Top 100 Greatest Music Albums by Giant2015

I've been meaning to update this chart for a while as my musical interests have widened a lot over the past few years, but I found I kept putting it off as I was having trouble figuring out how to organize it. While I wanted it to reflect my personal preferences as much as possible, I also felt like I was leaving a lot of great albums and artists that meant a lot to me out by focusing too much on repeats of the same artist. In the end I decided to compromise and go for a one album per artist approach, but also include an Other Classics section in many of the entries-this section is for any other albums by the same artist that left a big impact on me, and can almost be considered as an honorary inclusion in the chart.

My 101-200 list:

Favourite songs (subject to change):

Here, There and Everywhere-The Beatles
Movin' On Up-Primal Scream
Dancing On My Own-Robyn
Dog Days Are Over-Florence and the Machine
Life on Mars?-David Bowie
Avril 14th-Aphex Twin
Le Jardin Féerique-Maurice Ravel
Between the Bars-Elliott Smith
Apistat Commander-Xiu Xiu
Providence-Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Stephanie Says-The Velvet Underground
I Wish I Was the Moon-Neko Case
The Last Time I Saw Richard-Joni Mitchell
Venice Bitch-Lana Del Rey
Drunk Drivers/Killer Whales-Car Seat Headrest
Ahead By a Century-The Tragically Hip
Like a Rolling Stone-Bob Dylan
Helplessness Blues-Fleet Foxes
Purple Rain-Prince

There are 21 comments for this chart from members and Top 100 Greatest Music Albums has an average rating of 90 out of 100 (from 47 votes). Please log in or register to leave a comment or assign a rating.

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Art rock; baroque pop

Since it's so hard to pick a single favourite album, this one gets the spot mainly because it was one of the first albums that I discovered on my own when I was starting to explore new forms of music. While it may not be as musically innovative or lyrically clever as some of the other albums on here, it is probably the album that has had the biggest emotional impact on me: anytime I am feeling low I can put it on and it always ends up making me feel better after. Even the songs that I may not like quite as much on their own (like Neighborhood 4 (7 Kettles)) are still good songs, and every song contributes something to the album.

Favourite songs: "Neighborhood 1 (Tunnels)", "Une Annee Sans Lumiere", "Neighborhood 3 (Power Out)", "Wake Up"

Rating: 10/10

Other Classic(s): The Suburbs
[First added to this chart: 06/29/2015]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 2004:
Rank in 2000s:
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Classic rock; glam rock; proto-punk

One of the only albums on here that I loved from the first listen; all the songs on here still hold up despite the album being more than 40 years old. Also possibly the only album in my collection where every song is well-written, catchy, and memorable enough that I have had all of them stuck in my head for an annoyingly long time at some point (and I still haven't gotten tired of any of them).

Favourite songs: "Five Years", "Moonage Daydream", "Starman", "Star", "Ziggy Stardust"

Rating: 10/10

Other Classic(s): Aladdin Sane
[First added to this chart: 01/25/2016]
Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 1972:
Rank in 1970s:
Overall Rank:
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Art rock

"House of Cards" goes on a little too long for me, but other than that this album is perfect to me. I love most of Radiohead's albums, but In Rainbows is probably the one with the most consistent songwriting. These are not only some of the best songs Radiohead has written, but also (other than "House of Cards") the best art rock songs of all time.

Favourite songs: "Nude", "Weird Fishes/Arpeggi", "All I Need", "Videotape"

Rating: 10/10

Other Classic(s): The Bends
OK Computer
Kid A
[First added to this chart: 06/29/2015]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 2007:
Rank in 2000s:
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Singer-songwriter; indie folk

Bon Iver's simplest album also happens to be their best (so far). This album is very relaxing to listen to, but in an engaging way where there is an interesting lyrical theme or instrumental passage to enjoy in each song. Most of the songs stand up on their own, but it is impossible to get the same meaning and resonance without listening to the full cycle. Also has what might be my favourite song of all time: The Wolves (Acts I and II).

Favourite songs: "Flume", "Lump Sum", "Skinny Love", "The Wolves (Acts I and II)"

Rating: 10/10

Other Classic(s): Bon Iver
[First added to this chart: 09/25/2016]
Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 2007:
Rank in 2000s:
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Psychedelic folk; lo-fi; folk punk

The first few times I heard this album, I thought it was unbearable; Jeff Mangum's voice seemed to be trying to be grating and the melodies were too simple to stand up. Around a year later, I found this album again and decided to re-try it, and it clicked on the first listen for me; the raw production and simple melodies/chord changes have a similar effect on pulling me into the story as For Emma. I have not gotten tired of this album since then despite listening to it on repeat for almost a month at one point, and I always find a new lyric or interesting instrumental choice that throws me off guard every time I listen to it. Some of the music on here (specifically on "The Fool") even reminds me of Beirut.

