Top 100 Greatest Music Albums by manurock

More than "100 best-ever albums" this chart is better defined as "The 100 albums that I have so far most enjoyed listening to", it doesn't necessarily mean that they are the most talented music (in that case I would have included much more jazz and classical music!).

Chart of the day 9 times (04/2014, 10/2017, 07/2018, 09/2019, 08/2020 , 02/2022, 05/2023, 08/2023 and 02/2024). Since November 2019, Doomsday Afternoon has risen to #1. I still think that Pink Floyd is the best band ever and I am sure that they were required for Phideaux to make such a great album, but this album makes me feel like no other so it deserves to be #1.

Thank you so much for rating it so well and for giving me such nice comments and good recommendations :)

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PLEASE listen to this album. You can see some Camel, Mike Oldfield and classical music influences but still this concept album is unique. Great vocals and instrumentation all throughout; piano, mellotron, violin and flute are more prominent than guitars. The first song is a long track which introduces you to the rest of the album and shows how well you can combine so many instruments together.

I remember when I watched them at Summer's End Festival in the UK. They were very nervous, still it was beautiful to hear these 10 people play their best songs, including nearly all of this album. After the show, I was able to talk with Phideaux Xavier and he was really nice with me. They weren't gonna make any profit from this concert, but they found the experience of playing in Europe fascinating. Nearly as fascinating as this concept album, which I agree with him, is his masterpiece.

Now, a decade after, my skin still shivers when I listen to it. That is why it has risen to #1.
[First added to this chart: 03/06/2014]
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I find Pink Floyd the best band in rock history. Out of all their magnificent albums, I choose this one because it is a concept album with hardly no weaker moments, which makes you fall deep into it's sweet music. This should be listened all along and no track should be ignored, however I have to praise the ticking of "Time", the piano of "The Great Gig in the Sky" and the crescendoes in "Us and Them". This is music for angels; if we were to show the aliens what we've achieved in terms of music, I would get them to listen to this album.

Unfortunately, due to my age, I haven't had the pleasure of watching Pink Floyd live. However, luckily, there are many bands which make live shows of Pink Floyd and I highly reccommend the spanish "Pink Tones". They dragged me into their atmosphere. Also, recently I went to the Pink Floyd exhibition in Madrid and loved it, especially that mixing table of "Money" in which you can change the volume of the instruments and vocals.
[First added to this chart: 03/06/2014]
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This album is outstanding. It came after the great blues/hard rock "Everybody knows..." and the classic folk-rock "Harvest", combining perfectly both genres, while having a renewed sound. Young's voice is clear and strong. The musicians are really talented all throughout, especially Ben Keith with his pedal steel guitar. You must listen to the title track, the last track and the beautiful "See the sky about to rain". It's nice to see I'm not the only one who likes this not so well known album from this music master.

