapon - Richard Donner (1987)
Beetlejuice – Tim Burton (1988)
Groundhog Day – Harold Ramis (1993)
117. *Lost in Translation - Sofia Coppola (2003)
118. *Stranger Than Paradise - Jim Jarmusch (1984) ***7.3/10***
120. Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan - Larry Charles (2006)
122. The Adventures of Baron Manchausen - Terry Gilliam (1988)
123. The Wolf of Wall Street - Martin Scorsese (2013)
124. A Serious Man – Joel & Ethan Coen (2009)
125. Bottle Rocket - Wes Anderson (1996)
126. Nurse Betty - Neil Labute (2000) ***7.3/10***
128. The Cable Guy - Ben Stiller (1996)
129. Bridget Jones' Diary - Sharon Maguire (2001)
Rush Hour - Brett Ratner (1998)
130. Galaxy Quest - Dean Parisot (1999)
133. Mrs Doubtfire - Chris Columbus (1993)
134. Election - Alexander Payne (1999)
135. Being There - Hal Ashby (1979)
136. True Lies – James Cameron (1994)
137. Romancing the Stone - Robert Zemeckis (1984)
138. Zoolander - Ben Stiller (2001)
139. Spaceballs – Mel Brooks (1987)
141. National Lampoon's Animal House - John Landis (1978)
Chimes at Midnight - Orson Welles (1965)
142. The Circus - Charlie Chaplin (1928)
143. Hausu - Nobuhiko Obayashi (1977)
144. Deconstructing Harry – Woody Allen (1997)
145. Hail Caeser – Joel & Ethan Coen (2016)
146. Stranger Than Fiction – Marc Forster (2006)
147. Ocean's Eleven - Steven Soderbergh (2001)

The Kid - Charlie Chaplin (1921)
A Nous La Liberte - Rene Clair (1931)
Trouble in Paradise - Ernst Lubitsch (1932)
It Happened One Night - Frank Capra (1934)
The Shop Around the Corner - Ernst Lubitsch (1940)
The Lady Eve - Preston Sturges (1941)
Heaven Can Wait - Ernst Lubitsch (1943)
Arsenic and Old Lace - Frank Capra (1944)
Kind Hearts and Coronets - Robert Hamer (1949)
It's a A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World - Stanley Kramer (1963)
The Great Race - Blake Edwards (1964)
The Producers – Mel Brooks (1967)
Brewster McCloud - Robert Altman (1970)
Bananas - Woody Allen (1971)
Play it Again, Sam – Herbert Ross (1972)
What's Up, Doc - Peter Bogdonavich (1972)
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie - Luis Bunuel (1972)
Blazing Saddles – Mel Brooks (1974)
Young Frankenstein – Mel Brooks (1974)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Jim Sharman (1975)
The Jerk - Carl Reiner (1979)
This is Spinal Tap - Rob Reiner (1984)
Prizzi's Honor - John Huston (1985)
When Father Was Away On Business - Emir Kusturica (1985)
Hannah and Her Sisters – Woody Allen (1986)
Vampire's Kiss - Robert Bierman (1988)
Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown - Pedro Almodovar (1988)
Heathers - Michael Lehmanm (1988)
Crimes and Misdemeanors - Woody Allen (1989)
Time of the Gypsies - Emir Kusturica (1989)
The Burbs - Joe Dante (1989)
Home Alone - Chris Columbus (1990)
Braindead [aka, Dead Alive] - Peter Jackson (1992)
Dazed and Confused - Richard Linklater (1993)
Pleasantville – Gary Ross (1998)
Waking Ned Devine - Kirk Jones (1998)
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut - Trey Parker (1999)
Analyze This – Harold Ramis (1999)
Snatch - Guy Ritchie (2000)
Best In Show - Christopher Guest (2000)
*Catch Me if You Can - Steven Spielberg (2002)
Knight and Day – James Mangold (2010)
The Lego Movie - Chris Miller; Phil Lord (2014)