Favourite songs: "The King of Carrot Flowers, Part 1", "In the Aeroplane Over the Sea", "Holland, 1945", "Communist Daughter", "Oh Comely"

Rating: 10/10
[First added to this chart: 01/25/2016]
Year of Release:
Appears in:
Rank Score:
Rank in 1998:
Rank in 1990s:
Overall Rank:
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Art rock; baroque pop; prog pop

One of the more recent additions to my listening collection on here, but also an album that made a really big impact on me from first listen. Really nice balance between the alternative rock and pop songs on the first half and the dramatic suite on the second half of the record. Kate Bush's voice is fascinating to listen to, and now that I have gotten into her music I can hear an influence in many of the other singers I listen to. Some of the sound effects/production choices on here sound a little dated, but they add to the atmosphere and enjoyability of the album rather than taking away from it.

Favourite songs: "Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)", "The Big Sky", "Cloudbusting", "Waking the Witch", "Jig of Life", and "Hello Earth"

Rating: 10/10

Other Classic(s): The Dreaming
[First added to this chart: 12/30/2016]
Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 1985:
Rank in 1980s:
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Psychedelic folk; psychedelic pop; post-rock

There is a lot of Animal Collective I can't get into, but for some reason this album grabbed me right from the first listen. The mixing and production on here is a really nice balance between the typical extreme-psychedelic sound that Animal Collective is known for and an almost ambient or post-rock influenced folk sound, especially on the last half, that sounds very warm and pastoral. While the production and instrumentation on most Animal Collective albums is kind of overwhelming to me, it works really well here both in terms of mood for individual songs and for supporting the album's emotional journey from innocence to depression and then a return to hopefulness at the end. The combination of bizarre distorted guitar tones and bright, happy piano melodies and licks adds a lot to these songs as well, especially "Did You See the Words". "Banshee Beat" has the best buildup on any Animal Collective song and "Turn Into Something" is probably one of the five best closing tracks of all time; not only does it have the best hook on the album but it is genuinely one of the most uplifting and inspirational indie songs I have ever heard. I have only had this album for a few weeks but have already listened to it probably 15 times and I enjoy it more every time I hear it.

Favourite songs: "Did You See the Words", "Banshee Beat", "Loch Raven", "Turn Into Something"

Rating: 10/10

Other Classic(s): Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished
Strawberry Jam
Merriweather Post Pavilion
[First added to this chart: 02/14/2018]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 2005:
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Post-rock; dark ambient; drone; spoken word; field recordings

The post-rock album that had the biggest impact on me from the first listen, which is kind of surprising to me as I tend to enjoy Explosions in the Sky style music more than ambient/drone. For some reason, this album pulled me in to its atmosphere right away. Some of the things that I have heard people mention as drawbacks (less instrumentation and more focus on sound effects; less composed song structures and more ambience) are what make the tone of the album so gripping to me; I almost find it more cinematic than Lift Your Skinny Fists because it seems more ambiguous to me. Reminds me of a movie soundtrack, but in the best way possible. I am also talking about the C.D. version and not the album one listed on here as I find the track listing stronger.

Favourite song: It changes every time I listen to it but I think all three are equally strong

Rating: 10/10

Other Classic(s): Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada
Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
[First added to this chart: 10/23/2016]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 1997:
Rank in 1990s:
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Hip hop

At over an hour long, this is an album that I tend to listen to more for its production and beats than its lyrics (although they are very clever and well-delivered most of the time), but it is also possibly the only album in the genre where there is never a single point at which I find myself losing focus. I especially appreciate how many different samples and styles of music are covered on this album. Some of these songs (especially "Runaway") almost remind me of experimental rock more than rap.

Favourite songs: "Dark Fantasy", "Power", "All of the Lights", "Runaway", "Lost in the World"

Rating: 10/10

Other Classic(s): The College Dropout
Late Registration
[First added to this chart: 01/25/2016]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 2010:
Rank in 2010s:
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Indie rock; garage rock

One of the most relatable albums that I am listening to right now as a teen in a very similar situation to the one described on here. Not only are the lyrics funny and very well-written most of the time, but the music on here is impressive as well, with good performances and a nice interplay between the different instruments. Love the mix of song structures on here too; everything from direct and catchy indie rock songs like "Fill in the Blank" to multi-part musical breakdowns ("The Ballad of the Costa Concordia"). Nice balance between traditional rock instruments and use of more orchestral elements like trumpets on this album as well.

Favourite songs: "Fill in the Blank", "Vincent", "Drunk Drivers/Killer Whales", "Cosmic Hero", "The Ballad of the Costa Concordia"

Rating: 10/10
[First added to this chart: 10/23/2016]
Year of Release:
Appears in:
Rank Score:
Rank in 2016:
Rank in 2010s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
Total albums: 100. Page 1 of 10

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Top 100 Greatest Music Albums composition

Decade Albums %

1930s 0 0%
1940s 0 0%
1950s 0 0%
1960s 8 8%
1970s 21 21%
1980s 11 11%
1990s 14 14%
2000s 31 31%
2010s 14 14%
2020s 1 1%
Artist Albums %

