Getting to Know You: the New Class

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  • #1
  • Posted: 12/15/2013 11:27
  • Post subject: Getting to Know You: the New Class
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Originally a thread started by the wonderful and sexy Jhereko, I thought it would be interesting to revive it as a lot of new members have gotten active in the forums these past few months. Most of this is just ripped off from the original thread, but just new enough to label it "re-imagining". Again, answer as much as you want, add shit, ignore it, whatever.

Here's the template:

[b]City/Town of Birth:
Native Tongue:
Favorite Color:
Favorite expression or phrase:
Favorite word:
Favorite curse word:
least favorite word:
Sibling(s)/kid(s) of your own:
Work/area of study/artistic pursuit/Uh, uh, papers, um, just papers, uh, you know, uh, my papers, business papers
Single/Dating/Married/Live-in/it's complicated/strictly carnal/none ya buisness/what's a myspace?
Biggest turn-on (physical feature):
Biggest turn-on (intangible):
Biggest turn-off (anything):
Favorite cartoon as a kid:
Favorite meme:
Favorite non-alcoholic beverage/drink:
Favorite Beer
Favorite Wine/spirit:
Favorite drinking game
If you could have dinner with two people who have ever lived, who would they be?
Favorite stress reliever/outlet:
Favorite clothing you own:
Piece of clothing you wished you owned:
Favorite Book:
Favorite Author
Favorite smell
Celebirty Crush:
Least Favorite Smell
On a scale of 1 (lethal) to 6 (saoirse and Jhereko) to up-to-11 (Jackwc), how gay are you?
Left/Right/slightly left or right of center/politics suck/aliens control our thoughts
Favorite Place to visit
Favorite letter of the alphabet (any language)
Favorite song:
Favorite style of music:
First album you ever owned (or I guess downloaded)
Favorite drug (uh, you can use pig latin if you're scared)
Favorite superhero
Favorite item of technology
least favorite item of technology
Favorite musical instrument to play or just hear
Complete this sentence: "I would love to ____, but for me, it's physically impossible"
If you could live anywhere(s), where would it be?
Favorite thing on the telly:
Favorite "tasteful" Film:
Your Actual Favorite Film:
Favorite Director:
Favorite Actor:
Favorite Actress:
Beatles or Velvet Underground?
Public Enemy or NWA?
Lorde or Lana?
4chan or imgur?
Favorite Pato Song:
The title to your biography or memoir:[/b]

Last edited by Saoirse on 12/15/2013 12:05; edited 1 time in total
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  • #2
  • Posted: 12/15/2013 12:00
  • Post subject: Re: Getting to Know You: the New Class
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City/Town of Birth: Seattle
Native Tongue: American Northwest English
Favorite Color Auburn
Favorite expression or phrase: We're not electing the fucking pope here
Favorite word: Bombastic
Favorite curse word: suck-a-fuck
least favorite word: none, just the phrase "What's the big deal with..."
Sibling(s)/kid(s) of your own: one half-sister I barely know and none that I know of
Work/area of study/artistic pursuit/Uh, uh, papers, um, just papers, uh, you know, uh, my papers, business papers: Unloader, wannabe cosmetologist and overseas english teacher
Single/Dating/Married/Live-in/it's complicated/strictly carnal/none ya buisness/what's a myspace? Nowadays, involuntary celibate
Biggest turn-on (physical feature): Eyes and Eyebrows
Biggest turn-on (intangible): A warm smile
Biggest turn-off (anything): A smirk
Favorite cartoon as a kid: Beavis and Butthead
Favorite meme: we will never be royals
Favorite non-alcoholic beverage/drink: cranberry juice
Favorite Beer: whatever's cheap
Favorite Wine/spirit: Jameson
Favorite drinking game: Drink the beer
If you could have dinner with two people who have ever lived, who would they be? An_Outlaw and Sigmend Freud
Favorite stress reliever/outlet: other than masturbating, cooking chili
Favorite clothing you own: my charlie brown shirt
Piece of clothing you wished you owned: red versace boots
Favorite Book: Ham on Rye
Favorite Author: Gustave Flaubert
Favorite smell: damp grass
Celebirty Crush: Kathryn Beckwith
Least Favorite Smell: motel pools
On a scale of 1 (lethal) to 6 (saoirse and Jhereko) to up-to-11 (Jackwc), how gay are you? 6.7
Left/Right/slightly left or right of center/politics suck/aliens control our thoughts: Far-left
Favorite Place to visit: Berlin
Favorite letter of the alphabet (any language): the russian tsch
Favorite song: Bells Ring or Rebellion, depending on the day
Favorite style of music: Singer-Songwriter
First album you ever owned (or I guess downloaded): Coolio- gangster's paradise. 1995 on tape, bitches
Favorite drug (uh, you can use pig latin if you're scared): anything organic that makes the trees breathe
Favorite superhero: Gandhi
Favorite item of technology: my headphones
least favorite item of technology: keyboards on cell phones
Favorite musical instrument to play or just hear: Violin
Complete this sentence: "I would love to ____, but for me, it's physically impossible" Trib a Unicorn
If you could live anywhere(s), where would it be? A studio on the Upper West Side and a loft in Kreuzberg
Favorite thing on the telly: Lip Service
Favorite "tasteful" Film: Persona
Your Actual Favorite Film: Dumb and Dumber
Favorite Director: Pedro Almadovar
Favorite Actor:now, Michael Fassbender, all-time Dustin Hoffman
Favorite Actress: now, Jessica Chastain, all-time Liv Ullman
Beatles or Velvet Underground? VU
Public Enemy or NWA? Public Enemy
Lorde or Lana? Lorde
4chan or imgur? imgur, cause I have limits
Favorite Pato Song: Smile
The title to your biography or memoir: see rank name
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Norman Bates

