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Best Albums of 1992
1. Automatic For The People by R.E.M.
2. Rage Against The Machine by Rage Against The Machine
3. Dirt by Alice In Chains
4. Slanted And Enchanted by Pavement
5. Selected Ambient Works 85-92 by Aphex Twin
6. The Chronic by Dr. Dre
7. Angel Dust by Faith No More
8. Little Earthquakes by Tori Amos
9. Down Colorful Hill by Red House Painters
10. Wish by The Cure
11. Bone Machine by Tom Waits
12. Images And Words by Dream Theater
13. Vulgar Display Of Power by Pantera
14. Dirty by Sonic Youth
15. Core by Stone Temple Pilots
16. Harvest Moon by Neil Young
17. Check Your Head by Beastie Boys
18. Love Deluxe by Sade
19. Copper Blue by Sugar
20. Dry by PJ Harvey
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