Top 100 Greatest Music Albums by Repo

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It sucks being sick. People treat you different. Even doctors. Even your family. Brandon Cox aka Deerhunter knows this frustration. He knows the despair. Of being alienated, ostracized. But he’s done something extraordinary with this anger and frustration. He’s channeled it into a rallying cry. He’s taken his weakness and turned it into strength. Took fear and turned it into faith. In himself. In his abilities. Fading Frontier is nothing short of rallying cry for the sick & disabled. Anthems to get you fired up that you are important. That you matter. That no one is defined by anything or limited by anything. That one can surpass labels and diagnoses. And do something amazing.

Pretty impressive for a pop album. And this is a pop album at its heart. And it works. Anthems were made to be heard on FM radio after all. And in a different universe, those first three songs would be staples on the radio. Not all the songs work. Snakeskin’s 70s T-Rex stomp has never quite won me over. But, the rest is near perfect indie pop.

Grade: B+. This is essential indie pop. These are songs for when the world wrongs you. For when you’re not understood. For when people don’t recognize the strength it takes to just keep on fighting and instead only sees weakness. Illness. This album picks you up, pats you on the back and inspires you to fight back.
[First added to this chart: 03/16/2016]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 2015:
Rank in 2010s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
63. (61) Down2
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Finally! Someone loves The Cure and 80s college rock as much as me. Thank you, Jack Tatum, for this absolute gift of an album. One giant homage to the 80s college rock of my youth. Just like me, every guitar line, every bass line, every drum fill has become a part of Jack’s DNA . The strings from Morrissey’s first solo album, early JAMC vocal stylings, the bass of MBV. It’s all here. Like pieces of an elaborate jigsaw puzzle. Rearranged. Put back together to create something entirely new. A reimagining of 80s college rock by the ultimate fan.

But, just like me, it’s mostly about The Cure. The Cure’s shadow over 80s college rock is similar to Sabbath’s over metal/stoner rock. It always comes back to them. And Robert Smith is quietly, ( very, very quietly) one of the most influential guitarists of all time. His swirling, kaleidoscopic guitar licks are all over this album. And Robert Smith makes up the bulk of the pieces of this here jigsaw puzzle.

Grade: A+. There’s really only one question when it comes to this album. If it had actually come out in 1987 instead of 2012, would it be considered the best college rock albums of all time? Because this is 80s college rock perfected.

I’m a massive fan of 80s college rock. Let’s face it - it’s what I grew up on. It’s part of my DNA. And this is EASILY some of the best college rock this boy has ever heard. It captures that winsome, romantic spirit at the heart of so much of 80s New Wave. There was a ton of hope in that music. A naive, romantic innocence. And its so great to find that spirit so alive and well here. Intact. Inviolate. And I will be returning to its well often I have a feeling. Long live the 80s! Wink

Aside: This album also reminds me that I NEED to get back into the Pale Saints. I have a feeling that they’re a big influence on JackTatum as well, but I don’t know them well enough to be sure.
[First added to this chart: 12/19/2017]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 2012:
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Average Rating:
67. (66) Down1
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I’m not going to fight it. I’m addicted to the sparkling, candy colored songs of Beach House. Beach House go full-on arena-sized for this album. Launching the grandeur of the Cocteau Twins straight to the upper rafters. I completely give in to its waves of Cure and Loveless-era MBV guitars washing over me. I’m no longer Tilly. I'm just a rag doll. Letting myself drift effortlessly wherever the waves take me. These are the songs I play to beat back the doldrums when they’re nipping at my heels. To kick them off and instead reach to the heavens and sing and shout that I can still make it despite it all.