Gender: Male
Age: 51
Location: Paris, France

  • #3
  • Posted: 12/15/2013 12:31
  • Post subject: Re: Getting to Know You: the New Class
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[b]City/Town of Birth: Paris, France.
Native Tongue: French
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite expression or phrase: Ah ?
Favorite word: Ah
Favorite curse word: Merde
least favorite word: Oh la la
Sibling(s)/kid(s) of your own: 2 bros, 1 son.
Work/area of study/artistic pursuit/Uh, uh, papers, um, just papers, uh, you know, uh, my papers, business papers The teaching racket
Single/Dating/Married/Live-in/it's complicated/strictly carnal/none ya buisness/what's a myspace? Married but not married
Biggest turn-on (physical feature): don't know it's an ensemble really
Biggest turn-on (intangible): raspy voice
Biggest turn-off (anything): talking too much to cover for the fact you have nothing to say
Favorite cartoon as a kid: Goldorak
Favorite meme: I don't have any
Favorite non-alcoholic beverage/drink: coffee
Favorite Beer Goudale (Northern France)
Favorite Wine/spirit: Red wine
Favorite drinking game none. 7-14-21 when I was younger (a stupid dice game)
If you could have dinner with two people who have ever lived, who would they be? Chan Marshall and Hope Sandoval
Favorite stress reliever/outlet: music
Favorite clothing you own: a truck-driver pullover.
Piece of clothing you wished you owned: a velvet satin jacket
Favorite Book: Les Démons
Favorite Author Dostoïevski
Favorite smell coffee prepared before you woke up
Celebirty Crush: Chan Marshall and Hope Sandoval
Least Favorite Smell puke
On a scale of 1 (lethal) to 6 (saoirse and Jhereko) to up-to-11 (Jackwc), how gay are you? 3-4
Left/Right/slightly left or right of center/politics suck/aliens control our thoughts Left of the left
Favorite Place to visit A bar
Favorite letter of the alphabet (any language) ?
Favorite song: "God Only Knows"
Favorite style of music: No sé
First album you ever owned (or I guess downloaded) The Beatles' blue comp.
Favorite drug (uh, you can use pig latin if you're scared) alcohol
Favorite superhero Phoenix
Favorite item of technology My computer
least favorite item of technology Phones
Favorite musical instrument to play or just hear Guitar, the only one I can very vaguely play
Complete this sentence: "I would love to ____, but for me, it's physically impossible" care
If you could live anywhere(s), where would it be? Paris
Favorite thing on the telly: a good football game
Favorite "tasteful" Film: ? don't understand "tasteful"
Your Actual Favorite Film: don't know, maybe "The Unbelievable Truth" these days
Favorite Director: Welles? Lang? Hitchcock?
Favorite Actor: Grant or Mitchum
Favorite Actress: Gene Tierney
Beatles or Velvet Underground? both
Public Enemy or NWA? P.E.
Lorde or Lana? neither
4chan or imgur? what are these?
Favorite Pato Song: ?
The title to your biography or memoir:[/b] "He could have but never bothered"
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  • #4
  • Posted: 12/15/2013 12:37
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I don't think I did this last time it went around, should be a good distraction from the work I'm doing right now.

