Plastic Lunchtime Flow - Band Bios

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  • #1
  • Posted: 03/02/2013 00:50
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Plastic Lunchtime Flow - Band Bios

A thread for reference later on and to admire our handy work:

Name: Eric Paldermoss
Age(as of jan 1 2013): 24
Role: Vocals/Keys
Songwriting: Music, no lyrics
Nationality: American
Sex: Bisexual

Bio: Grew up listening to the great Indie Rock of the early 2000s. After hearing the song Fronter Psychiatrist by the Avalanches started taking up singing and the basic piano he learnt as a child more seriously. Troubled by his bisexuality, his life turned completely to music and by 2005 was singing at local music venues in his hometown of Chicago. After finishing high school, he went to college where he met (?someone else can do this guy) and quitting to start a band in May 2012.

Name: Lukas Vetovski
Role: Sound recorder/editor, percussion
Age: 24
Songwriting: music not lyrics
Nationality: Polish-Australian

Lukas Vetovski was born in Australia after his parents migrated due to family complications. Lukas was an only child and found solace in recording on a tape recorder his cousin gave to him for his 6th birthday. He would create his own radio show and experiment with his voice.

At high school, Lukas continued to be a lone figure in the music classroom, focusing more on composition than actual playing. In his final year of high school, Lukas met Andrea, his first muse. His first gift to her was a CD comprised of various samples entitled 'Fragments of the Heart.' However, Andrea left Lukas only a few months into the relationship, leaving him completely heartbroken.

With Lukas' achievement within music and the thought of Andrea always following him in Australia, he went to the USA and met Eric Paldermoss in college. Lukas became the tech guru for Eric and his band (once Eric left college). Lukas continues to study so his mind is only occupied by music and its complexities.

Name: Suzaku Karnaukhov
Age: 19
Nationality: Japanese-Russian
Instrument: Slingshot and a gong


Born in southern California to newly immigrated Japanese and Russian parents, Suzaku Karnaukhov always had trouble fitting in with his peers. The boy had a different mentality than most of his classmates, having existential crises and studying nihilistic ideology while the rest of his 1st grade class just wanted to eat crayons. Concerned about his mental health, Suzaku's parents set him to weekly therapy, though before long the therapist himself had to submit for therapy. Suzaku needed some form of emotional expression. He tried writing, but his semi-erotic philosophical manifestos received little commercial or critical attention, though eventually a cult following did build up around them. Suzaku discovered music at the age of 15, and instantly fell in love with the artistic medium. By the age of 17, Suzaku could play guitar, flute, harpsichord, hurdy-gurdy, balalaika, and ondes-martonet, but found himself unable to master any of them. It was not until he joined his first band (after having responded to a local Craigslist ad) that Suzaku really found his calling in music. While playing balalaika with his band at an asian cultural festival, Suzaku lost his grip on his pick, which proceeded to fly across the room and collide with a ceremonial gong. The sound it produced was sublime, and from that day forward, Suzaku's primary means of performance would be slinging small rocks at a gong on the opposite end of the stage. His band was displeased by this, as Suzaki would often run out of pebbles mid performance, and would proceed to sling his bandmates' picks and drumsticks. His band would have no more. Now Suzaku is bandless, with his only friends being his slingshot, and his cult of semi-erotic philosophical manifesto readers.

Name: Wolffy Wolf
Instrument: Trumpet (poetry may as well be lyrics, it was more of an inside joke that I said poetry).
Age: 23


Steven was born in the out - skirts of pen - island. The first breathe of life he took was in a jail cell. His parents were in fact jailed rebels. Growing up (after their release 9 years after he was born), Steven had many complications within society, being the son of known rebels people decided to shun him, or at least a good majority of them did. His only known friends were a good buddy he met in school, his family, and his poetry. He would write, day after day, about the depressing fact that his life was a shit hole.

One day (around the age of 13), he went under the wing of one of the greatest poets that he had ever read an excerpt from. Day after day, he would practice new techniques in writing and all that good jazz. In fact, he only listened to jazz throughout his time with the mentor and so he decided to also take up the trumpet. 4 years later, after his training was complete , he decided to follow in the steps of his parents and actually started a vocal revolution, people would call him "The wolf" because of his sharp skills in creating lyrics and poetry to destroy the government.