Black Midi 1 1%
Animal Collective 1 1%
LCD Soundsystem 1 1%
Aphex Twin 1 1%
Wilco 1 1%
Joanna Newsom 1 1%
Sigur Rós 1 1%
Show all
Country Albums %

United States 50 50%
United Kingdom 28 28%
Canada 12 12%
Mixed Nationality 3 3%
Iceland 2 2%
Denmark 1 1%
Ireland 1 1%
Show all
Soundtrack? Albums %
No 99 99%
Yes 1 1%

Top 100 Greatest Music Albums chart changes

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Top 100 Greatest Music Albums ratings

Average Rating: 
90/100 (from 47 votes)
  Ratings distributionRatings distribution Average Rating = (n ÷ (n + m)) × av + (m ÷ (n + m)) × AV
av = trimmed mean average rating an item has currently received.
n = number of ratings an item has currently received.
m = minimum number of ratings required for an item to appear in a 'top-rated' chart (currently 10).
AV = the site mean average rating.

Showing latest 5 ratings for this chart. | Show all 47 ratings for this chart.

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RatingDate updatedMemberChart ratingsAvg. chart rating
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12/11/2023 18:06 skrapoel  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 893/100
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03/25/2021 20:02 Rhyner  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 1,38199/100
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03/25/2021 16:51 mjp11  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 3696/100
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03/25/2021 08:08 ssteve  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 20792/100
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06/13/2020 10:10 StefanR10  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 8288/100

Rating metrics: Outliers can be removed when calculating a mean average to dampen the effects of ratings outside the normal distribution. This figure is provided as the trimmed mean. A high standard deviation can be legitimate, but can sometimes indicate 'gaming' is occurring. Consider a simplified example* of an item receiving ratings of 100, 50, & 0. The mean average rating would be 50. However, ratings of 55, 50 & 45 could also result in the same average. The second average might be more trusted because there is more consensus around a particular rating (a lower deviation).
(*In practice, some charts can have several thousand ratings)

This chart is rated in the top 3% of all charts on This chart has a Bayesian average rating of 89.9/100, a mean average of 90.3/100, and a trimmed mean (excluding outliers) of 90.7/100. The standard deviation for this chart is 8.9.

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Top 100 Greatest Music Albums comments

Showing latest 10 comments | Show all 21 comments |
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From 06/13/2020 10:11
I like your chart very good artists and some underrated musicians i give you a high rating for the collection. Good taste.
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From 09/11/2019 03:17
David Bowie is not even close to being proto punk, but good chart nevertheless
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From 08/27/2019 06:59
I'm revisiting this chart and my comment on it since it was chart of the day again a couple of days ago.

Whatever reason I gave it an 80 before clearly doesn't hold now; the detail you've put into each note both with your rating and album score is a really nice touch. I get a strong sense of your personality and taste from this lovely chart so I have upped my score accordingly :)
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From 08/23/2019 10:25
Love this chart! Love how high you rated Feels by Animal Collective, it's excellent. Nice seeing St. Vincent on a top 100. Perhaps I shall put one of hers on my main chart.
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From 06/19/2019 22:07
Great chart!
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From 03/02/2019 15:49
Fantastic list and the work you have put in to it is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your descriptions and explanations because allows others (less knowledgeable like me) to check out albums they are not familiar or intimate with. What makes your list a 100 for me is the diversity of musical genres, your interesting ranking of albums by some of the great artists (for god’s sake where is Dark Side of the Moon) and the inclusion of lower ranked albums generally that you have personally connected with. Not pretentious at all, I will be checking out your other charts. By the way, I felt the same way as you about the Stones but recently came to love Exile as a whole album. Cheers! [I love Japan- Obscure Alternatives; Gord Downie-Coke Machine Glow]
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From 01/21/2019 02:52
Very nice list! Lots of great albums all varied in different genres and decades too. Nice Job!
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From 01/20/2019 16:19
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From 01/20/2019 12:56
Great chart. Can't say I agree with every album you have on the top spots but, hey, it's a personal chart that I respect and I like your comments. Also, though we have not that many albums in common, some of them are ones which I don't tend to have in common with other users.
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From 01/20/2019 10:04
Ashamed of myself, for not discovering this incredible earlier.
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Your feedback for Top 100 Greatest Music Albums

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Best Ever Albums
1. OK Computer by Radiohead
2. The Dark Side Of The Moon by Pink Floyd
3. Abbey Road by The Beatles
4. Revolver by The Beatles
5. In Rainbows by Radiohead
6. Kid A by Radiohead
7. Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
8. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles
9. The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars by David Bowie
10. The Velvet Underground & Nico by The Velvet Underground & Nico
11. Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys
12. Untitled (Led Zeppelin IV) by Led Zeppelin
13. The Beatles (The White Album) by The Beatles
14. Nevermind by Nirvana
15. Funeral by Arcade Fire
16. In The Aeroplane Over The Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel
17. The Queen Is Dead by The Smiths
18. Doolittle by Pixies
19. To Pimp A Butterfly by Kendrick Lamar
20. London Calling by The Clash
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