City/Town of Birth: Plano, Texas
Native Tongue: English
Favorite Color: Either blue or green
Favorite expression or phrase: I don't think I have one
Favorite word: lugubrious is fun to say
Favorite curse word: I probably say fuck more than any other
least favorite word: Can't say I have one in paticular
Sibling(s)/kid(s) of your own: One brother
Work/area of study/artistic pursuit/Uh, uh, papers, um, just papers, uh, you know, uh, my papers, business papers: I'm super original and make music on a music website.
Single/Dating/Married/Live-in/it's complicated/strictly carnal/none ya buisness/what's a myspace?: Incredibly single
Biggest turn-on (physical feature): To be honest, I'm not sure. Never really thought about it
Biggest turn-on (intangible):I really like being around energetic people. I think it's a good counterbalance to me
Biggest turn-off (anything): Non-stop awful cringe worthy jokes
Favorite cartoon as a kid: I don't know, probably the first three seasons of Spongebob or something. Classic shit
Favorite meme: the humor of memes exists in a relative time frame and none are good enough to sustain being a favorite of anything.
Favorite non-alcoholic beverage/drink: I really mostly just drink water these days
Favorite Beer: see above
Favorite Wine/spirit: And again
Favorite drinking game: Anything that involves taking a certain phrase or action from a show where making a drinking game of that would basically be suicide seems pretty entertaining.
If you could have dinner with two people who have ever lived, who would they be?: James Murphy and Kevin Shields would probably be a pretty fun dinner
Favorite stress reliever/outlet:Ambient music and slice of life anime
Favorite clothing you own: Probably my winter coat
Piece of clothing you wished you owned: I could use an infinity scarf
Favorite Book: Franny And Zooey
Favorite Author: Kafka
Favorite smell: Any time I can smell food that I'm not sure what it is but I know I like it.
Celebirty Crush: None really
Least Favorite Smell: I fucking hate the smell of orange chicken
On a scale of 1 (lethal) to 6 (saoirse and Jhereko) to up-to-11 (Jackwc), how gay are you?: Probably a 6 or 5
Left/Right/slightly left or right of center/politics suck/aliens control our thoughts: There's a reason I stay away from the politics forum.
Favorite Place to visit: Japan and Texas
Favorite letter of the alphabet (any language): か
Favorite song: Fuck I don't know. Maybe Wake or When You Sleep
Favorite style of music: Shoegazeeeeeeeee
First album you ever owned (or I guess downloaded): Can't remember
Favorite drug (uh, you can use pig latin if you're scared): Weed
Favorite superhero: Samurai Flamenco
Favorite item of technology: I guess my computer
least favorite item of technology: My phone sucks shit
Favorite musical instrument to play or just hear: To play guitar, to hear I dig glockenspiel and marimba and mallets and all that shit.
Complete this sentence: "I would love to change genders at will, but for me, it's physically impossible" Seems like it would be interesting
If you could live anywhere(s), where would it be?: I'd either stay in the Bay Area or move to Japan probably
Favorite thing on the telly: Bakemonogatari
Favorite "tasteful" Film:I have such entry level taste in movies
Your Actual Favorite Film: The Big Lebowski (see?) (Anime film: The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya)
Favorite Director: Coen Brothers (Anime direction: Akiyuki Shinbo, king of powerpoints).
Favorite Actor: Jeff Bridges (Voice actor: Hiroshi Kamiya, might as well go full weeaboo here).
Favorite Actress: Can't really think of one of the top of my head but Scarlett Johansson is pretty attractive (Anime: Miyuki Sawashiro)
Beatles or Velvet Underground?: Velvet Underground by fucking light years.
Public Enemy or NWA?: Public Enemy
Lorde or Lana?: Lorde
4chan or imgur?: I spend far too much time on 4chan considering that I don't actually like the community, but 4chan probably.
Favorite Pato Song: What?
Favorite Smell: I already answered this
The title to your biography or memoir: 8.8 Best New Life

