Top 15 Music Albums of 1981 by Larcx13
A+ // A record that approaches perfection. // 100-96%
A // A great record with only a couple weaker tracks. // 95-91%
A- // A great record that is either over-produced, micro-marketed or just missing something to get rid of that minus. // 90-86%
B+ // A very good record that sometimes flirts with the half-assed. // 85-81%
B // A good record often thoroughly enjoyed by the artist's fanbase. Nothing extraordinary, but definitely decent. // 80-76%
*** // Honorable Mention. For those who cherish it. // 80-79%
** // Honorable Mention. For those who enjoy it. // 78-77%
* // Honorable Mention. For those who like its over-riding aesthetic. // 76-75%
B- // Has a fair few good tracks but is either too long, too repetitive, or just plain too much of something at times. // 75-71%
C+ // A hackwork kind of record. Pick and choose your favorites. // 70-66%
C // Professional record with seemingly no substance OR a decent try at something different. Often corny. // 65-60%
C- // Honest work that doesn't quite cut it. Also often quite corny. // 59-50%
✂️ // 1 or 2 good songs could be cut out and added to a greatest hits album. // 49-45%
💣 // A grade of D, E or F lands a "dud". It fails in every way. // 44-0%
- Chart updated: 12/02/2024 17:45
- (Created: 09/25/2020 15:13).
- Chart size: 15 albums.
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Top 15 Music Albums of 1981 composition
Artist | Albums | % | |
Аквариум [Aquarium] | 2 | 13% | |
Muddy Waters | 1 | 7% | |
Bob Dylan | 1 | 7% | |
Gil Scott-Heron | 1 | 7% | |
Exploited | 1 | 7% | |
Iron Maiden | 1 | 7% | |
Stiff Little Fingers | 1 | 7% | |
Show all |
Top 15 Music Albums of 1981 chart changes
Biggest fallers |
Down 1 from 6th to 7th Pleasant Dreams by Ramones |
Down 1 from 7th to 8th Discipline by King Crimson |
Down 1 from 8th to 9th Sorry Ma, Forgot To Take Out The Trash by The Replacements |
New entries |
Go For It by Stiff Little Fingers |
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Other year charts by Larcx13
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Top 29 Music Albums of 1989 | Larcx13 | 1989 year chart | 2023 | |
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Top 16 Music Albums of 1982 | Larcx13 | 1982 year chart | 2024 | |
Top 15 Music Albums of 1981 | Larcx13 | 1981 year chart | 2024 | |
Top 15 Music Albums of 1980 | Larcx13 | 1980 year chart | 2024 |
Top 15 Music Albums of 1981 ratings
av = trimmed mean average rating an item has currently received.
n = number of ratings an item has currently received.
m = minimum number of ratings required for an item to appear in a 'top-rated' chart (currently 10).
AV = the site mean average rating.
N.B. The average rating for this chart will not be reliable as it has been rated very few times.
Showing all 2 ratings for this chart.
Rating | Date updated | Member | Chart ratings | Avg. chart rating |
08/15/2022 22:56 | Rhyner | 1,435 | 99/100 | |
02/04/2022 19:34 | DJENNY | 4,369 | 100/100 |
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Best Artists of 1965 | |
1. Bob Dylan | |
2. The Beatles | |
3. John Coltrane | |
4. Otis Redding | |
5. Nina Simone | |
6. The Beach Boys | |
7. The Who | |
8. The Byrds | |
9. The Rolling Stones | |
10. Vince Guaraldi | |
11. The Sonics | |
12. Albert Ayler | |
13. Albert Ayler Trio | |
14. Herbie Hancock | |
15. Jackson C. Frank | |
16. B.B. King | |
17. The Kinks | |
18. Bert Jansch | |
19. John Fahey | |
20. The Yardbirds |