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The best album credited to David Lee Roth is Skyscraper which is ranked number 6,736 in the overall greatest album chart with a total rank score of 191.

David Lee Roth is ranked number 2,770 in the overall artist rankings with a total rank score of 370.

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Van Halen Woman & Children First LP/MINT!! David Lee Roth
Condition: Used

The Best - Roth David Lee CD Sealed ! New !
Condition: Brand New

Eat 'Em and Smile [LP] by David Lee Roth (Vinyl, Warner Bros. Records Record...
Condition: Used

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David Lee Roth best albums

The following albums by David Lee Roth are ranked highest in the greatest album charts:

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Total albums: 2. Page 1 of 1

This may not be a complete discography for David Lee Roth.This listing only shows those albums by this artist that appear in at least one chart on this site. If an album is 'missing' that you think deserves to be here, you can include it in your own chart from the My Charts page!

David Lee Roth bestography composition

Decade Albums %

1930s 0 0%
1940s 0 0%
1950s 0 0%
1960s 0 0%
1970s 0 0%
1980s 2 0%
1990s 4 0%
2000s 1 0%
2010s 0 0%
2020s 0 0%
Compilation? Albums %
No 6 86%
Yes 1 14%

David Lee Roth best tracks

Include tracks from compilations & live albums | Exclude tracks from compilations & live albums The same track can appear on multiple albums, so excluding tracks from compilations and live albums helps to remove duplicates from this list.

Rating: 85 (17 votes)Comments: 0
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(from the album Eat 'Em And Smile)
Rating: 83 (18 votes)Comments: 0
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(from the album Skyscraper)
Rating: 83 (10 votes)Comments: 0
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(from the album Eat 'Em And Smile)
Rating: 82 (11 votes)Comments: 0
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(from the album Eat 'Em And Smile)
Rating: 81 (10 votes)Comments: 0
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(from the album Skyscraper)
Rating: 81 (7 votes)Comments: 0
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(from the album Eat 'Em And Smile)
Rating: 80 (9 votes)Comments: 0
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(from the album Skyscraper)
Rating: 80 (8 votes)Comments: 0
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(from the album A Little Ain't Enough)
Rating: 80 (9 votes)Comments: 0
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(from the album Eat 'Em And Smile)
Rating: 79 (8 votes)Comments: 0
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(from the album A Little Ain't Enough)
Rating: 78 (6 votes)Comments: 0
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(from the album Eat 'Em And Smile)
Rating: 78 (9 votes)Comments: 0
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(from the album Skyscraper)
Rating: 78 (9 votes)Comments: 0
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(from the album Skyscraper)
Rating: 77 (5 votes)Comments: 0
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(from the album A Little Ain't Enough)
Rating: 77 (8 votes)Comments: 0
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(from the album Skyscraper)
Rating: 77 (6 votes)Comments: 0
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(from the album A Little Ain't Enough)
Rating: 77 (10 votes)Comments: 0
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(from the album Eat 'Em And Smile)
Rating: 77 (8 votes)Comments: 0
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(from the album Skyscraper)
Rating: 77 (9 votes)Comments: 0
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(from the album Eat 'Em And Smile)
Rating: 76 (7 votes)Comments: 0
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(from the album Skyscraper)
N.B. Tracks must have received at least 3 ratings to appear in the above list.

David Lee Roth ratings

Average Rating: 
76/100 (from 14 votes)
  Ratings distributionRatings distribution Average Rating = (n ÷ (n + m)) × av + (m ÷ (n + m)) × AV
av = trimmed mean average rating an item has currently received.
n = number of ratings an item has currently received.
m = minimum number of ratings required for an item to appear in a 'top-rated' chart (currently 10).
AV = the site mean average rating.

Showing latest 5 ratings for this artist. | Show all 14 ratings for this artist.

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RatingDate updatedMemberArtist ratingsAvg. artist rating
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09/22/2023 17:17 Stevo796  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 98074/100
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01/12/2021 17:26 paladisiac  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 91567/100
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08/24/2017 14:13 DanielNunes93  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 1,33159/100
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07/31/2017 18:39 covecove  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 77677/100
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06/14/2017 14:31 Music4life46  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 3074/100

Rating metrics: Outliers can be removed when calculating a mean average to dampen the effects of ratings outside the normal distribution. This figure is provided as the trimmed mean. A high standard deviation can be legitimate, but can sometimes indicate 'gaming' is occurring. Consider a simplified example* of an item receiving ratings of 100, 50, & 0. The mean average rating would be 50. However, ratings of 55, 50 & 45 could also result in the same average. The second average might be more trusted because there is more consensus around a particular rating (a lower deviation).
(*In practice, some artists can have several thousand ratings)

This artist has a Bayesian average rating of 76.2/100, a mean average of 76.8/100, and a trimmed mean (excluding outliers) of 76.8/100. The standard deviation for this artist is 13.6.

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David Lee Roth comments

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From 06/14/2017 14:31
A really fun live act though he is not a particularly strong live singer. His range is limited but he can put on a performance and his work with Van Halen was great. His solo work is very spotty.
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From 01/17/2015 00:34
Pity "Crazy From The Heat" isn't eligible to be including on the site, it was, maybe his greatest fifteen minutes as a solo artist. Still, a great entertainer and the best lead singer of Van Halen ever!
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From 01/09/2013 03:17
For the two Roth/Vai albums listed here, 100/100. They're both spirited and diverse, and I count only one bad song among them, ("Stand Up," a single from "Skyscraper.")