Shaun of the Dead - Edgar Wright (2004) (6.5-6.9)
Napoleon Dynamite - Jared Hess (2004) (6.5-6.8/10)
Rushmore - Wes Anderson (1998) (6.5-6.8/10)
Monty Python's Life of Brian - Terry Jones (1979) (6.5)
Mars Attacks! - Tim Burton (1996) (6.4)
Wedding Crashers – David Dobkin (2005) (6.4)
*Sneakers - Phil Alden Robinson (1992) (6.4)
Big - Penny Marshall (1988) (6.4)
The Hangover - Todd Phillips (2009) (6.3-6.9)
Bad Santa - Terry Zwigoff (2003) (6.2)
Sixteen Candles - John Hughes (1984) (6.1)
Singin' in the Rain - Stanley Donen; Gene Kelly (6.0)
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy – Adam McKay (2004) (6.0)
Bruce Almighty - Tom Shadyac (2003) (6.0)
Tropic Thunder - Ben Stiller (2008) (6.0)
Toy Story - John Lasseter (1995) (6.0)
Borat: Subsequent Moviefilm - Jason Woliner (2020) (6.0)
Office Space – Mike Judge (1999) (5.9)
Mean Girls - Mark Waters (2004) (5.9)
Working Girl - Mike Nichols (1987) (5.8/10)
22 Jump Street - Phil Lord; Christopher Miller (2014) (5.8/10)
The Naked Gun: From The Files of Police Squad! - David Zucker (1988) (5.6)
Fast Times At Ridgemont High - Amy Heckerling (1982) (5.5)
The 40 Year Old Virgin - Judd Apatow (2005) (5.6)
Kingpin - Robert Farrelly; Peter Farrelly (1996) (5.4)
Beverly Hills Cop - Martin Brest (1984) (5.3)
Duck Soup - Leo McCarey (1933) (5.1)
Knocked Up – Judd Apatow (2007) (5.1)
Uncle Buck - John Hughes (1989) (5.0)
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery - Jay Roach (1997) (5.0)
Clerks - Kevin Smith (1994) (5.0)
There's Something About Mary - Peter Farrelly; Babby Farrelly (1998) (5.0)
My Cousin Vinny – Jonathan Lynn (1992) (5.0)
The Princess Bride – Rob Reiner (1987) (5.0)
Cat Ballou - Elliot Silverstein (1965) (4.8/10)
Sleepless in Seattle - Nora Ephron (1993) (4.3)
Desperately Seeking Susan - Susan Seidelman (1985) (4/10?)
Married To The Mob – Jonathan Demme (1988) (4/10?)
Pirates - Roman Polanski (1987) (3.7)
Earth Girls Are Easy - Julian Temple (1989) (3.3)
Sherlock, Jr. - Buster Keaton (1924) (Not Rated)
The Cameraman - Edward Sedgwick (Buster Keaton) (1928) (Not Rated)
Zero for Conduct - Jean Vigo (1933) (Not Rated)
Monsieur Verdoux - Charlie Chaplin (1947) (Not Rated)
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - Mel Stuart (1971) (Not Rated)
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life - Terry Jones (1983) (Not Rated)
Repo Man - Alex Cox (1983) (Not Rated)
A Christmas Story - Bob Clark (1983) (Not Rated)
Trading Places - John Landis (1983) (Not Rated)
Splash - Ron Howard (1984) (Not Rated)
Clue - Jonathan Lynn (1985) (Not Rated)
Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure - Tim Burton (1985) (Not Rated)
Cocoon - Ron Howard (1985) (Not Rated)
Fright Night - Tom Holland (1985) (Not Rated)
Jewel of the Nile - Lewis Teague (1985) (Not Rated)
She's Gotta Have It - Spike Lee (1986) (Not Rated)
Moonstruck - Norman Jewison (1987) (Not Rated)
Coming to America - John Landis (1988) (Not Rated)
Dumb and Dumber - Peter Farrelly; Bobby Farrelly (1994) (Not Rated)
Ed Wood - Tim Burton (1994) (Not Rated)
Clueless - Amy Heckerling (1995) (Not Rated)
Friday - F. Gary Gray (1995) (Not Rated)
The Birdcage - Mike Nichols (1996) (Not Rated)
The Full Monty - Peter Cattaneo (1997) (Not Rated)
Liar Liar - Tom Shadyac (1997) (Not Rated)
Freddy Got Fingered - Tom Green (2001) (Not Rated)
Shallow Hal – Peter & Bobby Farrelly (2001) (Not Rated)
Idiocracy - Mike Judge (2006) (Not Rated)
Burn After Reading - Joel & Ethan Coen (2008) (Not Rated)

