Top 5 concerts of 2022

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Croatia (Hrvatska)
  • #1
  • Posted: 03/19/2020 20:39
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Think it's about time that I join the wonderful community of BEA music diary makers. My first try, let's goooo.

Drop me a rec. I always have a full queue, but if you recommend an album be sure that I won't forget about it.

What I listened to today:

Threnos by On Thorns I Lay
Review from my 2020 chart:
"An immaculately sounding death/doom record, with a lot of slow, crushing riffs, but at the same it's very melodic and epic sounding. Has some progressive metal qualities, though not enough to really put it in that genre."
This is 3rd listen if I'm correct, and things haven't changed much. Some really solid death doom stuff from Greece, if that's your thing give it a try. Misos is a more classic death doom song, while Odysseia (probs the best song) has a lot more progressive tendencies, with a soothing piano and female clean backing vocals. Those are also the two extremes of the album.

To Pimp A Butterfly by Kendrick Lamar
Nothing to see here folks, move on. Just one of the best albums of the decade, nothing spectacular. Mortal Man is a pretty fine tune, though.

Under The Skin by Mica Levi
From the game thread:
"Under The Skin is a 2013 Jonathan Glazer movie, and this is its score. It's one of those "artsy" movies. Filmography, camera work and editing are impeccable, and the music is just on another level. The pacing is a bit off at times, it suffers from being "too artsy" imo. It stars Scarlett Johansson as an alien or something, she's going around Glasgow seducing men, only to do nasty alien things to them. It's extraordinary though, because while she's talking to guys with thick Scottish accents, they don't know it! It's all filmed with hidden cameras from the car, so you never really know if a person's acting or is it just a random guy on the street. The movie has a lot more going on, but I won't spoil it. Recommend, one of the better movies this decade.
Now on to the album itself. It was chilling, unnerving stuff. It consumed me totally, and not only because I relived the movie. It stands on its own as some of the creepier music I've heard. Exactly the stuff I love. You could call it dark ambient or something, but that tag doesn't do it justice. The only complaint I have is that the main melody is repeated a bit too often, on several compositions throughout the album. It's incredibly dark, yes, but it could've gone for more experimental and atonal tone overall. This way it just seems it was intentionally made to be more "memorable" to the audience, rather than going for the the full blown underground feel. Despite that, it's another one in my hot streak, an easy 8.5/10."

Black Metal by Dean Blunt
That 50 Cent vs Archie Marry Me match reminded me of how much I love Black Metal. The genre too. But the first time I had listened to it a year or so ago (maybe it's 2 years by now, who knows), I wasn't impressed. It was solid, liked the sound but it didn't blow me away or anything. The more I listened, the better it was. Just noticed it's not in my 2010s chart, gotta change that soon. Anyways, my favourite is probably 100, but there are a lot of huge songs here. I've heard that Dean is very underrated, and judging by the only album I've heard from him he really is. Top 10 of 2014.

Surgical Steel by Carcass
Carcass is one of the legendary metal acts. Their first 5 are all classics in my mind, and Swansong (intended as a swansong in 1996) was supposed to be the last thing we'll ever hear from the band. Until the reunion of course, and a new album Surgical Steel in 2013. It divided fans as much as Heartwork in 1993 did (and still does). They became even more melodic, and it also sounded a lot more like "any other band" than their previous efforts. However, the sound not being the most original is one thing, and the quality of this record is another. And it has quality. From the cool intro track 1985, to the almost thrash BANGER Thrasher's Abbatoir, to the great closer Mount Of Execution. It's not diverse, and it's easy to see why people think the middle of the record is boring, but I don't think there's a bad song here. Solid effort, and since I wasn't expecting it to be too good (and also wasn't there when it was hyped in 2013), I'm not disappointed at all, even if it's not among their best. It was nice revisiting this one, have to say.
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Croatia (Hrvatska)
  • #2
  • Posted: 03/21/2020 17:58
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Some excellent stuff I've listened to yesterday/today

Endless Detainment by Serpent Column
An EP from what's shaping out to be one of my favourite active bands. It's tortured black metal with unique twist: it sounds like Converge tried to do black metal. This EP is particularly chaotic, heavy and crushing. Only 21 minutes though, but that's enough to make you feel disoriented after listening.

Sixteen Oceans by Four Tet
2nd listen, didn't like it as much as first time. Still excellent though. I've heard many negative reactions to this one, mainly for supposed unoriginality and rehashing of the same ideas that he's already done better before. I don't find that to be the case. It's not exactly the best record he's released, but it's pretty good, and I don't hear too many old and stale ideas. Would recommend to the fans of experimental electronic or any other kind of "out there" electronic music.

