Top 41 Greatest Music Albums by CassidyInc Unknown

Records I'm spamming at the moment/have an emotional connection to

Feel free to recommend anything danceable, whimsical or depressing from the last 5 years.

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Best Artists of 2008
1. Fleet Foxes
2. Vampire Weekend
3. Coldplay
4. Portishead
5. Have A Nice Life
6. Elbow
7. Kanye West
8. TV On The Radio
9. Deerhunter
10. Kings Of Leon
11. Crystal Castles
12. Sigur Rós
13. The Gaslight Anthem
14. Grouper
15. Liz Harris
16. The Raconteurs
17. Beach House
18. The Last Shadow Puppets
19. Extremoduro
20. Death Cab For Cutie
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