Out of Towners - Arthur Hiller (1970)
Even Dwarfs Started Small - Werner Herzog (1970)
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls - Russ Meyer (1970)
They Call Me Trinity - E.B. Clutcher (1970)
Where's Poppa? - Carl Reiner (1970)
Abominable Dr. Phibes - Robert Fuest (1971)
Pocket Money - Stuart Rosenberg (1971)
Pink Flamingos - John Waters (1972)
O Lucky Man - Lindsay Anderson (1973)
Paper Moon - Peter Bogdonavich (1973)
Altered States - Ken Russell (1980)
Buddy Buddy - Billy Wilder (1981)
S.O.B - Blake Edwards (1981)
Victoria - Blake Edwards (1982)
Suburbia - Penelope Spheeris (1983)
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension - WD Richter (1984)
The Coca Cola Kid - Dusan Makavejev (1985)
Zuckerbaby - Percy Adlon (1985)
Three Men and a Cradle - Coline Serreau (1985)
Twister - Michael Almereyda (1989)
Crooklyn - Spike Lee (1994)
Tuvalu - Veit Helmer (1999)
The Life Aquatic With Steve Zessau - Wes Anderson (2004)
Fantastic Mr Fox - Wes Anderson (2009)
Midnight in Paris – Woody Allen (2011)
The Dictator – Sacha Baron Cohen (2012)
Moonrise Kingdom - Wes Anderson (2012)
The Grand Budapest Hotel - Wes Anderson (2014)
Deadpool - Tim Miller (2016)
The Man Who Killed Don Quixote – Terry Gilliam (2018)
Isle Of Dogs - Wes Anderson (2018)

Withnail and I (1987)
A Bucket of Blood (1959) (black comedy, satire)
Happiness (1998) (black comedy)
Gummo (1997)
Meet the Feebles (1989)
Who Killed Who? (1943) (cartoon)
Crank (2006) (Crank 2 too?)
Four Lions (2010)
Rejected (2000) (short film)
Pineapple Express (2008)
Harvey (1950)
Sorry to Bother You (2018) (satire)
7 Days in Hell (2015) (short film, mockumentary)
EuroTrip (2004)
The Campaign (2012)


>>>>>ROUGH DRAFT<<<<<

Best Horror/Psychological Thriller

Persona - Ingmar Bergman (1966)
Vertigo - Alfred Hitchcock (1958)
Rosemary's Baby - Roman Polanski (1968)

Possession - Andrzej Zulawski (1981) [Original Cut, 123 minutes]
The Kingdom - Lars Von Trier (1995)
Taxi Driver - Martin Scorsese (1976)
*Apocalypse Now - Francis Ford Coppola (1979) [Original Theatrical Release, 153 minutes]
Cries and Whispers - Ingmar Bergman (1973)
Lost Highway - David Lynch (1997)
Inland Empire - David Lynch (2006)
Rear Window - Alfred Hitchcock (1954)
What Ever Happened To Baby Jane? - Robert Aldrich (1962)
Greed - Erich von Stroheim (1924) [Studio Cut, 140 minutes]
Psycho - Alfred Hitchcock (1960)
The Conversation - Francis Ford Coppola (1974)
Blow Out - Brian De Palma (1981)
Marnie - Alfred Hitchcock (1964)
Memento - Christopher Nolan (2001)
Cache - Michael Haneke (2005)
Time - Kim Ki-duk (2006)
*Europa - Lars Von Trier (1991)
Come and See - Elem Klimov (1985)
Repulsion - Roman Polanski (1965)