Swimmer by Tennis
From my chart:
"It's nothing spectacular, just another indie record. BUT it is very well crafted and enjoyable. Songs are catchy and interesting, and if indie pop's your jam (it's BEA, so it probably is) go for it."

Purple Moonlight Pages by R.A.P. Ferreira
My favourite of the year so far. If you're looking for 2020 rec from me, look no further.

Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum...pell Omega
A relisten before I dive into Paracletus, their 2010 release, for that cannon forum game. I discovered Deathspell Omega some 10-12 months ago, and loved them at first listen. 2019 album The Furnaces of Palingenesia was my introduction, and it was pretty great. This one is 12 years older, and is better in almost every respect. A web of dissonant black metal riffs, with strong avant-garde influences. I adore it and rate it very highly, when I finally try to make a serious 2000s chart, this'll certainly be in top 50.
EDIT: JUST A HEADS UP, there are some serious accusations of band members being fascist (as is tradition d'oh! ), so I wouldn't buy or even stream their music.

Fleetwood Mac (1975) by Fleetwood Mac
If you like Rumours and/or Tusk, this one's almost as good imo. Maybe not as many big hits, but every song is great. Rhiannon was always my favourite Fleetwood Mac hit along with Dreams.
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BeA Sunflower

Location: Forest Park
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  • #3
  • Posted: 03/24/2020 13:24
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LedZep wrote:

Swimmer by Tennis
From my chart:
"It's nothing spectacular, just another indie record. BUT it is very well crafted and enjoyable. Songs are catchy and interesting, and if indie pop's your jam (it's BEA, so it probably is) go for it."

One of my faves of the year so far! Very Happy
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Croatia (Hrvatska)
  • #4
  • Posted: 03/24/2020 15:26
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Tilly wrote:
LedZep wrote:

Swimmer by Tennis
From my chart:
"It's nothing spectacular, just another indie record. BUT it is very well crafted and enjoyable. Songs are catchy and interesting, and if indie pop's your jam (it's BEA, so it probably is) go for it."

One of my faves of the year so far! Very Happy
The more I listen to it, the more I love it. It's a very charming record Very Happy
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Croatia (Hrvatska)
  • #5
  • Posted: 04/10/2020 08:10
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Long time no see. Since I've decided to update this thread a bit less regularly, I won't copy the reviews from the canon game, and I'll include only the best of the best 2020 albums. My 2020 chart is always available to anyone interested Smile
Some gems from last few weeks:

Selected Ambient Works Volume II by Aphex Twin
I didn't rate it yet, so thought might as well listen to it again. It still stands as my favourite of his works, personally I think it's more interesting than the 85-92. It can set the mood unlike any other record I've encountered. When one of these songs is on, you know immediately it's Aphex Twin's Selected Ambient Works 2 playing. So I guess I want to say it's pretty unique. Loveit

Autumn Bells by Gidge
My favourite discovery of the past few weeks, a colossal ambient house album with a lot of neofolk parts thrown in. I'm not gonna lie, I've listened to this one because of the cover. It's incredible, I've been spinning it twice a day for several days upon discovery, and that very rarely happens. Hell if I listen to an album twice in the same day and I don't do it for that canon game, it means it's very special. So yeah, it sits in the top 20 of the decade currently, one of my favourite electronic albums of the last 10+ years.

Exercises In Futility by Mgła
I've been returning again and again to Mgla's 2012 With Hearts Toward None and this one ever since the last year's Age of Excuse came out. I've liked Mgla before, but last year their music truly clicked with me. For a long time I prefered With Hearts Toward None, although the thin sound of guitars on that record bothered me a bit. But now I think I like their best know album, Exercises in Futility, just a bit more. I've not yet tackled their debut Groza, but apart from that they are one hell of a consistent band and I don't think I've yet heard a bad Mgla song. Percussion work here is a work of art in itself, and the production is perfect for this kind of black metal. In fact this will surely be in top 40 in my next iteration of 2010s chart.

2012-2017 by Against All Logic
Upon hearing the new one, I thought I'd return to Nico's previous effort as AAL. When it was originally released in 2018 I thought it was good, but not on par with his debut as Nicolas Jaar, wonderful Space Is Only Noise. After two years of vacuum it was nice hearing it again, and not only that, but I was left entranced by the sounds that he managed to create. Another problem that I initially had was the label "house music for people who don't listen to house". 2 years ago I wasn't listening to much house, and I didn't feel particularly comfortable with listening to something that house fans almost proclaimed a "poseur album". Since then I not only stopped caring about such labels, but have also listened to some house music, to the point where I feel I can discuss and compare house songs with some background knowledge. Anyways this replaced Nico's debut on my 2010s chart, and it landed in the top 10 of 2018.

