Best Ever Science Fiction and Fantasy Films

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CA Dreamin
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  • #1
  • Posted: 11/15/2017 21:32
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Our next lists are gonna be in the Science Fiction and Fantasy genres Cool

The gist and the rules:

This will be two separate lists within the same thread since the two genres are frequently mentioned together. There will be one list for BEA's Top 50 Science Fiction Films, and another list for BEA's Top 50 Fantasy Films. So please don't post or send a list that includes Harry Potter and Robocop.

You may post your lists within this thread, PM them to me, or post/PM a link to your IMDb or Letterboxd list.

Your lists for each genre may max out at 50, and may be any denotation up to 50. The final lists will be 50 for Science Fiction and 50 for Fantasy. The sizes of your lists determine their weight.

No short films (<40 min) and no TV series will be accepted. (Sorry GoT fans, someday we'll do a TV list Wink )

We normally have our polls open for about a month, with a Saturday deadline and a Sunday unveiling. So the deadline is tentatively Saturday, Dec 16, and the lists will tentatively be posted on Sunday, Dec 17. That's the same weekend The Last Jedi comes out. I think it's fitting that our lists should be revealed coinciding with a major release within the genres. However, I understand some of you may be in a hurry see The Last Jedi and put it on your list. If so, you'll have that Thursday night, and all day Friday and Saturday to do so. Is that enough time? We can play it by ear, and postpone the deadline if that's what the majority wants.

Ok, now for which movies belong on which list. It's easy most of the time because some films are only Sci-Fi, or only Fantasy (Ex. Robocop and Harry Potter). However, several films cross both genres, and could be eligible for both lists. I'm not currently opposed to films being on both lists, but I don't think we want the same films topping both lists. Perhaps we should work that out through discussion and general agreement?

Anyway, here are a few notes and keywords you may use as a guide:

Science Fiction - Science fiction deals with scenarios and technology that may seem implausible, but are possible or may be possible based on scientific theory. Science Fiction forces us use our imaginations, but is still rooted in reality. Keywords...alien life, outer space travel, time travel, mad scientists, scientific experiments, robots, artificial intelligence, futuristic setting, futuristic technology.

Fantasy - Fantasy deals with supernatural and magical occurrences that have no basis in science. Fantasy also forces us to use our imaginations, but often (though not always) deals with settings, events, and characters that do not reference the real world. Keywords...imaginary universe...imaginary timeframes, characters, and settings; mythological and magical creatures; gods; monsters; magic; supernatural.


Ok, let's do this. Looking forward to what we come up with Smile
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  • #2
  • Posted: 11/15/2017 21:49
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This looks like it's gonna be fun, I'll start making my list.

I'm honestly not sure which list Star Wars should be on, because while the elements of being in space and having aliens are there, it doesn't really have that much in common with Sci-Fi, it's more of a fantasy film that's set in space, but it still doesn't quite feel right to put it on the fantasy list.
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  • #3
  • Posted: 11/15/2017 21:55
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Based on StreetSpirit's description, I'd say Star Wars is sci-fi (I've still never seen them, but what I know of them, I'd lean towards that myself).

This looks great StreetSpirit Smile I'll need to stock up on a few sci-fi films... I made a list a few days ago and it maxed at 40 Laughing Not a genre I usually seek out, yet usually enjoy, especially the heavy hitters. Might finally get around to The Thing, The Matrix and Robocop. Haven't worked on a fantasy list yet.

I'm guessing animated/anime films can be sci-fi no problem? Paprika, Angel's Egg, The Iron Giant, etc...?

These lists should be really awesome though, looking forward to it.
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  • #4
  • Posted: 11/15/2017 22:13
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Yeah I think for simplicities sake we should just consider Star Wars Sci-Fi
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Last edited by hereforashortime on 11/16/2017 01:56; edited 1 time in total
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CA Dreamin
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  • #5
  • Posted: 11/15/2017 22:40
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hereforashortime wrote:
I'm honestly not sure which list Star Wars should be on, because while the elements of being in space and having aliens are there, it doesn't really have that much in common with Sci-Fi, it's more of a fantasy film that's set in space, but it still doesn't quite feel right to put it on the fantasy list.
Hayden wrote:
Based on StreetSpirit's description, I'd say Star Wars is sci-fi (I've still never seen them, but what I know of them, I'd lean towards that myself).

