Here goes nothing: My music diary of 2019 and so on...

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Age: 23
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  • #1
  • Posted: 02/25/2019 17:34
  • Post subject: Here goes nothing: My music diary of 2019 and so on...
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This is a pretty interesting idea. I found this while I was looking for the forum where ten albums for the month are posted and whoever wants to can participate by listening to all 10. Is that still a thing?
Anyway I won’t post here too often because I like to allow myself time to let an album sink in. And I’ll be going off to college later this year where I won’t have as much time to listen to music. But I’ll post as much as possible because I do think it’s a neat idea.

Hosianna Mantra by Popol Vuh
This is sublimely beautiful. I listened to it last monday while vacuuming, so it wasn’t too sublime as to become part of the noise but made a boring activity more memorable. The songs really blended together nicely, I’ll definitely return to it soon.

Microcastle by Deerhunter
I’ve listened to this a few times over the past two weeks and most songs have their own identity within the album which is really great, but “Nothing Ever Happens” and the t/t in particular are really lovely highlights.

Sprained Ankle by Julien Baker
I like this one sooooooo much better than Turn Out The Lights, which is not bad but the sound is a lot more applicable to her vocal style and her lyrics here, which I still have yet to get all of them, but even so it’s a perfect late night listening album all around, and doesn’t overstay its welcome by a minute.

Have You In My Wilderness by Julia Holter
Loving Julia Holter’s work in particular at the moment. Absolutely stunning pop songs with classical flourishes to spare. “Feel You” and “Lucette Stranded on the Island” to put on repeat.
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Gender: Male
Age: 23
Location: Minnesota
United States

  • #2
  • Posted: 03/17/2019 15:09
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I think I’ll order these albums by how much i enjoyed them this time around. For reference I’ll list them here in the order I listened to them, from earliest to most recent:

The Avalanches - Since I Left You
Jessica Pratt - Quiet Signs
Julia Holter - Loud City Song
Talk Talk - Laughing Stock
Solange - When I get Home
Earl Sweatshirt - Some Rap Songs
Standing On the Corner - S/T
Slowdive - Souvlaki
Big Black - Atomizer
Lena Raine - Celeste OST
Jimi Hendrix - Are You Experienced

Starting with my least favorite:
Standing On The Corner by Standing On The Corner
I listened to this after When I Get Home put me in that mood, to listen to something free flowing and discover what these guys were really going for after learned they handled production on most of that album. But this doesn’t have the same classy identity as either that or Some Rap Songs. It seems very half-hearted, like they put the search for a vibe ahead of their own artistic expression.

Laughing Stock by Talk Talk
I didn’t get a great impression of this album, maybe just because I listened to it at school and was only half paying attention. I’m aware of this album’s reputation, and the fact that Mark Hollis’ recent death (RIP) made this more of a listening priority, and I will certainly return in the future to give it a better chance.

Are You Experienced by The Jimi Hendrix Experience
I was recommended this by a friend who listens to a lot of blues, because I told him I wanted to get into some older music, which is true. Although I did enjoy this, it all seemed to blend together (I listened to the 17-track US version) and I’m not really sure how to react, as this was my introduction to blues rock. “Hey Joe” was very unexpected, that one stands out the most.

Quiet Signs by Jessica Pratt
I can definitely see why people are enjoying this among other albums from 2019. It seems like a record which gives you as much as you give it, which is to say that the more time you listen to it the more rewarding it will be. Unfortunately I probably won’t come back to it as much as I will to other albums being released this year.

Souvlaki by Slowdive
This is one album that I had to come back to after the depressing lull that was Standing on the Corner. Souvlaki is an indisputable classic, which unfortunately has lost its captivating emotional hold on me, but nonetheless there are still some excellent songs, namely the opening four and “When The Sun Hits”, which will forever remain in my top 10 songs of all time (I hope).

When I Get Home by Solange
The best record of 2019 so far- although it only feels that way since I understood something: Yes, these songs feel half baked, but the point is that they sound inventive, incorporating enough variety to keep the vibe going, and communicate who she is in pieces that form a whole (thus the half baked ideas turn into a full, complete album). This is my interpretation, anyway, and in a month I could be very wrong. I’ll explain more in #4.

Atomizer by Big Black
Perhaps the most sedentarily furious album ever, as there is little screaming and outrageous vocal tactics, and more speaking things plainly such as “This is Jordan! We do what we like!”, And “Set me on fire!”, neither of which communicate a lot of anger, but which actually do: in an indirect way. But the guitars accentuate that dynamic even further, of seeming fine but seeing blind red. They don’t rip your ears apart as much as they press those nerves between your shoulder blades, making you cringe, shake and wanna bang your head.

Some Rap Songs by Earl Sweatshirt
I didn’t like this one as much when it came out, but it ends up being a great album to drift away to and come back to, always featuring melancholy lyrics and free flowing, memorable samples throughout. There aren’t specific songs such as one piece of music. It seems like a great representation of Earl’s identity, especially now that I’ve also heard When I Get Home and I can say the same about that for Solange.

Celeste Original Soundtrack by Lena Raine
I’m really in love with this game, and my brothers and I agree that this soundtrack is amazing. It’s mostly piano and synth lines, but some songs build into compelling surges of adrenaline by adding drums, strings, etc., and it helps a lot with getting into the headspace needed to get past all the stages in Celeste. There’s enough variety so that each song feels at least a little bit unique, really there aren’t any problems I have with the soundtrack except I had to listen through over 100 minutes of it, but now I’ll just return to specific songs to remind me of the great moments in the game, of which there are plenty.

Since I Left You by The Avalanches
This is my second Favorite Album of All Time, so it makes sense I would automatically place it so high up. But this time around it just felt like more of the same, didn’t put as much of a smile on my face as it normally does. Still a worthwhile and incredible Sampledelic album.

Loud City Song by Julia Holter
At first this album seemed the inferior one to Have You In My Wilderness. But now I see the undeniable appeal in the full-bodied string compositions (that are nonetheless very homogenous at first listen). ‘Hello Stranger’ in particular is a song to melt your heart. ‘This Is a True Heart’ and ‘World’ are two more great combinations of melody and ambient beauty, while ‘Maxim’s II’ and ‘In the Green Wild’ keep the album from falling into a pattern of sweeping soundscapes, providing some rhythm and humor to balance the whole experience without being too corny or facetious. Probably one that’s going to end up on my chart sooner or later this year, and one to return to for Julia’s beautiful compositions and earnest personality.
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