Make Believe (studio album) by Weezer
Condition: Used
Condition: Very Good
Weezer bestography
Make Believe is ranked 9th best out of 26 albums by Weezer on
The best album by Weezer is Weezer (Blue Album) which is ranked number 81 in the list of all-time albums with a total rank score of 15,890.
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Make Believe track list
The tracks on this album have an average rating of 73 out of 100 (all tracks have been rated).
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Make Believe ratings

av = trimmed mean average rating an item has currently received.
n = number of ratings an item has currently received.
m = minimum number of ratings required for an item to appear in a 'top-rated' chart (currently 10).
AV = the site mean average rating.
Showing latest 5 ratings for this album. | Show all 277 ratings for this album.
Rating | Date updated | Member | Album ratings | Avg. album rating |
80/100 ![]() | 01/30/2025 12:54 | SomethingSpecial | ![]() | 85/100 |
70/100 ![]() | 09/02/2024 20:17 | ![]() | ![]() | 83/100 |
40/100 ![]() | 09/02/2024 16:53 | saltysurprise | ![]() | 84/100 |
40/100 ![]() | 03/10/2024 21:36 | RadioGraaah | ![]() | 77/100 |
80/100 ![]() | 02/16/2024 20:54 | Jakor | ![]() | 69/100 |
Rating metrics:
Outliers can be removed when calculating a mean average to dampen the effects of ratings outside the normal distribution. This figure is provided as the trimmed mean. A high standard deviation can be legitimate, but can sometimes indicate 'gaming' is occurring. Consider a simplified example* of an item receiving ratings of 100, 50, & 0. The mean average rating would be 50. However, ratings of 55, 50 & 45 could also result in the same average. The second average might be more trusted because there is more consensus around a particular rating (a lower deviation).
(*In practice, some albums can have several thousand ratings)
This album has a Bayesian average rating of 57.3/100, a mean average of 56.8/100, and a trimmed mean (excluding outliers) of 56.8/100. The standard deviation for this album is 19.8.
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Make Believe comments
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(Only showing comments with -2 votes or higher. You can alter this threshold from your profile page. Manage Profile)
I don't hate it.
1. 100
2. 95
3. 95
4. 65
5. 70
6. 90
7. 75
8. 90
9. 55
10. 75
11. 100
12. 55
Okay, look, Make Believe isn't the alt-rock, power-pop, nerdy college rock music we've come to expect from Weezer after their four first records, but it has a soft spot in my heart. This album marks a complete tonal shift for the band, ditching the loud guitars and the youthful energy for a very mainstream, radio-friendly pop-rock with very little personality, structure or variation and loads of generic chord progressions and annoyingly catchy choruses. But I love it.
Beverly Hills is cheesy, but also one of the band's most memorable and catchy singles. Perfect Situation, This Is Just A Pity, Pardon Me and Freak Me Out are stupid, shallow and not the most original in terms of rock music, but I love them all.
There are fewer harmonies and guitars here, but that's not to say these trademark aspects are completely missing. The slightly more polished instrumentation fits River Cuomo's voice better than the abrasive tone of Pinkerton or Maladroit. Then there are some oddities, such as Hold Me, which sounds like a grungy leftover from Pinkerton and feels misplaced on Make Believe.
The album turns repetitive by the end, and a bigger variation in terms of sound and subject matter would have been preferable, but the overall collection of songs is among the most enjoyable the band has put out.
Their worst album. So boring

It has a lot of shortcomings, but that's not to say there aren't good songs on here.
Perfect Situation, Pity, Hold Me, My Best Friend and Haunt You Every Day are awesome. The rest is mediocre to outright ass

Say what you want about this album, It's inconsistent, it's poppy, it's boring, whatever, I'll respect that. The one thing I won't get behind though is saying that there was no drive or spirit behind the album, the guys over at Weezer put all their thought into this thing, it's no sell out, It's just what they wanted to do, and seeing it through that really makes me love this album. Just a month ago I would've told you this was their third worst album, but after some more listens it just had this way of creeping into my heart and now I'm just thinking "How did I never 100% LOVE "This Is Such A Pity" (like for real, that songs is just amazing) and I'd say the rest of the songs are almost as enjoyable, sure we're all on drugs lyrics are a bit basic but it really doesn't bother me, the instruments are good enough to fix that. Alright I'm rambling now, (these reviews are so dang hard to write) I guess in conclusion, if you're a Weezer fan and say you hate this album, just give it some more listens, you may just come to love it
This album feels like a joke, like someone dared Rivers to write the most insipid and stupid lyrics ever. That's what I thought when I heard this album, Rivers is deliberately trying to write the worst songs and see if he can get away with it. This album is unlistenable, this is one of the worst ratings I've ever given on this website.

I usually don't really pay too much attention to lyrics unless it's a genre that's mostly acclaimed for its lyrics, like rap or folk, but when the lyrics are so bad that I look up and think "what the fuck?" it's hard not to pay attention to them. "I want to confiscate your drugs. I don't think I can get enough." "I feel happy inside when I see your face." "Oh, so alone in love." It ranges from cringeworthy "look how cool we are" to "I never graduated the third grade." I can't believe Weezer went from Say it Ain't So to this piece of crap. There's two or three good songs on here, but the rest is just really bad.
Weezer sells out and tries to make mainstream power pop singles.
And they do, twice-- Perfect Situation and This is Such a Pity are excellent sing along songs.
Beverly Hills and We Are All On Drugs are two of the worst Weezer songs ever. Weezer rarely offends with terrible songs but these two do.
The rest of this is bland and un-Weezer. Cuomo has been writing generic lyrics for a couple albums already up to this point but at least the instruments and guitar around it was interesting. This sounds like everyone else on the radio.
One of Weezer's worst album's with 2 great highlights.

6 fantastic songs and 6 next to terrible songs. So glad they did the Red album and came back... but then did some terrible stuff after that too... eh you win some and you lose some.
Overall, this is a bit of an underrated album. I really wish Beverly hills wasn't on this album though. Worst song on the album by far
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