Mulholland Drive - David Lynch (2001)
Funny Games - Michael Haneke (1997)
The Night of the Hunter - Charles Laughton (1955)
*Solaris - Andrei Tarkovsky (1972)
Dressed to Kill - Brian De Palma (1980)
Hush... Hush Sweet Charlotte - Robert Aldrich (1965)
Blue Velvet - David Lynch (1986)
Woman in the Dunes - Hiroshi Teshigahara (1964)
The Birds - Alfred Hitchcock (1963)
Eraserhead - David Lynch (1978)
Hour of the Wolf - Ingmar Bergman (1968)
The Tenant - Roman Polanski (1976)
*Enter The Void - Gaspar Noe (2009)
Peeping Tom - Michael Powell (1960)
*Deliverance - John Boorman (1972)
Perfect Blue - Satoshi Kon (1997)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Don Siegel (1956)
Pi - Darren Aronofsky (1998)
Body Double - Brian De Palma (1984)
Shock Corridor - Sam Fuller (1963)
Shadow of a Doubt - Alfred Hitchcock (1943)
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari - Robert Wiene (1920)
The Game - David Fincher (1998)
Valerie and Her Week of Wonders - Jaromil Jires (1970)
Antichrist - Lars Von Trier (2009)
Videodrome - David Cronenberg (1983)
Alien - Ridley Scott (1979)
*The Phantom Carriage - Victor Sjostrom (1921)
Duel - Steven Spielberg (1971)
Nosferatu - F.W. Murnau (1922)
Carrie - Brian DePalma (1976)
The Shout - Jerzy Skolimowski (1979)
*The Stranger - Orson Welles (1946)

*Fight Club - David Fincher (1999)
*Pan's Labyrinth - Guillermo del Toro (2006)
Don't Look Now - Nicolas Roeg (1973)
*Requiem For A Dream - Darren Aronofsky (2000)
Suspicion - Alfred Hitchcock (1941)
Taxidermia - Gyorgy Palfi (2006)
*Picnic at Hanging Rock - Peter Weir (1975)
Annihilation - Alex Garland (2018)
Mother! - Darren Aronofsky (2017)
Basic Instinct - Paul Verhoeven (1992)
Black Swan - Darren Aronofsky (2010)
Scream - Wes Craven (1996)
Silence of the Lambs - Jonathan Demme (1991)
Jaws - Steven Spielberg (1975)
*Shallow Grave - Danny Boyle (1994)
*Devil's Advocate - Taylor Hackford (1997)
The Exorcist - William Friedkin (1973)
The Witch - Robert Eggers (2015)
*Zodiac - David Fincher (2007)
Seven - David Fincher (1995)
The Shining - Stanley Kubrick (1980)
Vampyr - Carl Theodor Dreyer (1931)
*Under the Skin - Jonathan Glazer (2014)
*Freaks - Tod Browning (1932)
*Meshes of the Afternoon - Maya Deren (1943)
*Un Chien Andalou - Luis Bunuel (1929)
*The Seventh Continent - Michael Haneke (1989)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Tobe Hooper (1974)
Halloween - John Carpenter (1978)
Rebecca - Alfred Hitchcock (1940)
Hellraiser - Clive Barker (1987)
The Babadook - Jennifer Kent (2014)
The Blair Witch Project (1999)
Sisters - Brian De Palma (1972)
Night of the Living Dead - George Romero (1968)
Bride of Frankenstein - James Whale (1935)
Suspiria - Dario Argento (1977)

Cape Fear - Jack Lee Thompson (1962) (Not Rated)
An American Werewolf in London (1981)
The Thing (1982)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
The Descent (2005)

*The Witches - Nicolas Roeg (1990) (6.6)


*Citizen Kane - Orson Welles (1941)
Touch of Evil - Orson Welles (1958) [Restored Welles' Cut, 108 minutes]
North By Northwest - Alfred Hitchcock (1959)

Vertigo - Alfred Hitchcock (1958)
*Werckmeister Harmonies - Bela Tarr (2000)
Rosemary's Baby - Roman Polanski (1968)
The Lady from Shanghai - Orson Welles (1948)
*Blow Up - Michelangelo Antonioni (1966)

Mr. Arkadin - Orson Welles (1955) [Comprehensive Version, 105 minutes] ***9/10***
*The Kingdom - Lars Von Trier (1995)
Lost Highway - David Lynch (1997)
Inland Empire - David Lynch (2006)
Rear Window - Alfred Hitchcock (1954)
Chinatown - Roman Polanski (1974)
Psycho - Alfred Hitchcock (1960)
The Conversation - Francis Ford Coppola (1974)
Blow Out - Brian De Palma (1981)
*Marnie - Alfred Hitchcock (1964)
Memento - Christopher Nolan (2001)
Cache - Michael Haneke (2005)
*Old Boy - Chan-wook Park (2003)
Europa - Lars Von Trier (1991)
Rashomon - Akira Kurosawa (1950)
The Third Man - Carol Reed (1949)