Roth's band: Steve Vai; Billy Sheehan; and Gregg Bissonette - had incredible potential... Some of it realized.

Of Roth's three post-Vai albums: the first with Jason Becker/Bob Rock (the blooze-y "A Little Ain't Enough";) one with Nile Rodgers (the eclectic "Your Filthy Little Mouth";) and one with John 5 (the down-and-diry "DLR Band") - "DLR Band" with John 5 is my personal favorite.
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From 12/17/2012 23:12
Along with Elvis Presley and Mick Jagger, Van Halen's first frontman David Lee Roth is maybe rock and roll's greatest showman.

Adventurous like a pirate, exuberant, intelligent, and playful, Van Halen's 7 "classic" albums all have the spirit of "Diamond" Dave. His skill with lyrics and as an album artist, you can hear develop way beyond rock if you listen to his solo albums.

Most of Roth's solo work is underrated. I'm too young to know why, but I've heard that Van Halen really tried to make him look like a bad guy, and a fool, for a long time. It's too bad because all of that childish stuff made people miss out on music that's not only a lot better than you think, but among the most creative rock I've heard.

Of Roth's 5 solo LPs (and 1 EP featuring off-beat '60s pop and vaudeville covers,) "Eat 'em and Smile" is essential. It features a young, hungry, all-star band: Steve Vai on guitar, Billy Sheehan on bass, and Gregg Bissonette on drums. Great songwriting, great instrumental work, laugh out-loud funny.

I love the punk, comedy, and R&B-influences that made Roth's Van Halen albums so great. "DLR Band," with guitarist John 5. Marilyn Manson - I loved him when I was 12 - heard John 5 play on this album, and then hired him without even auditioning him. Ray Luzier, who many people consider the best drummer in rock right now play drums.

I also LOVE "Skyscraper." It was recorded with the same all-star band as "Eat 'em and Smile" but produced by Steve Vai, so it has a totally different sound - pretty trippy, kind of like you're on psychedelics.

"A Little Ain't Enough" with the genius playing of Jason Becker, who got ALS at age 20 while recording this and had to quit the band, does a dueling blues guitar album with Alice Cooper/Lou Reed guitarist Steve Hunter. It sounds like a Stones album.

"Your Filthy Little Mouth" produced by Nile Rodgers, who also produces Bowie - so, yeah, it's weird. Half of the album has the best songs Roth ever wrote (Sunburn!!) but there are so many different styles that it doesn't hold together as an album. Still worth a listen though.

Very under-rated artist.
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From 10/12/2012 22:46
From a standpoint of sheer musical talent, the band that David Lee Roth assembled for his two late ‘80s, post-Van Halen solo albums – the multi-platinum “Eat ‘em And Smile” (1986, US #4,) and “Skyscraper” (1988, US #6) – was unprecedented in its genre-hopping virtuosity.

The musical equivalent of an all-star team, Roth recruited rising virtuosos in various sub-genres: avante-garde fusion, i.e. Steve Vai – former guitarist with Frank Zappa and Johnny Rotten’s Public Image Ltd; heavy metal: Billy Sheehan – a player reputedly as revolutionary on his instrument as Eddie Van Halen was on guitar; and big band jazz: Gregg Bissonette, (former drummer of Maynard Ferguson’s big band; later with Ringo Starr, Elton John, etc.)

Roth’s idiosyncratic foursome made two albums – completely different from each other, but both compelling – and in the process, made stars of Vai, Sheehan, and Bissonette.

“Eat ‘em And Smile” (1986, US #4) is an album that many musicians revere – as much for its irreverence as its musical virtuosity. It contains the hits "Yankee Rose" and "Goin' Crazy," numerous displays of gonzo instrumentalism; funk, jazz, and Roth's "Falstaff of Rock" persona, which first emerged during 1982-1985 with Van Halen.

Musically, "Skyscraper" (1988, #6) is a precursor to Steve Vai's solo work, featuring experimental rock in addition to multi-tracked pop, e.g. hits "Just Like Paradise," (#6 US) and "Damn Good" (#1 US Mainstream Rock.) While "Eat 'em And Smile" is rock bombast personified, "Skyscraper" exemplifies a strange meeting-ground between Zappa's guitar fusion and The Beach Boys.

After releasing the Aerosmith-esque "A Little Ain't Enough" (1991, #18) - with guitar prodigy Jason Becker and former Lou Reed & Alice Cooper guitarist Steve Hunter - interest in David Lee Roth's solo career waned during the 1990s. David Bowie's former producer Nile Rodgers joined Roth on 1994's uber-eclectic "Your Filthy Little Mouth."

In 1996, a brief (highly publicized) reunion with Van Halen produced two tracks for the hit "Best Of Volume One." His 1997 best-selling autobiography ("Crazy From The Heat") and comeback album with guitarist John 5 (of Marilyn Manson) entitled "DLR Band" revived interest in his career.

Roth returned to Van Halen in 2007.

His solo albums are each unique in their sound - however, ultimately, Roth's talent for conveying emotional attitudes (his particular skill, along with crafting R&B style melodies) suffer without an exceptional songwriting partner, e.g. sans Eddie Van Halen, Steve Vai, John 5, or Jason Becker.
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From 05/11/2011 11:43
Roth is a great showman. This is probably his second best solo release (I prefer A Little Ain't Enough)
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