Class is in session kids. History is in the making.

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The next great battles of the revolution are going to be fought on the East Coast, in the neighbourhood of Bowery, Manhattan. CBGBs, a Country, BlueGrass, and Blues bar, is playing pretty much everything but and sitting right at the heart of this action. In early '74 you check out the action when the newly formed Television plays a string of gigs. Look around the joint one April night and you'll see an awed Patti Smith and her friend Lenny Kaye in the audience. [First added to this chart: 03/11/2014]
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Lenny is a guitarist and total music dork who had been playing shows at frat houses for years, and he tries to convince Patti to start a band with him - he'll play guitar, and she's recite her poetry. Eventually she caves, and without knowing it becomes one of the premiere heroes of the genre and queen of the Bowery Scene. Take a listen to the almost folk-y twang this record's got, that DIY Dylan-esque attitude. These are characteristics that will influence a lot of punk to come. [First added to this chart: 03/11/2014]
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Every counter culture movement has its share of opportunists, and here on the Bowery Scene we find one by the name of Malcolm McLaren, a fashion designer who has been working closely with the New York Dolls to redefine the look of a generation. When he returns to London, Malcolm fuses the attitude of the New York Bowery scene with intensely provocative imagery to create the clothing boutique "SEX", knowing that he can bank on practically shock value alone to fuel the store's marketing. To further promote the store he throws together a rag-tag group of kids he dubs the "SEX Pistols", and under their weight London begins to shake in ways that Malcolm could only ever dream of. [First added to this chart: 03/24/2014]
Year of Release:
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Total albums: 3. Page 1 of 1

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PUNK ROCK: A HISTORY composition

Decade Albums %

1930s 0 0%
1940s 0 0%
1950s 0 0%
1960s 2 40%
1970s 3 60%
1980s 0 0%
1990s 0 0%
2000s 0 0%
2010s 0 0%
2020s 0 0%
Artist Albums %

MC5 1 20%
The Stooges 1 20%
Television 1 20%
Patti Smith 1 20%
Sex Pistols 1 20%
Country Albums %

United States 4 80%
United Kingdom 1 20%
Live? Albums %
No 4 80%
Yes 1 20%

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