Mulholland Drive - David Lynch (2001)
*Solaris - Andrei Tarkovsky (1972)
Dressed to Kill - Brian De Palma (1980)
Hush... Hush Sweet Charlotte - Robert Aldrich (1965)
Blue Velvet - David Lynch (1986)
*Woman in the Dunes - Hiroshi Teshigahara (1964)
*The Birds - Alfred Hitchcock (1963)
*After Hours - Martin Scorsese (1985)
The Trial - Orson Welles (1962)
*Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia - Sam Peckinpah (1974)
*L’Avventura – Michelangelo Antonioni (1960)
LA Confidential - Curtis Hanson (1998)
The Big Sleep - Howard Hawks (1946)
*Hero - Zhang Yimou (2002)
In A Lonely Place - Nicholas Ray (1950)
*Last Year at Marienbad - Alain Resnais (1961)
*The Tenant - Roman Polanski (1976)
*Twelve Monkeys - Terry Gilliam (1995)
The Lives of Others - Florian Henckel von Donnersmark (2007)
Frantic - Roman Polanski (1988)
*Perfect Blue - Satoshi Kon (1997)
Body Double - Brian De Palma (1984)
Shock Corridor - Sam Fuller (1963)
World on a Wire - Rainer Fassbinder (1973)
*Harakiri - Masaki Kobayashi (1962)
*To Catch a Thief - Alfred Hitchcock (1955)
The White Ribbon - Michael Haneke (2009)
*Chungking Express - Wong Kar-wai (1994)
*Videodrome - David Cronenberg (1983)
*Double Indemnity - Billy Wilder (1944)
*Notorious - Alfred Hitchcock (1946)
The Game - David Fincher (1998)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit - Robert Zemeckis (1988)
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - Shane Black (2005)
Kiss Me Deadly - Robert Aldrich (1955)
The Shout - Jerzy Skolimowski (1979)
The Draughtman's Contract - Peter Greenaway (1982)

Three Colors: Red - Krzysztof Kieslowski (1994)
Three Colors: Blue - Krzysztov Kieslowski (1993)
Talk To Her - Pedro Almadovar (2002)
Brewster Mcloud

Don't Look Now - Nicolas Roeg (1973) ***7.8/10***
Minority Report - Steven Spielberg (2002)
Suspicion - Alfred Hitchcock (1941)
Picnic at Hanging Rock - Peter Weir (1975)
Annihilation - Alex Garland (2018)
Hot Fuzz - Edgar Wright (2007)
Spellbound - Alfred Hitchcock (1945) ***7.5/10***
Basic Instinct - Paul Verhoeven (1992)
Scream - Wes Craven (1996)
Dark City - Alex Proyas (1998)
The Usual Suspects - Bryan Singer (1995)
Silence of the Lambs - Jonathan Demme (1991)
Laura - Otto Preminger (1944) ***7.5/10+?***
The Maltese Falcon - John Huston (1941)
Zodiac - David Fincher (2007)
Seven - David Fincher (1995)
Moon - Duncan Jones (2009)
Rebecca - Alfred Hitchcock (1940)
The 39 Steps - Alfred Hitchcock (1935)
Dial M For Murder - Alfred Hitchcock (1954)
Stage Fright - Alfred Hitchcock (1950)
Arrival - Denis Vellinueve (2016)
Blade Runner 2049 - Denis Vellinueve (2017)
*Sisters - Brian De Palma (1972)
Soylent Green - Richard Fleischer (1973) ***7.5/10***


Very possibly / To Revisit:
The Lady Vanishes - Alfred Hitchcock (1938)
Saboteur - Alfred Hitchcock (1942)
Femme Fatale - Brian De Palma (2002)
The Long Goodbye - Robert Altman (1973)
Charade - Stanley Donen (1963)
The Wicker Man - Robin Hardy (1973)
*The Fugitive - Andrew Davis (1993)
The Fallen Idol - Carol Reed (1948)


Scaruffi 6.8+ or Otherwise Acclaimed:
*Russian Ark - Aleksandr Sokurov (2002) (6.5)

To See:
Long Day’s Journey Into Night - Bi Gan (2018)
April and the Extraordinary World

Best Science Fiction/Futuristic/Dystopian Films

NOTE: My selections are ranked and rated by how great a film I consider them, not solely by their merits as science fiction (though adherence to the genre must be consistent enough to qualify). Many of them are multi-genre films and will be featured on other genre lists as well.

