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A lot of hard work happens in the background to keep BEA running, and it's especially difficult to do this when we can't pay our hosting fees :(
We work very hard to ensure our site is as fast (and FREE!) as possible, and we respect your privacy.
Best Artists of 2009 | |
1. Animal Collective | |
2. The Antlers | |
3. The xx | |
4. Grizzly Bear | |
5. Phoenix | |
6. Muse | |
7. Florence + The Machine | |
8. Arctic Monkeys | |
9. Dirty Projectors | |
10. Kid Cudi | |
11. Mumford & Sons | |
12. Fever Ray | |
13. Mastodon | |
14. Yeah Yeah Yeahs | |
15. St. Vincent | |
16. Kasabian | |
17. The Flaming Lips | |
18. The Horrors (UK) | |
19. Them Crooked Vultures | |
20. The Decemberists |