Canon Music Game Chronicle by Tha1ChiefRocka

This is a log of MOST of the stuff that I've listened to in the "Canon Music" game. I've decided to do this, so I can more easily track the stuff that I've listened to, because I've forgotten a lot of it by now.

We've been doing this for so long that I was in college when we started, and I've now been graduated and have had a job for two years. Whoa.

Let's see how many stupid things I've said over the years. And, boy, does it start off with a good one! :)

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Page One 10/19/2018

"It's just so... OK. It's pretty and delicate and pleasant to listen to (although when she gets to a higher register sometimes not so much) and there is really nothing wrong with it. However, I still think it's boring. When something interesting comes in like a slide guitar, I think, "OOH, OOH something's happening! Something's happening!", but then it's gone. I'm too boorish I think. I started laughing on the last track, because I thought it would be funny if the title was "The Last Time I Saw Dick" instead of "The Last Time I Saw Richard". I'm so sorry for that last line."

Feelings on the album now: I wouldn't be this harsh on this album now and Joni Mitchell in general, but it's still not a favorite by any means.
[First added to this chart: 05/03/2021]
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Page Two 10/19/2018

"Dammit. You got me. This album's good. It lost some steam by the end, but their are a couple songs I can see maybe getting more playtime from me in the future. This is nice and harmless music."

Feelings on the album now: I don't think I've listened to it in full since this time, but a few songs from this group pop up here and now on playlists I've created, and I don't always skip it. That's good.
[First added to this chart: 05/03/2021]
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Page Two 10/19/2018

"Not bad. By the time I got to the 21 minute mark I was ready to be done. It's very front heavy. Yeah, what's up with that Phil Collins bullshit on the last track? Complete tonal shift."

Feelings on the album now: I've had no reason to return to Bon Iver; ever.
[First added to this chart: 05/03/2021]
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Page Two 10/20/2018

"That was better than I was expecting. I don't know why websites say this is similar to Arcade Fire and Sufjan Stevens, which is one of the many reasons I hate the label "indie". Sometimes it can be a complete misnomer. Anyways the album had some good production quality and some ambient-type moments that I enjoyed. Probably not anything that I'll be returning to soon, but I'm glad I got it out of the way."

Feelings on the album now: Absolutely don't remember one thing about this besides the stupid story concept behind the album that I read afterwards.
[First added to this chart: 05/03/2021]
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5. (=)
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Page Three 10/20/2018

"I have about a hundred different reasons as to what I don't like about this album that went through my head as I was listening to it, but I'd rather not go on a diatribe. It's innocuous, so I won't bother going into detail. (sic, the album is innocuous). I will say that it actually is a unique album. The minimal aspect of the music is consistent throughout, which for some people may be a plus, but I don't think that "minimal" belongs anywhere near rock music. Like if a good local garage band got a big budget to record an album."

Feelings on the album now: Still absolutely stale and boring. This is like The Pixies LOUD quiet LOUD formula except it's just quiet, quiet, quiet.
[First added to this chart: 05/03/2021]
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Page Three 10/21/2018

"I think The National have a strict formula of only 3 or 4 good songs per album. Alligator and Boxer are good albums, and this one is a shade below those 2. It's just more of the same. It feels like they've made 3 different versions of the same 10 songs on each of these albums."

Feelings on the album now: The National have continued their lukewarm track record. Some songs are good, but I'm not going out of my way to listen to them.
[First added to this chart: 05/03/2021]
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Page Three 10/21/18

1. My name is Daniel, so fuck that song "Daniel". Besides the traditional "Danny Boy", that's the other song that weird strangers sing a line of when you introduce yourself to them.

2. I'm from Kansas, so anything that is slightly related to the Wizard of Oz is a turn off. Goodbye YELLOWBRICK ROAD! Chrissakes, you've gotta be kidding me.

3. I was a good baseball player, and I still am. When I was 14, I had my worst game in the field because of Elton John. On the way to the ballfields, Rocket Man came on the radio. I couldn't get it out of my head. That stupidass song. I proceeded to make 3 fielding errors in the first two innings (which had never happened to me in my life), and, I swear to G O D, every time I fucked up a play, the soaring chorus of "Rawket MAAAAAN, burning out his fuse UP there alone", would pop into my head just before I was about to field the ball.