Last edited by Silver on 12/15/2013 21:05; edited 3 times in total
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Puncture Repair

  • #5
  • Posted: 12/15/2013 12:38
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City/Town of Birth: Somewhere in the south of England.
Native Tongue: English
Favorite Color: Teal
Favorite expression or phrase: One love.
Favorite word: Wagwan
Favorite curse word: Shit-A-Brick
least favorite word: Literally
Sibling(s)/kid(s) of your own: An older brother who's the biggest film buff I know.
Work/area of study/artistic pursuit/Uh, uh, papers, um, just papers, uh, you know, uh, my papers, business papers Student of graphic design, literature and political studies.
Single/Dating/Married/Live-in/it's complicated/strictly carnal/none ya buisness/what's a myspace? Mingling single.
Biggest turn-on (physical feature): Eyes that smile.
Biggest turn-on (intangible): Danish Pastries
Biggest turn-off (anything): Apathy
Favorite cartoon as a kid: The Clangers
Favorite meme: They're all awful.
Favorite non-alcoholic beverage/drink: Cuppa
Favorite Beer: Doctor Hexter's
Favorite Wine/spirit: Jack D's
Favorite drinking game: Drink when Withnail drinks.
If you could have dinner with two people who have ever lived, who would they be? Jesus and Muhammad Ali.
Favorite stress reliever/outlet: Meditation.
Favorite clothing you own: Shirts.
Piece of clothing you wished you owned: More shirts.
Favorite Book: Grapes of Wrath.
Favorite Author See above.
Favorite smell Mulled wine.
Celebirty Crush: Carey Mulligan.
Least Favorite Smell Beer on a hangover.
On a scale of 1 (lethal) to 6 (saoirse and Jhereko) to up-to-11 (Jackwc), how gay are you? 5.
Left/Right/slightly left or right of center/politics suck/aliens control our thoughts Lefty.
Favorite Place to visit: Bournemouth.
Favorite letter of the alphabet (any language): Æ.
Favorite song: 'Heroes'.
Favorite style of music: Chill.
First album you ever owned (or I guess downloaded): LOVE by the Beatles.
Favorite drug (uh, you can use pig latin if you're scared) I guess I'm too lame to answer this question.
Favorite superhero Rorschach
Favorite item of technology My PC
least favorite item of technology My Mum's PC
Favorite musical instrument to play or just hear Mandolin
Complete this sentence: "I would love to ____, but for me, it's physically impossible" Watch the earth from afar in solitude.
If you could live anywhere(s), where would it be? By the sea.
Favorite thing on the telly: Anything involving David Attenborough
Favorite "tasteful" Film: City of God
Your Actual Favorite Film: Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Favorite Director: Coen Brothers
Favorite Actor: Freeman
Favorite Actress: Carey Mulligan?
Beatles or Velvet Underground? Beatles
Public Enemy or NWA? NWA
Lorde or Lana? Lana
4chan or imgur? Neither
Favorite Pato Song: Fireworks
The title to your biography or memoir: 'I don't know what I'm doing'
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Age: 31