Grade: A. This is Beach House at their poppiest. And pop is a surprisingly good fit for them. I still prefer their sound when it’s little rougher around the edges and the guitar cuts a little bit more deeply such as on Thank Your Lucky Stars. But, it’s still essential Beach House and definitely one of the best dream pop albums of the last decade.
[First added to this chart: 03/24/2017]
Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 2012:
Rank in 2010s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
68. (67) Down1
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Komorebi-D knows the score. This is Real Estate’s best album. And it’s not even close. There is a laid-back relaxed vibe that permeates this album. The perfect album for kicking back on the back porch with a nice IPA. You’ve got the Christmas tree lights on and the neighbors are firing up a bar-b-que in the distance. Lightning bugs hang effortless in the air lighting up the backyard with occasional bursts of brilliance. Everything is alright and will be even better with that next beer. These kids are now all grown up and comfortable in their skin. Confident in THEIR sound. Because they own it. It’s all theirs. And they’re not afraid.

This is my go to album when I need to chill out. When my mind falls into the trap that believing that some encounter, conversation or action has altered my existence. Like some ridiculous thought like… “OMG! WHY DID I TEXT HER THAT. I NEVER SHOULD HAVE TEXTED HER THAT. I’VE RUINED EVERYHTHING!” I put this on, open up since nice IPA and realize that it’s all just in my mind. That it’s nothing very important at all and will all blow over by tomorrow morning. That in a day I will forget all about it entirely. I laugh at my silly mind, take in the laid back vibes, my Christmas tree lights hanging from my back deck, and just watch the leaves dance on the trees in the mild wind. Nothing important really happened. Nothing important almost never really happens. Our minds are just hyperactive. Ultra-vigilant. Looking out for threats that are not even there. That never even existed. All I need to do is be.

Grade: A+. Once of the best jangle pop albums of all time. And definitely Real Estate’s finest hour (which is saying something.). It’s a very beachy, “everything is going to be alright” album which is just perfect to settle down with. There are some subtle touches of shoe gaze on some songs which add just the right amount of warmth. There’s a quiet confidence in this album. That says “This is who we are, and where we are and we’re cool with it”. And I’m going to follow their lead. And it lazily & confidently moses along to number six completely happy to just be itself.
[First added to this chart: 03/12/2016]
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Angels can sin. I bet you didn’t know that. But they can. They can take their station next to God for granted. Become ungrateful. Arrogant. And then they fall to Earth. To watch over us. As penance to get back into God’s graces. They don’t know how many souls they have to save. It could be five. It could be five million. There is simply no way of knowing. The grief of no longer feeling God’s radiance is incalculable. He feels empty. Abandoned. Imagine being cast out into the Alaskan tundra after spending your entire life lazing on the beaches of Costa Rica. And you've just begun to scratch the surface.

This album is filled with the grief and mourning of this fallen angel. As he flies above us. Detached and aloof from the souls he has been decreed to save. Because he cannot directly interact with us. That is against the rules. He must guide us in subtle ways. Gently shift our trajectories. So that we can find God’s radiance ourselves. The radiance our banished angel has lost.

His grief at letting down God is palpable. The songs are full of his repentance. His cry to God to please forgive him. That he will atone for his sins. That he has been humbled. But also his reverence. For God. For his home. For this is not an Earthly album. It’s celestial. It’s concern is with the heavens. The skies far above. A deep longing to return home. Where he belongs. And he knows he can get there. With patience & perserverance. Until then he watches. And waits. To prove himself worthy of God’s love again.

Grade: A-. If Godspeed You Black Emperor made an ambient album this is what it would sound like. It’s massive. It's beautiful & plaintive. But the greatest thing I love about it about it is how it gives you the impression that you’re flying. That you’re one with the clouds above looking down far removed from the trivial ongoings of day to day life. Its pressures and its strife. That instead you are content to just contemplate the heavens above. And wonder and ponder how to get there. Just like our fallen angel. And it flies up to number 17.
[First added to this chart: 05/10/2017]
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Rank in 2011:
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This is everything KLF’s Chill Out aspired to be when it grew up. It’s an ambient sound scape to a late night journey. This time you’re on a commuter train. You meditatively look out the window passively taking in the urban wasteland that supports life but that no one gives too much particular attention to. It’s warehouses. It’s sewers & canals. It’s power stations. You’re just comfortably at peace listening to the random sounds of the train play on the tracks as this urban landscape slips past. It’s meditative, nocturnal and completely gives you the impression of movement. Where you’re going is not important. You’re not in a rush. You’re complete just looking out that window. Looking out that window at nothing.

