Hemispheres (studio album) by Rush
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Rush bestography
Hemispheres is ranked 4th best out of 37 albums by Rush on BestEverAlbums.com.
The best album by Rush is Moving Pictures which is ranked number 156 in the list of all-time albums with a total rank score of 9,796.
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Hemispheres track list
The tracks on this album have an average rating of 85 out of 100 (all tracks have been rated).
Top-rated track as rated by BestEverAlbums.com members.
Hemispheres rankings
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Hemispheres ratings
av = trimmed mean average rating an item has currently received.
n = number of ratings an item has currently received.
m = minimum number of ratings required for an item to appear in a 'top-rated' chart (currently 10).
AV = the site mean average rating.
Showing latest 5 ratings for this album. | Show all 586 ratings for this album.
Rating | Date updated | Member | Album ratings | Avg. album rating |
12/05/2024 21:27 | CokeBabies | 420 | 82/100 | |
12/02/2024 02:09 | iann97 | 1,625 | 75/100 | |
11/27/2024 04:50 | slatsheit | 1,934 | 82/100 | |
11/18/2024 14:43 | Dingerbell | 3,593 | 62/100 | |
11/14/2024 16:35 | davidleewrong | 2,133 | 81/100 |
Rating metrics:
Outliers can be removed when calculating a mean average to dampen the effects of ratings outside the normal distribution. This figure is provided as the trimmed mean. A high standard deviation can be legitimate, but can sometimes indicate 'gaming' is occurring. Consider a simplified example* of an item receiving ratings of 100, 50, & 0. The mean average rating would be 50. However, ratings of 55, 50 & 45 could also result in the same average. The second average might be more trusted because there is more consensus around a particular rating (a lower deviation).
(*In practice, some albums can have several thousand ratings)
This album is rated in the top 1% of all albums on BestEverAlbums.com. This album has a Bayesian average rating of 80.7/100, a mean average of 79.8/100, and a trimmed mean (excluding outliers) of 80.8/100. The standard deviation for this album is 16.1.
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Hemispheres favourites
Showing latest 20 members who have added this album as a favourite | Show all 116 members
Hemispheres comments
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One of the greatest albums of all time. Short and concise. No fluff. Great basslines, synths and drums. Amazing soundscape. Geddy at the top of his game vocally. My favourite album cover of all time as well.
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An excellent prog album that acts as a brilliant discography filler as it shows they make consistently great albums outside of their huge releases. For me this is on a similar level to A Farewell To Kings with both of them sharing similar styles, tones and songs. What edges this one slightly for me is the amazing quality of the final track and I also have a soft spot for Circumstances which always makes me excited to revisit this record. In terms of the music itself it is complex and multi layered providing us with lots to be able to explore and look into with future listens. The instrumental diversity also adds an extra flourish on here that some prog bands lack with these added extras making the sound more unique and interesting. Overall, another great album from Rush which is a little weaker than their better releases but is still worth a listen as its full of amazing moments to enjoy.
Great record
Similar in quality to Farewell To Kings, but I think it's a little better because of last track.
This is a step back compared to AFTK. Especially because one side is filled with 18 minutes of Cygnus II that frankly doesn't bring what the first chapter did. The second side of the album starts off not much better. The album is saved by the closing two tracks.
Every track is an improvement to the one before. The album starts off rather disappointingly but ends with a blast.
Slightly my favourite Rush album, little bit more than Moving Pictures. Never never get tired to hear instrumental parts.
As a prog fan I expected to like Rush more than I do. Even in this (supposedly the proggiest) album I am not too fond of side 1, and side 2 is OK, technically great, but it doesn't get to my heart.
Excellent progressive rock album, a natural follow on to A Farewell to Kings although for me AFTK's is the stronger album.
La Villa Strangiato is the standout track.
Lee on bass is brilliant, powerful progressive rock , very good album overall
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