  • #6
  • Posted: 12/15/2013 13:38
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City/Town of Birth: Somewhere in the west of Flanders, Belgium
Native Tongue: Dutch
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite expression or phrase:
Favorite word:
Favorite curse word: 'merde' or 'nondemiljardedju'
Least favorite curse word: 'potvolkoffie'
least favorite word: half
Sibling(s)/kid(s) of your own: 1 brother, 1 sister
Work/area of study/artistic pursuit/Uh, uh, papers, um, just papers, uh, you know, uh, my papers, business papers studying Biochemistry
Single/Dating/Married/Live-in/it's complicated/strictly carnal/none ya buisness/what's a myspace? single and yeah, what's myspace and why is it here?
Biggest turn-on (physical feature): eyes
Biggest turn-on (intangible): that special smile when the face lights up and the eyes start to blink
Biggest turn-off (anything): too much make up
Favorite cartoon as a kid: powerpuff girls
Favorite meme: doge (sorry about that)
Favorite non-alcoholic beverage/drink: apple juice
Favorite Beer
Favorite Wine/spirit:
Favorite drinking game
If you could have dinner with two people who have ever lived, who would they be? Just my friends
Favorite stress reliever/outlet: my sport
Favorite clothing you own: sweater
Piece of clothing you wished you owned:
Favorite Book: 2001, A space oddesey
Favorite Author Rowling
Favorite smell Fresh soup
Celebirty Crush: Emma Watson
Least Favorite Smell: tons of fruit rotting
On a scale of 1 (lethal) to 6 (saoirse and Jhereko) to up-to-11 (Jackwc), how gay are you? probably around 5 or so
Left/Right/slightly left or right of center/politics suck/aliens control our thoughts On a European scale: left (but not blindly). In the US I'd probably be extreme-left
Favorite Place to visit anywhere with mountains
Favorite letter of the alphabet (any language) R
Favorite song:I can't choose here
Favorite style of music: prog
First album you ever owned (or I guess downloaded) As a kid: something by Samson & Gert. As an adult: best of Toots Thielemans
Favorite drug (uh, you can use pig latin if you're scared)
Favorite superhero Jerommeke (from Flemish comic series Suske & Wiske)
Favorite item of technology pc
least favorite item of technology Smartphone/cellphones
Favorite musical instrument to play or just hear Sax (can't play it)
Complete this sentence: "I would love to ____, but for me, it's physically impossible" be as small as a fly
If you could live anywhere(s), where would it be? Portugal
Favorite thing on the telly: Neveneffecten / Willys en Marjetten
Favorite "tasteful" Film: what's tastefull? Does the silence of the lambs applies?
Your Actual Favorite Film: monty phyton - life of brian
Favorite Director:
Favorite Actor:
Favorite Actress:
Beatles or Velvet Underground? VU
Public Enemy or NWA?
Lorde or Lana? Lorde
4chan or imgur?
Favorite Pato Song:
The title to your biography or memoir: I don't think anyone will ever write my biography.
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  • #7
  • Posted: 12/15/2013 13:57
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City/Town of Birth: Orlando, Florida
Native Tongue: English
Favorite Color: Teal
Favorite expression or phrase: "Ayo real talk"
Favorite word: "Shucks"
Favorite curse word: don't curse
least favorite word: cami
Sibling(s)/kid(s) of your own: 1 sister
Work/area of study/artistic pursuit/Uh, uh, papers, um, just papers, uh, you know, uh, my papers, business papers High School still, one more year.
Single/Dating/Married/Live-in/it's complicated/strictly carnal/none ya buisness/what's a myspace? Single, would like to keep it that way for another year or so.
Biggest turn-on (physical feature): Brown hair
Biggest turn-on (intangible): Likes similar music
Biggest turn-off (anything): Bad hygiene
Favorite cartoon as a kid: Scooby Doo
Favorite meme: Chris Miller
Favorite non-alcoholic beverage/drink: Sweet Tea
Favorite Beer don't drink
Favorite Wine/spirit: don't drink
Favorite drinking game don't drink
If you could have dinner with two people who have ever lived, who would they be? Justin Vernon & Billie Joe Armstrong.
Favorite stress reliever/outlet: Ambient music
Favorite clothing you own: Hoodies
Piece of clothing you wished you owned: Arctic Monkeys hoodie
Favorite Book: The Bible
Favorite Author Dr. Seuss
Favorite smell Detergent
Celebirty Crush: Taylor Swift
Least Favorite Smell Feces
On a scale of 1 (lethal) to 6 (saoirse and Jhereko) to up-to-11 (Jackwc), how gay are you? 4