Grade: A. One of the finest, absorbing and contemplative ambient albums I’ve heard. It’s natural, organic & slightly industrial in sound. But the best thing is the sense of movement it gives you. That you are being transported somewhere, but you don’t really care where. In a way, it reminds me of Seefeel’s Quequi in that sense. This jumps ahead (for now) of even Virginia Astley’s album of naturalistic beauty perhaps because I’m bit more of an urban dweller at my core.
[First added to this chart: 04/08/2017]
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Rank in 2014:
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I'm a total sucker for this type of music. Hazy, laconic, drugged out. The perfect stuff for a codeine cough syrup bender. To me, it's the ultimate romantic music in the world. Of course, I also think Charlotte Sometimes is the most romantic song in the entire world. While my kids ( & probably most well adjusted people) think this music sounds depressing, I find it the happiest most uplifting stuff in the entire world and almost nothing puts me in a better mood.

As far as I can tell, this is as good as any Beach House record released. And I've been a fan of theirs since Devotion. I definitely like it better than Depression Cherry. A lot of it has to do with the guitars which are sometimes set to stun as well as the more stripped down production. Plus, there's not a single clunker among the batch.

Unlike some people, I actually love it when a band finds something they are really, really good at and than just subtly tinker with that formula for the rest of their career.

Grade: A. Totally addicting dream pop which I would put up against any of their other releases.
[First added to this chart: 02/08/2017]
Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 2015:
Rank in 2010s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
91. (90) Down1
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Growing up ain’t easy. Not even for rich college kids. And it seems our boys have had their hearts handed to them once or twice since their shimmering debut. There is a haze of melancholy that hangs over this album. Plus, the crisp pace and immediacy of the debut is traded in for a more lazy, nonchalant sound as the songs take a decidedly more leisurely approach to their destination. They've expanded their sound a bit too it seems and started dosing on a steady diet of kiwi rock as well which fits in well with their other jangle pop influences. Besides the songs being a bit more consistent on this one, both albums are excellent and complement each other nicely.

Grade: A. As Daydreamer recently pointed out, this is quite a different album from their debut. More spacious, pensive and considerably slowed down from the preppy, assured jangle pop of their debut. I can’t really decide which one I like best as they are both excellent and I’d even say essential modern jangle pop. I’m going to flip a coin and put this one slightly ahead of the debut, but I now consider their debut an essential Real Estate album since it does have such a different sound.
[First added to this chart: 04/01/2017]
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Rank in 2011:
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It’s not that I don’t like Christmas. I do! I mean I have a Christmas tree up the entire year! For real. It’s great in the background when I’m doing my tai chi. One of my friends bought it for me last year, and I just never bothered to take it down. I get the occasional snickers from passing drunk frat boys coming from the bars, but I don’t pay them no mind. They don’t bother me.

And my deck is adorned with these cool ass christmas tree lights. They look like little twinkling, globes. They were here when I moved in. When I saw them on the back deck I just knew this random little house was going to be my home.

And I love all the gifts. Watching my kids’ eyes turning two sizes bigger come Christmas morning. I mean that shit is priceless. I even love their manipulative, cajoling little hearts this time of year. As they try to butter me up to buy them certain stuff. Circling stuff on catalogs. Asking me to take selfies of them with random stuff we pass at the mall. There’s no way they believe in Santa. It’s always ME their pleading to their little earnest hearts to. They’re just conning me that they still believe so that they get EVEN MORE presents. I just know it!

But I HATE Christmas music. I’m positively Grinch-like when it comes to that stuff. I hate how it starts in October. I hate how it’s played EVERYWHERE - at the Kwik Mart, Walmart and every fricken' other Mart you could ever think of. I hate how it seems like there’s the same fifteen standards in rotation for like thee freakin’ months of the calendar year.
But most of all, I hate that it’s non-stop. Couldn’t they just sprinkle some Christmas songs in with you know… regular songs? Why does it have to be all Christmas all the time this time of year. I mean variety people. Jeez.