Lately I have realised how important this album was to widespread the music I loved. This type of music is present in quite a few of the albums in my chart, ie Sound of Lies or Las Consecuencias, so it deserves this high position on my chart. Even more when I enjoyed so much his concert in 2016's Mad Cool when, despite being 70,he showed that he still has lots of energy and good music to deliver.
[First added to this chart: 03/06/2014]
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Steven Wilson's solo work and bands like PT and Blackfield are worth listening to. His best work is this album, in which you can find long but not boring progressive rock songs, with a few prog metal riffs. All songs have something different, unheard before, and the lyrics show the despair of a boy damaged by society. The last part of "Anesthesize" is the most beautiful music I have heard from the 2000's. [First added to this chart: 03/06/2014]
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I think that this album isn't higher rated because many of the long-term 70's fans had forgotten about this band at this time. This is a relaxing and sweet album, thanks to Latimer's mature voice and the usual unconventional Camel instrumentation. This time, forget about virtuosism and sit and dream with these pop-orientated atmospheric rock songs. My favourites are the title track, Shout and Lost and Found but the album as a whole is great. [First added to this chart: 03/06/2014]
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This album introduced me to Muse and I still consider it to be their best. None of their other albums is so aggressive and at the same time so progressive as this one. The keyboards are the strong point of this album (i.e new born, bliss, space dementia...) in comparison to the other albums and we can find Bellamy's falsetto voice and guitar riffs in a few songs too (i.e plug in baby, citizen erased, darkshines...). It's hard to choose the best tracks, all are worth listening to, and each one has something of its own to contribute to the album. [First added to this chart: 03/06/2014]
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The best album from a unique band. There are many rythm changes, instrumental solos (especially piano) and crescendoes; only parts of "Crisis what crisis?" and a few other songs have some of this creativity. Hodgson and Davies' vocals blend perfectly. "Hide in your Shell" is just impressive, the perfect example of what the band wanted to achive in the whole of this solid album, and don't miss the first and last track either. [First added to this chart: 03/19/2014]
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What can be said which hasn't been said yet about this masterpiece? I guess that people who lived at this time were shocked that there could be such a perfect album; hard to find one as good since all the brilliant '70's albums. Thanks to this concept, dark and varied album full of outstanding songs like "Karma Police", "Exit Music", "No Surprises" or "The Tourist" Radiohead became a legend, and have influenced modern bands like Muse or Coldplay. Kudos to them. It's a pity that they never made this sound again (though in AMSP they have some nice songs from this era). [First added to this chart: 03/06/2014]
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This album by King Crimson is established as the first prog rock album, and what an album! Songs like "Epitaph" and "In the Court..." are brilliant both musically (haunting mellotrons, beautiful flute passages, strange tempo drums...) and lyrically (with strong and complex vocals by Lake) which influenced many bands afterwards, so deserves its praise. The band later decided to go more in the jazz and prog metal direction (already hinted in "21st Century..."), which in my opinion made them hardly ever reach the magic of this album (save "Starless"), but still, who could improve this album? [First added to this chart: 03/07/2014]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 1969:
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Fantastic psychedelic/blues rock album. Jim Morrison's bluesy voice is unique and the instrumentation is great, especially Ray Manzarek's keyboards (mainly organ). I have to praise their two well known upbeat songs; the catchy "Break on Through" and the elaborate "Light my Fire", but please listen to the whole album because you'll find some other treasures like "The Crystal Ship" or "Take it as it Comes". I can't believe that this classic album is one of the oldest I have in my chart, it sounds so fresh... [First added to this chart: 03/07/2014]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 1967:
Rank in 1960s:
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Total albums: 100. Page 1 of 10

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Top 100 Greatest Music Albums composition

Decade Albums %

1930s 0 0%
1940s 0 0%
1950s 0 0%
1960s 9 9%
1970s 30 30%
1980s 2 2%
1990s 16 16%
2000s 26 26%
2010s 17 17%
2020s 0 0%
Artist Albums %

Pink Floyd 4 4%
Supertramp 3 3%
Jackson Browne 3 3%
The Beatles 3 3%
Muse 3 3%
Dire Straits 2 2%
Bob Dylan 2 2%
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Country Albums %

United Kingdom 48 48%
United States 26 26%
Spain 6 6%
Canada 5 5%
France 3 3%
Mixed Nationality 3 3%
Poland 2 2%
Show all
Compilation? Albums %
No 98 98%
Yes 2 2%
Live? Albums %
No 96 96%
Yes 4 4%

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Top 100 Greatest Music Albums ratings

Average Rating: 
89/100 (from 94 votes)
  Ratings distributionRatings distribution Average Rating = (n ÷ (n + m)) × av + (m ÷ (n + m)) × AV
av = trimmed mean average rating an item has currently received.
n = number of ratings an item has currently received.
m = minimum number of ratings required for an item to appear in a 'top-rated' chart (currently 10).
AV = the site mean average rating.

Showing latest 5 ratings for this chart. | Show all 94 ratings for this chart.