Suicide by Suicide
Not much to say here that hasn't already been said. It's a history changing record imo, and one of the weirdest and most influential albums of the 70s. Frankie Teardrop is an all time great song.

The Second Annual Report by Throbbing Gristle
For some reason I listened to several early industrial albums one day last week. I've heard Throbbing Gristle's debut a few times before, and have dismissed it as a less coherent version of their later seminal work. While I still find that to be mostly true, I can now see why some people enjoy this one more than Third Report and 20 Jazz Funk Greats. A very abrasive, noisy and artsy album, with live recordings thrown in for good measure on the first side, and the second side is one long early ambient piece. It has its charm, but it's still my least favourite of the three. It'll still land in the 1977 when I make it, one day.

Illusion Of Time by Daniel Avery & Cortini
My favourite Daniel Avery record yet. Which might sound a bit controversial since his debut Drone Logic is held in pedestal by a lot of minimal techno/house fans, and this is just another ambient record. But man, are those textures lovely. From my 2020 chart:
The textures they create are surreal. I love Avery's Drone Logic, but this one is even better. They are very different in nature however, this is much more of an ambient experience, while his debut is less abstract. That's probably Cortini's influence. He's the current keyboardist of Nine Inch Nails and apparently makes great ambient music.

Killing Technology by Voïvod
Unrightfully neglected thrash metal classic. Maybe it's the progressive influences that have made people turn their heads and ignore one of the top thrash metal albums? I don't know, but it should be mentioned alongside Kreator, Sodom and Sepultura as some of the best non US thrash.

Under The Sign Of The Black Mark by Bathory
Tilly's metal thread made me revisit some classics in the last few months. I thought I could finally decide if I liked this one better than Blood Fire Death. Obviously not, cause no matter how great this album is, it doesn't have A Fine Day To Die. But let's not make it sound like other Bathory songs pale in comparison to A Fine Day To Die: Woman Of Dark Desires, Call From The Grave, Enter the Eternal Fire and Chariots of Fire all have their counterparts in Pace Till Death, Holocause, For All Those Who Died and Blood Fire Death. Honestly I could just list every song Bathory has released between 1987 and 1991 and proclaim them the most important black metal band ever, and I would do that if it weren't for Celtic Frost.

Isolation by Kali Uchis
Another one from 2018 that I like much more than I did initially. 2018 turned out to be a great year in retrospective, and I thought it was pretty weak at the time. The blend of pop, R&B, soul, Latino influences, electronic background and catchy hooks is to die for. Cannot wait for her new effort this year, which will supposedly be sung mostly in Spanish.
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Croatia (Hrvatska)
  • #6
  • Posted: 04/25/2020 14:11
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Been listening to some more 2000s, trying to make a decent chart. But it's a work in progress. Some stuff that I've listened to recently... Let's goooo!

Harmony In Ultraviolet by Tim Hecker
Despite being ambient freak for the last year or two, I still don't see what's all the fuss about Ravedeth 1972. I've listened to it a lot, read the backstory (which is cool, read about the recording of Ravedeth!) and I like it, but not nearly as much as most ambientheads. Well anyways, Harmony in Ultraviolet is much better, absolutely love the textures he creates here and it's gonna land on my 2000s chart. Still have to listen to Virgins, but I'm a bit worried I might not like it much, so I keep putting it off.

Through Silver In Blood by Neurosis
Ever since listening to it in the canon game, I've been coming back for more. I liked it a lot initially, and love it now. Favourite song keeps changing after every listen, which is always a good sign. I'm still not too sure about the two shorter tracks (especially Eye), but overall this is rightly heralded as a masterpiece.

Deceit by This Heat
It was mentioned in the canon game, so I felt obliged to give it another listen. I just love how out of time it sounds. Maybe it's because I was already listening to Women and Viet Cong when I discovered this gem, but the first time I heard Deceit I thought "well this might've been recorded at the same time as Women debut". Spoiler alert, it's not.

Spaces by Nils Frahm
Nils Frahm is one of those crazy experimental modern classical composers. His music is often ambient and electronic in nature, however it just cannot be put into one bin. Unless you call it "contemporary classical", which is technically correct. I've always considered Felt to be a bit more compact and cohesive, and I loved its intimate nature. It was recorded with microphones deep within the piano, to achieve that fragile sound. Spaces on the other hand is a compilation of live recordings, and that paired with the fact that I'm not too keen on "Improvisation for Coughs and a Cell Phone" has prevented me from returning to it too often. However one day I've listened to both (and his new one too), and I concluded that Spaces is a more varied effort and sums up Frahm's work best. There's ambient adventures, electronic journeys and sound collage trips. It's Frahm's avant-garde style at its best. It's on my 2010s chart of course, and thoroughly deserves it. For people who enjoy this kind of music, it's a must listen.