And the new stuff? That’s the worst. Most of it sounds canned. Thrown out as some afterthought to make some quick bucks on the hot new artist of the year.

But NOT this here album! I got it on a whim for my kids from the library, and it’s Daddy who’s really taken a shine to it (although they love it too. especially that Hippo song. lol)

Kacey may talk a good game about growing up in trailer parks and the like, but this album is first class all the way. From the production to the arrangements to the stellar backing band, she’s assembled an incredible supporting cast. A lot of heart went into this here album. This was a love affair. This wasn’t kicked out to make a couple of extra bucks for the holiday season. No siree. Kacey loved making this album. She wanted to make this album. For herself. And it shows. It really, really shows.

From Kacey’s take on all old standards such as Have Yourself A Merry Christmas to originals like Christmas Makes Me Cry, this album has a ton of heart. There’s a warmth. A glow. I feel like I know Kacey far more after this album than her first two proper albums. I loved those first two albums but her spirit really shines through here and gives me a whole different perspective on her.

It’s the perfect album to turnaround those winter blues.

Grade: A. That’s right. A fricken’ A for a Christmas album. That’s how good it is. Merry christmas, y’all!
[First added to this chart: 12/11/2017]
Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 2016:
Rank in 2010s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
Total albums: 9. Page 1 of 1

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Top 100 Greatest Music Albums composition

Decade Albums %

1930s 0 0%
1940s 1 1%
1950s 3 3%
1960s 9 9%
1970s 29 29%
1980s 37 37%
1990s 3 3%
2000s 9 9%
2010s 9 9%
2020s 0 0%
Artist Albums %

Real Estate 3 3%
Bert Jansch 2 2%
Bob Dylan 2 2%
Townes Van Zandt 2 2%
Saint Vitus 2 2%
Accept 2 2%
Venom 2 2%
Show all
Country Albums %

United States 49 49%
United Kingdom 29 29%
Germany 5 5%
Mixed Nationality 4 4%
Canada 3 3%
Australia 2 2%
Switzerland 2 2%
Show all
Compilation? Albums %
No 97 97%
Yes 3 3%
Live? Albums %
No 99 99%
Yes 1 1%
Soundtrack? Albums %
No 99 99%
Yes 1 1%

Top 100 Greatest Music Albums chart changes

Biggest climbers
Climber Up 88 from 94th to 6th
Self Portrait
by Bob Dylan
Climber Up 81 from 93rd to 12th
Fading Frontier
by Deerhunter
Climber Up 43 from 62nd to 19th
Cluster & Eno
by Cluster & Eno
Leaver The Skull
by Trouble

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Top 100 Greatest Music Albums ratings

Average Rating: 
95/100 (from 73 votes)
  Ratings distributionRatings distribution Average Rating = (n ÷ (n + m)) × av + (m ÷ (n + m)) × AV
av = trimmed mean average rating an item has currently received.
n = number of ratings an item has currently received.
m = minimum number of ratings required for an item to appear in a 'top-rated' chart (currently 10).
AV = the site mean average rating.

Showing latest 5 ratings for this chart. | Show all 73 ratings for this chart.

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RatingDate updatedMemberChart ratingsAvg. chart rating
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04/30/2024 20:50 BorderFreeAndrew  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 3682/100
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10/09/2023 08:40 Moondance  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 45585/100
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10/28/2022 03:30 mianfei  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 14361/100
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08/29/2022 05:28 seb7  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 10591/100
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06/20/2022 08:31 Applerill  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 97675/100

Rating metrics: Outliers can be removed when calculating a mean average to dampen the effects of ratings outside the normal distribution. This figure is provided as the trimmed mean. A high standard deviation can be legitimate, but can sometimes indicate 'gaming' is occurring. Consider a simplified example* of an item receiving ratings of 100, 50, & 0. The mean average rating would be 50. However, ratings of 55, 50 & 45 could also result in the same average. The second average might be more trusted because there is more consensus around a particular rating (a lower deviation).
(*In practice, some charts can have several thousand ratings)

This chart is rated in the top 1% of all charts on This chart has a Bayesian average rating of 95.1/100, a mean average of 95.1/100, and a trimmed mean (excluding outliers) of 96.4/100. The standard deviation for this chart is 9.1.