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02/23/2024 21:45 EyeKanFly  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 20888/100
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02/23/2024 15:24 desh79  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 1,28193/100
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02/23/2024 09:50 Moondance  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 45585/100
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05/08/2023 22:16 Untitled  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 1584/100
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05/08/2023 12:17 Tamthebam  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 56085/100

Rating metrics: Outliers can be removed when calculating a mean average to dampen the effects of ratings outside the normal distribution. This figure is provided as the trimmed mean. A high standard deviation can be legitimate, but can sometimes indicate 'gaming' is occurring. Consider a simplified example* of an item receiving ratings of 100, 50, & 0. The mean average rating would be 50. However, ratings of 55, 50 & 45 could also result in the same average. The second average might be more trusted because there is more consensus around a particular rating (a lower deviation).
(*In practice, some charts can have several thousand ratings)

This chart is rated in the top 5% of all charts on This chart has a Bayesian average rating of 88.9/100, a mean average of 89.2/100, and a trimmed mean (excluding outliers) of 89.2/100. The standard deviation for this chart is 7.8.

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Top 100 Greatest Music Albums comments

Showing latest 10 comments | Show all 57 comments |
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From 02/23/2024 21:46
Awesome chart, lots of prog-rock but also super diverse and pushing the boundaries of rock at all ends. So much that I love here, that you've inspired me to wishlist pretty much everything I haven't heard. I'm listening to Doomsday Afternoon right now as I type this, and it's as awesome as you describe
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From 02/23/2024 09:54
Really enjoyed reading the comments that explain your selections - this is what makes a chart stand out for me. Liked seeing artists spread across the planet....although somewhat disappointed that there were no Australian artists in your top 100. Overall, a chart that kept my attention as I worked through your entire top 100.
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From 05/08/2023 11:09
Great chart
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From 02/06/2022 21:27
Nice effort put in! Not a lot of picks in common but a lot of picks I don't know yet, which is good. I think these charts should be personal, It would be boring to see the same kind of chart over and over,
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From 02/02/2022 10:43
This is great! Nice descriptions for the albums, and was happy to see the love for Dire Straits, Jarre, Air and Camel. Obviously for Pink Floyd too, and I would agree they are the best band ever. Will need to check out some of the artists you've got here that I haven't heard yet.
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From 10/19/2019 01:27
Jackson Browne is a master songwriter.
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From 09/23/2019 14:25
Surprisingly great variety, seeing DSOTM at #1 too often results in a boring list, but I really like yours
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From 09/23/2019 13:43
Great eclectic collection!!
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From 09/23/2019 11:12
Love the personal feel. A lot of stuff I haven’t heard before, but judging from what I have heard, I’m looking forward to exploring some new music based on your suggestions.
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From 06/30/2019 18:09
I like your chart. There is homage to some big early albums in there but even as you get into the 70's it's not all the classics you expect.
You are short on 80's stuff - but there isn't enough time to consume everything. I would suggest a couple of albums from this era that you might like:
Making Movies by Dire Straits since you already called them out
Talking Heads - Remain in Light
Joy Division - Closer
Simple Minds - Street Fighting Years
The Smiths - Hatful of Hollow

Loving the love for Supertramp and Muse. Floyd are amazing.
I'm in a slightly different zone for your more recent albums but things like Steven Wilson are on my agenda and will get to some of your picks since I like what you choose that I do know.

Loving the comments - I think it adds so much to see why someone picked it and give us an idea what to expect.

Oh and I'm still not digging Joni Mitchell's Blue nor really focusing on the lyrics - it still feels like a sad album to me - lol
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Best Artists of 1969
1. The Beatles
2. Led Zeppelin
3. King Crimson
4. The Rolling Stones
5. The Velvet Underground
6. Nick Drake
7. Creedence Clearwater Revival
8. Frank Zappa
9. Neil Young
10. Neil Young & Crazy Horse
11. Miles Davis
12. The Who
13. Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band
14. The Band
15. The Kinks
16. Crosby, Stills & Nash
17. The Stooges
18. Fairport Convention
19. Sly & The Family Stone
20. Scott Walker
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