Top-ranked artists from Spain

The top-ranked artists from Spain that appear most prominently in over 55,000 greatest album charts on are listed below:

N.B. Artist from before the mid-1960s may not be as well represented in this chart, because this chart only takes into account their albums. (Before that time, singles were far more prevalent than albums).

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Rank Artist Albums The number of albums by this artist featuring in the greatest album charts. Top Ranked Album The top ranked album by this artist and where it ranks in the overall chart. Score Total rank score for this artist (made up of the total rank score from all of their albums)
Spain1Rosalía3El Mal Querer (1,784th)2,235
Spain2Extremoduro13La Ley Innata (1,626th)1,805
Spain3Héroes Del Silencio12Senderos De Traición (2,866th)1,068
Spain4Triángulo De Amor Bizarro8Año Santo (6,241st)695
Spain5Los Planetas13Una Semana En El Motor De Un Autobús (7,669th)631
Spain6Nacho Vegas8Desaparezca Aquí (8,256th)509
Spain7Hinds4Leave Me Alone (4,585th)496
Spain8Paco De Lucía18Siroco (14,555th)496
Spain9Triana6El Patio (3,681st)489
Spain10Camarón11La Leyenda Del Tiempo (4,339th)457
Spain11Enrique Bunbury13Hellville De Luxe (11,484th)453
Spain12Vetusta Morla10Un Día En El Mundo (6,670th)394
Spain13Amaral11Hacia Lo Salvaje (9,534th)346
Spain14John Talabot2ƒIN (4,287th)337
Spain15Mecano (ES)8Descanso Dominical (8,113th)307
Spain16Toundra7Vortex (7,844th)288
Spain17Su Ta Gar10Itsasoz Beteriko Mugetan (20,966th)284
Spain18Antón Álvarez Alfaro6El Madrileño (5,256th)278
Spain19Los Piratas6Ultrasónica (9,936th)243
Spain20La Casa Azul4La Polinesia Meridional (11,042nd)243
Total artists: 783. Page 1 of 40
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