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Top 100 Greatest Music Albums comments

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From 10/09/2023 09:56
Have I ever properly thanked you for making me check out Mazzy Star, Yo La Tengo, Real Estate early 70s-era Dylan, as well as revisiting Townes Van Zandt? Either way, thank you again.
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From 06/28/2023 09:46
There are 3 elements to a great chart for me.

1. Some great words to tell us why the album is there.
2. A similar taste to your own - a musical message in a bottle
3. Some new picks for my own wish list.

This chart is bristling with new recommendations for my playlist. Whole genres I’ve never explored.

2 out of 3 ain’t bad.
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From 10/28/2022 03:50
One really interesting and diverse list, quite unlike anything I have ever seen here or anywhere else! Many very unusual choices and genres make this a great list. The chart has virtually nothing in common with my own chart or other lists by major magazines, Joe S. Harrington, David Keenan or Piero Scaruffi.

The notes are better than anything I have seen outside of Harrington or Keenan, too.

A minor quibble of mine is the way in which albums of the same genre are clustered together. (When I see that I always wonder if the compiler is not being careful enough to be sure they are being ranked as accurately as thought possible.) even with this reservation, it is an exceptionally interesting and well-written list.
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From 10/25/2022 08:24
Still wanna the greatest charts ever made on both this site and others like RYM. I think you've inspired me to do the same one day by making a chart of lesser known records, and outta those picks, create an alternate universe so flamboyant, colorful, and exciting based on descriptions and stuff.

I think something in the beautiful Donovan description summed it up "these songs doesn't know that radio exists", because some of the favorites on this chart raises this question; what would musicians/artists do if radio never existed". The answer lies in that they probably would make something so flamboyantly authentic as a lotta these wondrous records, and we could only listen to music by hand and choice etc.

God bless!
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From 10/24/2022 03:20
What I like about this chart:
1. we have ZERO albums in common:
2. we have only 4 artists in common, and that may very well become 1 artist in common when I do a review of my chart over the next month;
3. the 1 artist we have in common is Dylan - although our album preferences differ significantly (I am sure that doesn't come as any surprise - you can check out my '64 Dylan albums rated' chart if you have time :));
4. this chart oozes someone who actually breathes, eats, smells, tastes, touches, feels music more than hears it;
5. knowing the effort needed to make even short comments on album choices, the EFFORT in this chart is EXTRAordinary;
6. rather than a regurgitation of the BEA top 100, this chart has only 6 albums rated in the top 1000! and the highest ranking album is at #197 on the overall chart;
7. this chart actually made me go on a wild musical album/artist discovery hunt - I didn't actually find anything that I 'fell in love with' but sometimes the journey is more valuable than the end point ~ at least it gave me a few hours of hope; that maybe out there, somewhere, there is an artist/album undiscovered in my musical universe who will excite me in ways that I cannot explain;
8. ...and finally, the 2 Australian albums - excellent choices!
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From 08/29/2022 05:28
super frikin interesting. love this chart!!!
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From 07/11/2022 09:17
naang naang!! <3 hope ur doing well friend
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From 02/16/2022 00:47
man this is great. I can't even say I agree with A SINGLE ONE of your picks but damn this is very well put together chart. Just the passion you seem to have for music is insane and I love it!!!
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From 08/05/2021 09:25
What a unique list :)
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From 04/03/2021 23:24
Interesting choices, the number 1 is very unique and the rest is metal at the most. I know much of them and i like them some kind of diversive chart. Nice to see such things here.
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Best Artists of 1995
1. Radiohead
2. Oasis
3. The Smashing Pumpkins
4. Pulp
5. Björk
6. GZA/Genius
7. Alanis Morissette
8. PJ Harvey
9. Elliott Smith
10. Pavement
11. Mobb Deep
12. Foo Fighters
13. Garbage
14. Raekwon
15. Tricky
16. The Flaming Lips
17. No Doubt
18. Death (Metal)
19. Guided By Voices
20. Blur
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