Best Albums of 1957

Listed below are the best albums of 1957 as calculated from their overall rankings in over 53,000 greatest album charts.

Best albums by year or decade
1957 year summaryThe best artists of 1957 were John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Little Richard, Thelonious Monk, Sonny Rollins, The Crickets, Johnny Cash, Chuck Berry, Ray Charles and Nat King Cole.
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Best Albums of 1957 composition

Best Artists of the 2000s
1. Radiohead
2. Arcade Fire
3. The Strokes
4. Coldplay
5. Sufjan Stevens
6. Arctic Monkeys
7. Wilco
8. Muse
9. Animal Collective
10. The White Stripes
11. Kanye West
12. Phil Elverum
13. Interpol
14. Modest Mouse
15. Queens Of The Stone Age
16. Madvillain
17. Godspeed You! Black Emperor
18. LCD Soundsystem
19. The National
20. The Flaming Lips
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