During this time, he would hold many live jazz concerts (which were free) for the poor people of pen - island. Around this time, at the age of 18 (1 years after he started his vocalized revolution), he was arrested for littering. Since the police noticed the strong connections he had with "the Wolf", they locked him up with the assumption they were the same person. During his time in lock - up, he made quite a few allies which would hold weekly rap battles. Originally, Steven lost many of these and so people would make fun of him by calling him "The Losing Wolf". This name would stick with him until he won his first championship. At that point, he decided to change "Losing" to a word that sounded similar and hope no one noticed. he chose to be called "The Wolfy Wolf", and it fooled all his jail mates.

At the end of his time in the prison (around the age of 22), he read about a wondrously free place called "America". He decided, through his many connections and allies within the freed community, to get a free pass to America as well as citizenship. At this point (Steven being the age 23), he started a thrift shop because it seemed like an easy enough occupation. One day, two of his best customers, Eric Paldermoss and Lukas Vetovski, captured him and his jazzy essence when playing some personal songs that he had played live back in his home country. They saw him and immediately invited him to join their band.

Name: Emil Vanderson
Age: 23
Nationality: Romanian (naturalized American citizen)
Instrument: Electric cello

Born in Romania, January 17, 1990, to a home-maker mother and a veterinary proctologist father, he was accepted to Ohio University as an exchange student, majoring in marine biology. While in college, he was taken aback by the number of fellow students who were amazed by his skill at the electric cello.
Buoyed by his popularity, he put an ad out on Craigslist seeking to find fellow musicians whom he could join in a band.

Little did he know, when his ad was responded to, he was about to join what was destined to become the greatest band of all time.....

Name: Kryb
Age: 17
Instrument: Bass, occ.guitar, backing vox.
Sexuality: Straight


At age 13 Kryb, a young negro lad living in the Bronx, heard Funkadelics Maggot Brain. Immediately he took up the bass learning the bass parts for almost every funk song of the 70s. He left home at 15 and joined a local hip hop collective where he would steal the show every night playing his elaborate slap solos in crazy keys and time signatires. He was sacked for being too good.

After a few years playing in various records, Kryb hitched a bus to Chicago in the hope of a better life. He rode on the top of the bus with only a stolen sandwich and his bass.

After arriving at Chicago, he met Eric Paldermoss and his band playing a gig at a small bar in July 2012, 2 months fter the band had formed. Kryb asked if he could join, and after jamming Higher Ground on stage with Eric, Lucas, Suza, Christmas and Wolffy Wolf joined the band

Name: Christmas Davis
Real Name: ???? ???????
Age: 20
Instrument: Guitar
Songwriting: No
Nationality: English/Welsh

Born in the British Isles, not much else is known about Christmas Davis's origins. No one has come forward to claim him as their child and all of what is known about his upbringing comes from his mouth alone. Growing up he was an only child but was never lonely as he claims everybody loved him. The other kids would always borrow his toys as his father was the manager of a toy shop. While he was sad to see them leave (he saw not one return) he would always let them borrow them because that's what "kind boys do yeah" and anyway his father would always bring new ones home, along with new Tv's, microwaves and car radios. When he was 9, his life was changed forever when his dad became a police officer. Recalling the night it happened as "sad and great yeah" he felt pride watching the two officers walk his dad to the car as his mother cried beside him. He has never seen his father since.

Weeks later he moved into a new house with his mother. Despite the bathtub being green, no carpet on the floors and the broken windows he was overjoyed with this new abode because it had a pet rat. While he was thrilled with his new companion, the fact there were new toys deeply saddened him and he took solace in Christmas, the only time of year where he would get something new. On the Christmas Christmas was 14 years old, Christmas received an acoustic guitar. Initially he used it as a house for a family of Corktops he owned but soon put his rat companion in there. While he enjoyed his new house at first, it died minutes later. In despair Christmas was soon haunted by the ghost of his friend who he claims appeared to him not all white and shiny but as if he was real. Crying one night during another visit, he tried to reach for his former friend to make amends but accidently brushed against the guitar. The noise from the strings caused the rat to flee. Afterwards he noticed the rat would only go away if he played the strings. He soon decided his former friend would only leave him alone if he learned the guitar and in his furry name that's what he set out to do.