Recommendations / Discussion Welcome

If you would like to add your own list, feel free to post it or (for Letterboxd, etc) link to it in the thread and I will include a link to it below in the "Other User's Lists"

* = Questionable Genre Selection; May Be Removed

Brazil - Terry Gilliam (1985) [The Final Cut, 142 minutes]

Metropolis - Fritz Lang (1927) ["The Complete Metropolis", 147 minutes]

Stalker - Andrei Tarkovsky (1979)
2001: A Space Odyssey - Stanley Kubrick (1968)
Zardoz - John Boorman (1972)
*Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Michel Gondry (2004)

City of Lost Children - Jean-Marie Jeunet (1995)
Solaris - Andrei Tarkovsky (1972)
*Eraserhead - David Lynch (1978)
Blade Runner - Ridley Scott (1982) [The Final Cut, 117 minutes]
Twelve Monkeys - Terry Gilliam (1995)
A Clockwork Orange - Stanley Kubrick (1971)
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope - George Lucas (1977)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Don Siegel (1956)
World on a Wire - Rainer Fassbinder (1973)
The Truman Show - Peter Weir (1998)
2046 - Wong Kar-wai (2004)
Videodrome - David Cronenberg (1983)
Southland Tales - Richard Kelly (2003)
Alien - Ridley Scott (1979)
Strange Days - Kathryn Bigelow (1995)
The Terminator - James Cameron (1984)

*The Prestige - Christopher Nolan (2006)
Minority Report - Steven Spielberg (2002)
Annihilation - Alex Garland (2016)
The Road Warrior - George Miller (1982)
Mad Max - George Miller (1979)
Children of Men - Alfonso Cuaron (2006)
Dark City - Alex Proyas (1998)
Ex Machina - Alex Garland (2016)
La Jetee - Chris Marker (1962)
Akira - Katsuhiro Otomo (1988)
The Fifth Element - Luc Besson (1996)
Ghostbusters – Ivan Reitman (1984)
Back To The Future - Robert Zemeckis (1985)
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back - Irvin Kershner (1980)
Escape From New York - John Carpenter (1981)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Steven Spielberg (1977)
Donnie Darko - Richard Kelly (2001)
Her - Spike Jonze (2013)
The Day The Earth Stood Still - Robert Wise (1951)
Under the Skin - Jonathan Glazer (2013)
Moon - Duncan Jones (2009)
*Batman Returns - Tim Burton (1992)
The Matrix - Lana Wachowski; Lilly Wachowski (1999)
*The Dark Knight - Christopher Nolan (2008)
Contact - Robert Zemeckis (1997)
Total Recall - Paul Verhoeven (1990)
*Time Bandits – Terry Gilliam (1981)
Robocop - Paul Verhoeven (1987)
Arrival - Denis Vellinueve (2016)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day - James Cameron (1992)
Blade Runner 2049 - Denis Vellinueve (2017)
Inception - Christopher Nolan (2010)
Snowpiercer - Joon-ho Bong (2014)
Galaxy Quest - Dean Parisot (1999)
The Andromeda Strain - Robert Wise (1971)
Interstellar - Christopher Nolan (2014)
eXistenZ - David Cronenberg (1999)
The Fountain - Darren Aronofsky (2006)
Bride of Frankenstein - James Whale (1935)
Soylent Green - Richard Fleischer (1973)
They Live - John Carpenter (1988)
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome - George Miller (1985)
E.T. - Steven Spielberg (1982)
Gravity - Alfonso Cuaron (2014)
District 9 - Neil Blomkamp (2009)

The Invisible Man - James Whale (1933)
The Black Cat - Edgar Ullmer (1934)
It Came From Outer Space - Jack Arnold (1953)
Them! - Gordon Douglas (1954)
Creature From the Black Lagoon - Jack Arnold (1954)
Forbidden Planet - Fred Wilcox (1956)
The Fly - Kurt Neumann (1958)
On the Beach - Stanley Kramer (1959)
The Damned - Joseph Losey (1963)
Alphaville - Jean-Luc Godard (1965)
Seconds - John Frankenheimer (1966)
Fantaatic Voyage - Richard Fleischer (1966)
Fahrenheit 451 - Francois Truffaut (1967)
THX-1138 - George Lucas (1971)

Tron - Steven Lisberger (1982)
Wall-E - Andrew Stanton
The Stepford Wives
Max Max Fury Road?