Left/Right/slightly left or right of center/politics suck/aliens control our thoughts Right
Favorite Place to visit Tennessee
Favorite letter of the alphabet (any language) L
Favorite song: Zac Brown Band's "Chicken Fried", Bon Iver's "Holocene", or Sigur Ros' "Staralfur"
Favorite style of music: Southern Rock
First album you ever owned (or I guess downloaded) Green Day's "American Idiot"
Favorite drug (uh, you can use pig latin if you're scared) Caffeine
Favorite superhero Thom Yorke
Favorite item of technology iPod
least favorite item of technology don't really have one
Favorite musical instrument to play or just hear Vibraphone
Complete this sentence: "I would love to ____, but for me, it's physically impossible" go to every single Kanye West concert that there has ever been.
If you could live anywhere(s), where would it be? Canada
Favorite thing on the telly: Duck Dynasty
Favorite "tasteful" Film: Meeting People Is Easy
Your Actual Favorite Film: The Hangover
Favorite Director: Grant Gee
Favorite Actor: Zach Galifianakis
Favorite Actress: Mila Kunis
Beatles or Velvet Underground? The Velvet Underground
Public Enemy or NWA? NWA
Lorde or Lana? Lana (don't like either)
4chan or imgur? imgur (again, don't go on either)
Favorite Pato Song: For Your Entertainment
The title to your biography or memoir: "It's Real"
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  • #8
  • Posted: 12/15/2013 14:16
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City/Town of Birth: Dublin
Native Tongue: English
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite expression or phrase: #tybg
Favorite word: swag
Favorite curse word: cunt
least favorite word: bum
Sibling(s)/kid(s) of your own: one yung bro
Work/area of study/artistic pursuit/Uh, uh, papers, um, just papers, uh, you know, uh, my papers, business papers: studying manipulation at uni
Single/Dating/Married/Live-in/it's complicated/strictly carnal/none ya buisness/what's a myspace? it's an online music forum, single obvs
Biggest turn-on (physical feature): eyes/lips
Biggest turn-on (intangible): if they're a drizzy fan i'm in love tbh
Biggest turn-off (anything): greasy hair
Favorite cartoon as a kid: Pokemon, not sure though. Maybe Biker Mice From Mars
Favorite meme: lol i have no idea what this means
Favorite non-alcoholic beverage/drink: coca cola
Favorite Beer: Guinness counts, right?
Favorite Wine/spirit: i like wray and nephew
Favorite drinking game: on a grown man ting, i don't participate
If you could have dinner with two people who have ever lived, who would they be? Drake and Lil B
Favorite stress reliever/outlet: cup of tea
Favorite clothing you own: probably my lil b tee
Piece of clothing you wished you owned:
Favorite Book: don't have one
Favorite Author: don't have one
Favorite smell: ya bish
Celebirty Crush: Drake
Least Favorite Smell: morning breath
On a scale of 1 (lethal) to 6 (saoirse and Jhereko) to up-to-11 (Jackwc), how gay are you? 7
Left/Right/slightly left or right of center/politics suck/aliens control our thoughts: i guess i'm pretty liberal, also pretty apolitical at the same time
Favorite Place to visit: munich is cool
Favorite letter of the alphabet (any language): p, cause i got stacks
Favorite song: functions on the low
Favorite style of music: hip hop
First album you ever owned (or I guess downloaded): green day, probs dookie or warning
Favorite drug (uh, you can use pig latin if you're scared): i'm not a criminal
Favorite superhero: don't have one
Favorite item of technology: my laptop
least favorite item of technology: my phone
Favorite musical instrument to play or just hear: i'm partial to a bongo solo tbh
Complete this sentence: "I would love to ____, but for me, it's physically impossible": self felate
If you could live anywhere(s), where would it be? probs a cool city, berlin, london or new york, sth like that. although they're pretty boring choices, iceland for a quirkier one
Favorite thing on the telly: football
Favorite "tasteful" Film: La Haine??? not sure what tasteful means
Your Actual Favorite Film: Ferris Beuller
Favorite Director: don't have one
Favorite Actor: gosling
Favorite Actress: eva green
Beatles or Velvet Underground? vu
Public Enemy or NWA? nwa
Lorde or Lana? lana
4chan or imgur? imgur
Favorite Pato Song: friday
The title to your biography or memoir: drop the hand
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Turn your back on the pay-you-back last call