Armed with the only album with a guitar his mother had, Stereophonics 'Just Enough Education To Perform', Christmas set about religiously perfecting his new found love. Finishing school at 16 and only ever holding down one job at 'Home Bargins' for 6 months, he had plenty of time to himself. In an effort to expand his musical knowledge, Christmas borrowed a kind neighbors CD collection and Stereo. Despite a fondness for the older man who gave him Bon Jovi's 'Cross Road' one day, he believes he was the one who got the police to arrest him. He was happy when he was sent to a young offenders boot camp as there were no police there and therefore no chance he'll meet his dad.

Life in the camp was strict. The food sucked, they made you run places and they always shouted. The councilor he feared most in the camp was the one named Piston Bostock. Every word which that came from his mouth was a shout, he hit people who either looked at him or didn't and he had a bulging eye which looked ready to pop out at any given moment. One day when addressing the campers, Piston grabbed Christmas by the collar and with his big almost touching his face snarled "If you runaway, by god I will chase you to hell to get you back" This and "rice crispies yeah" were on his mind 3 weeks later when he escaped with a fellow drifter on the night of Christmas Eve.

After saving the fellow's life from an oncoming train the same night, he felt indebted to Christmas and got his sister to make him a passport and a new identity to live a new life in America. Christmas thinks it was Roger but has since forgotten it as he threw it away when he left the airport. In a strange new town and with less than $100 in his pocket, Chirstmas "was as good as dead" according to The Flow's sound recorder 'Lukas Vetovski'. As fate would have it, Christmas, lulled inside by a flickering neon guitar on the front of a local band lockup, found Lukas and Eric packing up after miserable auditions for a guitarist. Upon seeing an acoustic guitar again, Christmas dashed towards it and with passion played for hours. It was as clear to the two guys as the smell moldy cheese and animals dropping that had now invaded the room, this was the one for them.

Name: Chee
Species: Capuchin Monkey
Bio: Lukas' pet monkey since he found him hanging around a park near his home and took him in. Very smart and receptive for a chimp, and having watched Lukas experiment with music through most of his life, started learning the ropes without anyone noticing. When Lukas left for college and started the band with Eric, the monkey came along on the former's luggage.

Sitting in on their jamming and practice sessions, the guys noticed the monkey kept making rhythms with claps and hits on nearby objects. When they sat him on the throne, he quickly understood hitting the drums made different noises. Half an hour later he was rocking out. For now he's not really a part of the band, but he's there every time they practice and jam, and may come to be part of the main lineup with time and practice.

Last edited by Kiki on 03/02/2013 14:00; edited 1 time in total
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  • #2
  • Posted: 03/02/2013 00:53
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Looks like it's going well. Outlaw, you seem to have some great ideas for games. Keep up the good work!
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  • #3
  • Posted: 03/07/2013 21:37
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My opinions on characters so far:

Eric Paldermoss - Seems more bipolar than bisexual. Seems to be the one obsessing most about being a rockstar. In reaching distance of the title of 'Main Character'

Lukas Vetovski - Essential for holding the band together. Where some annoy, harass, attack each other, he is on good relations with pretty much everyone. Good guy.

Suzaku Karnaukhov - Not only a Flow fan favorite on stage but looking like a favorite to write about. I'm looking forward to writing more about him. The gong, the intelligence he has had since being a kid and the antics which conceal it, a great rockstar.

Wolffy Wolf - The poet and lyric writer. Seems to be more docile than I thought he would be.

Kryb - Doesn't act like the youngest. An honest person despite those stolen cars and vans. The way things are going in a few years he might be alongside Lukas as two of the most grown up members of the band. That's unless he goes completely off the wall...

Emil Vanderson - That guy. I... well I hope it isn't an insult at all. It's just... he's reliable and he does his bit. Maybe he could shine if given a chance? Whole childhood in Romania? Going into a new country all by himself? Plays the Electric Cello!? Must be something to write about. Definitely potential there to stop me thinking him as "that guy".

Christmas Davis - The simple care free and happy one. Also bottom of the pile with Emil in the shifting band hierarchy.

So what do you think of the characters in the first 9 months? Smile

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot Chee. The way things are going this might be the poor things destination. Sad
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Gender: Male

  • #4
  • Posted: 03/08/2013 06:53
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Really like the opinions outlaw as thats pretty much how I see them.
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  • #5
  • Posted: 03/08/2013 08:19
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Totally agree with sheep. But DAMN YOU OUTLAW. You have linked me to TV Tropes. I have homework to do. You know not what you have done
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