Star Wars films are unique. The opening text reads: "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far way..." That text is a link to reality. It's telling you Star Wars takes place in our universe like a sci-fi film would. But that's where it ends. Everything else in Star Wars like the planets, characters, creatures, and objects are completely made up like Middle Earth and Narnia, which pulls the series towards fantasy. But then again, Star Wars has outer space travel, lasers, spaceships, and alien life, which pulls it back in a Sci-Fi direction. But then again, there's The Force, an energy field that allows certain characters to control other characters' minds. And The Force allows characters to move objects with their minds. There is no basis in science for that. The Force is magic. It's fantasy. In the Harry Potter world, there are spells and curses for mind control and making objects fly. If it wasn't for The Force, I would classify Star Wars as Science Fiction. But because of The Force, I personally have to classify Star Wars as fantasy (but a fantasy set in space).

However, I can see the argument for both sides. And like I said before, I'm not opposed to films appearing on both lists. But I think there should some sort of rule or limit so the same films don't appear too high on both lists.

This doesn't only apply to Star Wars. Many superhero movies, ET, and Avatar also cross both genres. I'm sure there are others I'm not thinking of. But I'd say for now, you may put cross-genre films on both lists, and we can go from there.
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  • #6
  • Posted: 11/15/2017 22:40
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Yeah Star Wars i always saw as a fantasy film set in space. But I️ never could get myself around fully to thinking of it truly as an example of fantasy. It makes no sense i know. I’ll include them in Sci Fi i am guessing. I agree with the 2 above me.

As for animated films, i has a similar question. Fantasy list in particular will be bolstered by the inclusion of animated films. I mean for sure Spirited Away is a fantasy film... right? Fantastic Planet is... id lean sci fi, but it’s got a fantasy element too.

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  • #7
  • Posted: 11/15/2017 22:46
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Mercury wrote:

As for animated films, i has a similar question. Fantasy list in particular will be bolstered by the inclusion of animated films. I mean for sure Spirited Away is a fantasy film... right? Fantastic Planet is... id lean sci fi, but it’s got a fantasy element too.

Working on my fantasy list right now, and this is becoming evident... I think a third of the list is animated (stop motion, cgi and cel). Both Fantastic Planet and Spirited away landed on it, whereas The Iron Giant landed on my sci-fi list... if that makes any sense... Anxious

Up is fantasy, right? Anxious ... or... sci-fi?... one of them... maybe... I've decided to leave Ratatouille and Monster's Inc off completely... iffy about WALL-E for sci-fi, but it'll probably land.

Another film I can't seem to figure out how to categorize is Groundhog Day. It's often listed as fantasy, but surely that's sci-fi... right?
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  • #8
  • Posted: 11/15/2017 22:54
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Personally see Groundhog Day as neither. But if I️ had to choose it would be Fantasy. Cuz no scientific explanation is ever given for the situation he finds himself in. Then he’s gotten out of the situation with the power of true love and being a good person...? I’d say fantasy.

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CA Dreamin
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  • #9
  • Posted: 11/15/2017 23:34
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After thinking it over since posting this, I have a proposed solution for the films that cross Science Fiction and Fantasy (or The Star Wars Issue if that's what you want to call it Laughing ):

Ok each list you submit can be up to 50 entries, which means the maximum number of points you can give a film by submitting a list is 50, by placing it at #1. However, for films that can be labeled both genres, you could technically give a film 100 points by putting the same one at #1 on each list. That of course isn't fair to films that are only one of the two genres. Lord Voldemort and HAL 9000 would kill you for that.

So here is my proposed solution: You may put the same film on both of your lists, but the total number of combined points for a film on your two lists cannot exceed 50. Examples: If you put E.T. as your #1 Science Fiction film, you may not put it on your Fantasy list at all, because you've already given it 50 points. If you put Return of the Jedi at #2 on your Sci-Fi list, you may put it no higher than #50 on Fantasy list, because you'll be giving it 50 points (49 for Sci-Fi, 1 for Fantasy). If you put Avatar at #10 on your Sci-Fi list, you may put it no higher than #42 on your Fantasy'll be giving it a total of 50 points (41 for Sci-Fi and 9 for Fantasy). If you put Empire Strikes Back at #20 on your Sci-Fi list, you may put it no higher than #32 on your Fantasy List, which would come to 31 points for Sci-Fi and 19 for Fantasy.

I hope that makes sense. And also, does that sound reasonable? If not, I'm open to suggestions.
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  • #10
  • Posted: 11/16/2017 01:39
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My suggestion is to just do a top 50 or 100 Sci-Fi/Fantasy list and not separate them. This reconciles all (or virtually all) problems. But it's possible I missed a discussion about this already?
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