Embryonic (studio album) by The Flaming Lips

Embryonic by The Flaming Lips
Year: 2009
Release date: 2009-10-13
Overall rank: 1,487th   Overall chart historyOverall chart history
Average Rating: 
78/100 (from 358 votes)
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Award Top 20 albums of 2009 (18th)
Award Top albums of the 2000s (236th)
Award Best albums of all time (1,487th)

The Flaming Lips bestography

Embryonic is ranked 4th best out of 46 albums by The Flaming Lips on BestEverAlbums.com.

The best album by The Flaming Lips is The Soft Bulletin which is ranked number 120 in the list of all-time albums with a total rank score of 11,494.

The Flaming Lips album bestography « Higher ranked (1,030th) This album (1,487th) Lower ranked (1,677th) »
Clouds Taste MetallicEmbryonicAt War With The Mystics

Upcoming concerts

CalledOut: Best Days of Our Lives Tour
Gramercy Theatre, New York, United States. United States
Tickets from $29.99 (Ticketmaster) Get tickets
The Millennium Tour
Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, United States. United States
Tickets from $69.75 (Ticketmaster) Get tickets
The Whispers
Sound Board at MotorCity Casino Hot, Detroit, United States. United States
Tickets from $48.00 (Ticketmaster) Get tickets
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Embryonic track list

  Track ratingsTrack ratings The tracks on this album have an average rating of 82 out of 100 (all tracks have been rated).

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Rating: 82 (56 votes)Comments: 0
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Rating: 86 (71 votes)Comments: 0
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Rating: 78 (53 votes)Comments: 0
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Rating: 79 (52 votes)Comments: 0
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Rating: 80 (52 votes)Comments: 0
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Rating: 82 (55 votes)Comments: 1
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Rating: 80 (58 votes)Comments: 1
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Rating: 85 (54 votes)Comments: 0
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Rating: 79 (51 votes)Comments: 0
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Rating: 81 (51 votes)Comments: 0
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Embryonic ratings

Average Rating: 
78/100 (from 358 votes)
  Ratings distributionRatings distribution Average Rating = (n ÷ (n + m)) × av + (m ÷ (n + m)) × AV
av = trimmed mean average rating an item has currently received.
n = number of ratings an item has currently received.
m = minimum number of ratings required for an item to appear in a 'top-rated' chart (currently 10).
AV = the site mean average rating.

Showing latest 5 ratings for this album. | Show all 358 ratings for this album.

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RatingDate updatedMemberAlbum ratingsAvg. album rating
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12/20/2024 04:19 brent13  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 1,28579/100
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12/04/2024 14:54 boppare  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 2,83078/100
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11/27/2024 10:35 Purplepash  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 4,43075/100
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10/12/2024 07:24 juanr1096  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 5,67178/100
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08/04/2024 08:40 Banner  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 4,80180/100

Rating metrics: Outliers can be removed when calculating a mean average to dampen the effects of ratings outside the normal distribution. This figure is provided as the trimmed mean. A high standard deviation can be legitimate, but can sometimes indicate 'gaming' is occurring. Consider a simplified example* of an item receiving ratings of 100, 50, & 0. The mean average rating would be 50. However, ratings of 55, 50 & 45 could also result in the same average. The second average might be more trusted because there is more consensus around a particular rating (a lower deviation).
(*In practice, some albums can have several thousand ratings)

This album is rated in the top 2% of all albums on BestEverAlbums.com. This album has a Bayesian average rating of 78.4/100, a mean average of 77.8/100, and a trimmed mean (excluding outliers) of 78.6/100. The standard deviation for this album is 13.9.

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Embryonic comments

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From 09/09/2021 16:29
The Flaming Lips wander around musically for 70 minutes.
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From 11/28/2020 19:42
Great album. It took a while to grow on me but I think it's a top 3 Lips album along with Soft Bulletin and Clouds taste metallic. Favorite songs are Watching the planets and the sparrow looks up at the machine
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From 07/19/2019 04:00
It's long, but it makes the most of nearly every second of every track. Excellent album.
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From 12/03/2018 16:33
Love I Can Be a Frog and I usually love experimental albums but honestly this one is kinda a mess. One of my least favorite Lips albums. Great album cover so I had high expectations. They made up for it with the wonderfully raw and dark The Terror, now that one really grew on me!
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From 10/24/2018 14:08
An extremely dense and head-spinning record with necessary calming moments. Can be very difficult to get into, but once you're in, "Embryonic" reveals itself as a deliciously dark treat unspooling itself very messily. A step-up from "Mystics" and quite an exciting shift into experimental rock territory not visited since 97's "Zaireeka".
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From 05/04/2018 16:00
A long 70 minutes stuffed with chaos and darkness... the overrall effect is suffocating in the best possible way. Murky melodies and quirky flourishes abound in typical Flaming Lips fashion, but it's probably not a record that I would come back to a lot because "Embryonic" just isn't a record to physically enjoy, although the production is undeniably impressive. Very much a successor to their last record "At War With the Mystics" in that they both sound great but have something noticeably missing that keeps them from entering the top tier of Flaming Lips records. Perhaps there's just no feeling of awe post-Yoshimi.
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From 04/16/2018 04:08
Frickin wacky album. I just get this sense listening to it that even though its made on very similar instruments to many other albums, there has really never been anything similar to it that I have ever heard. Just the way the songs are constructed is so odd. I hear maybe traces of krautrock, and a bit of similarity to the more normal synthy stuff they have done on The Terror, but that's kindof the only tangible link to other music that it seems to have. Sometimes it works really well, others not so much. Hopefully I will be able to understand it more as I listen. The standout is probably Ego's Last Stand, though the bonus track UFOs Over Baghdad is pretty cool too, though more in their usual vein.

75/100 (Above Average)
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From 03/05/2017 05:52
I love the sparse, ambient, psych, kraut and harsh instrumentals permeated throughout, especially when paired with Wayne's beautiful crooning & the enigmatic but random sampling. 2009 was truly the year for neo-psychedelia and this is one of the best documents from that time.
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From 06/05/2016 12:54
A noisy and psychedelic album, embryonic, is Flaming Lips most challenging record to date. Obviously needs to be listened in one go, it features some great moments; convinced of the hex, is a great opener, watching the planets, is a great closing track and in between there are some wonderful cuts, especially in, I can be a frog, featuring Karen O from Yeah,yeah,yeahs. Great stuff.
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From 05/07/2015 20:57
A little slow at the beginning but once you hit If the album really takes off. Lots of great tracks on this one. The chaos and out of control psychedelic style definitely makes this one of the Lip's bests works.
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