Of course I was already familiar with some of these songs. Saturday Night's Alright is certainly the highlight. It's hard rocking, and it's a good song for classic rock radio. However, I'm going to focus on the things I didn't like, because it's way more fun.

--An 11 minute song to start off an hour and fifteen minute, 17 track album? Sheesh. At least wait a couple of tracks.
--Fake applause in between two songs? That's so frigging cheesy.
--Jamaican Jerk-Off is as bad as it sounds. A pop-ska monstrosity complete with faux Jamaican accent.
What is that? Three piano in ballads in the first 8 tracks? Might as well get the stool and the rope handy.
--Ok, I've made it to track 10. What's this one called? The Ballad of.... DANNY BAILEY!?!? Oh, come on Elton, cut the Daniel's of the world some slack. (Actually one of the better songs on the album.)
--I'm currently watching NFL football in London and listening to Elton John. What kind of dystopian British future am I living in?
--Dirty Little Girl sounds more like a Gary Glitter kind of song.
--Track 13, Elton tries to conjure his best Little Richard impression, I think.
--A track about Roy Rogers? Why? Don't mess with the King of The Cowboys.
--Harmony sounds like it was written by Jeff Lynne.

It's not the worst thing in the world. Definitely not. Considering that T Rex, David Bowie, New York Dolls and Roxy Music are all considered "Glam Rock" as well, then this album is a long shot from anything by those artists.

Feelings on the album now: Probably one of the better reviews I've ever written right here. I'm proud.
[First added to this chart: 05/03/2021]
Year of Release:
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Page Four 10/22/2018

"This is the first one I really had any trouble with. I'm completely uninterested in their music. This must be what it feels like to not like Radiohead. I don't know what the appeal is. I know this is one of their less popular albums, but it's still ranked 235th! The 2013 Top 10 is garbage BTW, and I actually remembered that the number 1 for that year is one that I also have not listened to."

Feelings on the album now: Arcade Fire is not good.
[First added to this chart: 05/04/2021]
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Page Five 10/23/18

"My initial impressions are positive if a bit underwhelmed. This a good album. A great album in 2016. While I think this album is not your typical pop fare, I didn't find it to be jarring. This quote from the wikipedia article on the album grabbed my attention; "it isn't that of a typical pop or R&B album – it tends to meander into his surreal dreamscapes, cut with jarring samples of conversation, odd effects, drifting guitars and beatless melodies that go on longer than expected." This just sounds like someone who hasn't had that much experience with music. Stevie Wonder and Terry Callier are two R&B artists that have composed beatless Pop & RnB songs and there are plenty more I can't name right off the top of my head. What I'm getting at is that this album I'm sure is impressive to someone with limited music knowledge, but maybe isn't that impressive to someone who has been around the block a few times. It also might be impressive within the R & B canon of this decade, but it might not be quite as groundbreaking in the complete canon. I feel like I sound like an elitist douche right now. :)"

Edit: Also, "Be Yourself" and "Facebook Story" were both kind of silly.

Feelings on the album now: No remembrance of anything happening on here. Sorry Franklin.
[First added to this chart: 05/04/2021]
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Page Six 10/24/18

"Better than most of their other output, but still underwhelming as whole. Should be at least 4 tracks shorter. Has a bit of a darker sound through the first couple of tracks that I wasn't expecting, which was a welcome surprise. They were also toned down a bit compared to their previous albums; they tend to be a tad theatrical. Their popularity still confounds me though."

Feelings on the album now: Huh?
[First added to this chart: 05/04/2021]
Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 2010:
Rank in 2010s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
Total albums: 30. Page 1 of 3

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Canon Music Game Chronicle composition

Decade Albums %

1930s 0 0%
1940s 0 0%
1950s 0 0%
1960s 0 0%
1970s 7 23%
1980s 1 3%
1990s 3 10%
2000s 9 30%
2010s 10 33%
2020s 0 0%
Country Albums %

United States 14 47%
United Kingdom 10 33%
Canada 3 10%
France 1 3%
Mixed Nationality 1 3%
Iceland 1 3%

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Not enough data Average Rating = (n ÷ (n + m)) × av + (m ÷ (n + m)) × AV
av = trimmed mean average rating an item has currently received.
n = number of ratings an item has currently received.
m = minimum number of ratings required for an item to appear in a 'top-rated' chart (currently 10).
AV = the site mean average rating.

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