Gender: Male
Location: St. Louis
United States

  • #9
  • Posted: 12/15/2013 14:49
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[b]City/Town of Birth: St. Louis, Missouri.
Native Tongue: English
Favorite Color: probably crimson
Favorite expression or phrase: I'll be dipped in butter milk!
Favorite word: Love
Favorite curse word: Scunt
least favorite word: ignorant
Sibling(s)/kid(s) of your own: 2 older sisters
Work/area of study/artistic pursuit/Uh, uh, papers, um, just papers, uh, you know, uh, my papers, business papers work as a supervisor/instructor/teacher.
Single/Dating/Married/Live-in/it's complicated/strictly carnal/none ya buisness/what's a myspace? I'm single.
Biggest turn-on (physical feature): well, like Norman said its an ensemble. But if your face is alright, the assss is my favorite second look.
Biggest turn-on (intangible): warmth. Like literally how warm you are. Also personality-wise
Biggest turn-off (anything): obsessive out pour of communication.
Favorite cartoon as a kid: earth worm Jim
Favorite meme: none.
Favorite non-alcoholic beverage/drink: coffee
Favorite Beer I've got the straight edge! (Screaming Ian mckaye voice)
Favorite Wine/spirit: I've got the straight edge! (Same^)
Favorite drinking game I've got the straight edge (same^)
If you could have dinner with two people who have ever lived, who would they be? Gautauma Siddartha Buddha and Jesus Christ
Favorite stress reliever/outlet: music and taking walks
Favorite clothing you own: my dress pants.
Piece of clothing you wished you owned: cool, unripped underwear.
Favorite Book: Chronicle Vol 1 by Bob Dylan
Favorite Author idk, maybe Ray Bradbury
Favorite smell the scent of a woman
Celebirty Crush: lots... Lets start with Jennifer Love Hewitt forever!
Least Favorite Smell smelly feet.
On a scale of 1 (lethal) to 6 (saoirse and Jhereko) to up-to-11 (Jackwc), how gay are you? about 2.1
Left/Right/slightly left or right of center/politics suck/aliens control our thoughts idk. Don't stick to either side. Just what I feel is closest to correct for the issue at hand.
Favorite Place to visit Clearwater, Florida or Toronto.
Favorite letter of the alphabet (any language) none
Favorite song: Take Care by beach house probably
Favorite style of music: changes, acoustic folk I guess.
First album you ever owned (or I guess downloaded) got Creed's Human Clay, Nine Inch Nails' The Fragile and Bush's The Science of Things all from my parents on my 10th birthday. Good times.
Favorite drug (uh, you can use pig latin if you're scared) I've got the straight edge!
Favorite superhero Hellboy
Favorite item of technology I don't know.
least favorite item of technology atomic weapons.
Favorite musical instrument to play or just hear acoustic guitar. Can't at worth shit, but it sounds nice.
Complete this sentence: "I would love to ____, but for me, it's physically impossible" ...make passionate love to you sexy self, Elica, ...
If you could live anywhere(s), where would it be? Idk, used to be Seattle before my heart was ripped out and eaten by satan... Now maybe Caracas, Venezuala.
Favorite thing on the telly: a good American football game.
Favorite "tasteful" Film: idk. Is Before Sunrise/Sunset/Midnight tasteful? It's that.
Your Actual Favorite Film: the above actually... Followed by maybe When Harry Met Sally
Favorite Director: James Cameron
Favorite Actor: idk
Favorite Actress: Julie Delpy
Beatles or Velvet Underground? Beatles
Public Enemy or NWA? Punkic Enemy
Lorde or Lana? huh??!?
4chan or imgur? what?!?! Neither.
Favorite Pato Song: idk... who?
The title to your biography or memoir: fuck if I know, just leave me alone, unless you are attractive, or it's about music [/b][/quote]

ONLY 4% of people can understand this chart! Come try!

My Fave Metal - you won't believe #5!!!
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  • #10
  • Posted: 12/15/2013 15:24
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I can never do these truthfully. I have to make up half of the answers as I don't know what they are. Confused
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