Planet of the Apes - Franklin Schaffner (1968) (6.4)
Mars Attacks! - Tim Burton (1996) (6.4)

A Trip to the Moon - Georges Melies (1902)
Frankenstein - James Whale (1931)
Godzilla - Inoshiro Honda (1954)
Star Trek - Gene Roddenberry (1966)
Barbarella - Roger Vadim (1968)

Lawnmower Man


Aelita - Yakov Protazanov (1924)
The Inhuman Woman - Marcel L'Herbier (1924)
The Mystery of the Wax Museum - Michael Curtiz (1933)
The Devil Doll - Todd Browning (1936)
Dr Cyclops - Ernest Schoedsack (1940)
When Worlds Collide - Rudolph Mate (1951)
The Quatermass Xperiment - Val Guest (1956)
First Spaceship on Venus - Kurt Maetzig (1960)
The Creation of the Humanoids - Wesley Barry (1962)
Flying Saucer - Tinto Brass (1964)
Terror in Space - Mario Bava (1965)
O Gladiatiorerna - Peter Watkins (1968)
Man's Seed - Marco Ferreri (1969)
Upstream Color - Shane Carruth (2013)


The Wild Bunch - Sam Peckinpah (1969) [Director's Cut, 145 minutes]
Once Upon a Time in the West - Sergio Leone (1968)

Johnny Guitar - Nicholas Ray (1954)
Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia - Sam Peckinpah (1974)
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance - John Ford (1962)
The Ballad of Cable Hogue - Sam Peckinpah (1970)
Dead Man - Jim Jarmusch (1995)
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre - John Huston (1948)
McCabe & Mrs. Miller - Robert Altman (1971)
The Searchers - John Ford (1956)
My Darling Clementine - John Ford (1946)

Shane - George Stevens (1953) ***7.5/10+?***
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - George Roy Hill (1969) ***7.5/10+?***
Stagecoach - John Ford (1939)
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Sergio Leone (1966) ***7.4/10***
High Noon - Fred Zimmerman (1952) ***7.4/10+?***
No Country For Old Men - Joel and Ethan Coen (2007)
A Fistful of Dollars - Sergio Leone (1964) ***6.5/10***

The General - Buster Keaton (1925)
The Gold Rush - Charlie Chaplin (1925)
The Misfits - John Huston (1961)
Badlands - Terrence Malick
Heaven's Gate - Michael Cimino (1980)
I'm Not There - Todd Haynes (2007)
There Will Be Blood - Paul Thomas Anderson (2007)
The Ox-Bow Incident - William Wellman (1942)
Red River - Howard Hawks (1948)
Fort Apache - John Ford (1948)
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon - John Ford (1949)
Winchester '73 - Anthony Mann (1950)
Rio Grande - John Ford (1950)
A Quiet Man - John Ford (1952)
Rancho Notorious - Fritz Lang (1952)
Vera Cruz - Robert Aldrich (1954)
Rio Bravo - Howard Hawks (1959)
Ride the High Country - Sam Peckinpah (1962)
Pat Garret and Billy the Kid - Sam Peckinpah
For A Few Dollars More - Sergio Leone (1965)
El Topo - Alejandro Jodorowsky (1970)
Ulzana's Raid - Robert Aldrich (1972)
Blazing Saddles - Mel Brooks (1974)
Dances With Wolves - Kevin Costner (1990)
Open Range - Kevin Costner (2003)
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford - Andrew Dominik (2007)
Meek's Cutoff - Kelly Reichardt (2010)
The Hateful Eight - Quentin Tarantino (2015)
Jeremiah Johnson - Sydney Pollack (1972)
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs - Joel and Ethan Coen (2018)

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