A Flock Of Seagulls by A Flock Of Seagulls
Recommended by a friend. Some of the best new wave I've ever heard. I'm not the biggest fan of those 80s sounds and not too familiar with the scene, but there are some records which hit the right note. And this is one of them, impeccable from start to finish, it's virtually impossible to skip a song.

Fetch The Bolt Cutters by Fiona Apple
I've already written about it on BEA, but now after spending some time with it (4 listens if I'm correct) I have fresh thoughts. It seems I've changed my opinion, but just a bit. I loved it at first, but wasn't sure that it's as great as everyone said. Now I'm sure that it's not nearly a 10. Its shortcomings are much more apparent to me, the crazy percussion which I loved at first and thought would grow on me ended up being a miss at times. You know, experimenting with percussion is great if it fits the song, but the endings of several songs (Fetch the Bolt Cutters and Relay) were just not that interesting. Don't get me wrong, it's still a brilliant album and one of the best this year, and I'll keep it at number 1 for the time being.

The Last Resort by Trentemøller
This might be the best minimal techno album I've ever heard. I've been loving it for some time now, but when I tried to put it on my 2000s chart I didn't actually know where it belongs. Top half, yes, but where exactly? So I listened to it on a whim, and was blown away again. Must've been a year or more since my last listen, and the more house, techno, downtempo and other electronic music I discover, the more I understand the brilliance of my early favourites, from the time when I didn't know much about those genres. And this one is a big time hit for me. Trentemoller is one of the best current producers and DJs, go listen to him!

Pleasure To Kill by Kreator
Kreator may just be the best thrash metal band ever. Their sophomore is some of the fiercest music of its time, and although the songs do sound a bit too similar at times, the songwriting is excellent nonetheless. I've been relistening to a lot of classics, both because of Repo's diary thread which is fantastic and because I'm browsing through RYM's best metal chart. A lot of these classics have grown on me big time, since this is the first time I'm trying to systematically listen to heavy metal and its subgenres. I guess I understand the context much better now. Between Pleasure to Kill, Sepultura's early efforts, the prominent first wave of black metal scene and of course Possessed's Seven Churches death metal had a lot of material to build upon. The explosion happened in the late 80s, and music hasn't been the same since.
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BeA Sunflower

Location: Forest Park
United States
  • #7
  • Posted: 04/25/2020 14:22
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LedZep wrote:

Pleasure To Kill by Kreator
Kreator may just be the best thrash metal band ever. Their sophomore is some of the fiercest music of its time, and although the songs do sound a bit too similar at times, the songwriting is excellent nonetheless. I've been relistening to a lot of classics, both because of Repo's diary thread which is fantastic and because I'm browsing through RYM's best metal chart. A lot of these classics have grown on me big time, since this is the first time I'm trying to systematically listen to heavy metal and its subgenres. I guess I understand the context much better now. Between Pleasure to Kill, Sepultura's early efforts, the prominent first wave of black metal scene and of course Possessed's Seven Churches death metal had a lot of material to build upon. The explosion happened in the late 80s, and music hasn't been the same since.

Thanks, brother!!! Great reviews! Very Happy

That Kali Uchis album is easily one of the best of the 2018! Loved it then. Love it now. Psyched she's dropping another soon!
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Croatia (Hrvatska)
  • #8
  • Posted: 04/25/2020 17:13
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Repo wrote:
That Kali Uchis album is easily one of the best of the 2018! Loved it then. Love it now. Psyched she's dropping another soon!
She dropped a mixtape yesterday, the cover art is pretty interesting... It's got terrible reviews though, so I'm not sure if I wanna listen to it
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Croatia (Hrvatska)
  • #9
  • Posted: 04/26/2020 13:08
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Bonded By Blood by Exodus
Happy birthday to Exodus' debut! I've just realised that every other song here is a total thrash classic.
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Croatia (Hrvatska)
  • #10
  • Posted: 05/02/2020 16:19
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Deltron 3030 by Deltron 3030
You know that feeling when you haven't listened to one of your favourites for a long time, and when you revisit it, it just hits the sweet spot? Yeah, this absolute classic is even better than I thought, there's not a bad song in its quite long runtime, and many of its moments hit me harder than ever before. 3030 is still top 10 hip hop songs of all time. A dystopian hip hop opera might sound a bit cheesy and trite to some, but even without the lyrics (which are great btw, witty, fun and vivid) Deltron 3030 is still one of the best produced rap albums of all time, with innovative beats and timeless skits. It's gonna land in the top 20 of the 2000s, just not sure where yet.
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