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Best Albums of 2003
1. Elephant by The White Stripes
2. Hail To The Thief by Radiohead
3. Absolution by Muse
4. Room On Fire by The Strokes
5. Chutes Too Narrow by The Shins
6. Transatlanticism by Death Cab For Cutie
7. Give Up by The Postal Service
8. De-Loused In The Comatorium by The Mars Volta
9. The Magnolia Electric Co. by Songs: Ohia
10. Fever To Tell by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
11. The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place by Explosions In The Sky
12. Ghosts Of The Great Highway by Sun Kil Moon
13. Speakerboxxx/The Love Below by OutKast
14. Michigan by Sufjan Stevens
15. Meteora by Linkin Park
16. Velocity : Design : Comfort by Sweet Trip
17. Quebec by Ween
18. The Black Album by Jay-Z
19. Fallen by Evanescence
20. Mount Eerie by The Microphones
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